Trojan Hub

Weekly Update

May 24th

Have a Great Summer!

I am so proud of each and every one of you. We had another successful year.  The successes our students achieved would not have been possible without you.  What we accomplished as a staff this year involved a lot of hard work.  I am so grateful for it. Please have a restful summer.  I look forward to seeing all of you one more time tonight. 

May 22nd

Congratulations to Swim and Dive (Girls)

We received word that our Girls Swim and Dive team won a distinguished award.  I am proud of the girls and the coaches.  Please congratulate your swim and dive athletes when you see them. I am posting the honor below.

"I would like to congratulate your school for achieving the 2023-2024 Academic Champion Award in the category of Swim & Dive (Girls). Your team had the highest unweighted team grade point average among CIF Sac-Joaquin Section schools for the 2023-2024 spring season." 

Teacher Check Out

Oak Ridge uses the honor system when checking out teachers who are returning next year.  As long as the honor system continues to work we can maintain the system.  We no longer require teachers to acquire signatures before leaving for the summer. Please review the tasks that must be completed before leaving for the summer.  I appreciate everyone being diligent with this. 

May 17th

Students Out of Class

We have too many students out during class time.  It is becoming very hard to manage.  I support outdoor learning but we need to put some rules in place.  

May 13th

Cheer Won the State Championship Again

Oak Ridge Cheer is one of the most successful programs we have on campus.  They continue to win at the highest levels both in state and the nation.  We are incredibly lucky to have the coaching staff that we do.  Please congratulate the students when you see them.  

Final Make-Up Link to Give Students

I want to review the process for when a student requests to make -up a final.  When a student requests a final make-up you provide them the link to sign themselves up.  They have to choose what time they can attend.  When you give a student a link you need to provide Sarah with the final.  Provide Sarah with either a copy of the final or instructions on how to access it online.  Place the final in an envelope with your name and the student’s name. Even if the final is online, please let Sarah know.  If there are instructions that go with an online file please provide them to Sarah in paper form with your name and the students name.  If you think there is a chance a student from your class may show up to take a final, please proactively give Sarah a copy.  The proctor will return the final to your box when the student completes it.  Below is the link to provide students to sign up for a make-up.  

Parking Update

The timing of the construction for the parking lot renovation is  tricky.  The County is going to cone off a lot of the parking on Silva Valley starting Wednesday to begin working on the project.  There are logistical reasons as to why they are not waiting until summer to do this.  We are going to communicate this to families tonight.  I predict that parking will be an issue starting on Wednesday. 

May 10th

Final Make-Ups

We are going to do final make-ups on Wednesday, May 29th all day.  I am interested in getting two interested people.  I would be looking for someone to work 8:00 to 12:30 and another person for 12:00 to 4:30.   You will be paid at the hourly rate.  The job entails reviewing the finals to be given, proctoring, then putting the finals back in the appropriate teachers box.  If you are interested please email me and let me know which session you prefer.  Please respond by Tuesday if you are interested.  Thank you. I will get the parent form out to everyone soon. 

Meeting Reminder

Our final faculty meeting of the year will be after school on Monday in the MPR.  I look forward to seeing everyone there.  

Start of the Year Dates

We will be releasing the finalized Meetings at a Glance for next year very soon.  We are working with our new Superintendent, Mike Kuhlman, on the start of the year kick off.  As of now, it looks like we will do the normal AM kick off with the whole district on Tuesday, August 6th.  The afternoon will be our site Welcome Back.  Wednesday, August 7th is gearing up to be the normal teacher work day.  The first day of school will be Thursday, August 8th. The exact days, times, and agendas will come this summer.  

 May 9th

Teacher Appreciation Friday

I want to remind everyone that lunch will be provided for everyone tomorrow in the MPR.  We will have tables set up to break bread with each other.  I look forward to seeing everyone there. 

Special Recognition

Our very own, Becky Pecararo earned a great honor recently.  She was inducted into the Santa Clara University Hall of Fame for volleyball.  As a junior, Becky led the Broncos into the national polls and became the first player in program history to be named an All-American. She finished her career as a three-time All-WCC honoree and was twice an All-American as the Broncos made the NCAA Tournament all four of her years. She remains the program leader with 1,812 kills.  Congratulations to Becky for this incredible honor.  

Art Show and One Acts Tonight

I encourage everyone to stop by and check out the Art Show in the Library starting at 6 tonight.  Then come over and watch the One Acts in the Theater.  They will all be great. 

May 3rd

Teacher Appreciation Week

We have partnered with the Foundation's CCRC group of parents to bring everyone a great Teacher Appreciation Week.   And although the week is about appreciating educators, I am inviting all our staff to come enjoy and celebrate with our teachers.   We are excited to celebrate all that our amazing teachers do.  I have the plan below.

Save the Date

Please save the the last Wednesday of the school year (5/22) for our End of the Year staff luncheon after finals.   We invite everyone to come to the cafeteria at 12:45 to celebrate our retiree's, those moving on, and a job well done this year.  We will have more information to come as we get closer.  

Student Achievement Awards

Yesterday afternoon we were able to honor one student from each department who showed excellence in that subject area.  We also recognized our Sal and Val for the year.  The faculty who came and spoke did a beautiful job.  There was a lot of positive energy!

Parent Safety Night

Oak Ridge partnered with the El Dorado Count Sheriff's Office and put on an information night for Parents.  The night was geared around how to keep your kids safe online.  It also shared current drug trends.  We invited parents from all of our K-8 feeder schools as well.  The parents I spoke to appreciated the information.  

May 1st

Teacher Residency Banquet

There was a nice banquet to honor the County Office of Educations first teacher Residency group.  Oak Ridge was proud to have one of their student teachers on campus all year.  But this would not have been possible without Dalisa Sanford and Cassie Tuller being mentor teachers.  I want to thank them for their work this year. It was so inspiring to see these eager teachers excited to start their career.  I have been inspired by our County taking a proactive strategy to tackle the teacher shortage in our county.  

Canceling the Staff Meeting on Monday

I am going to combine the material for this meeting into our final meeting on Monday, May 13th.  I am giving this time back to the Departments.  

Being Aware of Inappropriate Comments in Class

I know we are always vigilant about inappropriate comments being made in class.  However, I don't want to be naïve about the potential for both sides of the Palestinian and Israeli issue to be vocal on campus.  It is 100% acceptable for either side to share their opinion in an appropriate way and in the appropriate setting.  However, I want us to be vigilant to people making fun of someone who represents one of these groups. I want to be vigilant to anyone who threatens violence or harasses another person about this.  Please send students who are not appropriate to the office with a referral.   Our goal is to make sure that everyone feels safe and welcomed at school.  

April 30th

Congratulations on Prism

Congratulations to Nathan and Natalie and all of their volunteers for another successful Prism.  I also want to thank Kate Rolls for providing her technical expertise to the show.  Somehow, the show just keeps getting better with every year.  They always add in new ideas to keep it fresh.  The army of parents who volunteer to run such a massive show is equally impressive.   Our school is so fortunate to have such a robust and successful music program.  Thank you Nathan and Natalie!

Bell Schedules for 2024-25

I still can't believe it will be 2025 in the spring next year.  Time is flying by way to fast for me. Working through Leadership we have set the different bell schedules for next year.  For example, we have the start of school schedule, finals schedule, CAASPP schedules, etc.  Some of the schedules have a TBD on the date because that has not been determined yet.  But we will work on filling those in as soon as possible.  I wanted to make sure you had these as soon as possible for planning purposes.   Please let me know if you see any mistakes.

April 24th

Teacher and Classified Employee of the Year Celebration

It was a wonderful time last night celebrating all of the employees of the year from different school sites.  I find it so impressive to hear what these amazing people do.  I always leave wanting to be a better educator.   Congratulations again to Keri Schnaidt and Gary Galbraith for being our Teacher and Classified Employee of the Year! I have added a picture from the event below.


Oak Ridge had its annual STEM fair last night.  I want to thank the STEM Club for hosting it.  I want to thank their Advisor Paul Kuzmich for the work he put into the fair.  I also need to thank the El Dorado Hills Rotary for providing judges and prize money for the event.  And Alison Lishman was on duty last night making sure the kids had everything they needed.  It is truly a team effort to hold the event every year.  I have added a few pictures below.

April 23rd

Bell/Event Schedules for Next Year

We are feverishly working on all our schedules for next year.  We finalized bell schedules for next year in Leadership yesterday.  We are putting them into a presentable format to share with you.  We are also working on Meetings at a Glance for next year and the start of year schedule.  We will be able to share all of this soon. 

Testing Follow Up

We had some of our highest participation rates coming out of the first round of testing. Every single test was in the low 90%.  If you remember, we have to keep pulling students and testing until we get to 95%.  We run the numbers every day to see where we are.  It is always a good sign to start with such a high rate.  I am appreciative of everyone who stressed the importance of this with their students.  We also had an extremely low number of opt-outs.  The lowest number since I have been here as Principal.  Thank you for your words of encouragement to the students. 

April 16th

Testing Thank You

We are not quite done with testing yet.  We still have one more day to go.  But I want to thank everyone for the work they have done so far.  We have had very few hiccups.   All the classes got to the assemblies on time.  Teachers are doing a great job proctoring. I know this is not easy. I thank those who have done everything they are supposed. 

We have had a few disruptions to the testing environment due to classes being outside.  For tomorrow, I need all classes to stay in their class.  We can't have any more classes outside while testing is happening tomorrow.  I also only want one student out of class at a time. Thank you.

New Superintendent Visit

One change, we are going to move the meet and greet to the MPR on Thursday at lunch and provide some light refreshments and snacks.  

Percussion and Color Guard Success

Last weekend, Oak Ridge Indoor Percussion competed in the NCPA Championships at the Stockton Arena. They earned 3rd place out of 16 high schools in our division in their inaugural season. The spread between the top three ensembles was less than 0.35 (out of 100.)

The Oak Ridge Color Guard competed in the NCBA Championships last weekend as well earning 4th place in their division out of 28 schools. This year, we were able to move the color guard up 4 divisions from previous years and they are still competing at the top of their class. Please congratulate your students as you see them.

April 15th

EDH Rotary Teacher of the Year

In this mornings faculty meeting we announced that EDH Rotary chose Rose Santa Iglesia as their El Dorado Hills High School Teacher of the Year.  We can't wait to celebrate her at Rotary's upcoming event.  

Meet our New Superintendent

The new Superintendent, Michael Kuhlman will be on campus in the staff lounge this Thursday at lunch to meet anyone who is interested. This will be an informal drop in.  I encourage everyone to come by and say hello.  

Ian Book's Play Maker's

On Saturday we held a Play Maker's event on campus.  The event is sponsored by Oak Ridge alumni Ian Book.  Students with disabilities from any school in the district (and a few from other schools) joined us for a morning of inclusive activities.  Our Football team, Cheer team, and the Basketball team from Mesa Verde High School ran different activities for the kids.  It is always great to see athletes from different sports and different schools coming together to help others.  The morning was finished with a visit from the fire department and a pizza lunch.  We talked with the kids about being inclusive when they see student's with disabilities on campus or in the community.  It was a fun experience for all.  I also want to thank our special education teacher, Rachel Verdolivo for coming on Saturday to support the effort. 

April 12th

Meeting Reminder

We have a Monday morning faculty meeting  at 7:45 in the MPR.  We look forward to seeing everyone.

April 11th

Classified Employee of the Year

Every year Oak Ridge has the impossible task of naming a Classified Employee of the Year.  This year we gathered names and went over each of them.  The team looked at all the contributions made by so many people.  Ultimately, it was decided that Gary Galbraith, campus monitor, is the Oak Ridge Classified Employee of the Year.  Gary embodies what a great school staff member is.  He is compassionate, diligent, and a good  listening.  He cares about the kids and doing the best job he can.  I am proud to celebrate Gary and have him represent our school at the district celebration.  

April 10th

Teacher of the Year

For our district each school gets to pick a teacher of the year.  The teachers from all the schools are celebrated at a dinner where the teacher of the year for the whole district is announced.  This year the department chairs nominated candidates and they were all discussed and advocated for in Leadership.  I am happy to announce that the 2023-24 Teacher of the Year is Keri Schnaidt.  We have so many great teachers at Oak Ridge, and Keri is definitely one of the best.  Her work in AVID and with struggling math students is exceptional.  She does everything with a great deal of care and heart.  I am so happy that she will be representing our school.  Congratulations Keri!


I want to remind everyone that for the assemblies we need your Advisory to start in your classroom so you can take attendance.  Then you bring your students down as a class.  I need your class to sit together in the assembly so you can supervise them.  Thank you.

OR CAASPP  Info Sheet

Everything you need to know about which test and assemblies are today: School CAASPP Test/Assembly Handout:

April 9th

CAASPP Questions from Monday

I wanted to follow up with answers to questions that came out of Monday's CAASPP training with the faculty. 



CAASPP CAT Test Manual/Instructions:

CAASPP PT Test Manual/Instructions:

CAST Test Manual/Instructions:

School CAASPP Test/Assembly Handout:

More Construction Out Front and Summer Parking

You will see more fencing in the front of the school.  We continue to prepare the underground utilities for the parking lot project this summer.  Right now, the project has a start date of Tuesday May 28th. This means that there will be limited parking on campus.  We intent to keep parking spaces available in the lower lot.  I will have more information as we get closer. 

April 4th

CAASPP Testing Next Week

Next week is CAASPP testing.   Whether you are proctoring the test or not, we all have a role to play for the next two weeks.  In Monday's faculty meeting we will go over everything you need to know.  We will review the testing system, assembly schedule, etc.  There will be a lot of moving pieces and we need everyone on the same page.  I will be putting out an information sheet on CAASPP tomorrow.  Here is a CAASPP information sheet we will review on Monday.

Returning Women's History Month Posters

Thank you to everyone for putting up Women's History poster's in your classroom for the month of March.  As we've moved into April, please return the posters to Sarah so we have them for next year.  As always, you can keep it up in your room if  you really want to. 

March 15th

Energy Star Renewed

Good news, we earned our energy star certification again for 2023.  This makes two years in a row.  One of the big factors has been solar.  The other factors have been the new AC controls and lights.  The light sensors have been a help and the outdoor LCD lighting contributes as well.  But most of all, the work each of you are doing in your rooms to shut everything down over the weekend and holidays helps tremendously.  Since we started down this path almost 3 years ago we have improved our energy efficiency by 99% according to the Energy Star analysis.  So congratulations to everyone for being a part of this success!

Reminder: Schedule Change Next Week

A friendly reminder that the bell schedule is different next week due to having Friday off for Spring Break.  Reminder, you can view all of the bell schedules here.  

Staff v. Student Basketball Game

A noble effort was made, but the students just beat out the staff in the basketball game last night.  We pulled out every trick we knew and still couldn't win.  We added more time to the clock, we bribed the refs, and we signed two student free agents in the second half.   Most importantly, everyone had fun and it was an enjoyable night for all.  

March 12th

Paid Solution Tree PL C Conference Taking People for a Waiting List

We have our five people for the conference.  We are now taking names for a waiting list.  If you are interested in getting on the waiting list for the conference please submit the form below.  

The Solution Tree PLC summer conference in Sacramento has opened up registration this week.  We would like to get five faculty members signed up.  Priority will go to those who have never attended a PLC conference.   The registration is paid for, your mileage and food are reimbursed.  You will also be paid hourly for the hours of the conference.  If you would like to attend, please submit this form.  Thank you.

Faculty Questionnaire on Advisory

The Guiding Coalition is asking the Faculty to please take this questionnaire about Advisory by the end of the day Thursday.   They are looking for insight into potential improvements. We need all faculty to please complete it.  Thank you.  

March 8th

Help! March Madness Players

The kids had to reschedule the March Madness students versus staff basketball game from Friday the 15th to Thursday the 14th.  Sadly, there were a lot of staff members who can't make the new date.  The event is in jeopardy of not happening now.  We wanted to make one additional call and see if anyone who wasn't already signed up, can play on the new date.  If you can make the 14th, we are in desperate need of staff members to play.  It is a lot of fun and you get a free shirt!!!  Please email Ava Western directly ( if you can play.  Thank you.

Deadline Approaching: Foundation Teacher Grant Due March 22nd

The Foundation is accepting applications for teacher grants.  I will note that most people who put in for these have their grant fulfilled.  So please don't hesitate to submit one.  You can find the form here or under the resources tab above.  We have so many parents that value what we do and donate generously to support us through the Foundation.  Feel free to ask me any questions you might have.  Please print out and submit your completed grant forms to me.  Thank you.  

Cultural Awareness Training

We held a Cultural Awareness Training with 16 staff members on Wednesday.  It was one of the better trainings I have been to.   I felt I grew from the experience, and got to know several of my peers on a deeper level. The training challenged us, and tapped into emotions for many people.  Overall it was a powerful experience we will be working on bringing back for others. 

Java and Jazz Reminder

I love this event every year.  I guarantee you will enjoy a relaxing evening of jazz, java and desserts.  I love this event because you can go and come as you want.  So come and relax and enjoy.  It is tonight in the cafeteria starting at 7pm.  

March 7th

Cancel Staff Meeting

We do not have enough material for a meeting on Monday.  So I am going to cancel Monday mornings faculty meeting.  

Rotary Speech Contest

Emily Chalmers won the Rotary Club of El Dorado Hills speech contest on Wednesday.  It was a two tier process she took part in.  Please look below for the other qualifiers who were all from Oak Ridge as well.  Please congratulate them as you see them on campus.  I need to thank Hugh Corkery (English) and Jessie McClain (College and Career Center) for putting so much work into preparing the students and helping with the process.  I also want to thank Tim Brown for encouraging students like Emily to enter.  I am continuously inspired by all of you and the great things you do for kids. 

Sheriff's Office and  the Life Fitness Self-Defense Unit

The Sheriff, our SRO Deputy Rude, and another deputy were on campus today speaking to Life Fitness students about self-defense and keeping themselves safe.  Sheriff Leikauf was an SRO at Oak Ridge in 2004 and 2005.  He has a lot of roots in education, and is a big supporter of youth and education.  We appreciate him giving his time and being on campus today.   I also want to thank the Life Fitness Department for continuing to grow and improve their self-defense unit.  

March 5th

Sharing Best Practices

Thank you again to Denise for sharing literacy strategies in the faculty meeting yesterday.  If there are others who want to share their classroom best practice, we would love to have you.  Please submit your idea here.  Thank you.

Switching from African American History Month to Women's History Month

Like last year, we are collecting the African American History Month posters we distributed in February.  If you would like to keep yours up go ahead.  But if you are taking it down we would like it back for next year.  Please return those to Sarah by Thursday.

We will be putting out the Women's History Posters no later than tomorrow for you to pick up.  If you already have yours from last year then please do not pick up new ones.  Please come and get one between Wednesday and Friday if you do not have any.  I need these up in every classroom by the end of the day Friday.  Thank you.

Still One More Slot Open: Paid Solution Tree PL C Conference This Summer

The Solution Tree PLC summer conference in Sacramento has opened up registration this week.  We would like to get five faculty members signed up.  Priority will go to those who have never attended a PLC conference.   The registration is paid for, your mileage and food are reimbursed.  You will also be paid hourly for the hours of the conference.  If you would like to attend, please submit this form.  Thank you.

February 29th

Paid Solution Tree PL C Conference This Summer

The Solution Tree PLC summer conference in Sacramento has opened up registration this week.  We would like to get five faculty members signed up.  Priority will go to those who have never attended a PLC conference.   The registration is paid for, your mileage and food are reimbursed.  You will also be paid hourly for the hours of the conference.  If you would like to attend, please submit this form.  Thank you.

Assemblyman Patterson on Campus Friday at Lunch

An Oak Ridge student entered a contest with Assemblyman Patterson's office.  He wrote legislation and submitted his idea to the Assemblyman as part of a contest.  The Assemblyman picked his legislation as the winner.  As the winner, the Assemblyman will now actually try to carry this bill forward and make it law.  The Assemblyman will be in B-3 at lunch to surprise this student and announce them as the winner.  I am inviting everyone to come support this student on Friday and join us on Friday during lunch in B-3.

