Letter Enrichment Activities

This page has a few alphabet enrichment activities that you can play with your child to help them learn their letters.

Letter Recognition

Go through the ABC cards with your child. Separate those he/she knows and does not know.

Alphabet Slap Game

Spread out the cards. Say a letter and have your child slap the card. Continue until all or most of the cards are identified.

Alphabet Partners

Match the uppercase with lowercase letters.

Alphabet Order

Mix up the cards and have your child put them in alphabetical order.

Alphabet Memory Match

Place the 3-5 uppercase and lowercase letters upside down. Have your child try to finding the matching letters.

Missing Letter

Put the letters in alphabetical order. Have your child close his/her eyes while you remove one or more cards. Have your child open his/her eyes and identify the missing letter or letters.

Reverse Alphabet Order

Mix up the cards and have your child put them in reverse alphabetical order from Z-A.


Have your child choose the alphabet cards to spell his/her name and/or the names of family members or pets.

Vowel/Consonant Game

Identify which letters are vowels (a,e,i,o,u) and which ones are consonants (the other letters of the alphabet). Have your child sort the letters into these two groups.