Health Infusion Topics

James H. Boyd Grades 3-5

Health Infusion Carla Weiss


Safety Rules/Proper Attire

Playground Safety


Character Education

-cooperation including/not excluding

-personal space




-self Esteem

- Confidence

"The best inspiration is not to outdo others, but to outdo ourselves." (Author unknown)


Emotional Health


-Thankful for What? (Family, friends, food, your health, shelter, freedom, clean environment, clean water, education, clothing, law and order, toys and activities).


The month of giving

-help with out receiving material rewards

-empty the garbage for your family

-clean your room

-volunteer your time


Nutrition/Exercise/Proper Sleep

-eating healthy

-increase your drinking of water (rather than soda &high sugar drinks)

-importance of making healthy choices

-exercise indoors (tie in community resources, pools, bowling allies)

- Community resources

- indoor pools

- Bowling alley

- ice skating

Where are your

Community resources?

Huntington YMCA


- Fields

- Indoor gyms

- Programs for children

Larkfield Lanes (bowling)

(East Northport)

Dix Hills Park Ice Superior Ice Rink

Skating rink (Kings Park)

(Dix Hills)



-coughing into your elbow (not in your hands)

-Washing hands (healthy habits)

-blood borne pathogens (winter bloody noses)


Body Hygiene (Continued)

-body odor



-soap& water

-brushing teeth “Dragon Breath”

-washing sweatshirts/clothing


Allergy Awareness

-environmental (pollen, dust, lint, smog, smoke)

-food allergy


Reinforcement of Character Education

-self esteem (big for 5thgrade b/c they leave and go to MS

-how do you present yourself

“Put down your video games, log off your computer, turn off your TV, get outside and play” Carla Weiss


Summer time Safety Issues

-Importance of protecting your skin (sunscreen)

-Water Safety

-importance of swimming with supervision

-diving board safety (neck injuries)

-Group Safety

-communication with your parents

-structured freedom

-Valued family time

-play together with your family

-take family walks

-use community resources

-Enjoy nature