
Peer-reviewed publications

1. Deep trade agreements and international migration: The role of visa provisions,” with Antonin Levelu and Gianluca Orefice, 2024. Journal of Economic Geography, pp. 1–18.

2. Coping with H-1B Shortages: Firm Performance and Mitigation Strategies,” with Francesc Ortega, Giovanni Peri, Kevin Y. Shih and Chad Sparber, 2023, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 76(5), pp. 919-943.

3. Refugees and Foreign Investment: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program,” with Christopher Parsons, Han Pham and Pierre-Louis Vezina, May 2022, Journal of Development Economics, 156, pp.1-25.

4. “The Political Impact of Immigration: Evidence from the United States,” with Giovanni Peri and Walter Steingress, January 2022, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 14 (1), pp. 358-89.

5. “The Political Economy of Protection in a Global Value Chain: Evidence from Chinese micro data,” with Rod Ludema, Miaojie Yu and Zhi Yu, July 2021, Journal of International Economics, vol. 131(C).

6. “China's Great Migration: The impact of the reduction in trade policy uncertainty,” with Giovanni Facchini, Maggie Y. Liu and Minghai Zhou, Journal of International Economics, September 2019, 120, pp. 126-144.

7. “Labor Market Integration of Refugees to the United States: Do Entrepreneurs in the Network Help?” with Olivier Dagnelie and Jean-Francois Maystadt, European Economic Review, January 2019, 111, pp. 257-272.

8. “Information and Legislative Bargaining: The Political Economy of U.S. Tariff Suspensions,” with Rod Ludema and Prachi Mishra, Review of Economics and Statistics, May 2018, 100(2), pp. 303-318.

9. “The Effect of the H-1B Quota on Employment and Selection of Foreign-Born Labor,” with Francesc Ortega, Giovanni Peri, Kevin Shih, and Chad Sparber, European Economic Review, 2018, 108, pp. 105-128.

10. “South-South migration and the labor market: Evidence from South Africa,” with Costanza Biavaschi, Giovanni Facchini and Mariapia Mendola, Journal of Economic Geography, 2018, 18(4), pp. 823–853.

11. “Illegal immigration and media exposure: Evidence on individual attitudes,” with Giovanni Facchini and Riccardo Puglisi, IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 2017, 7(14), pp. 1-36.

12. “Trade in Environmental Goods: A Review of the WTO Appellate Body’s Ruling in US Countervailing Measures (China)”, with Rachel Brewster and Claire Brunel, World Trade Review, 2016, 15(02), pp. 327-349.

13. “Lobbying Expenditures on Migration: A Descriptive Analysis,” with Giovanni Facchini and Prachi Mishra, CESifo Economic Studies, September-December 2015, 61(3-4), pp. 560-604.

14. “Do terms-of-trade effects matter for trade agreements? Theory and evidence from WTO countries,” with Rod Ludema, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2013, 128(4), pp. 1837-1893.

15. “What drives individual attitudes towards immigration in South Africa?” with Giovanni Facchini and Mariapia Mendola, Review of International Economics, May 2013, 21(2), pp. 326-341.

16. “Individual attitudes towards skilled migration: An empirical analysis across countries,” with Giovanni Facchini, February 2012, The World Economy, 35(2), pp. 183-196.

17. “Do interest groups affect US immigration policy?” with Giovanni Facchini and Prachi Mishra, September 2011, Journal of International Economics, 85(1), pp. 114-128.

18. “International migration: A panel data analysis of the determinants of bilateral flows,” Journal of Population Economics, October 2010, 23 (4): pp. 1249-1274. A separate Appendix to "International Migration" is available: OECD countries migration policy changes, 2004 (with Krishna Patel). A separate Data Appendix to “International Migration” is available: Average yearly inflows into each destination country, by country of origin (1980-1995).

19. “Do south-south trade agreements increase trade? Commodity-level evidence from COMESA,” with Chad Steinberg, Canadian Journal of Economics, November 2009, 42(4): pp. 1361-1389.

20. “Does the welfare state affect individual attitudes toward immigrants? Evidence across countries,” with Giovanni Facchini, Review of Economics and Statistics, May 2009, 91(2): pp. 295-314. Reprinted in Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller eds., 2011, “Recent Developments in the Economics of Immigration” Edward Elgar.

21. “Do countries free ride on MFN?”, with Rod Ludema, Journal of International Economics, April 2009, 77(2): pp. 137-150. 

22. “Why are people more pro-trade than pro-migration?”, Economics Letters, December 2008, 101(3), pp. 160-163.

23. “From individual attitudes towards migrants to migration policy outcomes: Theory and evidence,” with Giovanni Facchini, Economic Policy, October 2008, Issue 56: pp. 651-713.

24. “Who is against immigration? A cross-country investigation of individual attitudes towards immigrants,” Review of Economics and Statistics, August 2006, 88(3): pp. 510-530. An older version of the paper (April 2004), with additional results, is also available.

25. “Why are some people (and countries) more protectionist than others?”, with Dani Rodrik, European Economic Review, August 2005, 49(6), pp. 1393-1430 (previous version as NBER Working paper 8461). A separate Appendix to the paper is available: Sector classification: Description of the reclassification procedure.

Click here to see a Foreign Policy piece on this paper.

Click here to see a Business Week piece on this paper (see end of the webpage).

Other publications

1. “New Data and Facts on H-1B Workers across Firms,” with Francesc Ortega, Giovanni Peri, Kevin Shih, and Chad Sparber, in forthcoming NBER book The Role of Immigrants and Foreign Students in Science, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, (eds) Ina Ganguli, Shulamit Kahn, Megan MacGarvie, February 2020, University of Chicago Press.