February 27th

Foundation CRCC Bringing Crumbl Cookies

The Foundation's CRCC wants to surprise everyone Thursday with a sweet treat.  They appreciate all the work everyone is doing and parents want to show their appreciation with some sugary goodness.  The cookies will arrive shortly before lunch on Thursday.  The hope is everyone can have some dessert with lunch.  There will be one for every single staff member on campus. 

Foundation Teacher Grant Time

The Foundation is accepting applications for teacher grants.  I will note that most people who put in for these have their grant fulfilled.  So please don't hesitate to submit one.  You can find the form here or under the resources tab above.  We have so many parents that value what we do and donate generously to support us through the Foundation.  Feel free to ask me any questions you might have.  Please print out and submit your completed grant forms to me.  Thank you.  

Peer Advocacy Site Coordinator

With the support from the County Office of Education, our district is flying a Peer Advocacy Site Coordinator position.  This position is available to classified or certificated. You can find the complete job description here.  The stipend for this position is $3000.  Everyone who is interested can apply directly to me in writing (email will work) with why you are interested in the position.  I will accept submissions up to the end of the workday this Friday.  

February 16th

Cheer Wins National Title

The Oak Ridge Cheer team came in first place at nationals for the second time.  The team won the ESPN Wide World of Sports UCA Championships in Orlando.  This is an incredibly talented group of young people who have worked hard for this honor.  The dedication and skill of their coaches is exemplary as well.  Our community is fortunate to have this team and the coaching staff we do.  Please congratulate the girls if you see them.  

Cultural Awareness Training

Today is the last day to sign up for the training if you are interested.  If you would like to be a part of it, please sign up here.  The details are below.  

February 8th

Reminder: Cultural Awareness Training (Sign Up)

We are contracting with DEI trainer Carlos Da Silva.  You can learn more about Carlos here.  I have had a great time working with him on this training.  He is kind and patient.  The training will be crafted based on the needs that rise in the survey we are taking as a school this week.  However, you can learn more about his training philosophy here.  I have spoken with several surrounding districts who appreciated his work with them.  

The training will be on Wednesday, March 6th from 8:30 to 300.  It will be an online training that will involve a lot of discussions and activities in break out rooms.  If you would like to be a part of this training, please sign up here.  We will schedule the substitute for you.  There is a limit to the number of people who can attend.  This training is open to all staff members.   I look forward to filling this training and taking part myself.  

Oak Ridge Alumni in the Super Bowl

Alumni Ross Dwelley is a tight end for the 49ers.  Unfortunately, he is out injured and will not be able to play on Sunday.   But he has been a part of getting the team to the big game.  There is a nice article and great video piece from KCRA with our own, Eric Cavaliere.  You can read the article and watch the news piece here.  Go Niners!  Congratulations to our athletic program for helping our young people find success at the highest levels. 

Rally Schedule Tomorrow

Please don't forget that we have a rally schedule tomorrow.  Please bring your students to the event and stay with them in the gym.  We are each responsible for the supervision of the students in our care.  The rally should be a lot of fun tomorrow, see you there.

Coffee is Back

The new coffee maker is here.  Rest assured we will have caffeine back in the staff lounge tomorrow.  

February 7th

Partnership for Tomorrow

You will be included in a Parent Square going out to the community tonight.  I wanted you to be informed in case people in the community ask you about it.  Folsom has done this program for 29 years.  It is the program I discussed in the faculty meeting on Monday.  For those not in the meeting, this program targets leaders on our campus and teaches them ethics and leadership skills.  It also gives them a chance to work with business mentors.  The program is being sponsored and supported by three local Rotary clubs, Sheriff Leikauf, and many local businesses.  I am passionate about not only getting this off the ground at Oak Ridge, but also at our other three comprehensive sites.  The message going out tonight will ask parents to volunteer and represent their industry at the event.  Please pass it along to any friends you have in the community who might be interested.  There are a lot of good things happening at Oak Ridge these days!

February 6th

Coffee Maker Broken

The coffee maker died and we had to throw it out.  But fear not, we have ordered another one and we should have coffee again soon.  I hope we can all make it to then. LOL

Cultural Awareness Training (Sign Up)

We are contracting with DEI trainer Carlos Da Silva.  You can learn more about Carlos here.  I have had a great time working with him on this training.  He is kind and patient.  The training will be crafted based on the needs that rise in the survey we are taking as a school this week.  However, you can learn more about his training philosophy here.  I have spoken with several surrounding districts who appreciated his work with them.  

The training will be on Wednesday, March 6th from 8:30 to 300.  It will be an online training that will involve a lot of discussions and activities in break out rooms.  If you would like to be a part of this training, please sign up here.  We will schedule the substitute for you.  There is a limit to the number of people who can attend.  This training is open to all staff members.   I look forward to filling this training and taking part myself.  

Reminder: Share a Best Practice

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller

I shared at the last meeting how I want to create opportunities for teachers to share classroom practices, lessons, etc. at our school wide collaboration meetings.  If you are interested in taking part of a meeting or even a whole meeting to share something you are proud of drop your idea here.  

February 2nd

Bring Your Chromebook to Faculty Meeting on Monday

We have our next faculty meeting Monday after school in the MPR.   I will need everyone to bring a Chromebook to the meeting.  I have spoken with everyone about bringing cultural awareness training to the school.  In the meeting, we will take an anonymous survey individually to assess our strengths and weaknesses in this area.  I will share more details on Monday.  I will also share information about the first training we will hold for volunteers this year.  

January 31st

Black History Month

Black History Month is every year in February.  Like last year, we have posters for everyone to put up in their classrooms.  However, most of you kept your poster from last year.  If you kept your poster please put it back up.  I ordered new ones for this year, but don't have enough for everyone to take a new one.  The new ones are spread out in the staff lounge in the main office.  If you need one please take one.  I need every classroom to have one up for the month of February.  I need the posters up by Friday.   I also want to thank Matt Hodgins who puts a lot of energy into the Black History door art every year.  Every year it is one of the coolest projects on our campus.  Thank you.

Chinese New Year

We also have some decorations up in the main office to celebrate Chinese New Year which is coming up.  I want to thank a generous parent who donated these to us last year. 

January 30th

Share a Best Practice

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller

I shared at the last meeting how I want to create opportunities for teachers to share classroom practices, lessons, etc. at our school wide collaboration meetings.  If you are interested in taking part of a meeting or even a whole meeting to share something you are proud of drop your idea here.  

French Honor Society

The French Honor Society inducted new members today at lunch.  It is always impressive to see how many young people are doing great things academically.  A big thank you to Kristina Argueta for advising the club and making it what it is.  I am so glad our students have this opportunity.  

January 29th

Congratulations Academic Decathlon Team!!!

The Oak Ridge Academic Decathlon team won a decisive victory this weekend.  They are proudly bringing the trophy back to Oak Ridge.  The team will be moving on to the State Championships in Sacramento.  It is very special to see these kids passionately engaged in academics and excelling at it.  Every year it is a special team, and this year was no  exception.  The school also cannot thank coach Jeff Hassian enough.  Every year he puts forth an incredibly strong program.  These kids don't succeed without a game plan and coach willing to pour in the time.  Jeff is amazing, and our kids and school are lucky to have him!

Open House Thank You

I want to thank everyone for their professionalism and time tonight.  Open House has become a real showcase night for our incoming 9th grade families.  As I roamed around I enjoyed seeing everyone engaged with parents.  I think we need to revisit whether we really need 90 minutes or not.  But otherwise, the night went well and the parents I spoke to were happy with the event.  Thank you for being here and making families feel welcome.  

AI PD Opportunity

The County Office of Education (EDCOE) is offering a new training on AI for educators.  It is a virtual training broken into four sessions.  EDCOE has put out a flyer to explain the details of the training.  You also sign up at the link in the flyer if you are interested.  

January 23rd

Do You Have a Senior At Another School in our District

I want to share a reminder for those with seniors.  f you have a senior in another school in our district and would like to request special seating, please reach out to the school now and ask.  These requests are easy to accommodate now, but almost impossible in April and May.   

January 22nd

Oak Ridge Band and Choir Honors

This weekend, Oak Ridge Band and Choir were part of the Northern California Band and Choir Directors Association Honor Ensemble weekend at Cal Poly Humboldt. Here are the highlights of the event for Oak Ridge. 

Please congratulate Natalie and Nathan when you see them.  And congratulate these students when you see them.  

January 18th

Faculty Meeting Monday

I wanted to remind everyone that we have a faculty meeting after school this Monday.  I have put the agenda in the meeting tab above.  The agenda is full so we will work to be efficient.  

Thank You for a Smooth Start to the Second Semester

I appreciate the work everyone put into launching the new semester.  It does not happen without everyone doing their job well.  There is not a single person who doesn't need to put some extra energy into making the transition to the spring happen.  I am always appreciative of everyone doing their part.  Thank you!

Cell Tower Update

In the near future Verizon is finally going to put in their tower at the stadium.   They seem to have a lot of energy in getting this in place sooner than later.  This will help the cell service in this area for Verizon users and be a benefit to our school.  I will give you updates as I get them.  

January 11th

MLK Remembrance

I know we are all excited about the three day weekend coming up.  And it is always nice to remember the reason why we get them.  Dr. King's commitment to nonviolent activism and his pivotal role in the American civil rights movement made the world a better place.  Enjoy the time.  


I wanted to remind everyone that we have Open House on Monday the 29th.  This event serves two purposes for us.  One, it is a time for families to touch base with you.  Second, it is a time for 8th grade parents to ask questions and learn about classes their students might want to take.  We live in the age where 8th graders have choices about where to go to school.  As a school, we do our best to show them why Oak Ridge is the best choice for them.  

The restructuring of the parking lots is still on schedule to happen this summer.  We have already seen a lot of work happening in the front of the school, and we will likely see more.  One portable on the corner of the entrance to the upper lot and Harvard Way was moved over winter break to make room for the updates.   We are keeping our fingers crossed that the project will stay on time.  

January 8th

Welcome Back

I hope everyone feels rested and ready to take on the second semester.  I know having the second week off after the new year was life altering.  I feel more rested  and relaxed than in previous years.  I look forward to continuing the work on our school goals together.  Here is to a great semester of teaching and learning.  

Master Schedule Updated

I have included an updated version of the master schedule for your reference.  It is an Excel that has the schedule by last name or by department.  You can select the different options in the tabs.  I will also include a link to this in the resources tab above.

December 20th

Happy Holidays

I wish everyone a great break.  I can't believe we are five days from Christmas.   I enjoyed sharing a meal and some goodwill with everyone yesterday.  I hope your break is restful and full of cheer with loved ones.  We did incredible work this semester and can be proud of ourselves and what we did for families.  I look forward to being back with everyone in the New Year and making great things happen next semester.  Thank you.

Updates for When We Return

Over the last week we have had to collapse three sections.  We ended up having far fewer students than the district staffed us for and they requested that we make adjustments.  How will this impact you?  A healthy number of students in these collapsed classes will see significant change in their schedule.  You  might end up seeing students removed or added to your classes in January.  Thank you for your understanding.  

December 18th

Luncheon Reminder

I wanted to remind everyone to join us after finals tomorrow for lunch.  The Leadership class with Jen Slinger's guidance will be providing Chipotle for everyone.  I wanted to remind everyone that we will be honoring a few of our peers.  So please stick around, enjoy lunch, enjoy the company, and watch some of your colleagues get recognized.  Thank you. 

December 13th

Notices in Classrooms

Thank you for completing the "Required Classrooms Posters to Display" survey.   We are currently printing/ordering the necessary posters and will put them in your box .  You will  begin to see them appear in your box one at a time between now and when we return from break. 

Tuesday's Luncheon

I look forward to seeing everyone at the staff luncheon on Tuesday after finals.  I appreciate Jen and the Leadership class doing this for us.  We will also be celebrating some of our peers and handing out Model Trojan Awards.  I look forward to breaking bread with everyone and enjoying some holiday cheer. 


It is not a surprise to anyone that we continue to have attendance lower than our pre-COVID levels.  We used to hover in the 97% range every day.  Now we hover in the high 94%.   This is a huge problem across the nation.  I have communicated with schools around us and their rate is even lower.  As a district we are making changes to our attendance system to try and improve these numbers.  The district has partnered with a company that helps drive up attendance.  They are putting work into contacting families and trying to help them understand the importance of daily attendance.  Our hope is that their strategy will begin to increase daily attendance.  We just started the new process this week.  I also have to give major kudos to Amber Carrion.  She is busting her tail staying on top of it and holding students accountable.  She is also the person working with this company on getting notices out and spearheading the charge.  As part of this process I will also be sharing with our whole school community the benefits to school attendance. 

December 8th

Teacher Advisor Needed

I met with Makenna Crawford and her father who have started an entrepreneur program for young people.  I have been able to meet with them and go over the materials.  They are currently running this program in several other schools in the area as well.  The goal of the program is to teach entrepreneur skills.  They kids end up doing hands on work and creating a product.  They are looking for a classroom and advisor.  The program would run for 90 minutes after school once a week for 10 weeks.  The program is completely free.  Would anyone be willing to host them?  Thank you.

School Spirit

Jen and our Leadership Students have designed a lot of fun ways to lift school spirit next week.  We will have spirit days and the Powder Puff Football game leading up to finals week.  Powder Puff will be Thursday at 5:30. Wednesday's spirit day will be Holiday Gear.  Friday's spirit day will be flannel.  Please encourage your kids to take part in the fun. Please join us in the fun next week.  Let's find our holiday gear and flannel and have fun. 

Minga and Phone Thank You

I want to thank everyone for continuing to use Minga and (to the best of your ability) not having students leave with their phones. The vandalism continues to be very minimal. We are not seeing nearly as many students congregating in the restroom as we used too. We also have fewer students roaming the halls and the amount of time students are in class is still up.  I appreciate your efforts and feel this has had a positive effect on our school.  The condition and overall environment in the bathrooms is night and day different. Even parents are commenting on how their students feel safer in the restrooms.

December 1st

Monday Mornings Meeting

Lately, I've been focused on modified tests for special education and EL students.  It is not always easy to modify these assessments in a timely way.  We are going to spend more time in the coming months on what modifications look like for students who have them in their IEP or EL support plan.  Monday morning, we will give you the gift of time to work on this for your final.  I will email you a document with examples to assist you with this later.  

I find it easiest to create one modified version of your final that will work for every student with modifications.  To do this, you eliminate redundant questions.  Ideally, you only use one or two questions to assess a standard.  For content-driven assessment, we lower the rigor to a level that all students can do, but the question still assesses whether the student knows the content or not.  I know there are not a lot of students with modifications built into their support.  But we must do this for those students.  If you already have modified your final or don't have any students needing modifications, you can use the time to catch up on grading, etc.  

 November 30th

Procedure for Students Making Up Finals

Like the last few years, we will have a make-up day for finals towards the end of winter break.  This is an option for you.  I'm providing you the link to the procedures here.  You will need to provide the student and their parent with the link (embedded in the procedures) to sign up.   

Notice Survey

We want to make sure we have the appropriate notifications in every classroom.  To do that, we need to know how many additional notifications we need to print for everyone.  I need everyone to please take this survey and let us know if you need any of these notices for your room.  I appreciate it.

November 28th

The Finish Line

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break.  This is the time of year we both love and hate.  We look forward to the holidays, wrapping up the semester, and starting new in January.  But we also realize how much we still have to do in three weeks.  I hope everyone was able to get some rest over the break.  I was able to stay home this year.  The lack of traveling helped me feel recharged today.  I look forward to gearing up for the holidays with everyone and finishing the semester strong.  We will all come together to celebrate before we break.  

I want to remind everyone that finals week looks different this year.  We get three full weeks of instruction followed by an abbreviated finals week.  Winter break starts on Thursday this year.  On the final week, we will have a final schedule on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  I don't remember doing it like this before.  I think it will make those final three days fly by.  

Schedule Change this Week (CA Healthy Kids Survey)

This Wednesday, we administer the California Healthy Kids Survey.  We have a lengthened Flex Time to accommodate the testing of the 9th and 11th graders.  Please have a look at the Flex Time calendars for more instructions on this.  Alison is the Admin in charge of the CHKS this year if you have questions.  We will also bring back and once again give our school's own assessment of student stress to the 10th and 12th graders during this time.  This assessment is much shorter than the CHKS.  The instructions for this assessment are also in the Flex Time calendar. 

Picture Wall Updated

Sarah and crew worked countless hours over break and updated the photo wall in admin.  We have pictures up for all the new folks.  So come on down and see your bright, shiny, happy faces.  

November 17th

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.  It has been great talking to so many of you and hearing your plans for the break.  I know I will be visiting family and recharging my batteries.  It is that time of year when we come back from break and blink, and half the school year is over.  This year, like every year, I appreciate all of you!  

November 16th

Emi Madsen Featured in the News

Oak Ridge Cross Country Athlete Emi Madsen was featured in Gold Country Media this week for her outstanding achievements.  Emi is not only an athlete at Oak Ridge, but she is the daughter of colleague and OR Japanese teacher Julia Madsen.  The article highlights how Emi is a freshman competing on the varsity level and helped propel the team to the State Championships over the break.  Congratulate Emi when you see her.  You can read the article here.  

Dunking for Dollars

Fun was had at lunch today dumping water on staff and students. Students could donate money to charity for a small bucket of water.  I want to thank our staff who came out and made it fun for the students.  Thank you Rob Skaggs, Dave Warren, Kate Rolls, Hugh Corkery, Jen Slinger, Breanne Wymore, and Rob Slinger.   We all got soaked to the bone.    

November 15th


I wanted to share a positive affirmation of our work with everyone.  When I first took on the job eight years ago, the school board held its annual meet and greet with a random group of students on campus.  At that time, the students had a lot of complaints and felt a lot of pressure and stress related to school.  The meeting did not feel very good.   Last night, the board met with a large group of students again.  However, this meeting was the opposite of the one eight years ago.  There were two takeaways from last night.  One, the students would not stop talking about how much their teachers cared about them.  They felt a connection to their teachers and the staff.  They felt genuinely cared for at school.  Second, they anecdotally felt less stress and pressure coming from school.   The meeting was complimentary and upbeat.  I want to thank you for the care and work you have put into our students. I appreciate each of you.

Appreciations Part II

It is time to nominate a staff or student for a Model Trojan Award.  We had a great luncheon for the students last month.  Please make sure to give us the names of the students and staff going above and beyond and living our school values by the end of the week.  Thank you.

November 9th

Congratulations/Thank You

We have received our subgroup CAASPP data and it is a cause for congratulations.   Earlier in the year, we got the news that all our students improved their performance on the CAASPP test.  We now have data that our special education students also improved.  But they did not just improve a little.  They improved a lot.  (Data table below) This does not happen by accident.  This happened because each of you took our focus on this subgroup seriously and worked hard at it.   Our special education teachers need additional kudos for the daily work they do with our diverse learners.  There is no way to thank you enough for this.  As a small token of appreciation and a way to celebrate good news, we will be serving coffee (good stuff) and some breakfast items for everyone in the staff lounge on Monday morning.  I hope not having to worry about coffee and food will make getting to work a little easier on Monday.  Thank you.  I invite all staff to come by and get some coffee and food on Monday morning. 

Monday Morning Meeting Plan

After you get your coffee and food on Monday, you will meet with your PLC or your Department.  I am leaving the choice up to your Department Chair.  All faculty need to be engaged in one of these activities.  I am appreciative of the work I see happening within the PLCs.  I am excited about what we are building together.  

Flex Time Update 1

I wanted to reinforce the proper use of the attendance green slips for Flex time.  Please do not sign a green slip saying a student was with you for Flex if you are not the reason why they are there. Students are intentionally going to the wrong Flex to avoid a teacher.  They then ask that teacher a day or two later to fill out a green slip acknowledging they were there.  

If a student goes to the wrong Flex, that is on them.  They need a consequence for going to the wrong Flex.  It is not your responsibility to fix their problem.  We would get 50 to 100 green slips a day when the year started.  The attendance office can't handle this, and kids need to be where they belong.  My goal is to get the number down to 3 or 4 a day.  Please only sign a green attendance slip for Flex if you are the reason why the students attended your Flex instead of the one they were signed up for. 

Flex Time Update 2

Flex is an excellent time to assist struggling learners.  Sadly, students avoid struggle.  I joke that I avoid golf because I am bad at it.  Students do the same thing with subjects they struggle with.  Please focus on those students who are struggling in your class, pull them into Flex, and help them catch up.  Thank you.

