
The more exposure to reading your students has, the more success they will have in school! What can you do to help?

* Read to your child each day! A story (or more than one) before bed is the perfect way to wind down a day. Students will bring home "Guided reading books" from school. These books are specifically chosen to fit the student's current reading level. Students should practice these nightly!

* Read in fun places! Read at the pool while you let sunscreen soak in, or under a tent with a flashlight, anywhere you can think of!

* Read all the signs and labels you see! Early readers are encouraged as they start to notice words like "STOP" on a stop sign. Even labels on favorite foods, snacks or toys become words they know and recognize.

* Talk about the books you read. What was your child's favorite part? How did he or she feel about the story? Who were the characters? What was the problem in the story?

* Go to the library and a bookstore and browse. Create some excitement for reading new things!