
Wonderful Dancing Birds - A compilation of weird and wonderful bird mating dances and displays.

The Most Beautiful Peacock Dance - The Most Beautiful Peacock Dance Display Ever - Peacocks Opening Feathers and Bird Sound HD

Solving Hardy Weinberg Problems - Paul Andersen shows you how to solve simple Hardy-Weinberg problems.

Sexual Selection & Evolution - A segment of the video "Why Sex" from PBS Evolution series

Populations & Gene Pools - what is a gene pool and how do you calculate allele frequencies.

Natural Selection & Sexual Selection - How does evolution happen? Through a gradual process called selection

MicroEvolution vs MacroEvolution - Has MacroEvolution really never been observed? Have scientists really never seen one "kind" evolve into another "kind"?

Microevolution - Paul Andersen defines microevolution as any change in the frequency of the allele pool.

Hardy-Weinberg Principle - The Hardy-Weinberg Principle states that allele and genotype frequencies in populations remain stable over time, given certain assumptions.

Hardy-Weinberg practice problems - Working with the 2 Hardy-Weinberg equations to solve math problems - I do three practice problems here working through all the steps

Hardy-Weinberg Equation - Paul Andersen explains the elements in the Hardy-Weinberg equation; including the allele frequency and phenotype frequency.

Genetic Drift - Paul Andersen describes genetic drift as a mechanism for evolutionary change. A population genetics simulator is used to show the importance of large population size in neutralizing random change

Five fingers of evolution - How can a "thumbs up" sign help us remember five processes that impact evolution?

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Dancing Birds Compilation 2 - Part 2 of the weird and wonderful bird mating dances and displays compilation.

5 Factors of Evolutionary Change - Discussion of the 5 factors which cause change in allele frequency within populations