2. “Refugees and foreign investment: Quasi-experimental evidence from the US Refugee Resettlement Program,” with Christopher Parsons, Han Pham, and Pierre-Louis Vézina, Invited Article for Vox (European online journal on economics and politics), January 2020.

3. “Comment on 'Demographic changes, migration and economic growth in the euro area' by A Börsch-Supan, D Leite and J Rauch,” in 20 Years of European Economic and Monetary Union, ECB, Frankfurt am Main, November 2019.

4. “The economic impact of U.S. immigration policies in the Age of Trump,” with Giovanni Peri, in Economics and Policy in the Age of Trump, (ed) Chad Bown, 2017, pp. 69-77, CEPR Press, London. This article also appeared in Vox (European online journal on economics and politics).

5. “Is the MFN free rider problem getting better or worse?” with Rod Ludema and Jonathan McClure, 2018, forthcoming in Ben Zissimos (ed.), The WTO and Economic Development, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

6. “The impact of migration on child labor: Theory and evidence from Brazil,” with Garance Genicot and Mariapia Mendola, December 2017, in Ajit Mishra and Tridip Ray (eds) Markets, Governance and Institutions in the Process of Economic Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford (previous version as IZA Discussion Paper 10444).

7. “Does Immigration affect election outcomes? Evidence from the United States,” with Giovanni Peri and Walter Steingress, in Refugees and Economic Migrants: Facts, policies and challenges, (ed) Francesco Fasani, 2016, pp. 217-227, CEPR Press, London.

8. “Intra-regional migration in Latin America and the Caribbean,” with Simone Bertoli, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, Background paper for the World Bank’s LAC 2016 Flagship Report.

9. “The impact of US immigration on Democratic and Republican election outcomes,” with Giovanni Peri and Walter Steingress, Invited Article for Vox (European online journal on economics and politics), February 2016.

10. “How does migration affect individual attitudes towards redistribution? Empirical evidence across countries,” with Giovanni Facchini and Elie Murard, 2016, Handbook on Migration and Social Policy, Edward Elgar publishers.

11. “Discussion of Crisis-Era Protectionism by Simon Evenett”, in Kevin O’Rourke and Isabella Baldini (eds) Growth in Mature Economies: The Second CEPR-Modena Conference, 2015, pp. 85-87, CEPR Press, London.

12. “The political economy of skilled migration policies,” in The National Academy of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (ed) Immigration Policy and the Search for Skilled Workers, 2015, pp. 53-55, The National Academy Press, Washington DC.

13. “The political economy of migration policy: patterns and determinants,” with Giovanni Facchini, 2015, Background paper for the Report on Migration by the OECD Development Center.

14. “International migration,” with Giovanni Facchini and Tommaso Frattini, 2015, in James D. Wright (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 12. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 511–518.

15. “Ricordo del Professor Luigi Spaventa,” in Luigi Spaventa Economista Civile, 2013, Aragno Editore.

16. “Individual attitudes towards immigration: Economic vs. non-economic determinants,” with Giovanni Facchini and Riccardo Puglisi, in G.P. Freeman, R. Hansen and D. Leal (eds.) Immigration and Public Opinion in Liberal Democracies, December 2012, Routledge.

17. “Understanding highly skilled migration in developed countries: The Upcoming battle for brains,” with Simone Bertoli, Herbert Brucker, Giovanni Facchini, and Giovanni Peri, Part I, pp. 15-198, Chapters 1 through 7, in T. Boeri, H. Bruecker, F. Docquier and H. Rapoport (eds.) Brain Drain and Brain Gain. The Global Competition to Attract High-Skilled Migrants, September 2012, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

18. “Canada: No Place Like Home for Antidumping,” with Rod Ludema, 2011, in Chad P. Bown (ed.), The Great Recession and Import Protection: The Role of Temporary Trade Barriers. London, UK: CEPR and the World Bank Press (chapter 4).

19. “What drives immigration policy? Evidence from a survey of government officials,” with Giovanni Facchini, 2010, in I. Gang and G. S. Epstein (eds) Culture and Migration (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume X), World Scientific, pp. 605-648.

20. “The Political Economy of Immigration Policy,” with Giovanni Facchini, Human Development Research Paper 2009/03, April 2009, Background paper for the 2009 United Nations Human Development Report.

21. “From attitudes towards immigration to immigration policy outcomes: Does public opinion rule?”, with Giovanni Facchini, Invited Article for Vox (European online journal on economics and politics), June 2008.

22. “How individual attitudes are mapped into immigration policy outcomes,” with Giovanni Facchini,  Invited Article for Vox (European online journal on economics and politics), May 2008.

23. “Big governments and globalisation are complementary,” with Kevin O’Rourke, Invited Article for Vox (European online journal on economics and politics), November 2007.

24. “International migration flows: The role of destination countries' migration policies” (with Krishna Patel), Commissioned by CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) for the Social Security Administration project on Long-Term Immigration Projection Methods: Current Practice and How to Improve it, Web-published by the Boston College Center for Retirement Research, February 2006.

25. “Perché non piace la globalizzazione” Invited article for La Voce (Italian online journal on economics and politics), October 2005.

26. “Jamaica secondary education: Improving quality and expanding access,” World Bank Report in Two Volumes No.19069-JM, Human Development Department, Caribbean Country Management Unit, Latin America and the Caribbean Region. Collaborated in the preparation of the report and responsible for its statistical annexes, World Bank Press, Washington DC, 1998.