Personalized Active Learning (PAL) Block

Welcome to the Rural PAL block! This is a great opportunity to appreciate the central caregiving role played by rural physicians. All the while you will be immersed in the care of patients and communities that as a whole are medically underserved.

Rural residents are more likely than their counterparts to be without healthcare, live in poverty, and suffer from chronic medical conditions. Compounding the challenges is the lack of physicians in rural practice. We believe the rural physician shortage will be resolved as more medical students appreciate all of the rewards of rural practice that include:

    • Working where you are most valued

    • Acquiring and maintaining a breadth of skills not possible in the urban setting

    • Building closer relationships with your patients and community

    • Living close to a stunning natural environment (especially in the Southwest)

Months of preparation have gone into developing your rural training sites, and we have worked to find ways to tailor the experience to your interests. We selected your site for its proven capacity to provide high-quality education. We encourage you to seize the initiative and, as appropriate find ways to get the most from your rotation. If you encounter a barrier, try first communicating with your preceptor or site director. Please know that we are available to assist.

Please remember that as a Rural Health Certificate of Distinction student, you are an ambassador of the UA COM—P. You are strengthening our professional relationships with rural physicians, health professionals, clinics, and hospitals. We know that your professional conduct will go a long way to enhance the connections we have with your community. We also count on you, after completion to share your constructive insights on what worked best on your rotation as well as the areas that could have gone better. We appreciate your commitment to rural health and wish you luck on your first clinical rotation!


    1. Appreciate the important community role of a rural physician through hands-on experience with a rural preceptor in the clinic, hospital, and/or community.

    2. Understand the unique public health challenges faced by your rural community via review of interactive web-based health data, conversations with leaders in public health, hospital administration, and clinical work.