Green Hills AEA Autism Team

Welcome to the Green Hills AEA Autism Team Google Site! This is a collaborative site, designed to share information and documents frequently used by the Green Hills AEA Autism Team with teachers and families.

Within this site, you will find a variety of resources, including links to useful websites, articles for current research and best practice, and numerous tools and strategies effective in working with autistic students. The links above included our Tiered level of supports for the classroom and our referral process for the autism team.

Vision of the Green Hills Autism Team:

Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) will engage in school and community, acquire skills to successfully graduate from high school ready for college and/or a career, live independent and interdependent lives within the community.

The Autism Resource Team will utilize coaching techniques with staff to implement evidence based strategies focused on student strengths and preferences, in order to build engagement and functional skills within naturally occurring environments.