

Rename or Move an active directory object (user, computer, group..) to a different Organisational Unit (OU).

Syntax dsmove ObjectDN [-newname NewRDN] [-newparent ParentDN] [{-s Server | -d Domain}] [-u UserName] [-p {Password | *}] [-q] [{-uc | -uco | -uci}] Options ObjectDN Distinguished name of the computer that you want to add. If omitted will be taken from standard input (stdin) -newname Rename the object with a new Relative Distinguished Name. -newparent New location for the object, enter the new parent DN. -q Quiet, suppress all output -uc Unicode format -uco Unicode format for output only -uci Unicode format for input only -u UserName The user name with which a user logs on to a remote server. By default, the currently logged on user. -p Password The password, or * to prompt for a password.

By default, DSMOVE connects the computer to the domain controller in the logon domain.

DS* commands are available on networked machines with the server role A.D. Domain Services installed, Domain Controllers (or for XP users: XP Professional).

For any DS command you can enter multiple values separated by spaces.

e.g. to modify several user accounts at once just supply a list of the distinguished names separated with spaces.


Rename a user:

C:\> set _andy="CN=Andrew Gorden,OU=Europe,DC=ss64,DC=Com" C:\> dsmove %_andy% -newname "Andrew Gordon"

Move a user to a different OU

C:\> set _andy="CN=Andrew Gordon,OU=Europe,DC=ss64,DC=Com" C:\> set _newOrgUnit="OU=Asia,DC=ss64,DC=Com" C:\> dsmove %_andy% -newparent %_newOrgUnit%

“All that glitters is not gold. All who wander are not lost” - William Shakespeare

Related commands:

DSAdd - Add object

DSMod - Modify object

DSGet - Display object

DSMove - Move object

DSQuery - Search for objects

DSRM - Delete object

CSVDE - Import or export AD info in CSV format.

LDIFDE - Edit AD Objects, extend schema, import or export AD information.

Q322684 - Directory Service Command-Line Tools

Equivalent bash commands (Linux): ldapmodify - Modify Lightweight Directory Access Protocol