Rural Health Professions Program


In the mid-1990s, the Arizona legislature acknowledged the chronic shortage of rural Arizona physicians with a statute that requires medical students to complete a rural educational experience. The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix is committed to achieving the objective of this law - to inspire medical students to one day practice in a rural setting. The creation of the Rural Health Professions Program (RHPP) and the Rural Certificate of Distinction underscores the importance of training medical students in the care of rural and underserved populations and fulfilling this legislative directive.

Dr. Cartsonis's Top Eight Reasons to Go Rural Health

RHPP Goals

  • Increase the number of University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix graduates who practice in a rural setting.

  • Prepare medical students for the rewards, challenges, and unique patient needs of rural medical practice.

  • Contribute to a college of medicine environment that promotes future rural practice.

  • Develop collaborative relationships with rural communities and faculty.