
Spelling lists will be sent home at the beginning of each week. 

Students will have a spelling test every Friday.  

We will begin the year with shortened lists and will eventually have 10 words per week with two additional challenge words. Below is a list of the first grade word wall words.   

A and at about are ask always 

B ball but big best been because 

C can come came crash could chalk 

D do did drill down 

E eat each easy everyone 

F for flag from few 

G go get glad girl gold 

H here has his have house high 

I is in it if 

J just jump jam 

K know kind 

L like look let little last 

M my make more many much might 

N not now never near need next 

O on of other our only 

P play put prop pool 

Q quack 

R run rug read ring rock 

S see said she saw scrap soon 

T the to this they then think them there 

U up us under use 

V very 

W went wait where with was who want were what 

Y you yes your yell Z zip