Fifth Grade

Naubuc Student Book Hook Form Grade 4 and 5 students use this form to review your favorite book!

Social Studies

Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government


Gold Rush

Colonial America

U.S. History: Colonies

A collection of short and concise articles covering colonies and places, daily life, people, events and a timeline.

Plimoth Colony

Compare and contrast the housing, clothing, food, chores and school life of the colonists and the Native Americans

Jamestown Online Adventure

Colonial Jobs

Colonial Williamsburg Trades

Short Descriptions of Colonial Jobs

Weapons of the American Revolution

Artillary : Information and Images

Samuel Fraunces

Samuel Fraunces: African or Caucasian?

American Revolution

School House Rocks: American Revolution

A short kid-friendly introduction or overview of the American Revolution.

U.S. History: American Revolution

A collection of short and concise articles covering events leading up to the war, major events, battles, people and general information on weapons and battle tactics and soldiers.

Liberty! The American Revolution from PBS

Newspaper Chronicles let you experience first-hand the excitement and uncertainty of the American Revolution as it happened. Click on a city to read the historical articles that shaped the war and America.

Perspectives on Liberty

Get to know the people and times of the American Revolution by clicking on the activities. Includes a comparison of the British and American soldier.

French and Indian War and American Revolution

Mr. Nussbaum's site has links to the French and Indian War and American Revolution topics such as cause and effect, people, loyalist and patriots etc.

Westward Expansion

U.S. History: Westward Expansion

A collection of short and concise articles covering major events (gold rush, railroad, Homestead Act, Louisiana Purchase, Mexican American War, Oregon Trail, Pony Express),frontier life and people.

The Oregon Trail

Wagons, food and Equipment on the Trail

Interactive Westward Trails


Foreign Currency...images and exchange rates

Interactive Map of Immigration

Interactive Tour of Ellis Island

Martin Luther King

Video- I have a Dream

Martin Luther King - Online form

Timeline Template

Persuasive Topic Articles

Should kids be allowed to have cell phones?