Ms. Burnett


I am so excited to begin my third year at Bright Academy teaching 4th Grade Reading and Social Studies! I cannot wait to start building relationships with my students and making memories. I am so proud to be able to be a part of our future responsible, kind, and productive citizens of this great world. 

I am engaged to be married June 2024 to my fiance, Nick. We share a beautiful daughter, Alani who keeps us on our toes!

“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill

About Me

Name: Alexis Burnett

Birthday: November 21st

College: Eastern Michigan university & WGU

Family: Nick and our daughter, Alani 

Favorite color: Blue



Sonic Drink - Cherry Limeade

Coffee- White Chocolate Mocha

Flower- Rose

Places to eat - Torchy’s, Cava, and Dave’s Hot Chicken

Candy - Milk Chocolate M&M’s 

Places to shop - Target, Amazon

Cookie - Snickerdoodle

Hobbies - Cycling and reading