Dr. Sivaraman



I am so excited to be teaching 4th grade Math at Bright. I graduated with a PhD in Developmental Psychology from the National University of Singapore. I am married to Uday and have two daughters who attend FISD schools!


I am so honored to be a part of your child’s life this year. We will explore, learn, make mistakes, ask a lot of questions and grow so much!


“Every child deserves a champion—an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.”

~Rita Pierson~

About Me

Name: Parvathi Sivaraman

Born: June 14

College: National University of Singapore

Family: Dhaya (12), Lasya (15) and Uday.

Interesting fact: I have lived in 3 countries!

Contact Information: sivaramanp@friscoisd.org


Sonic Drink - Root Beer

Color - Black. mint 

Hot Drink - Cappuccino               

 Flower - Hydrangea

Places to eat - Taco Ocho, Torchy’s, Chipotle    Scent - Lavender

Candy - Milk Duds, Werther’s Chewy Caramels

Places to shop- Target, Old Navy, Amazon

Cookie - White chocolate macadamia

Hobbies - Sewing, painting, reading