Glastonbury Public Schools 

Music Curriculum

Music encompasses a broad array of organized expressive sound, both with and without words. Across the centuries and around the world, music has been produced using a wide array of media such as created instruments, including traditional acoustic and electronic sources; environmental sound sources ranging from natural objects, such as logs and rocks, to household utensils, such as spoons and washboards; and the human body, from vibrating vocal cords to stamping feet. The literature of music consists of an enormous range of repertoire from a variety of classical, folk, and popular traditions, some of it preserved in notation and much of it passed down through oral tradition. 

Purpose of Music Education

The purpose of music education is to prepare students for a lifetime of active, satisfying involvement with music in a variety of forms. Contemporary life is filled with musical encounters. Music education should empower students to create, refine and notate their own original music; read, interpret and perform music literature created by themselves and others; and respond with understanding to others' musical works and performances.

Please click on these links to learn more about the music curriculum at Glastonbury Public Schools.