
5/21 - Last Make-Up Opportunities.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on before you start YOUR final.

1)  What is your favorite memory from this class, and why?

2)  When the school year starts, what are the things you would like your teacher to know about you?  Why are those things important?

5/15 - Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 5/20 by 8:20 AM.

1)  How do you learn best in math?  Explain.

5/9 - Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 5/13 by 8:20 AM.

1)  What do you think would be fair phone rules for a classroom.  Elaborate and explain.

4/16 - Group Work Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 4/22 by 8:20 AM.

1)  What could be done to encourage you to work more effectively within a group setting?  What are the pros and cons of working in a group setting?  What are the pros and cons of letting you choose your own group?  (1)

4/9 - Block Schedule Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 4/12 by 8:20 AM.

1)  What are your opinions on block scheduling as it pertains to MATH class only.  Elaborate.

3/13 - Spring Break Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 3/25 by 8:20 AM.

1)  What are you doing\did to this spring break?

2)  What do you most struggle with in this class, why, and what do you plan to do about it? (1)

3)  Name three positive things\experiences\concepts from this class.

2/16 - President's Day Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 2/20 by 8:20 AM.

1)  How do you feel about the class?  At least three substantive sentences needed.  (1)

2/7 - First Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 2/13 by 8:20 AM.

1)  Were you happy with your first semester grade?  If so, explain what habits led to your success.  If not, state what habits you need to change.

12/11 - Last Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 12/15 by 8:20 AM.

1)  How do you plan on spending your break.

2)  What homework\assessment platform do you feel is best for what you need.  (For Geometry: XL, Delta, Formative.  For Pre-Calc: Delta, Desmos, Book, Passwater Worksheet, Big 10 Worksheet, Mixed Six Worksheet, Teacher Made Worksheet).  EXPLAIN (2)

11/15 - Thanksgiving Break Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 11/28 by 8:30 AM.

1)  What are you most thankful for this year?

2)  Are you happy with your current grade?  If so, why?  If not, what's one thing you would change going into next semester to help your grade, and how likely are you to do that thing? (1)

11/8 - Veteran's Day Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 11/13 by 8:30 AM.

1)  Does this day have any significance for you?  Why or why not?

2)  On average, if you focus, how long would each homework assignment take you per night?

10/27 - Halloween Make-Up Opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 11/1 by 8:30 AM.

1)  What is your favorite candy, and why?

2) What was\is your favorite costume, and why?

10/2 - Random Make-Up opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up the homework.  This is due on 10/6 by 8:30 AM.

    1)  Do you spread out your math homework like you should?  Or do you do it all right before it's due?

8/30 - Labor Day Make-Up opportunity.  Please read the directions from 8/15 to see how to make up homework.

     1)  About how long does homework take you per night?- First make-up Opportunity.  Please make sure you follow the directions posted below under the 8/12 announcement 

8/15 - Welcome to class.  Please read the syllabus.  They will be posted by 8/15.

Online learning make-up directions:

Pre-Calc: You can't make up points missed for graded problems on a homework quiz, but if you had points taken off for not doing an assignment, you can make (at least some of) those up. 

To make up points: 1)  Do the assignment(s) from the HW quiz you are missing, and turn it in IN THE GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

                                   2)  E-mail me the number of the missing homework quiz with the answer to the make-up question.

Pre-Calc: If it's an auto-graded assignment, you:

1) Do the assignment and submit it

2) E-mail the homework number of the missing assignment with the answer to the make-up question.

Geometry: 1)  Do the assignment that you missed and submit it.

                    2)  E-mail me letting me know which assignment AND homework number you turned in, along with the answer to the make-up question.

You can turn in one homework per question.   Turn that in to my on the due date by e-mail.  If you ever see something like (1 pt) next to a question, that means that question can be answered for extra credit on the next homework you turn in, or by e-mail.  I will not be posting this info on Google classroom because I want to make it available for your parents to see too, so please check this during Holidays, major events, and randomly.  You can only turn in one homework per question, unless it was a day where two homework were checked, then you can turn in the two corresponding assignments.