The Door - November/December 2018 - Balance


"But strive first for the Kindgom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's toruble is enough for today." Matthew 6:33-34

Recess time in the school yard, Autumn 1963. A long plank about one foot across and five foot long. One foot is placed firmly on the plank, and the second foot wiggling to be positioned in front of the first foot. My arms are swinging wildly, to help restore my balance. Steadily, then steadily again, the first foot is picked up and moved ahead of the second foot. My arms continue to wave loosely and again balance is achieved. This "steady as I go" process takes time and lots of effort, but balance is not achieved without keeping my focus on that which is before me in the here and now.

One step, then another step, what does it mean to be a follower of Jesus? If we asked everyone in our congregation this question, we would have as many answers as we have persons responding. Loving and worshipping God, caring and serving our neighbors, using our God-given gifts, and reaching out to others with the Good News are only a few.

In such a hectic culture, most of our lives are filled with trying to just get by, living from one moment to the next and trying to balance everything in which our lives are consumed. It feels like that "balance beam" so many years ago on that school playground. Arms waving in all directions, feet getting crossed up, and still falling off the beam. We get back on feeling like it's a losing battle. All of us have so many responsibilities with many demands, and we feel torn between family, friends, job, and church.

For most of us, there is no "down time." All year has its challenges and yet, here it is November with Christmas around the corner and we find ourselves in the season of what many would call the most stressful and unbalanced time of the year. Are there any words in scripture which help us find our balance among so many upcoming demands?

Throughout Jesus' earthly ministry, he was constantly trying to balance his family obligations, teaching, healings, and the ever-present crowd demands, expectations of the disciples, and the on-going threats of the religious establishment. Throughout his ministry, he remained true to God's mission for him. It wasn't easy and yet, Jesus kept his focus on God, and God was the center of his life. God's Kingdom, and not the worries of the world, guided his life's decisions.

A balanced life in Christ is more than a self-help project. Our focus must remain with dependence on God, developing our relationship, and making a daily committment of seeking God first in all of life's situations.

So, as this holiday season fast approaches, we first take time to examine the real priorities of our lives. Is our life out of balance? Are we seeking a greater balance with God first in our lives? Instead of having to decide on either/or, are we praying and studying how God will show us there may be the balance of both/and?

May each of us experience a balance of mind, body, and soul during this time of thanksgiving and celebration of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pastor Dava Hensley