Grading Policy

Grading Policy: When looking at your child’s report card, the state has provided four different levels they rank your child at, on a scale of 1-4.

Below is the proficiency rating for each of the four levels.

  • Level 1 Student performance at this level means your child is well below their expected grade level. This ranking means your child skill level for the section is insufficient for their current grade level and needs vast improvement.

  • Level 2At level two your child is considered partially proficient for their grade level. They are considered on track to meeting New York State Graduation requirements but are deemed insufficient to meet Common Core standards for their grade level.

  • Level 3At Level three your child is considered on track for both New York State graduation requirements and that of the Common Core standards for their grade level.

  • Level 4At level four your child is excelling and is well above the expect standards for the grade level. They are going above and beyond what is expected of them at their current grade level.