Glastonbury Public Schools Music

K-6 Curriculum

Elementary Music Curriculum Introduction

The General Vocal Music Curriculum is offered to every student from grades K-6. The goals are to create, perform, respond, and connect to music, and to promote life-long enjoyment and appreciation of music. Classes are based on the Music National Standards and develop skills in 5 content areas; melody, rhythm, reading and writing, part work and form. Each child will develop his singing voice. 

The music curriculum works in conjunction with other grade level subject areas to bring a rounded experience to our students through song and dance. 


Sound Exploration and Movement Exploration

Students will experiment in music, finding their singing voices and develop a sense of personal space through movement games and song. Units in high/low, fast/slow and loud/soft will be taught by listening, creating and responding to music. Integration of beginning literacy and music is also a focus. Classes meet once per week for 45 minutes.

Music—First Grade

Music Reading Readiness & Musical Movement

In the general music program, first grade students begin to create, perform and respond to music through a variety of appropriate grade level games and songs. Students develop music through a variety of appropriate grade level games and songs. Students develop skills in singing, music reading and notating. Students learn solfege syllables and corresponding hand signals for sol and mi. Students learn to read and perform quarter notes, eighth notes and quarter rests in music by sight and sound. Movement games and listening activities enforce steady beat and grade level rhythms. Integration of literacy is stressed. Classes meet once a week for 45 minutes.

Music—Second Grade

Multicultural Music and Dance & Rhythmic Composition

Second grade students continue to develop their musical skills through creative use of song and dance. In singing, students continue solfege for sol mi and la, and sing simple rounds. Music literacy develops as students learn to read and perform grade level rhythms adding half notes and repeat signs to their skills. Listening activities include identification of binary form and movement activities incorporate basic folk dance steps. Students will participate in a Mexican Fiesta Performance featuring traditional songs and dances of the culture, which is braided with the Spanish and History curricula. Classes meet once a week for 45 minutes.

Music—Third Grade

Introduction to Recorders & Melodic Composition

Musical skills develop further this year as the third grade music student adds do and re to their solfege repertoire. Music literature develops as students learn to read and perform grade level rhythms including whole notes, dotted half notes, half and whole note rests, time signatures, bar lines and fermatas. Students learn to identify by sight and sound the instrument families and continue to develop vocal skills, music reading and notating through formal and improvisational forms. A recorder unit is taught to help develop reading and performance skills. Classroom music reflects the study in the general classroom for literacy and history. Class meets once per week for 45 minutes.

Music—Fourth Grade

Ensemble Awareness

The fourth grade music student develops understanding of the pentatonic scale, vocal ostinati and adds high do, low la and low sol to the solfege repertoire. The music literacy sequence includes letter names and develops proper musical terminology for expression in music. Students read and perform eighth and sixteenth note combinations with eighth note rests added. Students listen and identify rondo form and theme and variations. Folk dances are taught as part of the movement sequence. Classes link concepts of history and culture within unit study.

Along with the 45 minute classroom music experience, students meet within their grade level to form Chorus. The chorus gives students performance opportunity to develop skills taught in music class through performance of partner songs, American Regional music and proper singing technique. Students continue to create, perform, respond, and connect to music.

In the fourth grade, students may elect to participate in the Instrumental Lessons Program for Band or Orchestra. Small Group Lessons are scheduled during the class day on a weekly basis. Students who elect instruments will also participate in either Band or Orchestra, based on instrument choice. These ensembles meet before school.

Music—Fifth Grade

Vocal Development and American Music

Students create, perform and respond to music within the music classroom focusing on development of life long appreciation and understanding of music. Classroom vocal technique focuses on independent pitch, rhythm and interpretive accuracy. Compositional and improvisational techniques are explored. Our American musical heritage will be studied through various forms of American Music as well as explored through contexts of immigration.

Students will participate in a grade five Chorus experience. This year, Chorus focuses on development of a blended sound and part singing. Vocal health and proper singing techniques are reinforced in this 35 minute ensemble class. In fifth grade, students may continue with, or elect to participate in the Instrumental Lessons Program for Band or Orchestra. Lessons meet on a rotational basis during the class day and band and orchestra ensembles meet before school.

Music—Sixth Grade

Music of Our World

All students participate in a weekly general music class for one full class period.  Students will learn to appreciate music from different historical periods, genres, cultures and geographical locations.  They will learn to compare, analyze, and describe styles of music. Students will be able to define the elements of music, learn basic piano skills and will develop a composition project, utilizing the GarageBand app on their iPad. 

Band—Sixth Grade

Students who play a band instrument may elect band during the class day. Band meets twice a week during the scheduled rehearsal period. Band students also receive a group lesson once a week for 20 minutes on a rotating schedule.  Instruction in band includes ensemble development of balance, blend and technique on band instruments. Group instruction includes individual development of tone, technique and musicianship on band instruments.  Students perform appropriate grade level literature for a winter and spring performance.   

For NEW Band students, a minimum of one year of instrumental lesson and ensemble experience, within the fifth grade on the same instrument, is required prior to enrolling, or with band director’s approval.

Jazz Band—Sixth Grade

Students may audition for jazz band, which meets after school once a week.  Students who are selected to play in the jazz band explore musical styles such as swing, ballads, blues, Latin and rock. The beginning skills of improvisation are also taught in this ensemble setting. Jazz band students are able to perform independently on their instrument and are available for all band instruments plus Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drum Set.  The Gideon Welles Jazz Band performs for the winter and spring concerts. 

Orchestra—Sixth Grade

Students who play an orchestral instrument (violin, viola, cello or string bass) may elect orchestra  during the class day.  Orchestra meets twice a week during the scheduled rehearsal period.  Orchestra students also receive a group lesson once a week for 20 minutes on a rotating schedule.  Instruction in orchestra includes ensemble development of musical independence, balance, blend and technique.  Group instruction includes individual development of tone, technique and musicianship.  Students perform appropriate grade level literature three times throughout the school year.  

For NEW Orchestra students, a minimum of one year of instrumental lesson and ensemble experience, within the fifth grade on the same instrument is required prior to enrolling, or with orchestra director’s approval.

Chamber Ensemble—Sixth Grade

The Gideon Welles Chamber Ensemble is for the advanced string players who are seeking additional musical challenges in a small-group setting.  Students will learn to play many different musical styles including Classical, Rock, Pop, and Jazz.  Numerous special performance opportunities are available at Gideon Welles and in the community.  Advanced string students may sign up during the first week of September.  Students will be evaluated by Mr. Wood to determine whether each student is at the appropriate playing level.  Rehearsals will be held every Thursday after school until 4:00 PM.  Transportation home must be provided by parents, as there is no late bus on Thursdays.

Chorus—Sixth Grade

Students who wish to sing may elect chorus during the class day.  Chorus meets once a week during the scheduled rehearsal period.  Students may elect both chorus and band, or chorus and orchestra without schedule conflict.  Students perform grade-level appropriate songs for winter and spring performances.  Instruction includes work on ensemble, balance, harmony, blend, diction, expression and note reading accuracy.

The Enharmonics—Sixth Grade

Chorus students may audition for The Enharmonics, Gideon Welles School’s select chorus.  Students in this advanced group for dedicated singers meets once a week after school.  You will learn to sing intricate harmonies and special songs in unison, two, and three parts.  Members will perform in conjunction with Gideon Welles Chorus as well as school-wide events such as Veterans Day.  There will also be field trip opportunities.  Please note:  This group is only open to chorus members.