CLIL_Year 5 CAPES (Science, CAPES) 

M1_L1 .pdf

Knowledge Stage M1L1

Climate change: causes and impacts


Knowledge Stage M1L2

Climate change: mitigation and adaptation strategies

Comprehension Stage M1

A. Watch the video "What is climate change?"  ( 

B. Answer the related questions: 

 EXTRA Comprehension Stage M1

A. Watch the video "Are EVs really better for the climate?" :

B. Answer the related questions: 

Analysis Stage M1

CAPES_M1- Application Stage
M2_L1 .pdf

Knowledge Stage M2L1

Introduction to soil systems


Knowledge Stage M2L2

Terrestrial food production

Comprehension Stage M2

A. Where do soybeans and corn not used for food end up to? 

B. How much has Nitrogen fertiliser production increased in the last 60 years? 

C. Do you agree that farming influences global warming? 

D. How has capitalist agriculture driven us towards a fragile food system? 

 EXTRA Comprehension Stage M2

A.Why would proteins be a new commodity? 

B. How can we grow meat at home? 

C. What is vertical farming? 

Analysis Stage M2

CAPES_M2- Application Stage


Ecology: species and populations



Investigating ecosystems