
What do FPS students have to say about choir? Check it out!

"Choir alone has made me more confident overall. It has given me another way to express myself and something else to lean back on. I have created bonds with people that have taught me about myself in a way I couldn't do on my own. I believe anyone who has a love of singing should try choir. It will make you a person who is more in tune with yourself and others." ~Melinda Clark, Class of 2013

"Choir has taught me so many ways to perfect my singing. People who are strong and confident singers end up loving to sing!" ~Megan Fabro, Class of 2013

"If you like singing or even music at all, you should join choir. Not only does it improve your musical skills in all areas, but it also improves your social skills and self-confidence...not to mention it's a lot of fun!" ~Carley Reardon, Class of 2016

"Being in choir taught me that I am actually decent at something. Singing and music also helps me deal with depression and tough times. Choir taught me to be happy and showed me that it's good to do things that I enjoy." ~Anonymous

"Choir does much more than allow me to reach high notes; many times I rely on choir to help release all of my built-up stress. Each song allows me to push it away and be happy and excited. The confidence and pride I feel after every song is exhilarating and amazing. It makes me feel like I belong in something. I never leave the class sad or angry, no matter what. Choir changes you." ~ Genna Inhoff, Class of 2015

"I really enjoy how much you really get to learn about music in choir, how much it means to you, and all about your own voice! It is a really good experience!" ~Emma Rybacki, Class of 2013

"Choir has helped me to be confident in everything I do. It may seem scary to sing in front of others, but it actually helps and you will make a lot of friends in the process!"

~Alyssa Ungerleider, Class of 2016

"I learned how to be more confidant in front of an audience. This taught me how to be more confident, not just in singing, but having more confidence as a whole person." ~Anonymous

"Choir is the place where music can explain how you feel and allows

you to express yourself. In choir, you can put everything aside and focus on the music." ~Anonymous

"Choir has taught me that it's totally ok to

step out of my comfort zone." ~Anonymous

"When I started choir, I was nervous about the class because there are people who used to make fun of me that were in the class. But really, everyone accepted me and I had a lot of fun! Miss Schlecht really helped me develop as a more confident singer and person! Thank you!" ~Jordyn Spoo, Class of 2018

"I learned that if I trust in myself, I can achieve anything I want!" ~Anonymous

"Choir showed me that I can sing out loud without people making fun of me, and it raised my self-confidence!" ~Anonymous

"In choir, I learned not to care what people think, and to just be myself. If I actually try, I can achieve all of my goals!" ~Anonymous, Class of 2018

"In choir, you get to meet people that will amaze you and that you will become so close with, you don't mind showing up to class on your bad hair day." ~Ensley Gossett, Class of 2013

"In choir, you get to experience a confidence you never knew you had and part of a family where you can be yourself and most of your peers won't judge you. Even the quiet kids have a voice in choir!" ~Kristen Delano, Class of 2013

"Choir pushes you out of your comfort zone and gives you a well-rounded experience with music." ~Demi Yoder, Class of 2016

"Choir breaks up your day and gives you a break from your regular academic classes." ~Annymous

"The friendships you make in choir are the best!" ~Anonymous

"I love choir because people are in this class because they want to be here. This is the class where you're allowed to be who you are, and feel comfortable around your classmates. I was able to express who I am very easily in choir." ~Tessa Vallee, Class of 2015

"Choir is a safe place. It's a place where you can talk about anything without fear of judgement and you can sing your emotions out. Choir is like one big family. You make friends with people who you thought you'd never be friends with, just because you all share a love of singing." ~Sarah Johnson, Class of 2013

"I've made a lot of new friends in choir, and every time I come in the classroom, it puts a smile on my face because I know I won't be judged in this class." ~Jamie Parsley, Class of 2018

Advice for students interested in taking choir...from students who already do take choir!

"Choose a goal and stick to it. Don't be afraid to try new things either. Nobody will judge you. Don't be afraid to take risks and step out of your comfort zone. It will pay off!" ~Hailey Hentz, Class of 2016

"Be open with everybody, and don't be afraid to be yourself. Try new things, and have fun!" ~Anonymous

"Live without fear. Don't be afraid of failure. Try new things and you will be surprised with the results. Choir is an amazing experience to be a part of. You won't ever regret it!" ~Emily Zeman, Class of 2013

"Always engage in the work that you do because then it will be more fun! It may be hard, but when you believe, you achieve!" ~Melanie Holterman, Class of 2018

"Cherish your time with your choir family. When it comes to your graduation, you will never be happier in your life than to have met these people." ~Natalie Martinez, Class of 2013

"If you're interested in doing choir, there is nothing to be afraid of. Choir is one of my favorite places to be and it helped me a ton with my singing development. Everyone is here to make each other better singers and better people. We are really just a huge, crazy musical family!" ~Anonymous

"Don't be afraid to talk to people! I only knew 2 people going into choir, and now I know everyone! Choir is a great way to make friends and it's so much more fun with people you love!" ~Anonymous

"Confidence is key. Sing out, sing loud --- even if other people aren't so sure. Believe in your abilities." ~Julia Knecht, Class of 2016

"Use your own style when you sing. You don't have to sound like everyone else. You are your own person so you should have your own voice!" ~Breanna Judkins, Class of 2016

"Don't let people make you feel insecure. Be confident, sing out, and be you." ~Kayleigh Butske, Class of 2016

"When in doubt, sing out, and don't be afraid to show off your talent!" ~Alyssa DiStefano, Class of 2016

"Choir is a great program to be a part of. It is the place where you will never be judged and it is a great activity for a person to try new things. So don't be afraid to be yourself and sing out! ~Anonymous

"I could say join choir because it's fun and be done, but it's so much more than that. In choir, you can express your feelings and the crazy concept is, no one cares if you mess up or get nervous. In choir, you're a family, all sharing similar goals. Don't join choir because it's an easy credit; join for you and join for the music." ~Genna Inhoff, Class of 2015

"Don't be afraid of what others will think of you.

Just sing your heart out!" ~Anonymous, Class of 2017