GPS Renew & Reimagine Butterfly Installation

GHS hallway showing butterfly installation
GHS hallway showing butterfly installation
Close up of purple butterfly
GHS outside hallway showing butterfly installation
GHS hallway showing butterfly installation
Close up of "I am an original" red butterfly
Come Celebrate the Positive Intentions (2).pdf

Glastonbury Public Schools Celebrates Positive Intentions in the first half of the 2020-21 School Year

Renew & Reimagine Logo

(Press Release) Inspired by the quote of Maya Angelou, "We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." Glastonbury Public Schools opened the school year focusing on positivity for the 2020-21 year, setting the theme of "Renew & Reimagine." Opening ceremonies, professional development, and meetings focused on this positive affirmation knowing that it would guide how the District looked at the challenging but essential work that lay ahead. The positive theme welcomed back staff and students as their return brought Glastonbury schools back to life.

The positivity did not stop there. In preparation for the school year, Cheri Burke, GPS Assistant Superintendent, understood the power of having all students, staff, and teachers come together through a unifying experience. She envisioned a district-wide collaborative art installation that could unite everyone here at GPS. And thus, the Butterfly Installation took flight.

Students returning from the extended time away from their schools, after the closures in the Spring, were eased back through Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) activities. Social-Emotional programs and activities are research-based teaching practices that not only improve student achievement but reduce stress and depression, promote prosocial behaviors, and improve student positivity about school. (Weissber, 2016) Glastonbury Public Schools dedicated the first two weeks to SEL to ensure their students started the year on the right foot. This guaranteed that the students would have the opportunity to connect and get to know one another and their teachers through positive first experiences. In the Art classrooms, this was the GPS Butterfly Installation. The Art teachers guided students in setting their positive intention for the 2020-21 school year. Through mindful meditation, self-exploration, and conversations, students developed their affirmation. The students wrote their intention in the center of a piece of origami paper, which was transformed into a butterfly through their art teachers' guidance. From complex origami creations to popsicle and pipe cleaner renditions, students spent their first weeks developing their butterflies to donate to the installation. Over the months the project continued to grow, being offered to staff and teachers across the District.

Finally, in November, to celebrate the first marking period's close, the Art Department installed over a thousand butterflies in the glass breezeway at Glastonbury High School. Butterflies swoop and float across the expanse in a colorful homage to positivity. This location proved the perfect spot for the installation, allowing all students to view it from street level, as schools practiced COVID safety. A video of the installation in which students spoke about the project and their intentions are shared on the GPS homepage.

Next time your drive takes you past GHS, be sure to make a special trip under the breezeway (Entrance “C”) to view the Renew & Reimagine Butterfly Installation. And as you look up at the staff and students' butterflies, perhaps set your own positive intention for the New Year. The Renew & Reimagine Butterfly Installation will be on view through the end of the month.

References:Weissberg, R. (2016, February 15). Why Social and Emotional Learning Is Essential for Students.,problems%20and%20risk%2Dtaking%20behavior