Weekly Update

November 3rd

Schedule Reminder

The holiday season is upon us.  It all starts with a short week.  We have a shortened block day on Monday and no school on Friday.  You can look at the bell schedule on the website. 

Thank You

I am at an Education Conference today, and I want to thank all of you.  I know we have great things happening at our schools.  But when I talk with educators from all over the country and listen to them, I am eternally grateful for every one of you.  I hear them talk about all their troubles, all their struggles, all their conflicts, etc.  And I can't empathize with them.  All I can tell them is, when I walk into classrooms I see great teaching every time. When I see our classified staff, they are dedicated and working hard and making education possible every day.  I see teachers and classified stepping into leadership roles.  I see a community that supports and appreciates us.  I see kids who come ready to learn (not always happy about it, LOL) but ready to learn. I love conferences because of the gold nuggets I walk away with.  But I really love them because I'm reminded of how great each of you are.  I feel so fortunate to work with you.  

Message to Senior Parents Last Night

Senior Parents,

It has come to our attention that some seniors are planning a "ditch day" tomorrow.  Senior ditch days are never allowed.  But they are really not allowed or acceptable this early in the year.  We are asking all senior parents to make sure your student is at school tomorrow.  Please do not call your student in sick unless they are genuinely sick. 

Teachers work hard to make sure that every day matters in school.  Work that is done in class is difficult to make up.  We will work to make sure that students who cut school tomorrow do not have the opportunity to make up work.  It is not acceptable for seniors to willingly miss school.  I want to thank our parents for working with us and making sure your student is at school tomorrow. 

Aaron Palm

 November 2nd

Monday Meeting Moving to Department/PLC Time

I want to let you know that we have nothing urgent to meet about right now.  So we are moving Monday's meeting to either department or PLC time.  My expectation for this time is that the faculty is meeting and working in some capacity, whether as a department meeting or moving forward with your PLC.  Thank you. 

Potential Senior Ditch Day

It would seem some seniors are planning a ditch day tomorrow.  We are sending a message to senior parents informing them this is not school sponsored and students need to be in class.  We are going to clearly communicate to parents that this is not an acceptable practice. 

October 31st

Dia de lose Muertos Sugar Skull Walk with Student Work

Oak Ridge, EDHS, and Union Mine Visual Arts and Spanish programs contributed to the Day of the Dead ofrendas displayed on Main Street Placerville.  One of them will be in honor of Chris Moore.   You can learn more about the event here.  I hope everyone can make it.  Please see the graphic below.  

Staff Costumes at Lunch

Let's meet on the Leadership Lawn (by N-1 and the flag poles) at the beginning of lunch to parade through the quads like last year! Students are excited to see what everyone is wearing!   

October 30th

Congratulations to Two Softball Players

I shared before that Brooklyn Paratore and Samantha Alekman earned the honor of playing on the US National Softball Team.  From the entire country, no other school had two students represented on the team.  Over the weekend, they won the World Championship!  They represented ourselves and the school well.   

Unified Sports

Thank you to our Special Education Department and Student Leadership for their part in the Unified Sports soccer game last week.  Our Unified athletes were able to play for the students at Ponderosa.  Tessa Thompson did a lot of work in putting this together.  This event would not have happened without her.  Our student leaders did a great job cheering them on and helping them play.  The picture below is from the event.   

October 25th

Owen Clark Services

I have been able to confirm that Owen's services will be this Saturday at 11 AM at 2100 California Cir, Rancho Cordova, CA, 95742.  You can read his obituary here.  

Chris Moore's Services 

In remembrance of Chris’ life, and to honor his memory, the family has made arrangements for a memorial mass at Holy Trinity Parish at 11:00 AM on Saturday, October 28th. Following the mass, there will be a reception at Ponderosa High School in the Cafeteria. The reception will start at approximately 12:30 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend.  

October 24th

Wellness Center Protocol

I want to remind everyone of our protocol for how to use the Wellness Center.  We have a process in place for routing students to the Wellness Center and it's important that we follow it.   Please communicate with your student's counselor if you believe they need to see the Wellness Center. The Wellness Center is not designed to communicate with everyone.  I appreciate you communicating with our site counseling team to get students to the Wellness Center. 

Flex Reminders for Teachers

The longer we do flex time, the more loopholes the kids find that we need to close up.  Here are some changes we are making.  We discussed these changes in Leadership yesterday.  If you need greater detail on any of these ask your department chair or myself.  We will review these again in our next faculty meeting. Thank you.

Green Slips: Students are claiming to not know where they are going and attending the wrong flex time.  They then come to you and ask for a green slip to excuse them since they were there.  This is very nice of you, but the kids are doing it to avoid going where they are supposed to be.  It is completely on the student to know where they are supposed to be.  We ask that you do not sign any green slip unless you are why the student was not in the correct class.   Our goal is to get the number of green slips every day down from around 50 to one or two.  We need students to work with the teachers who are pulling them and not avoid the class.  Thank you.

Cafeteria/Peer Tutoring: Unlike last year, every student has a place to be.  We no longer have an overflow space.  This has allowed us to use the cafeteria for peer tutoring.  It has turned into a really powerful time for students.  Please do not send students to the cafeteria if they ask to go.  They need to be in the flex they are signed up for.  If they want to be in the cafeteria, there is nothing stopping them from doing that the right way and signing up for it.

Bell to Bell in Flex: Students must remain in class for the duration of flextime.  Students are leaving flex time early and coming to the cafeteria to get food and disrupting the peer tutoring.  We all need to make sure students are with us until the bell rings every period. 

Discrimination/Harassment Posters

Final reminder to pick one up in the lounge and make sure you have it up in your classroom.  Thank you. 

Chris Moore Remembrance Book

I will leave the book out in the staff lounge for the rest of the week.  I will deliver it to the family this weekend.  Please feel free to add stories or memories of Chris.  We want his family to know his impact on the world while at work.

October 20th

Mindful of Struggling Students

My biggest fear following a student's death by suicide is the potential for copycats.  We had a student cut her wrist on campus today by the locker room.  Two students saw it happen.  One student got a teacher, and the other walked her to the Health Office.  Both students did the right thing, and we are proud of them.  


The cut was not life threatening, but it was deep.  We got the student to the ER, and she will be evaluated for help.  I will send an individual message to Ariana's teachers next.  We must remain vigilant in the coming weeks for students needing assistance.  Please take a moment to review these suicide risk factors and the warning signs of teen suicide.  If you are concerned about a student, please let us know.  We will have the Wellness Center assess them.  

October 19th

Coming Together Tomorrow

For anyone interested, we will come together tomorrow at lunch in the MPR and share memories and stories about Chris.  I think it will be a good way to talk about our feelings and share our thoughts about him.  We will bring some refreshments and snacks for everyone.  We will have the tables out so folks can eat their lunch and share at the same time.   I will also bring a memory book tomorrow.   It will be in the staff lounge all day.  I will bring it to the MPR at lunch.  You can add your condolences for Chris' family or any other words you want his family to know.  It is unofficial and might change, but services are being planned for sometime on Saturday the 28th. 


Many students and staff are going to be struggling with grief for the foreseeable future.  Times like these are a good reminder that grief is not always linear and does not look the same for everyone.  As we always do, we will have extra patience and understanding with those who might need the next several weeks to process their loss.  I found good information about grief on WebMD.  There is a lot of information about what we will likely see in affected students.  Again, I spoke with the Wellness Center today and they are ready to privately support any staff member.   It is good for us to familiarize ourselves with the stages of grief and know when we might need a little help as well. 

Shake Out Earthquake Drill

Thank you for working with your students and teaching them about the potential for an earthquake.  Although it is unlikely, it is good to be prepared.  I appreciate you helping us with this.  How we treat these drills sends a message to students about how seriously we take their safety.

October 18th

Chris Moore Update

Chris was taken off of life support on Monday.   As of yesterday afternoon, he was still with us.  We have not received any new updates on his condition today.  I will keep you informed as I learn information.  

October 17th

Owen Clark Update

I was able to speak with Owen's parents yesterday.  It was important for them that we know two things.  One, they love Oak Ridge and think we do a great job.  They had praise for his teachers.  Second, they don't want anyone feeling any guilt or feeling they missed something.  They are coming to grips with the loss and how it happened.  They do not want their son forgotten and want to help others somehow.  But they are still in the throws of grief and trying to figure out their next steps.  

They don't have this set in stone yet,  but they believed his funeral would be sometime on Saturday, October 28th, at the LDS Church in El Dorado Hills.  But they will get us the details when that is confirmed. 

I want to thank everyone for their help yesterday.  All the students who asked for help received it.  We had some students who concerned us but did not want help.  We will continue checking in on them to ensure they are alright.  I want to thank everyone who gave us student names to follow up on.  It was helpful.  I appreciate what all of you are doing.  

School Response to Suicide

As Pam said yesterday, there is no definitive answer on whether suicide contagion is real.  Having said that, there are adopted guides for how schools manage the loss of a student due to suicide.  One of the pillars is not doing anything that can be misinterpreted as "glorifying" the passing or bringing undue attention to it.  For example, it is alright for a class to talk about it and do an activity to help the students process the loss.  However, the school holding a candlelight vigil or any schoolwide memorial would be frowned upon.  The logic is that a school does not want a lonely student to see the positive attention one can get from this.  It is a challenging concept to manage, and there is a lot of gray that is hard to decipher.  As a school, we do not control what friends or family do.  We only control what we do.  Thank you for being mindful of this.  

Chris Moore

I know we are all watching the Caring Bridge site.  We have not received an update on Chris yet. I promise we will push that out the second we get it.

Discrimination/Harassment Reporting Poster

Reminder, please pick up your discrimination and harassment reporting poster from the staff lounge and replace the old one in your room with it.   I need these up by the end of the week. Thank you.

October 14th

Chris Moore Update

I know we all saw the news from Dr. Carruth about Chris.  If you are like me, this is just a lot to process and accept.  The sadness I feel is profound.  We know the news will affect everyone differently.  We want to make sure that everyone is supported in this moment.  Chris is still with us for the moment, but the doctors have indicated that his passing is imminent.  The Wellness Center will be ready to help anyone who needs it.  Being that Chris was the father of an Oak Ridge student there may be some impacted students as well.  The Wellness Center will prioritize helping people mourning his loss.  If you need access to the Wellness Center you can walk out there (blacktop behind the large gym and next to the O Building) or contact them at (530) 280-2009 or  

As a site, we are planning on putting together some type of memorial for his family when the time comes.  It will be symbolic of Oak Ridge and how much we appreciated him as a co-worker and friend.  We will obviously pass along updates as they come in.

October 13th

Earthquake Drill (Great American Shakeout)

The Great American Shakeout is on October 19 (Thursday) during Flex. We will be having a short drill towards the beginning of Flex. Please take a look at the Earthquake Procedures here.  Please read the entire document in advance to know what to do.  Thank you.

Model Trojan Awards

We will be honoring nominated students for the Model Trojan awards very soon.  Today is the last day to get student names in for this round.  Reminder, if you nominate a student, you get to enjoy the free lunch as well.  It is always a feel good event. However, you don't have to attend the celebration if you nominate someone.  You can nominate a student or staff member here.  Thank you.

Busy 48 Hours

The Homecoming Game is tonight, followed by the dance tomorrow night.  We also have the PSAT tomorrow morning.  This will be the first time we do the all digital version of the PSAT.  

October 12th

CHKS Schedule

On Wednesday, Nov. 29th, Freshman and Junior advisory teachers will administer the California Healthy Kids Survey.  All students will be in their Advisory classes on Nov. 29th. We will be on a modified bell schedule as this test requires more time than Advisory affords.  The 9th and 11th grade advisory teachers will receive information regarding the administration of the CHKS in advance. Please see the CHKS bell schedule on our school website for the week of Nov. 27-Dec. 1. 

Parking on Friday After School

I wanted to remind everyone that on game days, we need to clear out the parking lot by maintenance and the R-building by 430.  We have the Homecoming game this Friday.  I appreciate your help.  

Monday Morning Meeting Reminder

I want to remind everyone that we have a school wide collaboration meeting for faculty in the MPR at 7:45.  The agenda can be found at the meeting tab above.  

Harassment/Discrimination Reporting

Over the years, we have had various classroom posters informing students how to report bullying, harassment, or discrimination.  Over the years, the signage gets old or isn't relevant any longer.  We were able to get new posters made and updated with the input and help of some students.  It is an expectation that these are in every classroom.  These can replace any old signage you have.  It is important that students know how to get help if needed.

There are two versions of the poster.   They both have the same information, they just present it differently.  You only need one of them, not both.  I will put them out in the staff lounge.  Please choose the one you like the best.  Thank you.

October 6th

Preparation Work

Just a reminder that all the construction you will see in the front of the school over the coming months is preparing the front of the school for the parking lot modernization.  We are moving underground utilities so we can expand lots and lanes.  PG&E has hired a contractor to move some lines this week.  The Department of Transportation was digging by the sidewalk earlier in the week.  They finally plan on adding a signal in front of the school.  

Homecoming Parade on Monday this Year

I want to remind everyone that the Homecoming Parade is this Monday.  We are trying it on Monday versus Friday this year.  Since we have the day off, students will not need to miss class to prepare for the parade, and all teams can participate on Monday.  We are communicating with our families and the surrounding community as much as we can about the change.   We would love to see everyone join us Monday at 5:00. 

October 4th

Chris Moore Update

The Moore family has set up a Caring Bridge site to keep everyone up to date on his progress. You can follow all the updates at the link below.  I know it helps me feel better to know how he is doing.

October 2nd

Chris Moore Update

I want to send you a big thank you from the Moore family.  They are overwhelmed by the support and generosity.  We collected so much money ($725) that there was no way they needed that all in DoorDash.  In fact, they were incurring a lot of expenses with hotels and Ubers in Seattle.  So I sent his wife $400 in DoorDash and $305 in Venmo to cover some hotel costs.   As you can imagine, the other sites reached out and helped too.  So they are taken care of right now. 

Chris' condition remains unchanged today.  He is still not conscious and able to communicate.  They will attempt to wake him sometime today or tomorrow.  Right now, they just want his body to put all its energy towards healing.  We look forward to positive news.  Thank you again for rallying around Chris and his family.  They truly feel loved right now. 

September 29th

Chris Moore

I know many of us are close to Chris and Dr. Carruth's message came as a shock to many.   While at the PLC+ Conference in Seattle Chris suffered some kind of medical emergency and was transported to the hospital.  His family, including his daughter Hailey (an OR student), flew up yesterday to be at his side.  We don't know a lot about his condition at this time.  His family is private and need time to work through what happened.  What we do know is that he will remain in the hospital for at least the next few days.   Chris is not able to communicate at this time.   Please send your thoughts, prayers, and positive energy to the Moore family.  I will continue to pass along updates as I get them. The Moore family needs our support right now.  We will wrap around Chris and his family as a district and help however we can.  At Oak Ridge we will make sure his daughter is taken care of so that is one less thing for them to think about. 

Meeting Canceled/PLC Time Added

We were going to have a visit from Dr. Carruth and Chris Moore on Monday after school.  However, we all know that is no longer possible.   So we now have Monday afternoon available for PLC time.  I do have an expectation that we are meeting and being effective with this time on Monday.  I apologize for the last-minute adjustment.

DOT Work on Monday

The Department of Transportation notified me today that they are doing road work on Harvard Way on Monday.  We collaborated with them so they won't start until after school starts and will stop before school ends.  They agreed they did not want to add to start and end of school traffice congestion.  

Thank You

Going into the weekend I want to thank everyone.  The hard work being done across the board is evident.  There are great lessons being taught.  I see people doing all they can for struggling students week after week.  I appreciate the time and energy we put in every day for kids.  I appreciate those who take time to help their peers and share lessons.  Because we work hard, we deserve a restful and fun weekend.   I hope everyone can get some downtime and enjoy family this weekend.

September 22nd

PSAT Update

We will not need a PSAT bell schedule change this year.  The PSAT is completely online this year.  We do not have the ability to test all of the students who sign up for the PSAT during the school day.   The  School Board has traditionally wanted the PSAT given during the school day so students with transportation struggles could have access.   But now we logistically cannot do it online during the school day.  So we are moving it to a Saturday.  As a result, there will be no change to the bell schedule due to the PSAT in October. 

Homecoming Bell Schedule Change on the Horizon

However, there is an adjusted bell schedule from October 10 to 13 due to the Monday we have off and Homecoming.  Please click here to see that schedule.

Unity Day Concludes

We wrapped up Unity Day this week.  The work Keith Hawkins did with the students was nothing less than amazing.  The students were able to talk about differences and honoring them.  They were able to talk about celebrating our differences.  Students were able to share what kind of words and treatment hurt them.  Most importantly, they were able to learn how they could grow and make the world a better place.  I look forward to doing this with the sophomores every year.  

September 19th

Talented Softball Players

We have two very talented sophomores playing in the World Cup on the U-15 Softball USA team in October, Brooklyn Paratore and Samantha Alekman. Congratulate them when you see them on campus. They are both exceptional talents.  

Unity Day Starting Strong

The start of Unity Day has been perfect.  The sophomores are building their self-esteem.  They are learning why empathy is so important.  They are learning each other's stories.  Most importantly, they are learning to resist labels and to treat everyone with kindness.  Not surprisingly, Keith has made it fun for them as well.  

I want to encourage everyone to stop by the large gym and check it out between 8:30 and 12:20.  The biggest fear of the students is not getting grace when it comes to missed work.  Let's remind them how important this training is to building the culture we want at Oak Ridge by giving them that grace.   We want to continue to build a campus that is safe for everyone.    

September 18th

Unity Day Logistics

Thank you to everyone for your help with the three Unity Days this week (Tues, Wed,  Thurs.)    I want to make sure we are all on the same page with the logistics.  

September 14th

Hispanic Heritage Month

As promised, the posters for your rooms have arrived.  Unfortunately, one set is a lot smaller than it appeared online.   So please feel comfortable taking either one big poster or two small ones.  We will have to adjust the order next time to make sure we are getting the right size.     

Accident Update

As most people know, a student driver struck another Oak Ridge student who was riding a scooter at the entrance to the upper parking lot around 8 AM yesterday.   Remarkably, the student was able to walk away fairly uninjured.   The Deputies helped with traffic control, but the accident still led to a large backup.  

Unity Day(s) Training Rosters

For those who are interested, I am providing four rosters in this sheet.  The first tab is the student trainers and what day they will attend and help lead the training.   The second tab is a list of sophomores who will attend the training on Tuesday the 19th.  The third tab is a list of sophomores who will attend the training on Wednesday the 20th.  The fourth tab is a list of sophomores who will attend the training on Thursday the 21st.  The trainings are 8:30 to 12:20 in the large gym.  As a reminder trainers will be in their leader training Monday after lunch.  

September 11th

Remembering 9/11

It is always important to remember those who lost their lives on September 11th.   It is a day to remember the first responders who sacrificed their lives.  I think we all know someone who was personally impacted by what happened on that day.  We shall never forget those who were lost. 

Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month is annually celebrated from September 15 to October 15 in the United States to recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States.   Oak Ridge will put up some decor in the main office to celebrate.  You will also see posters in the staff lounge on Friday.  We are asking everyone to hang a poster in their classroom to help celebrate.  Thank you.

Constitution Day

There is a law requiring schools to highlight the Constitution every year on Constitution Day.  The United States Constitution is one of the most important documents made This year that day is Sunday, September 17th.  So we will highlight it on Monday, September 18th.   We have supplied English 1 classes, and all history, government, and economics classes with a handout for Monday.  

September 8th

Monday's Meeting Changed to Department Time

We had a training on Illuminate DNA planned for Monday.  Unfortunately, we are having to cancel that training due to rescheduling.  I know departments have shared the need for more PLC time.  This makes Monday the perfect time to give back to departments. Departments can either hold a meeting or have PLC time.   

September 5th

Vince Minnie

It is with great sadness that I share the passing of Vince Minnie.  Mr. Minnie has worked with countless Oak Ridge athletes over the years.  Our athletic teams work with Mr. Minnie on strength and conditioning.  He designed the programs and has trained our athletes for over a decade.  I know his passing will be difficult for many of our staff and the students who worked with him.  The Wellness Center is prepared if anyone (students or staff) is in need today.  The cause of his passing is unknown.  I found him to be a gentle giant. He will be deeply missed.  

