Incoming Kinder Parents
Meet the Teacher Night – Please bring your child's school supplies on this evening, School supply list is here: Pre-Order School Supplies HERE!!
Dismissal – Thank you for your patience! We know dismissal can run slowly at the beginning of the year, but we are taking extra precautionary measures to make sure your child is sent home safely. It will begin to run quicker as we get through the first few days back to school.
Alert Teacher About Change of Dismissal Before 12:00 PM – In the event that you may need to change the dismissal plan for your child, Norris policy states that you must email your child’s teacher before 12:00 PM in order to make sure we have enough time to read and respond to the message before dismissal.
OnlineSchoolFees/SchoolCafe (Click here for more information and to access instructions for creating an account with SchoolCafé) (Click here for more information and to access instructions for creating an account with OnlineSchoolFees.) – These are both websites where you will add lunch money, pay for field trips, and other various fees throughout the year. Please see the above links for more information about how to log in. You can find your child’s student ID (lunch number) on any official registration documents, but if you can’t find it, I will send home a practice paper with the number on it soon (check the white binder)!
Practice Student ID/Lunch Number –Your student is given a Frisco ISD 6-digit ID number that will follow them through high school. This will be used for lunch purchases, logging into the computers, and checking out books in the library. Therefore, it is crucial that your child practices memorizing it. Often, turning the number into a song or chant helps them memorize it!
Daily Folders – Your student will come home with a daily folder. This is a form of communication between the parent and the teacher. There is a Communication Log inside the folder. Teachers will add a sticker or smiley face for a great day, or a comment about behaviors as needed. We will of course contact you with a phone call or email if the behavior needs further conversation. Please be sure to initial the box for each day so we can see that you are up to date on your child’s progress. Any work that needs to go home will also be placed in these folders.
Folder Signs – when a teacher signs a folder, it is usually to inform the parent of a minor incident at school. While we do not intend to sign for every little incident that happens, it is a way to help establish and follow through with a discipline routine. Please don’t fret if you see a few “folder signs” up front – we may sign them more at the beginning of the year as the littles are practicing our routines. You will surely see the folder signs taper off as your student learns expectations. If not, we can schedule a time to chat about ideas moving forward. Just know we are on your side and communicate these behaviors with you as a way to help bring out the best in your student!
Yellow Folders - Every Friday your student will bring home a yellow folder. Please take all of the papers out of the folder and return the empty yellow folder on Monday.
Blue Tuesday Folders - these come home on most Tuesdays when PTA has information to share schoolwide. Please empty and return these on Wednesday to your child's teacher.
Homework – We have a Norris-wide school policy pertaining to homework. From Kindergarten through 5th grade, students are only asked to read at home for 20 minutes a night. That’s it! There is no need to log your reading and turn it into the teacher. We recognize that often times, parents wish for more, so we suggest you check out the kindergarten website for links to extra activities you may do with your student at home.
Headphones – Don’t forget to purchase a set of quality headphones (not ear buds or any Bluetooth headphones) for your student to keep at school all year long! See the links below for a few Amazon headphone ideas (you do not have to purchase from this list – they are just suggestions). Please bring them in a Ziploc baggie labeled with your child’s name. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Snacks – Students will have an afternoon snack. Please be sure to provide a single tree nut and peanut free snack option for allergy purposes. Please consider the healthiness and cleanliness of snacks as well. Generally, wet snacks (such as fruit cups) or snacks needing a fork or spoon are not advised. Snacks should be placed in the front small pocket of their backpacks.
Drinks at lunch – This is a friendly reminder to provide a drink in your child’s lunch box! Water is always a wonderful option.
Practice Opening Lunch/Snack Items/Let students feed themselves – little hands often need help opening snack or lunch items. While we are happy to assist your student as needed, it would be very helpful if you can practice opening these items at home with your child! We also ask that you start allowing students to feed themselves, especially if you visit them for lunch at school.
Change of Clothes – Please bring a (season and size appropriate) change of clothes to school. Don’t forget to write your child’s name on the bag! This will be helpful in the event of a restroom accident or food spill.
Practice phone number, address, birthday – This is always an important skill! It is very helpful if your student can identify a parent phone number, home address, and birthday in the event of an emergency or for any other purposes.
Birthday Celebrations/Invitations – We try to make your child feel special on his or her birthday.
Due to confidentiality purposes, teachers are unable to provide parents with contact information or addresses of other students in the class. We ask that you do not reach out to us asking for contact information for invitations, but if you signed up for the class roster, you may refer to it as a means to contact others who released their information.
Due to FISD policy, birthday party invitations may not be passed out to other students, unless the entire class is invited. We may not pass them out to students in other classes. Thank you for your understanding.
Label, Label, Label – Please label anything that belongs to your student, including sweaters, backpacks, water bottles, snacks, and lunch boxes. It often does get chilly in our classrooms, so you may provide a light sweater for your student to wear during the day.
Background Checks – If you would like to volunteer at Norris at any time (field trips, parties, teacher helper), please follow the link to submit a background check. It can take a few weeks to approve, so it’s best to do it now so you are sure to be cleared early in the year.
Have you joined PTA yet?