The purpose of this page is to provide resources for the families, teachers, and students of Olmsted Falls City Schools, and aid in using district technology and digital curriculum resources. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the District Technology Integration Specialist, Ivette Davis. 

   Digital Citizenship:

Twenty-first-century learning includes the use of digital mobile devices and computers in our classrooms. Olmsted Falls City Schools believes in educating our students on cyber safety and cyber citizenship to empower our students and equip them to enter the digital community. The District strictly prohibits any improper use of devices that can be used to hurt, intimidate or threaten others or our network. 

The District's Technology Teachers work to provide students with cyber safety and cyber citizenship training. Students are required to abide by the Acceptable Use Policy which outlines how to use the internet and online conduct. Our student's safety is our first priority.

Common Sense Media is our first stop for all things when it comes to the digital world. You will see throughout this site references and links leading you to this incredible resource.

Other Helpful Digital Citizenship Links: