CLIL_Yr 3 (Plan Science, 3APT, 3BPT


Knowledge Stage M1L1

World agriculture: stressors and drivers


Knowledge Stage M1L2

World agriculture: assets and controls

Comprehension Stage M1

A. Watch the YouTube video "Vertical farms can take over the world" (

B. Answer the related questions: 

Analysis Stage M1

Your group has been assigned an article on world agricuture from a journal to be found at the school library. Discuss it with your group and make up a presentation that covers the following points: 

A. Sum up the concepts of the article

B. Express your opinion on the topic

C. Express your opinion on the future of agriculture, in general

3APT_Application Stage M1
3BPT_Application Stage M1

Synthesis Stage M1


Knowledge Stage M2L1

Soil: Introduction to soil 


Knowledge Stage M2L2

Soil: degradation and conservation

Comprehension Stage M2

A. From nourishing our foods to storing massive amounts of carbon, soil is teeming with diverse microbial life that could slow global warming. Climate change scientist Jane Zelikova calls for agricultural practices that protect Earth's soil by growing climate-adapted crops that don't mess with the microbes. "Soils are the literal foundation of life on this planet -- the reason that we eat and the climate solution just waiting to be unlocked," she says. 

Watch her TED talk "The hidden wonders of soil" ( 

B. Answer the related questions: 

C. Paste your results on the Classroom space before the beginning of the next lesson (ECC Evaluation) 

Analysis Stage M2

(see description and groups on the spreadsheet) 

3APT_Application Stage M2
3BPT_Application Stage M2