Classroom Information

Check out the preschool website for FCPS: Current Parents

This site contains information for the application process, calendar information, and Al's Pals Letters.

Our classroom uses the Creative Curriculum. We will focus on 7 study topics this year: balls, trees, buildings, clothes, reduce reuse and recycle, roads, and gardening. Each topic is designed to be broad and flexible to follow children's interests. We will conduct experiments, make observations, collect data, and use our senses in each of the study topics. The curriculum has 36 developmental objectives for children in which Mrs. Woods and I will collect data for each student throughout the year. This information will be shared with you during parent teacher conferences and report cards to show your child's progress.

I am a firm believer that children all learn differently and at different paces. I plan to gear my instruction to each child to meet his or her needs. One of my main focuses for our children is to foster their social skills to prepare them for kindergarten. We will work on problem solving skills as well as self regulation skills. Al's Pals is a wonderful program that we utilize for social skills. Al's Pals involves using puppets, songs, and skits to role play social situations for children.

We will also continue to implement the Read With Me books. The Read with Me program consists of books and a packet of questions sent home. The purpose of this program is to read with your child. As the year goes along, you will see your child progress in his/her attention and comprehension skills. As you read, ask your child simple questions about the story or where to start reading. Point out letters they may know and talk about new letters. The books will be sent home on Mondays and should be returned on Fridays. There are a total of 90 books this year.