Reminders About TAs

As a reminder, please don't send your TAs to the office to pick up your mail.  We can't have TAs in the lounge.  We also want to make sure that TAs are not roaming around campus without a purpose.  And please do not want to let TAs out of class early.   Thank you.

Unity Day: Day of Understanding Training

A reminder that sophomores will be attending this training on either 9/19, 9/20, or 9/21.  Here is a list of sophomores broken down by what Advisory they are in.  And here is a list reminding you what day each set of sophomores will be out at the training.  As a reminder, the teachers listed here are not attending, just the students.  We simply used the Advisory grouping as a convenient way of letting students know when to attend.   We will begin communicating this to students this week.  

August 31st

Copy of Monday's Presentation

I wanted to thank the faculty for their time at Monday's meeting.  Here is a copy of the presentation that Sarah and I gave for your reference.  I appreciate your help in making sure that these procedures run smoothly.  Thank you.

Site Council Election

Faculty, each year three faculty members sit on the School Site Council.    Each year I ask for volunteers and those volunteers are voted on by their peers.  This year we have three people who have volunteered to serve.  Although it might feel perfunctory, it is still important to follow the process and vote for these three people to fill the three available spots.  Sarah will have ballots at her desk for you to fill out on Tuesday.  Please thank Angela Brown, Donna Martin, and Pari Goode for stepping forward.  

August 30th

Construction on Campus

In order to restructure the parking lots this summer, there is work that needs to be done in advance.  PG&E has to move some equipment in preparation for our parking lot work.  They will begin to move this equipment starting tomorrow.  So there will be some light construction happening in the front of the school between the office and the creek.   They will be digging a trench and relocating some equipment.  I do not foresee this disrupting classes in any way.  

Frontline Instructions

Some people requested more specific instructions on how to use Frontline after our meeting on Monday.  Sarah was nice enough to put this together (with screen captures) for everyone.   

August 29th

Illuminate is Syncing with Aeries Now

The district has corrected the issue with Illuminate and Aeries.  We tested it and it is working correctly.  You can now upload scores from Illuminate directly into Aeries.  

Mandated Trainings

I spoke with Human Resources on the mandated training by the state.  Some of the trainings are once every two years, and different people are on different cycles.  So some people can have additional training.  There are five trainings that everyone should have.

Some people will need to take suicidal prevention training depending on where they are in the cycle.  If you have any questions you can email Leslie Baker in Human Resources.

Minga Reminder

As a reminder, we all need to use Minga.  Students who are out of class without being checked out in Minga will be sent back to class.   Students have been taught how to do this in Advisory.  There are also instructions on the resources tab above.

August 25th

Rewarding Good People

We are a few weeks into the year now and we have all seen fellow staff and students go above and beyond.  We want to make sure that we reward everyone for being a Model Trojan and living up to our ideals.  fore you leave today take a minute and nominate someone for a Model Trojan Award.  Let's make sure no good deed goes unnoticed.  Remember, we recognize staff members in meetings.  If you nominate a student, we invite the student and their family to a lunch to honor them.  You are invited and get a free lunch as well.  Please nominate someone today at this link.

August 24th

Oak Ridge Student Doing Good in the Community

Oak Ridge junior Ariana Thakur started a summer camp at the El Dorado Hills library for young students.  She came up with the idea for the camp and went around the community getting donations to purchase the library a set of Chromebooks so she could do her program. The camp was a success and the library got a free Chromebook cart out of it.  She will continue to do the camps in the future. Here is the article.  

 Monday Faculty Meeting

The agenda for Monday's meeting can be found in the meeting tab above.  Our plan is to cover two topics as quickly as we can and then give you the rest of the time to work on the mandated training from the district.  I know it is not even close to how long it will actually take.  But I want to offer time where I can to help with this.    


Please remember that no student can be out of your classroom without being checked out in MINGA.  Students need to leave their phone in the classroom when they leave.  This can be in a cell phone holder or their backpack.  The campus monitors are directing students back to classrooms who are not checked out.  

August 18th

Reminder: Back to School Night Monday

Back to School Night is Monday.  We invite parents to arrive at 5:30 to visit our booster groups.  They will start visiting classes at 6:00.  You can view the form and schedule we provide the parents here.  This form is a good reference for you as well.  As always we will have pizza and water in the staff lounge before the event.  Thank you for the work you put into preparing for this.  Our parents always feel empowered to assist their students after this event.

Equity for Grading

As a reminder, if you are interested in learning more about what Joe Feldman, our keynote speaker at the district symposium was talking about, you can attend this training.  Please feel free to sign yourself up. It is first come first served.  

Unity Day Student Schedule

Following up on our Monday meeting, I have additional information for you on Unity Day.   The schedule now indicates which LINK Crew Advisory will miss each day for the training.  Reminder, these teachers are not involved in this training.  The students in each Advisory will report to the gym, but not the Advisory teacher.   Unity Day Schedule/Roster

Mandated Training

Like you, I am in the middle of the mandated training and trying to get it done.  I know it is a lot on top of starting the year.  I am moving some things around in order to give back some of the meeting time on Monday, August 28th to help a little bit.  

Football Parking

One of the perks of working at a school is being able to get into athletic events for free and getting special access to things.  We have our first official football game tonight.  If you plan on attending we cannot park in the lots between the F building and maintenance.  However, if you drive threw those lots you do have access to staff parking around the O building on the blacktop.  We need the two small lots by the stadium left open for game related people and activities.  Thank you.

August 14th

Bartlett Family Condolences

Pam Bartlett’s (our wonderful director of special education) husband passed away on Sunday, July 30th.  A celebration of life is being planned for September 23rd at Cielo Estates in Shingle Springs.   Her husband, Peter, was a long-time special education teacher at Union Mine High School.   And Pam was an Assistant Principal here at Oak Ridge before her current role.  Peter was an amazing man and a fantastic teacher.  He had a charm that could not be denied.  He will be missed.  

In lieu of flowers or other items, the family has requested donations to one of the following for those who like to:

There is also a memorial for Peter over at This is a place where you can look at and post pictures, stories, donations, etc. Many people have already posted and it’s a beautiful page. 

Agenda's Posted

This is just a reminder that meeting agendas are posted on the meetings tab above.  The agenda for today's faculty meeting and the next faculty meeting are posted now.  Click on the date to see the agenda. Thank you.

August 11th

Great Start

I have always felt that a strong start to the school year sets the foundation for the year.   As I look back at the week, I was able to walk a lot of classes.  I saw a lot of relationship building and skill development.  I saw student engagement.  Everything happening in classrooms was a win.  The Classified staff did amazing this week.  The new lunch line is running well and students are being served faster than ever.  The campus was ready inside and out to receive 2400 kids.  The rally was fun and the dance tonight will keep kids excited about being back.  Thank you to everyone for being so well prepared and helping to establish a strong kick-off.  

Site Council Representative

The Site Council is looking for three teachers to join for a 2-year term.  We meet on the first Wednesday of each month after school.  The school Site Council is an elected group of parents, students, and faculty members.  The Site Council meets to approve the school's categorical budget expenditures, help form and assess school goals and provide input for the district's LCAP (local funding) report.  We don't usually meet in January or May.  If you would like to nominate yourself please submit your name on this form. Thank you.

Online Testing Platform Support Teacher Reminder

This is a reminder to submit your interest in this new position to me via email by Tuesday, August 15th. Everything you need to know was in the email I sent on Friday, August 4th at 4:25 PM.  Thank you for considering.  

August 9th

Becca Retiring

I wanted to share a flashback that will make everyone smile.  For those who remember, the first service dog we allowed on campus for training purposes was Becca.  Aiden Becker was the student who brought her to school every day and trained her.  It was a big shift in thinking for us at the time.  But the love that Becca spread around the campus made us open the school up for other service dogs in training.  Becca "graduated" from OR in 2011.  I was at a community event this morning and by chance learned that Becca ended up serving her whole career as a service dog at UC Davis Hospital.  She is retiring this week.  Several local news stations will be carrying the story about her service and retirement.  

August 7th

First Day Thank You

I was able to get around to some classrooms today.  It was great to see passionate teachers preparing students.  Besides the normal first day stuff, it was a good day from our vantage point.  The counselors have a lot of work sifting through the schedule change requests for the rest of the week.  But I am very appreciative of the work everyone did today.  The students I spoke with felt optimistic about the start of the year and had a good day.  Thank you very much for creating that sentiment today.  

Enrollment Numbers

As we spoke about last year, we are experiencing a decrease in school enrollment.  This new trend is foreign to Oak Ridge.  However, from the preliminary numbers today, it looks like it will continue.  All of the new students who registered are in our system.  All of the students who needed to be removed based on today's attendance have been.   The numbers below are what we have as of the end of Monday.  I don't see these changing in a significant way.   The bullets below will show you the year and the enrollment data for that year.  Again, this year's data is not final as of yet, just where we are at the end of day one.   This data is not a point of concern for me.  I think we are in a good place to manage this.  I just wanted to share the trend with you.   

 August 3rd

Welcome Back Reminders

It was great to see everyone today.  It is great to have all the energy back on campus again.  I wanted to thank everyone for their engagement today.  I appreciated the energy in the faculty  Welcome Back Meeting.  I enjoyed the academic conversations I was hearing.  I was also able to see people engage in RTI Scheduler and their PLC work.  I need to thank the Classified who have stepped up and really have our support system up and ready for Monday.  Please look at the reminders I have posted below for tomorrow.

May 23rd

Things to Complete Before Years End

May 22nd

Final Makeup Information

Debbie Gilley and Dalisa Sanford will run final make-ups for us.  I want to remind everyone how the final makeup process works.  

On a similar note, the office has been receiving calls from parents asking for their student to take their finals early.   We have told them that teachers set the final date and we encourage teachers to hold finals this week.  But we do not support students taking finals early.  I don't want parents calling teachers trying to claim they received a different message from us.  

Reminder: End of Year Staff Party

Come say goodbye to our retirees and break bread with your colleagues.  We will start at 12:45 on Wednesday in the Cafeteria. 

May 19th

Monday Meeting Time Update

When the meeting calendar was agreed upon this time last year, the different groups who reviewed it did consider that Monday's meeting would be two hours after most people's last class due to 7th being a final.   The admin team took a look at the situation.  We will offer two meeting times on Monday.  We will offer a 1:30 and a 3:15.  

Unified Sports a Success

I want to thank Tessa Thompson for organizing our Unified Sports team on Wednesday.  Our Oak Ridge special education students took part in a Unified Sports track meet at El Dorado High School.   I also want to thank the big group of teachers and paraprofessionals assisting.   We also had a good number of track athletes helping.  I was so proud of our Oak Ridge team.  It was fantastic to see the kids getting this opportunity.  They were able to take part in field and track events.  El Dorado High School went out of their way to make it special for everyone.  They even made El Dorado a BBQ lunch for everyone.  

May 18th

Final Makeups

I am looking for a teacher or two who would like to proctor final makeups on Tuesday, May 30th from 8:00 to 1:00 (testing will be 8:30 to 12:30.)  We also need someone (or the same person) for Wednesday, May 31st from 8:00 to 1:00Here is the final Make-Ups process. If you are interested, please email me what day you would like to do.  Thank you.

Math Steeplechase

Our Juniors and Sophomores each took first place for their grade level! All of the kids did great and had fun. Thanks to Julie, Dave, Paul, and Patrick for spending the day playing math games with kids in a beautiful outdoor setting.



May 16th

Busy Week at Oak Ridge

This week might be the busiest one of the year.  I want to catch everyone up on what is happening on site this week if you want to attend any of the following.  

Last Staff Meeting

I want to remind everyone that our last staff meeting is Monday.  Even though it is finals week, school still starts at 8:50 on Monday with a 3:02 release time.  At the meeting after school, we will discuss end of the year items, and review graduation roles and responsibilities.  Faculty must be present.  We are almost done, hang in there. 

Reminders for Next Week

Here are some reminders for everyone as we approach the end.

May 11th

Duo Two Factor Authentication (Please Read All of This)

I have heard some of the nervousness around being ready on Monday for the new  Duo two factor authentication to get into Google, Aeries, and your email on Monday.   I completely understand how that makes some nervous.  They tested this on the Administration.  We have been doing it for three weeks now and I have found it pretty simple.  It is another step, but it is pretty easy.

I want to remind people about the why.  Schools across the nation are falling prey to ransom attacks.  Insurance companies are having to pay large sums of money for these ransom attacks on district computer networks.  As insurance companies do, they spread the cost of business around and raise everyone's rates.  Our insurer has decided not to raise the rates of those who implement two factor authentication to log into the network.  This makes it very hard for a hacker to take over our system.  

For me, every once in a while I log into a system and it makes me enter my password again.  Then a 3 digit code pops up on the screen.  I put that code into my Duo app on my phone and everything works as normal from there.  If you want the USB Fob, it works a little differently.  You plug the fob into any computer you are using.  If prompted, you touch the fob to show you are present.  It is not a fingerprint reader.  It simply needs to be tapped.  The system will work again after that. 

Your To Do List to Complete Before Leaving Tomorrow


Trouble Shooting/What If It Doesn't Work

Monday Staff Meeting/Duo Trouble Shooting

The meeting time on Monday is being put aside for troubleshooting the Duo two factor authentication.  We need everyone to get Duo set up or to get a Duo fob from Noel (by emailing him) before leaving on Friday.  However, we will be available to help those who get stuck during the normal meeting time.   

Appreciation Lunch Tomorrow

I want to remind everyone, that the Foundation is providing an appreciation lunch to all staff tomorrow in the MPR.  Those without a 4th can come a little early if you want.  The MPR will be set up so we can stay and break bread with each other.  I look forward to seeing everyone there.  

May 10th

Good Week for Oak Ridge

Paul Kuzmich

I shared this before, but math teacher Paul Kuzmich was honored this morning as the El Dorado Hills High School Educator of the Year by the local Rotary Club.  It was a great event.  County Superintendent Dr. Manansala was the keynote and our Superintendent, Dr. Carruth spoke.  It was a true honor to recognize Paul during Teacher Appreciation Week.  It was an inspiring morning that made me grateful for all our teachers.  

Interact Award

The Oak Ridge Rotary Club has been earning money for a global charity called Shelterbox.  If you don't know anything about Shelterbox check them out.  They are a fascinating charity that does disaster relief work.  At the Rotary District Conference, our Interact Club was given the Shelterbox Bronze Hero Award for their charitable work to Shelterbox.  These students worked a lot of hours to earn this money.  I am so proud of them.

Congressional Art Contest

Oak Ridge did really well at the annual Congressional Art Contest for our area.  Oak Ridge won first, second, third place and honorable mentions.  Tristan Russell came in first (Buffalo Looking West.)  Kate Woodley came in second (Betsy Ross.)  Summer Dixon came in third (Miner's at Work.)  And Anandita Gupta, Anna Liza Cabrera, Janet Godinez, and Lingzi Ma all received Honorable Mentions.  Please congratulate them when you see them.   And none of this would be possible without our VAPA teachers promoting it and helping these students.  Our VAPA department does an incredible job honing the skills of our students.  These students would not be in this position without great teachers.  

Weekly Update

May 8th

Happy Teacher/Classified Appreciation Week

We have a big week planned to celebrate all of you.  I know that each and every one of you works countless hours that no one can see.  Every one of you sacrifices to help kids and to do your job at the highest level.  This week is just a small appreciation of how much Oak Ridge and the community appreciates all that you do.

Monday: You will find a card in your boxes today. 

Tuesday: The School Board will be providing a cake for everyone as a thank you.

Wednesday: You will find a small gift in the staff lounge in the main office.

Friday: There will be a luncheon in the MPR.  We will have the tables out so you can break bread together.  

Congratulations to Chris Mirell

The local LDS church has awarded Chris Mirell a Crystal Apple Award for the year.   The seniors who attend the church nominated Chris as a teacher who has been a great example, support, and a positive influence on them during their high school years.  He will be given his award at a ceremony later in the month.  Chris received this award for the teacher in all of El Dorado Hills that best represents those qualities.  

Pink Hair

If you haven't heard, the kids got 95% on the CAASPP and CAST test.  It took a lot of make-ups but we got them there.  A big thank you to Jon, Alyce, and Patrick for their work on this.  And I should thank the APs and Counselors who helped as well.   I lived up to my part of the bargain and let them pick a color for my hair.  Of course, they picked pink, LOL.   So my hair was pink all day Thursday and Friday.  Thankfully it all came out on Saturday.  LOL

May 2nd

Teacher/Classified Appreciation

Today is Teacher Appreciation Day and next week is Teacher Appreciation Week.  May also holds School Employee Week as well.  We are looking forward to celebrating and appreciating our Faculty and Classified Staff next week.  We are working with the Foundation on a few surprises for everyone.   Next week will culminate in a lunch for everyone on Friday.   You cannot have a great school without great people.  And we are fortunate to be a school that is full of dedicated and talented people doing good things for kids.  We look forward to celebrating everyone next week. 

Hiring Season is Upon Us

We have been interviewing and hiring candidates for different positions.  With the teacher shortage, I was not sure how the process would go this year.  But so far we have been very fortunate.  We have had small pools,  but they have had great people in them.  We have met and hired some really talented people.  I can't wait for everyone to meet them.  We still have a few more positions we will be interviewing for soon.  

April 26th

FCCLA Students Win at State

Our culinary program had several students win on the local level and were able to travel south for the FCCLA state competition.  A big congratulations to Kamaile Curley and Kholood Ghayas for placing Gold / First place in Public Policy Advocating at the State Level. They will go on to the National Competition.  Scarlett Stephens won first place for Breads on the state level.  Nicole Thai won first place in appetizers, which also is a state level competition.  Please congratulate them when you see them.  

I also want to celebrate our fabulous culinary teacher and FCCLA Advisor, Diane Goldman.  Students do not reach this level of accomplishment without a great teacher.  Diane is supportive and willing to provide her students with these opportunities.  Great job Diane!

Rotary High School Teacher of the Year

Every year the El Dorado Hills Rotary Club picks a high school Teacher of the Year.   It does not surprise me that they will honor Paul Kuzmich this year.  I can't wait to celebrate Paul at their ceremony in a few weeks.  Paul is a tremendous teacher, with an infinite amount of patience and desire to work with students.  He is very worthy of this honor.  Please congratulate Paul when you see him.  

April 25th

Update to ChatGPT

It appears SnapChat pushed out an AI tool early last week to all users. Simply called My AI, this snap tool works very similar to ChatGPT. SnapChat is of course very popular with students and most have the app already.  As these tools continue to get integrated into society they will have an impact on education. In my opinion, some of that impact will be good, and some will be bad.  I continue to check with  They do believe they have a tool that can detect when something is written by an AI.  They are racing to get it fully integrated into their system.  

CAASPP Make-Ups and Pledge

We have not reached our 95% mandatory participation rate yet.  We continue to pull in students for make-ups to get there.  We actually had a low rate of opt-outs this year.  Most of our make-ups are from students who were out ill.   We are also not running the pledge this week so as not to disrupt the make-up tests.  

Lacrosse Fundraiser

The Men's Lacrosse team wanted me to share a Cornhole Tournament fundraiser they are putting on.  If anyone is interested, there is information on how to form a team and join on this flyer.   

April 20th

Oak Ridge Speech Contest Winner

Emily Chalmers won the local Rotary Speech Contest.  She went on to the next level and won that competition.  She is now going on to the Rotary district level to compete.   I was lucky enough to hear her speech and it is quite good.  If you see Emily, congratulate her and wish her good luck.  The next round is on May 6th at the Rotary District Conference.  

Democrat Party of El Dorado County Essay Contest

Anandita Gupta won this year's Fred Winn Essay Contest.  Her essay was about growing up as a person of color in our area.  It was a well written and an emotional piece.  The Mt. Democrat published her winning essay here.  Please congratulate Anandita when you see her.  

April 17th

CAASPP Reminder

I want to remind everyone of the schedule for CAASPP this week.  

