Nutmeg Book Awards

Nutmeg Books

4th and 5th grade students are invited to read the Nutmeg books. These books have been nominated not only by teachers and librarians, but by students as well. Multiple copies of the Nutmeg books have been purchased and are available for checkout. These books are also available at Welles-Turner and other public libraries.

Nutmegs at Naubuc School

4th graders and 5th graders are required to read one of the Nutmeg books before April 1st. After students read their Nutmeg, they fill out the Nutmeg form and hand it in at the library. Those students who read all 10 by voting time in April will be invited to be a star reader. Star readers are able to check out an extra book in the library and have their picture displayed on the library star board.

Check out the latest titles for Elementary and Intermediate readers by clicking on the Elementary or Intermediate List link!

2021 Nutmeg Elementary Nominees

2021 Nutmeg Flyer-Elementary REVISED 2-14-20.pdf

2021 Nutmeg Intermediate Nominees

2021 Nutmeg Flyer-Intermediate 4-2-2020.pdf