Classroom Procedures

Pre-K from A-Z

Attendance: Our program is dedicated to working with families to prepare for your child's education. If you find your child may be absent, please call the school, send me an email, or send a note. Absences will be tracked and documented. It is important to send your child as often as possible. If you find there are circumstances hindering your ability to send your child to school, please let us know. Please note that early dismissals and tardies will add up to absences. As a reminder, every parent signed the attendance policy at the beginning of the year.

Birthdays: We gladly celebrate birthdays! Just contact me to let me know which dates work best. We typically do birthdays around snack time (2:30). Only store-bought foods with labels are allowed per county request.

Cafeteria: We welcome parents to eat with us for breakfast or lunch. Be sure to fill out the free and reduced lunch form for your child. Make sure to have this filled out before the first day, as charges will add up on your child's account. Lastly, we have found it best not to purchase a la carte items for children in Pre-K. Thanks for your cooperation.

Class Dojo: I use class dojo as an incentives program for children to earn prizes such as treasure box, wearing a hat to school, or bringing a show and share item. Children earn points for positive behaviors throughout the day. Each child has their own "avatar" on the SmartBoard to keep track of points. This website is also a wonderful communication tool for parents, because it has a private messaging system. I use it every day, which makes it easy to send photos or have a quick discussion. Just make sure that all transportation changes go through the office and not just Class Dojo.

Classroom Parties: Throughout the year, we will have many things to celebrate: birthdays, holidays, and special events. I invite you to join us during these times! If you would like to donate anything, you may do so, just remember we may no longer have home made items. I will be sure to contact parents ahead of time to invite you to these events.

Field Trips: I will announce these as soon as possible to allow parents time to make arrangements to attend. We welcome all chaperones! In order to chaperone, a form must be completed for each parent/chaperone. Make sure to adhere to the chaperone guidelines which will be sent home on the first field trip. Each child must also have a signed permission slip to attend. This will apply for school trips at the end of the year.

Folders: Folders will go home daily and are one of the best ways to communicate with me. I will have a sheet in the return to school side for each week. The sheets will have each day of the week to let you know how your child's day was and if I may have any questions. I also use these sheets to remind parents of classroom events. Please be sure to check the folders daily. The folders are the best way to send notes, money, forms, and doctor's notes to me.

Nap: Nap mats and pillow sheets will be provided. Please send your child with a towel or small blanket. On Friday, these blankets will be sent home to be washed. Please return the blankets the following Monday. I will take care of the sheets. Please let me know of any skin allergies.

Parent Events: One of our goals in Pre-K is to involve the family and build student-family-school communication. One of the ways we do this is to provide 5 family nights throughout the school year. These are times to work with your child and enjoy activities together. I will get a list of activities and dates to you as soon as possible. Most of these events will occur in the evening to accommodate families.

Playground: Tennis shoes must be worn on the playground. We are only allowed on the first playground set. Sometimes we will go to the track or play outside our classroom door in the grassy area.

School Hours: The building opens at 8:00am and your child is tardy after 8:20am. We dismiss at 3:10pm.

Sickness: We ask if your child is sick to please leave your child at home. This is defined as throwing up, diarrhea, or a fever over 100 degrees. If your child has these symptoms at school, he or she will be sent home. Please send doctor's notes at your earliest convenience.

Snack: Snacks will be provided this year. Each child will receive snack at the end of the day (2:30pm). If at any time you would like to donate any special snacks, you are welcome to. This is a great time of the day to celebrate birthdays, just let me know. Just note we are not allowed to have any home-made foods this year.

Supplies: The only things needed for Pre-K are a change of clothes, a towel or blanket for nap, and a book bag. We take care of everything else such as crayons, scissors, etc. We have community supplies in my room, which is great for team building and sharing skills. As far as other things needed for school, we will gladly accept any donations such as tissues, hand sanitizer, baby wipes, or hand soap.

Toileting: Each child should have a change of clothes. During the winter months, we will ask to send warm change of clothes to accommodate for the weather. Please send the clothes in a labeled, ziploc bag. In the event of an accident, the families will be called and we will put the soiled clothes into a bag. We are not allowed to send soiled clothes home, therefore the families must pick up the soiled clothes from the school within 48 hours. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but this procedure will keep all of our children happy and healthy! Please return a new change of clothes ASAP.

Tennis Shoes: Please make sure your child has tennis shoes EVERY day. These are necessary to play on our playground with the large pieces of mulch. Feel free to send extras to leave in your child's cubby or in their book bag to change.

Toys: There will be opportunities throughout the year for your child to share toys with the class. Notes will be sent home or messaged through Class Dojo if your child has earned a toy. Toys will not be allowed unless earned. Make sure toys sent to school are age appropriate (non violent) and can be shared with other children.

Transportation: In the event of a transportation change, please call the office by 2:30 each day. I can not always expect to check my email or Class Dojo in time to let the office know. Thanks for understanding. You can find out your child's bus route by clicking on this site: Bus Routes

Water Bottles: Allowed and encouraged! Your child may bring one and place it in his or her cubby.

Best form of contact:

My email is the best way...

You may also call the school if you need me. I may not always be able to leave the room to take your call, but will return it as soon as I can.

Please check your parent handbook for other information. I am happy to help with any questions you may have.