Speech and Debate News

Hugh Corkery, the Speech and Debate Coach, has supplied us with an update on the team's success.  "Mahee Haswani is representing the California American Legion in their national speech contest in Indianapolis, Indiana this weekend.  Also, this weekend, next year's ASB president, Lauryn Sumimoto, and her teammates Tarika Kahlon, Garima Penumechchu, AJ Bal, and Ava Carnahan will be competing in the California state championships!"  Congratulations are in order when you see these students around campus.  But none of this would be possible without Hugh and his coaching.  He is taking these kids all over the country to provide them with the opportunities he feels they should have.  Thank you Hugh!

STEM Fair Friday

This Friday the STEM Club (all student run) will be putting on our annual STEM Fair in the MPR.   We will have a middle school field trip to view it Friday morning.  Our students can walk through and view it at lunch on Friday.  And the judging will be Friday afternoon.  I look forward to this event every year.  It is simply amazing what our kids come up with.  

April 13th

Energy Star Certified

Through our district's work with Anthony Williams and Cenergistic, Oak Ridge has been certified as an Energy Star Facility for 2022.  All of our energy data was submitted to the Department of Energy, and they certified us.  I am thankful for the work Mr. Williams has done with energy conservation at our school.  But I am equally proud of the work you have done heeding the "if it glows, it goes" emails and helping to reduce our energy costs and footprint.   Thank you to the whole team for helping to earn this award.  We would like to get recertified every year, so keep up the good work.  And remember, Anthony has handed the reigns over to Kendall Wagner.  So be on the lookout for her emails and how we can keep this certification.  

CAASPP/CAST/Assembly Thank You

I want to thank everyone for a great job this week with testing and the assemblies.  The testing went really well.  The technology did its job and all of the tests were administered.  I appreciate everyone's attention to this.  And thank you to everyone who helped with the assemblies.  The speakers commented on how attentive our students were.  I know that in large part because you were there, and because you have taught them how to manage themselves. 

College and Career Center Update

We are having a staffing challenge with the College and Career Center right now.  Tessa went out on maternity leave at spring break.  We have not been able to find a long-term sub at this time.  We will continue to look but we are not hopeful.  So the center will be closed most of the time.  We are doing our best to have it open during lunch and still make sure we have college visits on campus. 

Women's History Month Posters

Just like with the African American History Month posters, you can keep this poster up in your room if you like.  But now that Women's History Month has concluded, please return the posters to Sarah.  We want to bring these out each year.  Thank you.

April 12th

Oak Ridge Classified and Teacher of the Year

I am excited to announce the Oak Ridge Classified and Teacher of the Year.   Leadership met and voted on Stephanie Davis as the Teacher of the Year.  I cannot think of a more worthy person.  And Chris Hoversten is the Classified Employee of the Year.   Chris is a fantastic Paraprofessional and more than deserving of the honor.  We look forward to honoring both of them at the district celebration.  

Testing/Advisory Reminders

Teachers, please don't forget to bring your class to the assembly and to sit with them during the assembly.  We need to make sure the students are behaving appropriately.   You can check this sheet to see the assembly and testing schedule

Thank you to everyone who facilitated the English Performance Task today.  Tomorrow will be the Math Performance Task.  Your folder will have all of the information that you need for testing tomorrow.  Don't forget to pick up and drop off the box each day.  Thank you. 

March 27th

CAASPP Schedule/Testing

We have finalized the CAASPP schedule for when we return from Spring Break.  Unfortunately, it is a complicated schedule.  So I wanted to give you the details in full below.  But also hit some highlights with you.  Page one are the details of the testing schedule. Page two is a simplified calendar view of the testing.  Pag 3 and 4 focus on the assembly schedule.

We are going to work hard this year to make sure the students understand that the test is to be taken seriously.  In order to do that we will:

Fighting Fentanyl Resources

El Dorado County has put together a great set of resources to combat Fentanyl.  I wanted you aware that it exists and has useful resources.  It defines what it is, speaks about services available to help, info-graphics for public use, and overdose information.

Be A Mentor Teacher

EDCOE (El Dorado County Office of Education) has started an exciting program to help address the teacher shortage in our county.  The Teacher Residency program by EDCOE aims to provide aspiring teachers with an immersive learning experience combined with coursework and mentorship from experienced teachers in El Dorado County.  

This one-year program will enable candidates to earn their teaching credential while completing coursework online and spending a year in a classroom being mentored by a veteran teacher in El Dorado County. At the end of the program, residents commit to teaching for four years at a school in El Dorado County. 

By becoming a mentor, you will benefit from having an extra adult in your classroom four days a week, and you will be awarded a $3,500 stipend. More importantly, serving as a mentor is an excellent opportunity for professional growth and development. For more information or to apply, click on the following links: Mentor Flier and Application, the EDCOE website, and the Teacher Residency Flier

March 22nd

Foundation Grant Deadline

Teachers, the deadline is fast approaching if you want to request a Foundation Grant.  The deadline is Friday, March 30th.  Here is a link to the application.  Please submit your application to the email on the form.  

PLC Guiding Coalition

I want to thank everyone for their work on PLCs.  One of the key elements of a successful school wide PLC implementation is having a Guiding Coalition.  The Guiding Coalition includes our Course Team Facilitators.  This team had its first meeting yesterday.  It is exciting to be on the ground floor of something exciting and new.  I really look forward to working with them.  If you want to see a summary of what a Guiding Coalition is or does click here.  There are many elements of a PLC that are locked in place and non-negotiable like, (GVC) Guaranteed Viable Curriculum, and common assessments.  But there are other elements of the process that need guiding and focusing.  

March 17th

Upcoming Meetings

I want to remind everyone about the upcoming meetings since the one on the 27th is unique.   

STEM Science Fair

We are coming up on the deadline to register for the STEM Science Fair.  We want to make it the biggest and best one ever.  Please encourage your students to take part.   There are prizes for the winners.  But mostly, it is just a really fun event for all of those who take part.  We feel if students know about it they will take part.  Anything you can do to help us spread the word is appreciated.  Here is the link to the flyer and all of the details.  The deadline to register is soon.

Prop 28

Prop 28 was legislation passed by the voters.  It was passed to preserve the arts in schools.  Prop 28 now guarantees ongoing money to schools to bolster and add art classes to schools.  Most places in the state have not made the same effort as us to maintain the arts.  Our district has done an exceptional job of this.   The addition of Prop 28 will greatly enhance what we can offer students.  This is guaranteed ongoing money that can only be spent on VAPA and is based on ADA.  There are of course parameters around how it can be spent.  But we will be increasing the number of art classes we have as a result.  Right now it is looking like we will need to hire someone to teach these additional sections.  These are good times for the arts.  

March 14th


We were able to get ahold of a tree expert that the district uses today.  I wanted to double-check before needing to cut down a tree.  If you know me, I absolutely love the trees on campus and it makes me sick to even think of having to cut one down.  The expert came out and said we have four trees on the verge of falling and are beyond saving.  They probed underground and the water has damaged the root system to a  point of no return on four trees.  We saw the ground liquifying around the trees today and the roots rocking up and down.  The expert has deemed these trees unsafe.  So we are going to bring them down so they can't fall on anyone.  When the time is right we will replant.   There has just been more water than the ground can hold this year.  When we combined that with the high winds today, the damage was too much.  It is just such a shame to lose these trees.  

March 10th

Unified Sports

Thank you to everyone involved in Unified Sports today.  The Leadership students did a great job of welcoming the athletes and making them feel special.  Thank you to everyone for having grace with missing students today.  The event is always well worth it.  The Pondo staff was very impressed with our kids and the school spirit they displayed.   I have a few pictures for you below. 


Every year someone asks about coming in on Monday.  So I will share that this Monday is like any other as far as being on campus.  The alarms will be shut off at the normal time and you can access your classroom. 

Weekly Update

March 9th

Women's History Month

Our classroom posters have arrived for Women's History Month.  As we did in February, we have a variety of posters for you to choose from.  They are spread out in the staff lounge.  Please come down today or tomorrow and grab one.  Please only take one until we know everyone has gotten one.   I would prefer if you would bring back your African American History/Heritage Month posters and leave them on the staff lounge table when you take the new Women's History Month posters.  However, like I said before, if you want to keep both posters up you can. 

Student Essay Contest Winner

Oak Ridge student, Anandita Gupta, is the first place winner in the El Dorado County Democratic Party Essay Contest. Make sure to congratulate Anandita when you see her.  I've been fortunate enough to be invited to see her get her award and read her essay at an upcoming Saturday luncheon at the County Office of Education. 


The second semester is only hard on parking.  We are getting new sophomore drivers all the time.  As parking gets harder, some students have always taken to parking where they shouldn't.  But this year the situation seems worse than normal.  We were hanging our hats on getting a new parking design this summer.  But now that process is going to slowly happen over two summers.  So we need a more immediate set of solutions.  We are going to start working with law enforcement this week to catch as many students doing the wrong thing as we can.  We want to send a message that if you park in the wrong place there will be consequences.  We are also working on new ideas and structures we can put in place for the start of next year.   

March 7th

Incoming Freshmen Numbers Down

Jon and the Counselors were able to get all freshmen schedule requests put into the system.  We are in the process of analyzing and finalizing all student schedule requests for last year.   Exactly one year ago in this process we had 619 freshmen in the system.  After the first few weeks of school played out we had 639 freshmen.  Today, we have 621 freshmen in the system.  The demographic studies said we were going to have a giant loss of students next year starting with our freshmen class.  I didn't completely believe them because they have been so far off in the past.  However, after inputting all freshmen schedule requests yesterday, we are at 527.  Year to date, this is a drop of 92 students.  We are working on tracking down our own students who have not turned in schedule requests right now to see if we are losing kids in the upper levels as well. As of right now, this is a significant drop in enrollment for one year.  Luckily we have more retirees than normal this year.  So we will be able to absorb any staffing adjustments that might be needed that way.  This is the first piece of data to show that Oak Ridge might be on an enrollment decline for the first time in recent memory.  However, we are well placed to manage this due to retirees and all the optional periods we have this year.  We will know more about our total numbers soon.  

Make-Up Days

Oak Ridge will not need to worry about make-up snow days.  However, the schools up the hill have lost four days now.  They will come back on Friday, March 31, and Monday, April 10th.  Right now, they are scheduled to come back on Tuesday, May 30th, and Wednesday, May 31st after graduation.  However, the district is submitting a waiver to the state for those last two days.  It is unknown if the state will consider the waiver or not.

Model Trojan Awards

It is time to nominate worthy staff members and students.  You can nominate anyone living the Trojan Motto/Values and Norms.  Or you can nominate someone who is going above and beyond.  Staff who nominate students get invited to the luncheon to help us celebrate.   This is a neat way to make someone feel special.   You can nominate someone here or in the tabs above.

March 6th

Mark Your Calendar

The Student vs. Staff Basketball Game is right around the corner.  And the staff team needs your support.  Come out and cheer on the staff to victory.  The kids always bring a big following.  The staff team will need your presence to cheer them on.  So mark your calendar and bring the family out and enjoy the game.  See you on March 24th at 5pm.  

Weekly Update

March 2nd (Updated)

Meeting Update/Reminder

I wanted to share some changes to our meeting schedule.  In Leadership, we discussed canceling our March 6th meeting and giving that time back for PLC work.   So even though there will not be a school meeting on Monday, you will be working with your PLC group.   You can either meet before or after school.  I will leave that up to your PLC to determine.

We also need to schedule a CAASPP training in March.  Because CAASPP is the week we return from spring break, and we have Monday off that week, we will schedule the training for the Monday before we leave for break.  So we will hold the training after school on Monday, March 27th.   I will follow up with more details as we get closer to the date.  Traditionally we have not made everyone attend the training because it only pertains to Junior and Senior Advisors.  The thought is that with our current setup, everyone will be a CAASPP Proctor for two years, then have two years off.  So after a four year cycle, everyone has the same amount of proctoring and proctor training.  

WASC Follow Up

The WASC committee has several weeks to complete the nuances in their report and get it to us.  I will share it once it has been finalized.  However, they shared the highlights in their presentation yesterday.  Their report was a positive expression of how good our school is doing.  It was a very good report for us.  They validated that Professional Learning Communities is our greatest area of need and growth.  They also validated that we need to continue our work on fostering our school climate.  They added a few items to the report as well.  They are putting more action steps down for our PLC goal.  They want us to focus our master schedule design on a more student-centered approach.   And they want us to use the PLC process and PD opportunities to continue to stay current with the most impactful research based teaching strategies.  

We will be able to give a more comprehensive presentation of their findings in a future meeting.   But overall, it was a really good report, and they wanted to celebrate us for having such a great school.  I want to thank all of you for not just the great work you did over the last three days showcasing our school.  But I want to thank you for the endless work you do that makes our school so obviously great to those who visit. 

March 1st

WASC Report out 3:45 in B-3

I wanted to echo Alison's email that WASC will be reporting out at 3:45 in B-3 today.  

Rotary Speech Contest

Four Oak Ridge students won the local Rotary Speech Contest today.  All four of them were very talented.  I was proud of them.   If you see them around campus congratulate them.  Emily Chalmers won first place and will be going on to the Rotary Regional Contest at FLC.   Please see the picture below. 

1. Emily Chalmers

2. Kien Vu

3. Kayra Kufluoglu

4. Ariana Thakur 

February 28th

Model Trojan Awards

It is time to nominate worthy staff members and students.  You can nominate anyone living the Trojan Motto/Values and Norms.  Or you can nominate someone who is going above and beyond.  Staff who nominate students get invited to the luncheon to help us celebrate.   This is a neat way to make someone feel special.   You can nominate someone here or in the tabs above.

Belong and Bias Training

I wanted to share a free Solution Tree webinar with everyone that you may be interested in on March 16th. The webinar is on Belonging and Bias and how to improve your classroom.  The summary states, "Join author Hedreich Nichols to examine the cognitive processes we use to draw a circle around our “in groups,” and learn to mitigate any negative fallout that may impact our practice as educators. While learning about the brain science behind belonging, you will explore a few of more than 180 cognitive biases. This webinar will equip you to use this knowledge to look closely at personal connections and trends that impact student and staff relationships. In part two of the webinar, Belonging: Practice, you will learn and practice five explicit strategies to combat implicit bias and create a more inclusive environment for students and staff." 

Aeries Access

The District, working with the Faculty Association is now providing teachers with more information in Aeries.  Active immediately, you can now access Aeries information for all students.  This level of access became necessary with the adoption of Flex Time.  However, to quote a Spider-Man comic, with great power comes great responsibility.   Tony DeVille, the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources has put together a memo explaining when you are allowed to access student records.  It should be noted that Aeries does keep track of what each user accesses.  Please read this memo to know what students you can look up.   I am sure this will raise some questions.  Please feel free to reach out to me with any of those questions.  

February 10th

Hall Pass Update

Leading up to the Minga Hall Pass we had multiple acts of vandalism on campus per week.  On some days we had multiple acts in a single day.  Since starting the Minga hall pass we have had only one act of vandalism over the last two weeks.  It is still too soon to say it is a success because I am waiting to see how the students adapt to it.  But as of now, it is making a big difference.  

Parking Update 

Our district has hired a design firm to look at our parking lots and drop-off and pick-up zones and help us with a solution.  The firm has been working on a solution with the Department of Transportation.  They proposed a partnership with the Department of Transportation, which they have agreed to, in order to address the problem.  They presented us with a plan that would revamp the streets and how they are stripped.  The plan would also redesign the pick-up and drop-off lots and add an exit in the upper lot onto Silva Valley.  I am excited to see how this project comes together over time.  I am optimistic that this will happen.  This project can only be worked on during the summer for obvious reasons.  So it will slowly come to life over the next two summers if finally approved.  Most of the logistical setup like moving water lines, fire rises, power lines, etc would happen this summer and prepare for the final phase in the summer of '24.  I will let you know when it gets the final green light.  But this will be a major win for Oak Ridge and our community who desperately needs this.  

February 9th

Valentine's/Teacher Appreciation

The Foundation's CCRC is back.  They are coming in Monday to spoil us again.  They will have Crumble cookies for everyone.   It is a February sweet treat to show the parent community's appreciation.   They likely won't be available until lunch. 

Meeting Reminder

I wanted to remind everyone that we have a staff meeting after school (3:15) on Monday in the MPR.  You can view the agenda here.

Teacher Scholarship Opportunities

There are two local scholarships trying to assist with the teacher shortage.  If you know of someone who wants to become a teacher in our county or wants to add a credential, please share this information with them.  


February 8th

Academic Decathlon

A big congratulations need to go to Jeff Hassian and the Oak Ridge Academic Decathlon team.  As a Principal, there is nothing more exciting than seeing students so excited about learning and expanding their skills.  The winning speech was given by Oak Ridge student, Summer Dixon.  Her story combined two periods in history together in art form to show a greater connection between the gold rush and the digital age.  It was remarkably good.  All of the students did well and a lot of medals were won.   We cannot appreciate Jeff Hassian enough for his work with this team.  The Academic Decathlon is almost a year-round program now.   The experiences he is providing these students are priceless.  


Our new culinary teacher, Dianne Goldman, had nine students qualify for the state FCCLA competition down south.  This is an amazing accomplishment.  Dianne is doing a great job of continuing the tradition developed here at Oak Ridge by Sharon Varozza.  Dianne is growing and expanding on the program and getting more students involved.  Thank you to Dianne and the FCCLA students. 

February 3rd

African American History Month

February is African American History month.  I ordered posters to celebrate the month and like so much in life they were supposed to be delivered this week but have now been delayed until Monday.  I ordered a variety of different posters.   I will spread them out in the staff lounge when they arrive.   Please choose from one of the eight posters shown here. I understand that not everyone might have room in their classroom to post one.  But I would appreciate it if most of us could post them for the month of February.  I will take them back in March so we have them annually.  In March we can replace them with Women's History Month posters.

PLC Progress

I was so impressed in our Leadership meeting this week to hear the different work each PLC is doing.  It sounds like there are a lot of neat collaborations happening.  I just need to applaud the work being done.  Everyone has truly engaged in the process.   I was blown away by how far some of the groups had progressed.  Thank you!

February 2nd

Update to CAASPP Testing Schedule Sheet

We noticed that the CAASPP testing calendar was accurate in the form below.  But the verbiage in the instructs flipped the dates.  We have corrected the sheet for your use.  If you had previously printed this sheet out, please remove it and use the updated CAASPP Testing Schedule sheet.  I highlighted the updates in yellow. 

STEM Science Fair

The STEM club is starting to promote this year's STEM Science Fair.  They are encouraging students to sign up and enter a project.  Like in previous years, there is a category for middle school age students as well.  I wanted to make sure you were aware of the opportunity.  We would appreciate it if you could encourage students who might be interested to sign up.  Thank you.

January 31st

Open House Thank You

I wanted to thank everyone for Open House.  I was able to get around to almost all rooms last night.  The parents I spoke with enjoyed the evening and what they learned.  We had a variety of programs for parents to take part in.  Whether it was 8th Grade Parent Night, AP Night,  Info Night on Graduation for senior parents, or our booster groups on display and recruiting, the parents found the information useful.  I appreciate all of you being available and such great ambassadors for our school.  

ChatGPT/TurnItIn Update

As you can imagine, platforms like TurnItIn are facing a lot of heat to help schools combat ChatGPT and its ability to write.  I did not know that TurnItIn had hired and created an AI department years ago to start combating this.  They released a statement with a video explaining what they are doing to combat ChatGPT and how close they are to launching the solution.  I found the embedded video very compelling and worth the two minutes.   AI is obviously going to be the next disruptive technology that rocks every industry that exists.  I do believe that education will be rocked more than others.  As an institution, we have had to address disruptive advances in technology before, whether it was the calculator or Google searches.  I am not sure how education will change from this, but TurnItIn is working on tools to combat it.  


Academic Decathlon

It is Academic Decathlon time.  Jeff Hassian and the kids are competing this week.  The Academic Decathlon will culminate this weekend with a  full day of competition on Saturday.  Jeff and the team have been putting a lot of time into preparing and practicing.  We are so lucky to have kids this excited about academics and challenging themselves.  

