Kate Reed: Craft to Computation

“Pioneering a new field in biomimetic wearable technology…Kate started building wearable computers before the Apple Watch came out.” The Indiependent

Kate Reed is a Boston-based designer and the first to show in Vignone's STEAM Series. Kate builds wearable technology, leveraging principles of nature, to connect humans and computers, pioneering the discipline of Biomimetic Wearable Computers. Kate is a graduate of the MIT-backed NuVu Studio, RISD (Industrial Design, Computational Technology, & Culture), Brown (Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship), and Fabricademy. Her work has been featured at the White House, Boston and New York Fashion Week, Museum of Design Atlanta, the Hackaday Superconference, MIT Museum, and the Boston Children’s Museum. Please click on the thumbnails to explore Kate's innovative work.

To View more of Kate Reed's work visit: https://www.biomimetic.io/


Growth Algorithm Slime Mold

Growth Algorithms

Far Left Gallery

Middle Gallery

Middle Gallery

Far Right Gallery

Far Right Gallery

Wheelchair with 3D printed design by Kate Reed

Other must-sees from Kate Reed's External Website