Second Grade

Second grade students use the library media center in a flexible manner. Lessons and book checkout are scheduled cooperatively with teachers. Students conduct their first formal research projects, based on topics from the science and social studies curricula.

Second Graders at the LMC

    • learn to use information tools to find answers to their questions
    • start their note-taking strategies
    • learn about using other people’s information and how to do a simple citation
    • continue to develop their skills to find a “just right” book and start exploring the library materials through various genres, authors and illustrators
    • learn about finding materials using the computer “browsers” to aid in their search for a good book or appropriate resource
    • begin to use appropriate on-line databases to expand their venue of resources which are available at school and at home

Second graders:

Listen and respond to literature

Cite research resources

Conduct research using information tools

Find fiction and nonfiction in the library

Decode call numbers to locate books

Practice ABC order


Pebble Go

Animals, Earth, space, and biographies database.