Sport Education is a student-led experiences and leadership opportunities instead of traditional teacher-led instruction. It introduces students to all aspects of the intended game and allows students to share in the planning and leadership of the season.   

What makes the sport education so unique is the infusion of Purposeful Competition. This is a teaching model that provides students with opportunities to collaborate while embracing the role of competition viewed through the partnership lens. By inviting students to identify the purpose of the activities they will be participating in within physical education classes, they will have greater access to intrinsic motivation. And by welcoming competition at a level in line with their abilities, students can begin to embrace the necessity of competition in the process of becoming their best selves.  

This model is designed to introduce the sport to new players while helping experienced players continue to develop their skills. The activities within this module develop leadership and reinforce responsible behaviors, while introducing Roundnet skills that may be new to some students. All participants are given the opportunity to explore their skills in a fun and engaging environment where all students can feel successful.