January 27th

CAASPP Testing Schedule Update

After running our bandwidth test the other day we have confidence that we can run the CAASPP schedule as we originally wanted to.  We had the science test in two different places before in case we need to move it.  But we have solidified the testing schedule now and the assembly schedule.  I am providing everyone with a detailed plan here.  There is a list of all the tests and a calendar for those who are more visual.  I want to remind everyone that the two-hour assembly block will be split into two groups.  One grade level will attend the first hour and the other grade level the second hour.   Please be familiar with the linked testing schedule.  Thank you.

Parent Outreach

Last night I did our parent outreach for the rollout of the new hall pass system.  You can read a copy of what I sent parents here.  I am committing myself to running hall passes for a month or so then revisiting the topic with Leadership to see if the pros outweigh the cons.  The poor boys only had access to one bathroom yesterday afternoon.  Vandalism across multiple bathrooms took time to correct leaving students with only one restroom to use.  

January 25th

John Bosch Update

I would like to thank everyone who was able to support John (past Oak Ridge teacher and coach) and the fundraiser that happened the other day.  It was a tremendous success.  They received a lot of support and donations to help John and his family.   John was overwhelmed by all the love and wanted to share his gratitude in a video you can watch here.  I am so proud of Oak Ridge and the El Dorado Hills community.  When someone in the Oak Ridge community needs help, we always rally around our own.  

Oak Ridge STEM Club

The Oak Ridge STEM club did a presentation to the local Rotary club this morning and received a grant from them.  They have been putting on a STEM Science Fair at Oak Ridge every year.  This year the Rotary club has agreed to supply them with the money they need for the competition and to help supply guest speakers to their club.  I was very proud of how they self-advocated and found support.   

January 20th

Foundation Teacher Grant

It is that time of year again.  The Foundation is accepting applications from teachers who would like to apply for a grant.   All of the logistics of the grant are explained in the application.  I can either answer or get answers to any questions you might have about it.  The due date is March 30th for applications.  Please click here to gain access to the application.  

Music Boosters Coconut Club

The Music Boosters are holding their annual Coconut Club tonight.  It is always a good night of food, auctions, good people, and entertainment.  It is so much fun to see our students performing in ways we don't always get to see. They are extremely talented.  I am grateful to the group of parents that put this fundraiser on every year.  And I am thankful to Paul and Natalie for the quality of the performances and the work they do.   

Meeting Reminder

I want to remind everyone that we have a meeting Monday morning at 7:45 in the MPR.  I have attached the agenda here.  

January 12th

Rescheduled Assembly

As you remember, we had a first semester assembly canceled because our speaker had COVID.   We have looked for times to reschedule that assembly that fits into our schedule and the speakers.  But we have not been able to find a time that will work.  So we are canceling that assembly.  However, one of the speakers we have during CAASPP is a similar speaker who is also going to address Oak Ridge being a place that is accepting of everyone.    I am currently working with Keith Hawkins (canceled speaker) about kicking off next year with our freshmen in smaller groups and doing impactful work on being accepting of people of all races and backgrounds.  He will help us to set the culture we want with each new freshmen class that enters.  We want all new students to understand that accepting everyone is a pillar of being an Oak Ridge Trojan.   This is not all that we will be doing, but another piece that I want to build in every year. 

January 9th

Welcome Back and a Thank You

I hope everyone had a restful break and you were able to enjoy the holidays and the new year.  I had a terrific break.  I was able to spend three days visiting my family.  It was nice to tinker in the shop with my Dad for a couple of days as well.  I hope everyone is like me, rested and ready for the second half of the year.   I would also be remiss if I didn't thank our fantastic maintenance team who kept the school from floating away over break.  Rob Slinger, Travis Walker, and the rest of the team were cleaning drains and the creek so we didn't have flooding.  I know it wasn't fun for them to be out over the New Year's weekend managing what the storm threw at us.  

Final Make Ups

I want to thank Debbie Gilley for proctoring the make up finals and Sarah for organizing it all.  In the end, it was a big job and I am grateful to them for doing it so well.  We successfully got all of the students who showed up taken care of.  

Career Center and Counseling  Office Changes

Alyce Rogers from the College and Career Center is back from maternity leave and shifting over to the Counseling Office.  When Jen Szelenyi shifted to the Assistant Principal's Office, Alyce shifted into her position.  We recently hired a candidate from the outside to take over the College and Career Center.  They will be starting any day now.  Jon Pratt will make the announcement when it is official.   Along with this news we need to thank Bridgit Bonnell for stepping up temporarily in the College and Career Center.  She moved over from her Para position temporarily and we are grateful for the job that she did last semester.   We could not have had that service available to students without her last semester. '


Starting today we have a new Deputy serving as our School Resource Officer.  Please welcome Deputy Patrick Rude when you see him.  Deputy Scarr received a promotion and a new position.  We are very happy for him and his accomplishment.  I was able to meet with Deputy Rude this morning and he is going to be a great fit here.  We are lucky to have him.  

Lost a Tree

Sadly, the storm knocked down one of the redwoods in our memorial grove between the cafeteria and the College and Career Center.  You can see the stump there.  I hate losing trees and that was a beautiful one.   I just wanted to let everyone know what happened.  Thank you to Travis and his team for getting it taken care of so quickly.   

December 22nd

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

If I missed anyone yesterday during the luncheon, I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  I know I will be driving to my parents to spend time with them, my brother, cousins, aunt, and uncles.  Family is what makes this time of year so special. I hope all of you can have a special holiday season.   As we welcome the new year, it causes us to reflect on the last year.  I am so proud of the work we have done this semester.   I have seen great teaching and learning this semester.  Our students are being successful and great things are happening.  The work being done to further develop our PLCs is incredible.  I am blown away by the progress that has been made.   I look forward to WASC coming in February and seeing how great our school is. 

Final Make Ups

If you have provided a student with the link for final make ups please make sure you get us the final.  Today is the last day to get us the information/final we need for make ups.  Please get them to Sarah by 12:45 today so we have time to organize them.

Cell Phone Wall Holders

All of the cell phone wall holders have been delivered.  If you didn't get yours for some reason let me know.  We put them in your mailbox. I ordered a few extra, so if you missed out on ordering one let me know.  I can still get you one.  

Alarms Over Break

People always ask if they can come into their classroom over break.  You are free to come into your classroom seven days a week.  The alarms are automatic.  They turn on every night at 11pm and shut off every morning at 6am whether someone is here or not.  

December 20th

Cell Phone Wall Holders

About a third of the holders have come in.  I had them put in teacher boxes.  The rest of them came in today and we are working to get them into your boxes.  If you didn't get one come tomorrow let me know.  On a side note, the kids are starting to figure out that I made this offer and they are giving me a hard time (in a joking way) at lunch.  It is cute and all above board, but fun to joke with them about it.  They don't like it, but all admit it will help them focus. LOL

Lunch Tomorrow After School

As a reminder, Student Leadership is treating all of us to lunch after school tomorrow.  I want to thank Jen and all her students in advance for their work.  I look forward to breaking bread with everyone tomorrow (Wednesday) and celebrating the holidays together.  

Final Test Make-Up Process Reminder

The Final Make-Up day will be Thursday, January 5th. There will be a 9:00-11:00 time and an 11:00-1:00 time.   For the process to work correctly, teachers must be the ones to share the link to the sign-up form with parents and students.  When a student or parent commits to being there you need to do two things.  One, send them the link to the form below to sign up for a time.  Two, make sure Sarah has the final before you leave for break.   Debbie Gilley in Social Science will be proctoring.   She will leave the completed finals in your box.  

December 16th 

Music Appreciation

The band and choir have been busy this holiday season.  They have been performing for the holidays and doing their winter performances at night.  They have been performing for the local middle schools and senior citizens as well.  Our community is really lucky to have them.  Paul and Natalie bring a  lot of holiday cheer and enjoyment this time of year. 

Holiday Meal for Students

The Cafeteria served a holiday meal to the students today.  It was complete with turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, and rolls.  It was very thoughtful of them.  The students were genuinely grateful.   I appreciated that Joyce let Alison, Patrick, Travis, and I help serve the students today and wish them a happy holiday.  

December 15th

Foundation's CCRC

Our fantastic and super generous parent group has brought us holiday treats to show parent appreciation for what we do every day.   Whether it is classroom supplies or celebrations, our parent community is always supportive of our needs.  I need to thank Eileen Griffin and Lori Sprenger for their work and leadership.  Please stop by tomorrow (Friday) and get your treat from your box.  Happy Holidays!

CA Dashboard Went Live Today

The state publicly released its dashboard which provides its evaluation of each public school today.   All schools are evaluated on suspension rate, EL progress, graduation rate, English Language Arts and Math performance on the CAASPP test.  They are not reporting College and Career readiness this year or student performance on the new science test.  Needless to say, our school was not designated as needing improvement.  There is a lot of curiosity and concern about how many districts would be in differentiated assistance (needs improvement status) as a result of COVID.  I have not seen published data as of yet on those percentages.   Oak Ridge Dashboard Page

December 13th

Official Enrollment Data

In October the state pulls our official enrollment totals.  We finally got the official data returned to us confirmed.  Last year we had a total of 2537 students enrolled on CBEDS day.  This year we have 2516.   By the official numbers, we have been identified as having 228 students with disabilities and 188 students who are economically disadvantaged this year.  Last year we had 228 students with disabilities and 225 students who were economically disadvantaged.  

Elective Fair Schedule Change

The Leadership Team met yesterday and we finalized a bell schedule change for the Elective Fair on Thursday, February 2nd.  We need to make lunch 10 minutes longer so students can visit all of the electives.  As we get closer to the event we will put out more details.  But it will once again be on the blacktop behind the gym.  You can visit the website to see the Elective Fair January 30th to February 3rd bell schedule.  

December 8th

Share Your Success

I would like to capture and celebrate our successes from semester one.  So, I have an ask for everyone.  I want to know what everyone's biggest school-based win was this year.  What are you most proud of from the first semester?  I want to use them in an upcoming presentation.  In the form, you can let me know if you want it to stay anonymous.   Please click here to submit your biggest win.  

CREATE Winners

Ryan Oselinsky, Alex Minnie, and Rhys Thomas participate in the CREATE program for Oak Ridge.  This is a program that gives students a real world challenge to solve.  Ryan, Alex, and Rhys won best presentation in the contest.  Please congratulate them when you see them.  Their picture is below. 

December 5th


I would like to capture and celebrate our successes from semester one.  So, I have an ask for everyone.  I want to know what everyone's biggest school-based win was this year.  

Students in Class

I want to follow up on the conversation we had in our meeting this morning.  I want to make a collective effort to not have so many students out of class.  As a reminder, be conscious of how long students are gone.  Continue to only let one student out at a time.  A lot of teachers are successfully having students drop their phones in a safe place at the start of class and they can't take them on bathroom breaks.  I think this helps. I support teachers who want to do this.  I would be willing to buy the pouches or whatever works in your room if you want to do this. 

Final Test Make-Up Process

The Final Make-Up day will be Thursday, January 5th. There will be a 9:00-11:00 time and an 11:00-1:00 time.   For the process to work correctly, teachers must be the ones to share the link to the sign-up form with parents and students.  When a student or parent commits to being there you need to do two things.  One, send them the link to the form below to sign up for a time.  Two, make sure Sarah has the final before you leave for break.   Debbie Gilley in Social Science will be proctoring.   She will leave the completed finals in your box.  

Tardy from the Office

In our meeting today we discussed a change to our tardy process.  Students who were late to class were coming to the office and getting a late pass.  We would then change their attendance to tardy.  But they would then cut the class entirely.  So we need to add a step in the process.  

Now, we will issue them a pass.  However, you will need to take that pass from them and change the absence to a tardy in Aeries.  This way we know the absence will not be changed to a tardy unless they arrive in your class.  Thank you.

District Email About W-2s and Address Updates

Please makes sure you open the email from the district today titled "Important Message from HR/Business."  It is important to read.  Thank you.

November 29th

Staff Changes

I am happy to announce two exciting changes to staffing.   Unfortunately, Amber Heinlein the Athletic Office is pursuing a new job and her last day was before break.  But we are fortunate that Jessica Womack in the AP Office has transferred and is taking on this new position.  Jessica's son is an athlete at Oak Ridge, and she is deep into Oak Ridge athletics already.  We feel that this is the perfect fit for Jessica and Oak Ridge.  We are very excited.

Jennifer Szelenyi in Counseling will be moving into the AP's Office.  Jennifer has been amazing in the Counseling Office.  She has been the lead on most of the testing that happens at Oak Ridge.  She is extremely capable.  We are lucky to have her in the AP Office.  Please welcome Jessica and Jennifer to their new roles.

AJ Brosnan Celebration of Life

We received the information on services for AJ Brosnan, the Oak Ridge senior who passed over the break.   Below is what the family has shared.

Celebration of Life for AJ Brosnan

this Saturday, Dec 3rd 

at Vintage Grace Church 

11:30 to 2:00

Also, the family has said to wear something pink if people are comfortable doing so ….it's AJ’s favorite color.

Updated Bell Schedule for This Week

Link to the Bell Schedule

November 28th

Girls Cross Country  2nd in State

The Oak Ridge Girls Cross Country Team came in 2nd in the State of California in Division 1 over the break.   And Troy Esparza came in 27th as an individual in the boy's State Championship and ran a personal best.  The race was held last Saturday at Woodward Park in Fresno.  Our Cross Country athletes continue to amaze us.  Last year the girls came in 3rd place.  They were determined to beat that this year and they did.  We are so proud of this team.  We will make an announcement to the school after the pledge tomorrow.  Here is an interview with the team online.   The girls who raced on Saturday were Quinn Walker, Adriana Ingargiola, Brooke Butler, Fiona Gordon, Addison Clinton, Madelynn Burns,  and Nola Boucher. Please congratulate them as you see them on campus.  I have posted the team getting their award below. 


We received new copiers over the break.  They appear to be working similarly to the old ones.  The old ones will be removed from the main office lounge today.  We apologize for any inconvenience.  

Passing of a Student

As a follow-up to the email that went out over break.   Sadly, AJ Brosnan passed away over the break.  The Wellness Center is ready to support students in need today.  Please send students who need help to the Counseling Office and not directly to the Wellness Center.  When we get information about services we will pass it along to you.  Needless to say, this is going to be very difficult for many of our seniors to manage for a while.  I imagine struggles will come up again as we get closer to graduation as well.  We will be in each of AJ's classes today to help those students.  And a message went home to all seniors reminding them how they can get help if they need it.  We will all be here to support them and one another.  Don't forget, the Wellness Center is for you as well if you need it.  You can go down there directly or call them at ext. 3091.

Lost and Found Moved

We have moved the lost and found to the main office from the cafeteria.  From now on please refer students to the main office if they need the lost and found.  Thank you.

November 18th 

Oak Ridge Foundation Survey (Possible $)

The Foundation's CCRC loves celebrating teachers and getting you the supplies that you need.  They want to make sure they are meeting your needs.  So they are asking teachers to take a survey evaluating how they are doing.  And they will randomly pick two people who complete the survey to get a $50 gift card.

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone the very best for Thanksgiving.  I hope everyone has a restful week off.  I want to share that I am thankful this year for my health,  my family, and friends.  I am also immensely thankful that our job is once again focused on teaching and learning.  It has made school a dream this year.  I am grateful for all of you and the work we do every day for young people.  

November 16th

February Staff Meeting Moved

We have had to move the February after school staff meeting from February 6th to 13th.  I have made the adjustment to the Meetings at a Glance form as well.  Thank you for adjusting this on your calendar.  

Stranger on Campus

We recently became aware of a white male in his early 40s attending Oak Ridge events.  At one of our football games, this person displayed some odd social behaviors and we had our SRO interview him.   Over the course of the last few days, calls have been coming in from around the community and other schools about this gentlemen and his odd behaviors.   We found dozens and dozens of videos this man has taken at OR that were odd and concerning to me.  

We asked law enforcement to again assist us with this man.  During their interaction with this man, he was arrested yesterday.   However, the reason for the arrest was not because he was a threat to our school.  We have put a no-trespassing order in place to prevent him from coming on campus.  We are also getting a restraining order against him at the behest of law enforcement.  At this time we don't see him as a threat.  We just don't believe he should be around children or speaking with children.  Please reach out to me if you have any questions. 

November 14th

PLC Course Team Facilitators 

The district has created a new position with a stipend to support our PLC teams.   The details and expectations of the position can be found here.   We are starting the process of getting the Course Team Facilitators chosen and in place.   Please look at the list below to see what courses will have these Team Facilitators.  

However, if a course is not on this list, and would like to have a Team Facilitator, the school can fund that.  Please route this request through your Department Chair.

If you are interested in this position, please submit a short letter or email of interest to Aaron by this Friday at the end of the work day.   You must teach at least one section of the course you are facilitating.  These will be reviewed by the Principal and Department Chair who will then approve a Facilitator for each course listed. 

Finals and Make-Ups

I want to send out a reminder about finals.  With finals happening so close to the Holidays this year I fear we are going to get a lot of students trying to start vacation early.  I have started sending Parent Square messages out to families letting them know that vacation is not an acceptable reason to miss finals, and that vacations are not excused absences.   

I want to remind everyone that you do not need to allow a student to take a final early if you don't want to.  If a student has a legitimate reason to miss a final (excused absence) you can allow them to make it up.  We will have a final make-up day during the winter break.  It will be on Thursday. January 5th from 9:00 to 11:00.   I am looking for someone to host this for pay in their classroom.  If you are interested please email me.   I will follow up with the details on how to utilize this as we get closer to the date.  Thank you.

Bell Schedule Survey Results

I want to share the results of the bell schedule survey Leadership put out.   We had 78 people respond.  We will take these results back to Leadership to discuss.  I want to thank everyone for taking the time to fill it out. 

November  9th

California Healthy Kids Survey Schedule Change

Leadership has looked at the requirements for the Healthy Kids survey.  We need to give this to every freshman and junior.  We will use Flex time to give it.  But it will take a little longer than 30 minutes.   So we have made a slight adjustment to the bell schedule on November 30th.  Please go to the bell schedule page to see the schedule for November 30th. 

Scantron Machine

Before COVID we discussed that we could not afford to maintain both GradeCam and Scantrons as assessment tools.  Through Leadership we choose GradeCam.   However, we kept the Scantron machine in the copy room until the contract ran out.  Well, the contract has run out.  So the machine will stay on campus, but the next time it breaks it is done because it is out of contract.  We are not getting another one or repairing it.  It will stay on campus as long as it is working.  So anyone who still uses scantrons needs to migrate to  GradeCam as soon as possible.  If you need to be trained on GradeCam let me know and I will get that for you.

Dogs on Campus

We have a process in place if you need to have a dog on campus.  We can only have therapy or service dogs in a classroom with kids.  Without completing this process, you cannot have a dog in a classroom with kids for any reason.   

UDL PD Reminder 

EDCOE is offering the Year 1 UDL Institute beginning on November 30!  More details and a registration link can be found on the EDCOE Professional Learning Center registration site if you are interested.

November 9th

Friendsgiving Dessert

We have dessert planned for everyone on Monday, November 14th.   We hope everyone can come down and get some holiday pie.  After school on Monday come by the cafeteria and grab a dessert and a beverage (3:00 - 3:30).  Sit and enjoy with others or take it to your WASC focus group (3:30 to 4:15). 

(Reminder) Bulletin is a Must Do

One of the few ways we have to communicate with students is through the weekly bulletin.  The bulletin that Quinn Linkhart sends out is something that all faculty must share every Tuesday during Flex time.  Thank you.

November 2nd

Disruption in Manufacturing/Auto

Yesterday there was a small explosion behind manufacturing.  From what we have determined, a student filled a latex glove with gas and used a piece of paper as a fuse, and left the scene.  There were no damages and no one was harmed.  This obviously caused a loud noise and scared a lot of people.  

We saw this as a very serious threat and started an investigation.  We also called law enforcement to assist us.  We are currently interviewing students and reviewing video footage.  We do not know if the student responsible was a member of one of these classes or not.  I will update you if anything new comes out. 

October 31st

Bulletin is a Must Do

One of the few ways we have to communicate with students is through the weekly bulletin.  The bulletin that Quinn Linkhart sends out is something that all faculty must share every Tuesday during Flex time.  Thank you.

Bell Schedule Survey

We promised that at some point we would revisit the "new" bell schedule to see if we need to make any adjustments.  The Leadership Team wants to start by gathering your input on potential changes with this survey. There is an additional question regarding Back to School Night that the team wants to run by you as well.  This is just the beginning of what could be a long process if we decide to make any changes.  

