Athletics Philosophy

The athletic program at M.E. LaZerte High School is an integral part of the educational process. Athletics offers a positive and meaningful experience that will enhance the growth and development of all young men and women who participate.

The Athletic Department encourages all students to participate in as many different interscholastic sports as possible. The Athletic Department at M.E. LaZerte High School offers a variety of interscholastic sport teams for those students who have the physical skills and appropriate attitude for their respective sports. As Voyageur athletes, students will make a commitment to themselves, teammates and to the athletic program to follow the rules and expectations of being an athlete. As an athlete the student will abide by the guidelines of the athletic code and by the rules and regulations of the specific sport.

Participation on an athletic team is a privilege and not a right. High standards of conduct will be expected of students on and off the playing courts and fields. As M.E. LaZerte High School athletes, students are expected to follow the rules of the athletic code from the time they join their first athletic team until they graduate or until the end of the last season of participation (entire calendar year …365 days).

The Athletic Department members are very proud of the traditions that they have established over many years by many people who have committed themselves to excellence. As Voyageur athletes, you are part of that rich tradition.