Glastonbury Public School History and Social Sciences 

About Us

History/Social Sciences Department Program Goals

The Glastonbury Public School History/Social Sciences program will:

1)  Provide all students with the full richness of the social studies curriculum.

2)  Arrange curriculum in a coherent vertical scope and sequence so that social studies skills and concepts are spiraled, learning is reinforced, and depth of understanding is encouraged, throughout the learner’s K-12 experience.

3)  Design and implement curriculum and learning experiences that provide for the study of the concepts and themes of culture, history, geography, the social sciences, political science, and economics.

4)  Prepare students for active American citizenship with curriculum that includes: Glastonbury, Connecticut, and United States history, democratic documents and institutions, and the political process.

5)  Prepare students for informed membership in the global community with curriculum that includes the study of world history, world geography and cultures, and international relations.

6)  Design and implement teaching and learning experiences (curriculum, pedagogy and assessment) that are meaningful, challenging, integrated, and active.

7)  Implement teaching and learning strategies that promote student learning and application of inquiry and research skills, historical thinking skills and geography skills.

8)  Encourage students to explore a variety of critical issues (e.g., political, social, environmental) at local, national and international levels, and to develop a commitment to social responsibility and action to address these problems.

9)  Use a variety of primary and secondary resources in the study of history and the social sciences, to accommodate disciplinary scholarship, student interest, learning styles, and abilities.

10)  Implement teaching and learning strategies that promote intellectual exploration, reflective thinking, inquiry, and interactive discourse.

11)  Promote a classroom environment where examination of different points of view (e.g., political, historical), support of ones position with evidence, understanding of different perspectives and collaborative learning is encouraged.

12)  Promote a classroom environment that promotes understanding and tolerance of student differences, and multiple opportunities for successful learning.