It is very important that we get everyone to take this survey. Please read each part carefully.  We need everyone to complete the survey by Wednesday.

 Happy Halloween from CCRC  

The Foundation's CCRC brought us all really nice treats for Halloween.   We are so lucky to have so many parents that support us and treat us so well.  The CCRC folks put a ton of hours into putting this together for us.

Services for Diego Demetre

Diego was in the class of 2018 and still has a younger sibling at OR.  His service and burial will be Wednesday 11/2 at 10AM at the Sunset Lawn Chapel of the Chimes at 4701 Marysville Blvd, Sacramento, CA, 95838.

October 28th

Change to Pledge Time

The Leadership Team would like to move the pledge from starting 5 minutes into Flex to 1 minute into Flex.   I appreciate their willingness to continue to refine our practices and look for ways to make them better.  Starting on Tuesday, the pledge will take place one minute into Flex.  

El Dorado County Parks and Trails Master Plan Feedback

The county has asked that we share their survey on the future of parks and trails in El Dorado County.  They would like to get as much feedback as possible for the new master plan.  If you are interested you can take the survey here.

October 26th

Welcome Back Sarah!

We are welcoming Sarah back today after her maternity leave.  It is really great to have her back.  I know we all look forward to seeing her again and catching up. 

October 20th

Services for Bryce Bazor

The Bazor family will have a service and celebration of life for Bryce next week for those who are interested.  

Thursday, October 27

WASC Chair Visiting Monday

This will not impact most people, but the chair for the WASC Committee visiting our school later this year will be on campus all day on Monday.  She will visit with our Management Team and sit in on our Leadership Meeting,  She may walk through a few classes with one of us but I doubt it.  

October 18th 

Lost an Alumni

Oak Ridge lost an alumnus over the weekend to a vehicle crash.  Diego Demetre was a graduate of the class of 2018.  He has a younger sister, Danika, who is currently a sophomore at Oak Ridge.  We are reaching out to her teachers today.  Diego went into the Navy after high school.  He will be missed greatly.

Foundation Birthday Celebrations

The Foundation's Campus Community Relations Committee wants to celebrate your birthday again like they did last year.  They leave something nice in your box during your birthday month. Please sign up here to get a treat during your birthday month.

October 17th

One Green Step

The first phase of the grass being replaced with bark around the H building is complete.  The club was able to complete the work over the weekend.   The last phase of the project will be planting drought resistant plants.  I am impressed with the work they have done so far. 

Universal Design for Learning

We just found out that the County is offering UDL training for teachers.  If you are interested and would like to learn more or attend please go here.   As a school, we would cover any costs associated with it.   Unfortunately, the first class is just 3 days away so check it out now if you are interested.  

Homecoming Thank You

We need to thank many people for a great Homecoming.  First, Jen Slinger and her students pulled off a massively successful week.  Planning Homecoming is like planning a wedding.  It is not easy, and it went really well.  Next, thank you to Football for inviting and paying for all staff to attend the game and eat.  It was very much appreciated.  And a big thank you to Athletics and Steve White and his team for a fun Homecoming football game.  I know the students enjoyed it all.  It was also great to see so many alumni at the game.

October 13th

Rally Supervision Friday

I wanted to remind faculty that you need to be with your class in the rally and supervising them.  Our rallies need to be safe and appropriate events where students are following the school rules. Thank you.

Canceled Faculty Meeting

The faculty meeting on 10/17 has been canceled and given back to departments as PLC time.

October 7th

Model Trojan Awards Today

Thank you to everyone who submitted a Model Trojan Award.  We filled the College and Career Center with families and students today.  We were able to break bread and celebrate the Oak Ridge Values the students modeled.  It is always a heart-warming time.  You can submit a student for an award at any time here. 

Management Responsibilities

I wanted to make sure that everyone had a copy of the Management Responsibilities.  I know things have changed a bit with the addition of the Dean.   

Reminders for Next Week

I don't think anyone needs to be reminded that Monday is a non-student day.   And I want to remind everyone that we will have a different bell schedule next week for Homecoming and PSAT testing.  


Here is some information for anyone who wants to take part in Homecoming next week.  The spirit days are:

For the parade, we invite staff children to take part.  After school, we will have two trucks labeled Future Trojans.  Thank you to Natalie for organizing it. Kids ride in the back and toss candy out to the crowd.  My daughter is old enough now to play babysitter in the back. You are happy to join your kids as well.

Alison is still looking for volunteers to help chaperone the dance.  And the football game will be Friday night.  I always look forward to the floats in the new quad and at the game.

October 3rd

Student Project on Campus

We are working with the One Green Step club to update some of our landscaping.  They are working on removing grass and replacing it with landscaping that requires very little water.  It will save us both time and money to maintain when complete.   They are getting most of the project materials donated.  They are currently working on the grass behind the H building.  They have a few more projects in mind after this one.  I look forward to their progress.

Halloween Contest

The front office is really excited about the Halloween costume contest the student leaders are holding for the staff.  We just settled on our theme and let's just say we are pretty sure we are going to win! Just saying.

Golf Tournament

FYI- Our school Foundation has its golf tournament today.  We continue to be very thankful for this group and the funds they raise for the school.

September 27th

Women's Sports Win Commissioner Cup

Our Women’s Sports dominated the scene last year and all that hard work and high performance earned them the 2021-22  @cifsjs Commissioner’s Cup for Outstanding Girls Sports!  Great job to all our girl's sports teams. 

Power Outage Protocol

We have created a power outage protocol to help guide us the next time we have a significant outage.   The protocol went through the Management Team, Leadership Team, and Site Council.  There are always variables in an event like this that are impossible to plan for.   But we did our best to remove the gray areas where we could.  Please be aware of the protocol or have it accessible for an outage.  Thank you.

CAASPP Testing Schedule

The Feds are mandating that we test 50 seniors this year using their accountability test.  They provide us with the names of the seniors they want testing, and the exact date to do it.  This forced us to adjust our CAASPP testing schedule slightly.  We will now administer the 120-minute test the first week and the 70-minute test the second week. We are working on assemblies for the 120-minute periods again. This change was approved in our Leadership Meeting yesterday.  You can see the change updated on our school's bell schedule page tomorrow.  But I put the simple version below.

September 23rd

Another Staff Win

Math teacher Tony Diaz. English teacher Hugh Corkery, Social Science teachers Matt Doubek and Sean Moloney won the staff versus student obstacle course at the lunch rally today.   I know this brings us to 3 if not 4 wins in a row over the students.   It just shows that experience and cunning beat youth and vigor every time.  Great job team!

Rally Set Up

I have received some good questions on why the students leading the rallies are being released from class earlier than usual.  We are short members of our maintenance team lately for a variety of reasons.  We will be hiring to fill one of those spots soon.  In the meantime, the students are having to do all of the rally set up themselves.  Our goal is to have students miss as little class time as possible for these events.  And we anticipate getting back to the norm soon.  Thank you for your patience. 

September 22nd

Nominate Students for a Model Trojan Award

Now is the time to nominate a student for a Model Trojan Award.

October 10th Non-Workday

I want to remind everyone that there was a change to the district calendar a while back after the original came out.   The school non-work day was moved to October 10th from the 17th.   So we all work on the 17th and most staff have the 10th off.  Here is the link to the calendar. 

September 20th

Chamber of Commerce Supporting Students

Our Flex Time Committee was brainstorming how to encourage more students to sign up for flex on time.   The group landed on throwing the names of all the students who sign up on time each week into a proverbial bowl and drawing five names.   We will reward those students with gift cards provided by the Chamber of Commerce.   We are very fortunate to have a Chamber that recognizes the power of strong schools and supports us. They were able to garner the power of the local business community and make a commitment to support our Model Trojan program for all of the 2022-23 school year.  I appreciate them and our local businesses who support us. 


Oak Ridge was chosen to give the Federal Governments' standardized test to 50 seniors this year.  The Federal Government in conjunction with the CDE tell us the day it must be given and they provide us with the names of the 50 students they need tested.   It is a two-hour exam which fortunately coincides with our CAASPP testing this year.   We will be sending out more testing details for all of these April tests soon.

September 14th


This was a really good week for Oak Ridge.   There is a lot to appreciate.  I am appreciative of ASB and the work they put into Be Change week and a great Club Day.  I am thankful for the rally that TPSM put on at lunch.   We had cross country and football with impressive victories.  I respected the courage of our students who shared their stories in Monday's meeting.  And I was able to get into a lot of classrooms this week and saw powerful teaching and learning.  Everyone is doing a great job, keep up the good work.

September 13th

Smoke Mitigation

We were able to get the N95 masks here in a hurry.   I am reserving them for days over an AQI of 150 only so we don't run out of them during a smoke event.   If the AQI is over 150 staff members can get an N95 from the AP Office.  I am working on getting a large enough quantity so students can have them on those days if they choose.

Cross Country Runner of the Week

Brooke Butler is a nominee for California MileSplit Girls runner of the week. Brooke had a terrific race at the Josh Ruff Memorial Invitational on Sept. 10th. She broke the school record by 9 seconds on the 3400-meter section course at Willow Hills and won her race by 29 seconds. Below is a link to vote for the California MileSplit Girls runner of the week. You have to register on California Mile Split to vote. Registration is free and simple. It would be great if this information were sent to the Oak Ridge High School community.  Check it out if you want to help Brooke win.

Pass/Fail Policy Update

The board policy for a Pass/Fail has been updated so it is no longer open-ended.   Parents have eight weeks to request a Pass/Fail grade.  After that, it can only be done with an extenuating circumstance such as a last-minute medical issue.  This will stop last-minute requests for a pass/fail.

Board Regulation 5121: "With parent/guardian permission, a student may request to elect to earn a Pass or Fail grade instead of a letter grade for any course offered in the District for the first eight weeks of the semester." 

September 12th

Smoke Mitigation

As we know, some rooms had high AQI readings in their rooms.  The weather forecast for the next two days shows low levels of smoke.  But we don't know if the unhealthy levels will return again.   I have ordered N95 masks again that can be issued if the AQI gets over 150.   My goal will be to keep them in reserve for smoky days.  I will let you know when they arrive.

Josh Ruff Memorial Invitational 

The 17th Josh Ruff Memorial Cross Country Invitational/Trojan Invitational was a huge success on September 10th at the Willow Hills course behind Folsom High School.  Josh Ruff was a student and coach at Oak Ridge.  Every year this event causes me to pause and remember Josh.  I am grateful the event carries on every year in his name.   The girl's varsity team came in first behind Brooke Butler's record breaking run this year.

First Honor Bowl

The Honor Bowl eventually happened on Friday after quite a lengthy delay.  It was an emotional celebration at times as we remembered fallen heroes and raised much-needed funds to equip injured, ill and wounded veterans who may also suffer from PTS and TBI 

September 2nd

Thank You

As Max Foorman moves on today I wanted to thank him for the tireless hours he put into developing the Manufacturing program at Oak Ridge.  He has put his heart and soul into it.  He developed many relationships between industry and our program over the years.  He was able to find internships for students.  His classroom was home to countless students who loved what he had to offer.  We are going to miss Max and everything he brought to our school every day. 


We are extremely fortunate to have found Stacy Nalepa to take over the manufacturing program.  She studied engineering at Cal Poly.  She spent over a decade in the manufacturing industry.   She is a welder.  And she has a computer science background as well.  She recently became a teacher and has a CTE credential.  Independence High School spoke fondly of the work she did there last year.  In her words, this is the opportunity she has been waiting for.   She is excited to be here, and we are excited to have her.  

September 1st

Bell Schedule Changes for Year

By popular demand, the Leadership Team with a great deal of help and time from Patrick Sanders approved all the bell schedule changes for the year.  We are starting to populate them into the website one at a time.  We are hopeful we can have them all updated by tomorrow. 

Updated Meetings at a Glance

Because of some of the changes made above to how we manage the bell schedule in odd weeks, some of our meeting times had to change.  Please view our Meetings at a Glance for the edits.  The changes are highlighted in yellow.  

Power Outage Protocol

As I shared in my email, we are working on a Power Outage Protocol.  It is close enough to being done that I can share it now in case we lose power again with the elevated temperatures this week and next.  

August 29th

Central Copy Clerk Service

I wanted to share the form for getting copies from the district's central copy service.  This is a good way to get your copies.  I will add the form under resources.  Central Copy Service Form

Model Trojan Awards

Thank you for the staff and student Model Trojan nominations coming in.  We are closing in on our first student recognition ceremony.  I would love to have as many students awarded as possible.  If you have students who are really modeling the Oak Ridge Way, please send their name in for an award here.  They will be honored in front of their parents at a luncheon.  If you nominate someone you can come and enjoy the ceremony and lunch as well.  Or you can stay anonymous as well.

August 26th 

Faculty Site Council Rep Election

Faculty, we have three spots up for Site Council.  And we have three faculty members who have stepped forward.  To be true to the process, can you please take a minute to vote for your Site Council Representatives.  Thank you.

August 25th

Power Outage Debrief

We have created a form for gathering anything people want to share with us about the power outage.   Please click here if you wish to access that form.

August 24th

Sad News

Vicki Seich was our school Athletic Secretary for 18 years until her retirement.  She also worked in special education before that.  Sadly, we found out that she passed away over the summer.   Her final wishes were to not share the news of her passing.   So we honored her wishes.   But I feel enough time has passed now that I can share the news without violating her wishes.  Vicki was extremely dedicated to Oak Ridge.  Her work ethic was second to none.  She was tough when she needed to be but equally kind and caring to all.  She will be missed.


If any staff members are interested in joining CEDAR we would welcome the additional team members. We want to make sure that everyone who feels passionate about creating a safe place for all students knows they are welcome.   Feel free to drop by Wednesdays after school in O-2.  Or you can email me with questions.  

Power Outage

I really appreciate everyone's professionalism in the power outage today.  It was definitely a unique situation having the whole county out.   If nothing else, it gave us a chance to test our backup power systems today.   With the power out, the only way to get information disseminated effectively was with Parent Square.  We were sending text and email messages to the staff using Parent Square.  We are going to send out directions to those who choose to opt into Parent Square to get future messages.   

August 23rd

Faculty Site Reps for Site Council

At the start of each new year we look for faculty members to sit on our Site Council for the year.   The school Site Council is either an elected or selected group of parents, students and faculty members.  The Site Council meets to approve the schools categorical budget expenditures, help form school goals and provide input for the schools LCAP (local funding) report.  The group meets at 3:45 on the first Wednesday of each month.  If you are interested, please nominate yourself here.  Thank you.

Thank You/Welcome Back Lunch Thursday

A local company called Revel Folsom wants to say thank you to educators for all we do.  They are bringing lunch in for everyone on Thursday.  It will be a grab and go from the staff lounge.  They won't be selling anything, it will strictly be a thank you.  So come on down and enjoy.  

August 18th

Foundation CCRC Welcome Back Luncheon **Reminder**

Like I shared previously, the Foundation CCRC parent group is putting on a luncheon for us tomorrow, August 19th.  Click here for the details.  I appreciate having a community who supports us.

On top of that, parent donations are starting to show up from Amazon.  It always amazes me how many parents are helping to keep us well supplied. 

Commissioner Cup

Each year the league Commissioner for athletics picks an outstanding program to recognize.  The Commissioner has picked the girls athletic program at Oak Ridge for last years Commissioner Cup.  It was based on their success in our section.  It is a huge accomplishment for our athletes, coaches and Athletic Director.  

Model Trojan Awards

Remember, if you know a student or staff member going above and beyond, give them a Model Trojan award.   We want to reward people who are modeling the Trojan Way. You can be anonymous or share who you are.  We recognize staff in our meetings and kids at a special ceremony.  Follow this link to the Trojan Hub page where you can nominate people.  

Bell to Bell

The number of students out before the bell has drastically improved.  I greatly appreciate the help and the unified message as a staff.  I have only had to go out and talk with a few people.  

August 16th

Tardy Policy

After yesterdays meeting I wanted to share the tardy policy verbiage for everyone.   I have cut and pasted it below.  

Tardy Policy

To maximize the opportunity for learning, students are expected to report to all classes on time.  Students who are late to class will be issued consequences.  The first 3 tardies will be handled between teachers, students, and parents.  Once a student has been tardy to a class for the 4th time, a referral to the Assistant Principal’s office will be made by the teacher,  The following disciplinary consequences will be issued by the Office of the Assistant Principals:

The following guidelines are for the total number of tardies in a class, per semester:

August 15th

Community Clean Up

As you walk around the campus today you will see a lot of beautification that happened over the weekend.   Members of the Foundation and  Boys League Charity did over 300+ hours of work this weekend.   This in conjunction with the work our maintenance team did over the summer has the campus looking great.  

I wanted to share that there is some dead grass in the quad.  A water line collapsed somewhere under the quad and it is difficult to find.  While trying to do that, we are also contemplating if we want to do something more water friendly with that space. 

Student Interns

Max Foorman in Manufacturing has secured some internship slots for a few of his students each year at a local EDH manufacturer.   Internships are an incredibly powerful experience for students.  I wanted to share one of our Oak Ridge internship success stories with you.   ORHS Internship Video

Mon August 22nd School Wide Collaboration Meeting Change

Next Monday is scheduled to be a School Wide Collaboration meeting for the faculty.  But it is my goal this year to give as many of these back to your department as possible so you can work on your department and course PLCs.   So I will leave how your time on Monday morning is set up to your Department Chair.  

August 12th

Thank You

I want to thank everyone for a great opening week.  I was really impressed.  I appreciate how hard everyone worked and the amount of time that was put into preparing for a great launch.  I know it was tiring going from 0 to 60 with a full week of work.  I was dragging come Wednesday.  But I think I have my stamina built up now. 


Our final enrollment numbers for the week after dropping the no shows and adding all the new students came in at 2510.  So we are down a little from last year where we averaged around 2535.  

August 10th

Pledge of Allegiance

Throwing some discussions with our Leadership team over email we are going to adjust when the pledge is done.   We are going to do it four times a week at the start of Flex time.  We are going to do it one minute in instead of waiting five like we have been.  I appreciate the suggestions that came in about this.

Changed Meeting Dates

Some changes were made to the meeting schedule for the year over the summer.  I want to make sure that everyone has the changes on their calendar.  When you visit the Meetings at a Glance for the year, you will see the changes highlighted in yellow.

Foundation CCRC Welcome Back Luncheon

Like I shared in my email, the Foundation CCRC parent group is putting on a luncheon for us next Friday, August 19th.  Click here for the details.  I appreciate having a community with so much support in it for what we do.  They are currently getting donations from the community to help us with supplies again this year as well.  We remember last year, when hundreds of parents brought in supplies for us.

August 8th

Great First Day

I want to thank everyone for the great first day.  The morning went as smoothly as I have seen in many years.  This doesn't happen without the whole team playing their part.   So thank you to everyone for your help today.  It was a great first day!

First Day Reminders

Teachers, thank you for not letting students into your class unless they are on the roster.  We will continue to do this.  Students need to attend the class on their schedule until Counseling can help them.  

Like we stated in the meeting on Friday.  We have a lot of freshmen who are hurting because of the loss of their friend Sophia Torres over the summer.  We have offered her core group of friends grief counseling through the Wellness Center.   Please let us know if you find anyone struggling with her loss who needs help.


Parent Square has not been operating as it should unfortunately. It would appear that they changed how they pull data from our database.  So we ended up having a large number of families not getting any communication from us over the summer.  It was not until last week when we got panicked phone calls that we looked deeper into the Parent Square data and figured out what was happening.  District IT, and members of our team worked with Parent Square last Thursday and Friday on this.   We were able to get most of the contacts activated again for our messages that went out Friday.  We are still working today to get the final 4% of accounts working.   This is beyond frustrating for all of us who had no idea the system was not working correctly.

June 9th

New Assistant Principal

I am happy to announce that we have hired Carrie Foster as our new Assistant Principal.  Carrie went through a three tier process.  She met with a panel of staff members, then a parent and student focus group.  She also interviewed with Dr. Carruth and the Assistant Superintendents.  

