Theory of Numbers

In Spring 2023 I will teach Number Theory, MATH 5234(G) A. I shall use the following course design, and use the book: Elementary Number Theory by Jones and Jones.

What is it good for?

  • It is an interesting supplement to one's pure mathematical mind, and many renown mathematicians devoted a great deal of their career in the area of number theory; Euler, Gauss, Jacobi, Weierstrass, Riemann, Dirichlet, Hilbert, Hardy.

  • The following is a quote from the Wikipedia website, and you may further read about it here.

      • The number-theorist Leonard Dickson (1874–1954) said "Thank God that number theory is unsullied by any application". Such a view is no longer applicable to number theory. In 1974, Donald Knuth said "...virtually every theorem in elementary number theory arises in a natural, motivated way in connection with the problem of making computers do high-speed numerical calculations". Elementary number theory is taught in discrete mathematics courses for computer scientists; and, on the other hand, number theory also has applications to the continuous in numerical analysis. As well as the well-known applications to cryptography, there are also applications to many other areas of mathematics.


  • Prerequisite: MATH 2332 Mathematical Structures (Logic and Proofs) in 2018-2019 Catalog, or equivalent courses.

  • There are four sessions, and the final exam.

  • 20% of a session grade is from Homework Quiz, 10% is from Group Work and Quiz, and 70% is from Session Test.

  • 50% of the course grade is from session grades, and 50% is from the final exam.

  • Good work ethic and study habit are required throughout the semester.
    Georgia Southern Credit Hour Policy: For each 50 min lecture, a minimum of two hours of out of class work is required.

Homework Quiz

    • Homework Quiz will be assigned after each class meeting, and they are collected and graded for reasonable efforts.

    • Homework Quiz provides students with opportunities to review concepts, practice standard problems, and challenge themselves with advanced problems which require independent and critical thinking.

Group Work and Quizzes (not required for Spring 2023)

    • There will be eight class periods throughout the semester during which students will help each other on improving their skills and concepts on standard materials, and take individual quizzes.


    • There will be four 50-minute long tests, and the final exam.

    • Sample tests will be available before each test and the final exam.

Term Project (not required for Spring 2023)

    • There will be one term project that is required for the course.

    • A preliminary report and a final report on students' progress will be assessed.

Course Contents

    • The required topics to cover in this course are: Chp 1 Divisibility; Chp 2 Prime Numbers; Chp 3 Congruences; Chp 4 Congruences with a Prime-Power Modulus; Chp 5 Euler's Function; Chp 6 Group of Units; Chp 7 Quadratic Residues.

    • Additional topics to cover among the following are yet to be determined: Arithmetic Functions, The Riemann Zeta Functions, Sums of Squares, or Modular Forms.

Selection of Lectures from Spring 2014 and 2018

    • Some past lectures of mine on number theory are found here.