Fellowships and Awards

2024 Dual Enrollment Grant

2023 Learning Renewal Fund (The Steans Foundation, The Joyce Foundation, and The Chicago Community Trust)

2022 Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Fellowships for Minoritized Professionals in Educational Measurement

2020-2021 Non-Resident Fellow Center for US Mexican Studies

2017-2021 UC Mexus Doctoral Fellow

2019 -     UCLA Summer Teaching Fellow

2017-2018  AERA Doctoral Student Cohort Program

2017 - CONACYT doctoral scholarship 

  UCLA GSEIS Dean’s Scholar: Lee Memorial Fellowship

2016 - Mexican National Youth Award 2016 (PNJ)

2015-  La Flecha al Aire-Premio Javier Beristain for the best MA education thesis. Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México ITAM 

2015 - Freeman Spogli Institute's Mentored Global Research Fellowship, Stanford University 

2015- Center for Latin American Studies Research Grant, Stanford University 

2014- Claudio X Gonzalez Fellowship - Graduate School of Education Fellowship, Stanford University

2014-  CONACYT scholarship for graduate studies abroad 

2013 - CONACYT/ITAM scholarship for graduate studies in Mexico