Fifth Grade

Fifth grade students:

    • visit the library media center independently as well as with their class

    • select reading materials for their own enjoyment

    • are exposed to quality literature such as the Connecticut Nutmeg Award books

    • receive instruction in the various types of genres such as mystery, biography and information books

    • continue to learn to identify, locate, use, and evaluate resources appropriate for their needs

Fall Library Assessment

Fifth grade students:

Please click here for the Fall Library Assessment test.


Our Glastonbury town library.

American Revolution

U.S. History: American Revolution
This link is to Ducksters website, a collection of short and concise articles covering events leading up to the war, major events during the war, battles, people and information on weapons and soldiers.

U.S. History: American Revolution

Click on the link above to access Mr. Nussbaums site on United States history, including the American Revolution activities, battles, causes, effects and people.

Persuasive Topic Articles

Should kids be allowed to have cell phones?

Should kids be allowed to play a sport that may cause a concussion?

Do teachers assign too much homework?

Online Articles

Should homework be banned?

“Do our kids have too much homework?” by: Marian Wilde in Great!Kids

"Help! Homework is wrecking my home life!” by Chaika, Gloria. Education World. 2000.

“Stanford Research Shows Pitfalls of Too Much Homework,” Stanford Report, March 10, 2014.


“Are Teachers Giving You Too Much Homework?” By DNews, YouTube, January 27, 2016. (video)

“Homework in Australia: Less is More.” From WISE in Learning World. YouTube, January 27, 2016. (video)

“Home in America.” Infographic from the Brookings Institute, YouTube, January 27, 2016. (video)

“Do Kids Really Need Homework?” a report by CBS News, YouTube, January 27, 2016. (video)

Snowdays No More

No Snow Days this Winter

No More Snow Days in CT

Remote Learning Replaces Snow Days

State Board of Education allows remote learning on Snow Days

Some CT towns will have Snow Days

Some CT towns resist remote learning on Snow Days

No more snow days

Don't rain on Online Days

In defense of snow days

No snow days in Maine

No snow days in Missouri

Assignments are still due on snow days

E-Days are here to stay in CT

CT schools dealing with snow days

CT schools dealing with snow days 2

Chocolate Milk Resources

Link to Video: Is the Calcium Worth the Sugar?

Link to Video: Nutrition In Disguise (Midwest Dairy Council)

Link to Video: Should My Child Drink Chocolate Milk?

Link to Video: Chocolate Milk is Tasty Nutrition

Text Source: Nutrition in Disguise

Text Source: Flavored Milk: Frequently Asked Questions

Text Source: Flavored Milk: Just the Facts

Text Source: Rethink Your Drink

Text Source: Milk: A Nutrient Powerhouse

Text Source: Chocolate Milk: More Harmful Than Healthful

Text Source: Sugary Drinks Can Be Unhealthy, But is Cow's Milk Unhealthy Too?

Text Source: Is Chocolate Milk Healthy For Kids?

Text Source: The Hard Facts About Flavored Milk

Online Article: USA Today: Schools May Ban Chocolate Milk Over Added Sugar


BrainPOP Jr. "Food Groups"

BrainPOP "Nutrition"

Cell Phone for kids

Should Kids have their own cell phone?

Cell Phones at school

How young is too young?

How Young is too young? Article 2

When is your child ready for a cell phone?

Cell Phone Safety 1

Cell Phone Safety 2

Cell phones for kids

Cell Phones for Kids Video

Homework Debate

Homework 1

Homework 2

Homework 3

Homework 4

Homework 5

Homework 6

Pro/Con site

Pros and Cons of Homework

Homework Debate

Does Homework Work?

Is Homework Important?

Abolish Homework

Time Magazine - Abolish Homework

Do Kids get too much Homework?

Homework is Wrecking my Life

Pros and Cons Video

Seatbelts on Buses

Pros and Cons of Seatbelts 1

Pros and Cons of Seatbelts 2

Cost of Seatbelts

Differing Views on Seat Belts

The Great Debate

School Bus Seat Belts?

No More excuses

Reasons why there are no seat belts on buses

Family Education - Seat Belts on Buses

Should States require Seat Belts on Buses?

CNN view points on Seat Belts on Buses

Video Games

Newsela - Myth of the Lonely Gamer

Newsela -Long Hours of Video Game Playing Might Not Be So Bad.

Newsela - Can Video Games Positives?

Read Works - Video Games and your Health

Video Game Pro Con 1

Video Games Pro Con 2

Video Games Pro Con 3

Video Games Pro Con 3

Video Game Violence

Too Much Technology

Health Line - Too Much Technology

National Post - Are Kids getting too much Screen time?

Effects of too much screen time

How much is too much screen time?

Tablets vs Books

Screen time's effect on brains

Pro and Con list of technology

Benefits of Technology for kids

Pro and Con list of technology in the classroom

Newsela - Positive Google Technology

Competitive Youth Sports

Life Balance

Participating in Youth Sports

Competitive Youth Sport Leagues

Travel Sports

Impact of Youth Sports

Top 15 Reasons to Support Youth Sports

Are all risks physical?

Kids Sports - 15 Billion Dollar Industry

Are Youth Sports Ruining Kids

Why Kids Hate Sports

Are Youth Sports too Competitive?

The Statistics behind Youth Sports

Bottle Water or Tap Water?

National Geographic News: What’s Best for Kids: Bottled Water or Fountains?”

National Geographic Kids: Drinking Water: Bottled or from the Tap?

Bottle Water Ban

Is Bottled Water Really Better?

New Aquafina Bottles Reduce Plastic Use by 50 Percent

National Geographic: Why is Tap Water Better than Bottled Water?

EcoWatch: Why You should Never Drink Bottled Water Again

IBWA: International Bottled Water Association


Bottled Water Matters Video

ABC News: Bottled Water vs Tap Water. Can You Tell the Difference?

Should schools be in session all year round?

“The Pros and Cons of Year-Round School.” From Scholastic.

“Year-Round School.” From Family Education.

“Districts Weigh Pros and Cons of Year-round Schools.” From the NEA.

“Year-Round Schooling: How it Affects Students.” From Education Week.

“Could Students Benefit from Year-Round School?” From PBS.


(video) “Interview on Pros and Cons of Year-Round School.” Channel 7 News. YouTube.

(video) “Why Students May Benefit from a Year-Round Calendar.” PBS. YouTube.