Glastonbury Public Schools Library Media Department

Grade Level Summaries

The Glastonbury Public Schools Library Media Department is committed to teaching the skills and providing the resources necessary for meeting the informational literacy needs of students and staff. The Library Media program develops effective and responsible users of ideas and information while promoting the enjoyment and importance of reading. Lessons link to classroom curriculum and regularly integrate current technologies to reinforce and enhance student learning. Curriculum-related lessons support classroom instruction and promote an appreciation of the diverse types of literature. 


Kindergarten students:

1st Grade 

First grade students: 

2nd Grade

Second grade students: 

3rd Grade

Third grade students:

4th Grade 

Fourth grade students:

5th Grade

Fifth grade students:

Sixth Grade 

The Library Media Center is the hub of the Gideon Welles School learning community. Students use the library media center individually or with scheduled classes which are collaboratively planned and taught by the curriculum area teacher and the library media specialist. There are assured learning experiences for all grade 6 students. These experiences focus on internet safety, website evaluation, copyright and fair use of information and how to correctly credit sources of information used in completing classroom assignments. Students have numerous opportunities to visit the library on a daily basis.

Grades 7-8 

Smith has flexible scheduling so the Library Media Specialists can and often does work with every discipline. In these collaborations, the ethical use of information and the best source of information for a given task are stressed by the Library Media Specialist. There are several assured experiences at the middle school, which are taught and assessed by the Library Media Specialist in collaboration with the subject-area teacher.  Students in seventh grade complete a research project on diseases in Health class and engage in a formal independent reading unit in their English/Language Arts class. Every eighth grade student learns to discern good information from bad during the Social Change Unit in English/Language Arts; students also complete the U.S. History project, which include a lessons on website evaluation and citation.

Grades 9-12

Information literacy skills are integrated into the English and social science curricula through required common library research experiences. During a three day orientation program the library media specialists instruct freshmen English classes on basic research and information evaluation techniques, including web evaluation. Freshmen then practice these skills with further guided research throughout the stages of the Freshman Research Experience (FRE). Library media specialists teach sophomores more sophisticated research techniques during the Sophomore Research Paper (SRP) unit. Juniors learn research techniques for a specific subject area with their U.S. history paper. Seniors learn evaluation techniques for internet research as they investigate topics for either the Current Issues research paper or community service project. Library Media Specialists review and select resources to support and to enhance the curriculum for every department.