Dual Credit

You're Getting More Than Just College Credit!


When you enroll in a dual credit course in high school, regardless of whether you decide to pursue the college credit option, you can expect to gain many educational benefits!   These courses are often referred to as the "step between high school and college," usually moving at a slower pace than courses taught at the university level.  In addition to the slower pace, students have easier access to teachers, many of which they've established previous relationships, and the "safety net" of knowing that extra help and individualized instruction is readily available as they learn to navigate increased expectations.

Dual credit courses encourage students to meet the challenge of  higher expectations, more academic rigor, and college preparatory skills that may not be utilized in other classes.  Students will have support and guidance as they learn to be more independent, responsible, and organized on their educational journey.  In addition to enhancing study habits, students are encouraged to develop stronger time management and problem solving skills.  

Dual credit opportunities are not just about earning college credit.  There are many reasons why students may choose NOT to pay the fees associated with dual credit courses.  Even if you decide not to take the college credit option, enrolling in these courses is a wise and beneficial move when planning your high school courses.  


Universities report the transition between high school and college can be challenging for many students.  What can parents do to prepare them for the next step?