

Thigmonasty การตอบสนองต่อการสัมผัส

ต้นไม้เต้นระบำ - Amazing dancing plant that moves with sound or music!

การเคลื่อนไหวของพืช - วิชาชีววิทยา - การเคลื่อนไหวของพืช สื่อการสอนภายในโครงการจัดทำสื่อการสอน วิทยาศาสตร์และคณิตศาสตร์ ระดับมัธยมศึกษาตอนปลาย

Tropism in Plants - Grammar School video, explaining the mechanisms and advantages of tropisms. This video is aimed at the Edexcel iGCSE Biology syllabus.

Thigmonasty - Demonstration of the touch sensitive plants reactions to being touched, bumped, hit, and heated with fire as well as some fantastic time lapse videography of the plant standing back up.

Signal Transduction Pathways in Plants - อธิบาย โดยยกตัวอย่าง การทำงานของ ออกซิน ที่ทำให้เกิด Phototropism

Signal transduction pathways in Plants - Introduction to how cells receive outside messages, transduce that into activity inside the cell, and ultimately how cells might respond

Signal Transduction Pathways - Paul Andersen explains how signal transduction pathways are used by cells to convert chemical messages to cellular action. Epinephrine is used as a sample messenger to trigger the release of glucose from cells in the liver. The G-Protein, adenylyl cyclase, cAMP, and protein kinases are all used as illustrative examples of signal transduction. A review of the concepts is also included.(อธิบายละเอียดดีมาก)

Signal Transduction in Plants - An introduction to signal transduction in plants using de-etoilation as an example.

Plants the Killing Machine - Carnivorous plants have the most bizarre adaptations to low-nutrient environments. These plants obtain some nutrients by trapping and digesting various invertebrates, and occasionally even small frogs and mammals.

Plant and Animal Defense - Plant and Animal Defense Mechanisms Paul Andersen describes how plants and animals defend themselves against pathogens.

plant13responsesP.pdf - การตอบสนองของพืชต่อสิ่งแวดล้อม โดย อรรณพ วราอัศวปติ

Photoperiodism (IB Biology) - Photoperiodism (IB Biology) How to control plant to flowers.

Introduction to Circadian Rhythms in Plants - Biology project explaining the basics of circadian clocks/rhythms in plants.

Circadian Rhythms - How plants tell time - Dasha Savage

Carnivorous Plants - Flesh Eaters: Carnivorous Plants Lure Insects Into Their Deadly Clutches

Biological Clock - How Plants Tell What Time It Is

Auxins and Phototropism (2016) - Growth of Plants: Auxins and PhototropismTable of Contents:00:00 - Auxin and Phototropism05:45 - Auxin06:41 - Growth of Plants

9 อันดับพืชเขมือบแมลง - 9 อันดับพืชเขมือบแมลง | 9 PLANTS THAT EAT ANIMALS