
Upcoming presentations for 2023:

Coming soon!

Previous selected presentations:

Comparative International Education Society (CIES)

A Comparative Study of Teaching Standards and Classroom Practices in Chile, Colombia and Mexico. In EVENT: Latin American and North American perspectives on the role of teachers. Tue, April 27, 6:15 to 7:45am, Zoom Licences, Zoom Room 110 - B. Group Submission Type: Refereed Roundtable Session

Latin American Studies Association (LASA)

Session Organizer: Mariana Barragan,, Graduate Student

Chair: Hiroki Ishizaka,, Naruto University of Education

Presentation: A Comparative Study of Teaching Standards and Classroom Practices in Chile, Colombia and Mexico

Online program will be made available here:

National Council for Measurement in Education (NCME):

Exploring Invariance of Classroom Practices Across Countries: Chile, Colombia and Mexico

Barragan-Torres, M. & Darling, F. (2021). ¿Es posible una nueva generación de políticas en educación?” Invited Speaker. Presentación del Ejemplar de la Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos.

Barragan, M. (2020). The Assessment of Predictive and Consequential Validity of Entrance Teacher Exams in Mexico: Implications for Teacher Evaluation Policies. Presentation selected for the Division D Graduate Student In-Progress Research Gala of the 2019 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. April 2020.

Bell, C., Castellano, K., Yi, Q., Barragan, M. Re-envisioning rater training through learning principles: The TALIS Video Study. Working paper to be presented in the Nacional Council of Measurement in Education. San Francisco, CA. April 2020.

Bell, C., Stecher. B., Schweig, J., Witherspoon, M., Qi, Y., Barragan, M. Conceptual and Design Considerations in the Development of the Teaching and Learning International Survey Video Observation and Artifact Codes. Working paper presented in the American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting Conference, New York, NY. April 2018

Barragan, M. Examining the Instruments used for Teacher Performance Evaluation in Mexico: Considerations about Validity. Working paper presented in the Annual Comparative International Education Society (CIES) Conference, Mexico City, Mexico. March 2018.

Ponns, A., Guerrero, K., Leyva, Y., Matsubara, K., Bell, C., Barragan, M. Collaborative Teaching Research in an International Context: Study Design and Pilot Implementation in Three TALIS-Video Countries. Working paper presented in the Annual Comparative International Education Society (CIES) Conference, Mexico City, Mexico. March 2018.

Barragan, M. Aspectos Psicométricos y Estadísticos de los Instrumentos de Ingreso y Desempeño de la Evaluación Docente Consideraciones sobre Interpretaciones y Validez. Encuentro Nacional de Becarios CONACYT en el extranjero. Washington, D.C. March 2018.

Barragan M. Who Goes Where? A Descriptive Study of the Power of Institutions and Schools in the Mexican education system. Conference title for paper “School and Institutional Effects on Secondary Education Transitions in Mexico” presented in the Annual Comparative International Education Society (CIES) Conference, Washington, D.C. March 2015.