Carrie has 25 years of experience in education.  She started as a Physical Education teacher.  She has also taught science.  For the last six years she has been the Assistant Principal at Argonaut High School in Jackson.  As the only Assistant Principal at the school, she has a wealth of experience and skills.  She was the AVID and MTSS coordinator for her school and has been trained in both.  And as a teacher she was a BTSA provider.  I look forward to welcoming her to Oak Ridge.  

New Position

Each of the four comprehensive schools in our district will be adding a Dean of Students position.   This will be an administrative position.  This job will be in addition to the four Assistant Principals we have.  This position will focus a lot on referrals and student discipline.  But it will also focus on developing restorative practices and building positive student culture.  We will be interviewing for this position at the end of the month.   This position is going to bring a lot of additional support to our school.  

May 27th

We Made It!

We have gotten to the end of the hardest year in the history of education.  The hardships we went through this year were not for the light of heart.  I am amazed at the quality work everyone did under such difficult circumstances.  My only hope for the summer is that everyone is truly able to rest and renew our love for teaching and learning.  I need to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did this year.  The student need was intense, and you were there for them.   You have all truly made a difference in student lives this year.

I believe that next year will be very close to what we are normally accustomed to.  The good news is that we will have plenty of resources at our disposal for at least one more year.  The increases we are seeing in education funding at the state level are unprecedented.   We are on course for a year of opportunities!  I think our ability to help students become the best version of themselves has never been brighter.  Thank you and lets have a great Graduation tonight!

Important Information for Next Year

I wanted to make sure I passed on key pieces of information you will need for next year.  I will be getting this information and more out to you this summer in our mailer.  

Nice to Know Information for Next Year

May 23rd

Final Make-Up Times For Quarantined/Ill Students

We are set for final make-ups.  I had hoped we wouldn't need it this year.  But we are starting to get quarantined students again and there is a head cold going around.  it will work just like the last one.  

If a student needs to make-up your final next week please follow these steps.

a. If they are quarantined beyond these dates, there are instructions on the form for them to contact me for an appointment.  

Staff Changes

I wanted to share some more staffing updates for next year.  As you heard this morning, Kim May will be moving on to Union Mine High School.  We wish her all the best.  As you heard this morning, she is loved by all and an incredible teacher.  

I also want to note that Connie Cady, who was a temporary science teacher this year, will be staying on with us next year as a permanent employee.  We look forward to continuing to have Connie on campus next year.  Her students love being in her class.

Wednesday End of Year Celebration Reminder

I want to remind everyone that our End of Year Celebration will be in the Cafeteria after school on Wednesday.  We look forward to celebrating those who are moving on, good food, and good company.  

May 20th

Meeting Reminder

I want to remind everyone that Monday's meeting will start at 8:25 in the MPR.  This meeting is mandatory for all faculty.

Keeping Students in Class

Again, the number of students out of class has become a problem. I will be speaking with folks who are letting multiple students out of class at one time to use the restroom.  There is no reason why more than one student at a time should be out of class unless a student goes AWOL.  And please make sure that if you let small groups go outside to work, that you are supervising them and being responsible for their behavior. 

Discriminatory Language Signage

I want to share two things about this.  One, we are going to class to class to make sure these signs are up.  If you need a new one, please let Sarah know.  Two, we do have a policy in our handbook that says how we hold students accountable.  There is a spectrum based on the severity of the offense.  Our community/staff group  (the group has a new name, CEDAR, which stands for Community for Equity, Diversity, Accountability and Responsibility) meeting after school have updated our policy and discipline guidelines.  I need to take this new policy through the process of getting it approved.  I will be sharing it soon. 

COVID Testing Kits

We have another set of COVID test kits we need to get out.  We are putting one in every staff members box.  We are going to pass them out at lunch today to students.  If you need additional tests come to the office and ask for them.  We are also going to let parents know they can come to the office to pick some up.  

May 17th 

Monday's Faculty Meeting

We have a meeting scheduled for after school on Monday to discuss and review graduation.  However, with the new finals bell schedule we would not be able to meet until 3:45.  This is not desirable for anyone.  So I reached out to the Leadership Team with some options.  They have decided that we will meet in the morning instead.  

But since our meeting is only about graduation it won't take the whole time.  We would also like to leave some time for departments to meet if they need to for any last minute issues.  So we will Monday morning at 8:25 in the MPR.

May 13th

Meeting Reminder

I wanted to remind everyone that we have a meeting Monday morning at 7:45 in the MPR with Dr. Carruth and Chris Moore presenting.  

May 6th

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mom's out there. I think we all owe our Mom's a huge debt of gratitude.  Mom's sacrifice so much for their kids.  I hope all of the Mom's out there can be spoiled this weekend.

Staff End of Year Luncheon

After finals on Wednesday May 25th we will have our End of Year Celebration in the Cafeteria at 12:50.  Please join us while we have lunch, enjoy each others company and honor those who are moving on.  

Cultural Awareness Committee

Our group met again yesterday and we are making good progress.  One action step was creating signage with a statement that Oak Ridge will not stand for intolerant acts.  We are having signs made for outdoors.  And soon you will get some signage to hang in your room.  

The group is also working on policy changes, what consequences/restorative practices look like for students who violate our policies.  We are looking at what data we need to collect on these issues.  We are going to explore how the student voice can support this cause and what can be done on the education front.  

Added More Amazing Teachers

We are extremely fortunate that we can confirm two more great hires.  In Culinary, we were able to hire Diane Goldman.  Diane is one of the best Culinary teachers in the area and we were lucky to win her away from Cordova.   

We also hired Sarah Fitzhugh Cannedy from the Rescue district.  We are excited about her experience and passion for teaching science.  

 We are also hiring Quinn Linkhart who is currently a long term sub in Art.  Quinn will be staying with us permanently.  We are really excited for what Quinn brings to the team. 

Two Meetings Left

Please go to the meeting tab above and make sure the final two meetings of the year are in your calendar.  I have attached the agendas in the meeting tab above as well.  

May 4th


The exciting part about this time of year is hiring great new people to join our team.  But the sad part is that we also having staff who are moving on to other schools or places for a variety of reasons.  Some folks are transferring, some are just stepping away for a year and one is retiring.   We will appropriately celebrate all of these folks later.  But I wanted to give everyone an update in advance of that.

First, I want to thank each of these people from the bottom of my heart for their service to Oak Ridge and their dedication to students and teaching.  We were so lucky to teach and learn with you.  Please help me thank these great educators.

Student Achievement Awards After School

I wanted to share that Student Achievement Awards are happening after school (3:30) in the MPR.  Historically we have held these at night.  For those new this year, each department nominates a student who embodied excellence in their subject area.  This year we chose to celebrate these students after school.  All our welcome to attend.   

May 3rd

Speech and Debate Team Going to Nationals

A lot of congratulations to our Speech and Debate team.  Recently they competed in the State finals and many of the students are heading on to Nationals.  First, a big thank you to Hugh Corkery who has coached this amazing team.  We know a teams success is largely built on great coaching.  Hugh has given a lot of time and passion to these students.  

I also want to thank Eric Larsen who has always been in the background supporting this group as the former coach.  And he is still a part of the larger Speech and Debate organization.  He has agreed to help chaperone the trip this year.  

Here are the names of the students who will be going off and competing soon.  If you see them around campus congratulate them on qualifying for this honor.  

Adding to Our English Team

We are very fortunate that we have added another great teacher to our English department.  Please welcome Kayla White.  Kayla White is an Oak Ridge alumni who has been doing long term subbing in English this year.  She has been coaching for us as well.  So we are very familiar with Kayla and already know how great she is.  We are really excited to have her on the team permanently. 

May 2nd

No Pledge Over PA for 2 Weeks

As part of the process of setting up a testing environment for AP, we have silenced the bells and will also not do the pledge over the loud speaker for 2 weeks.  Please do the pledge with your students in class for the next 2 weeks.  

April 29th

Exciting New Hires

We are in the process of hiring new folks for next year.  I am really excited about who we can confirm so far.  We still have a few positions we are working on.  But so far, we have hired a group of outstanding teachers I can't wait for everyone to meet.



Social Science


Foundation New Parent Welcome

We had a fantastic night greeting incoming 9th grade parents last night.  The Foundation sponsored the event.  All of the parent booster groups were present along with LeeAnn and Sherry from Counseling, the Wellness Center, myself and a lot of food and beverages.  It was a good time for new parents to meet, mingle and learn how they can get plugged into Oak Ridge.  

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week Reminder

Don't forget that next week is your week.  We have all of these events planned for you.  We really hope you can take advantage of them all.  The Foundation also wanted me to share their flyer with you for lunch on Tuesday. I hope it is a special week for everyone.  I will see you there.


And if you have the time, don't forget to attend Prism.  This is an Oak Ridge tradition and a very special way to experience music.  If you haven't seen Prism before, it is a unique experience you will never forget.  It plays tonight, and there are two shows tomorrow.

April 28th

FCCLA Winners

Sharon Varozza and her FCCLA students continue to amaze.  I can't thank Sharon for the commitment and work she puts into her students success.   It takes her countless hours to have the students competition ready.  She had three students (Emily Ho, Heaven McGee and Kamaile Curley ) qualify for the FCCLA 2022 State Leadership conference and competition down in Riverside.  By the end of conference, Kamaile Curley was a silver medalist in Culinary Art Display and Heaven McGee was a bronze medalist in Culinary Arts. Please congratulate these students when you see them and congratulate Sharon on another great year.

Cultural Awareness Committee

The group of staff, parents and students met again yesterday.  Many very emotional stories are coming out of the meetings.  And we are working towards putting a plan together.  It is a really good group of people that I appreciate.  I am very happy to be working with this team of people.    

April 27th

Oak Ridge Teacher of the Year

I wanted to send a big congratulations to Brittany Lansford who has been selected as the Oak Ridge High School Teacher of the Year.  She will be recognized by the district at a celebration later today.  Brittany has been instrumental over the years with our Challenge Success/student social emotional health work.  She is the backbone of our flex time period and has always been willing to step up and train all of us on the newest technologies available.  On top of all that, she is an incredible teacher.  Please help us congratulate Brittany Lansford. 

Rotary High School Teacher of the Year

Our partners in Rotary have chosen their High School Teacher of the Year.   They have chosen Jen Slinger for all of the hats she wears at our school and for the great teacher she is.   Jen is our Activities Director, Leadership Teacher, English Co-Department Chair and Yearbook teacher.  I wish I had half of our energy.   She will be honored at an upcoming meeting.  Please congratulate Jen Slinger when you see her.  

Administrative Assistance Day

Today is Administrative Assistance Day.  In the offices we are celebrating those who support all of us, so teaching and learning can happen.  When you swing by the office thank our great staff on the work they do.  Schools cannot function without the work they do.  Our students are lucky to have such great people in the offices supporting them.

Donut Dash for Kindness

Over the next two days the Trojan Pride Sports Marketing club will be randomly passing out donuts to staff as a random act of kindness.  So don't be surprised if students roll into your flex time and offer you a donut.  It is legit and a gift of kindness. 

April 25th

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week

We wanted to make this years Teacher and Staff Appreciation extra special.  So on top of the Yoga we have happening two days a week before school, we will also have lunch provided on Tuesday, Coffee and Donuts on Thursday morning and a variety of your favorite coffee drinks made by baristas on Friday morning with light breakfast options like donuts and croissants.  The Friday option will be by maintenance so we can fit their coffee truck.  When we reached out to the community for help on this they jumped at the opportunity.  This community loves all that we do for kids and are stepping up next week to show it.  

Don't forget Yoga tomorrow morning in the large gym from 7:40 to 8:10.  You can use the locker rooms afterwards if you need to.

STEM Science Fair

First, I want to thank Paul Kuzmich and his STEM club for hosting a STEM Science Fair.  The projects were amazing.  I really appreciate them having a Middle School category as well.  Like was stated earlier in email, Sonya Alexis came up with a swaddle blanket you put on a baby that can tell you instantly if they stop breathing. She created a flexible substance out of graphene and some other other ingredients that fit into the swaddle and can detect if a child stops breathing.  It was a pretty remarkable concept.  She had a working model on display as well.  We have so many students like Sonya that are beyond impressive and going to make the world a better place.

Forward with the Foundation

On Wednesday night at 6PM the Oak Ridge Foundation will be doing a meet and greet with the community at Vintage Grace church.  They are especially inviting incoming 9th grade parents to learn about the Foundation and how they can volunteer as parents.  They will be serving light food and drinks.  All are invited and it is open to the public.  I am so thankful to this group for the work they do on supporting our school.  This large group of parents gives up a lot of personal time to make sure we have the resources we need.  Feel free to stop by and visit if you want and grab something to eat. 

April 22nd

WASC Meeting on Monday

I want to remind everyone that we have a staff meeting after school on Monday.   Due to the nature of the work we will meet in the MPR as a whole group and then break into our smaller WASC groups.   We will address the culture questions that come with WASC.  With the last couple of years, these questions are going to be more important than ever.  

Bike Rack

I found it to be good news that our bike racks are filled every day.   This means that more kids are exercising and getting themselves to school.  So we have added a bike rack by the band room.  I want to thank Rob Slinger, Travis and his crew for doing a great job of installing it.  

Thank You

I want to take a moment and make sure I thank everyone for the last two weeks.  If you were facilitating testing, thank you.  I know it is not easy to figure out the CAASPP rules and system.  For the teachers that took kids to the assemblies thank you.  Again, it is not always fun being mixed in with the kids.  But these have been the most well behaved assemblies I can remember in a long time.  Our speakers even commented on how great our kids were.   And the classified staff was working fast and furious to make sure the testing and assemblies were supported.  We could not have done it without them being behind the scenes setting us up for success. The whole staff came together and we pulled off a monumental task.  It is not easy doing all of this with a campus as large as us.  I am very proud of this team.  

April 20th 

Thursdays Testing Schedule and Assemblies

Congratulations, Thursday is the last day of testing.  I wanted to give everyone a friendly reminder about what role we  each play during testing on Thursday.  It will be a lot like Wednesday for everyone but the seniors. 

9th Grade Advisory Teachers: 

10th Grade Advisory Teachers: 

11th Grade Advisory: 

12th Grade Advisory: 

April 19th 

Wednesdays Testing Schedule and Assemblies

I wanted to give everyone a friendly reminder about what role we play during testing tomorrow.  

9th Grade Advisory Teachers: 

10th Grade Advisory Teachers: 

11th Grade Advisory: 

12th Grade Advisory: 


Don't forget we have free yoga before school starts every Tuesday and Wednesday  in the large gym from 7:40 to 8:10.  The next class is tomorrow morning.  We will open the lockers for those who need to change afterwards.  

April 7th


To help battle our latest round of bathroom graffiti we will be posting a reward upon our return from Spring Break.  The last time we had vandalism the reward helped us catch a student.  Once we caught someone, the problem slowed down.  I am hoping for the same outcome this time.

Cultural Awareness

Our committee of teachers, parents and students for our Cultural Awareness Committee is in place.  The group will meet the week we return from spring break.  The goal of the group will be to put an action plan in place to develop cultural awareness on our campus.   And all of the things I mentioned in my last update on this still hold true.  

Facility Updates

As many of you have seen, a new scoreboard is being put in at the stadium.  The old one had slowly died on us.  This project is being completely funded by athletics.  

A new student mural will also be going in on the side of the English textbook room.  This mural was approved by our staff mural committee and by the Leadership team.  ASB is helping the student cover the costs.  It will be fun to watch the artistic process as it goes in.   

On another note I want to specifically thank Michelle Kite for beautifying our campus over the last several weeks.   I don't know about everyone else, but the art around campus really lifted my spirits. 

Kindness Campaign

The Kindness Campaign has been an ongoing effort by student groups.  Today you can see messages of kindness around campus.  The Trojan Sports Marketing Club used Flex Time to put messages of kindness on cars in the parking lot today.  So students will be surprised with a message of kindness as they head into spring break.  I want to thank TPSM and ASB for their continued work on student culture.  I appreciate them greatly.  

Spring Break

I want to  thank everyone for their part in the first half of CAASPP testing.  Whether it has been working with an advisory, getting your students to an assembly or proctoring the test, everyone has been working hard.  This will be a well deserved spring break.  It has been rough holding out for it longer than normal.   But now that it is here, I hope everyone can get some rest for the last push to finish out the year.   I think everyone can agree that this year has been the hardest in all of our careers.  These breaks are the best way to recharge and reframe as we finish out the year.   I appreciate all of you for keeping the education of students at the forefront.  And I can't think of another group of people that deserve this break more than school staff.  Enjoy!

April 5th

Assembly Issue

Today's assembly was about depression and was put on by comedians.  They start with comedy and then end on a serious note.  During today's assembly one of the speakers was making a joke about how she was biracial, both Indian and Haitian.  Right after that, a student made a loud noise that is hard to explain.  But it was not appropriate and felt racially insensitive.  The student has been suspended for the rest of the week.

Yoga Classes Set Up


I have free Yoga classes set up in the large gym on Tuesdays and Wednesday from 7:40 to 8:10AM.  We will open up the locker rooms afterwards so people can change clothes before classes start at 8:30.  You can go to as many as you like or as few as you like.  You will need to bring your own yoga mat.  Both people are certified yoga instructors.  This will start the week following spring break and be in place every week until the end of the year.   I hope this is helpful.  Remember, this is open to all employees.

·         Tuesdays: Laurie Stone

·         Wednesday: Neha Patel

April 1st

Cancel Monday's Meeting

In an effort to provide teachers with more time we are canceling Monday mornings meeting .  We had it scheduled as a CAASPP follow up, but we don't need that after last weeks training.  There is more we could be working on but I think people need time right now more than anything.

Our remaining meetings will focus on WASC (visit is next year) and our final meeting of the year on graduation.  

Women's and Black History Month

I want to thank Matt Hodgins for his work on putting together our door art that celebrated Women's and Black History Months.   And the nice flyers we had in our windows.  It was a remarkable project we all enjoyed.  Congratulate the following students who won first and second place in the contest when you see them.


Wow, you guys really like Yoga.  We received a huge response from my email.   So I am going to work on putting this together to the best of my ability.  But I do believe this is something we can do this year.  But let me start working on the logistics.  

Progress on Cultural Awareness

I will be giving our community an update on our progress since the Buchanan game on Sunday.  But I wanted to follow up with staff as well.  So far we have the bulk of our committee together on planning how to bring more cultural awareness to our students.  I just need one or two more parents and I would like one more student.  We have a game management training set up for our game supervisors.  And we have identified a bias awareness training for the adults working in/with athletics.  We are also reaching out and getting recommendations on cultural awareness assemblies.  Folsom High School has one coming up where they break the school into groups of 300 to take part over the course of many days.  We will observe this one and see how it works.  

March 31st

Graffiti Update

Sadly we have been getting a great deal of racist and sexually degrading graffiti recently.  It had been contained to the bathrooms, but now is showing up outside as well.  The graffiti all appears to be in the same handwriting.  So we believe it is one person.  They typically reference the n word and rape.  They are extremely disgusting.  Unfortunately, they appear to be done with an ordinary sharpie which makes it harder to catch.  We are stepping up our measures to narrow time a timeframe when these things happen so we can locate the individual.  The campus monitors are working hard constantly checking the campus so we can identify when each event happens.  We will work until we catch this individual.   This is just another reason why our new committee is so important.  

Pledge Update

I know I have shared this in various settings but wanted to  make sure that I shared this with everyone.  The board has a policy that states the pledge of allegiance will be done every day.  A parent complained that we were not in compliance.  So we had to get into compliance immediately.  And I actually support the policy as well, so it was important for me to get this in place.   All of the other sites were doing it over the PA at the start of school.  So I followed their lead with our implementation.  By design it should be the first 30 seconds of each day.

March 25th

CAASPP Bell Schedule

We made a one page CAASPP schedule teachers can put on their wall.  You can also see the schedules we posted on the website here broken out by week.

Power Outage

The power outage yesterday was caused by an electrical box on our campus blowing its lid and catching fire yesterday.  It was up against the sidewalk on Harvard Way right next to the administration parking lot exit.  There was no one harmed and no permanent damage done.  Luckily PG&E was able to fix it in time so the play could still happen last night.

Faculty Meeting Monday

The faculty meeting on Monday is after school and being moved to B-3 for training purposes.  We will be training Junior and Senior Advisory teachers on how to administer the CAASPP test.  We will also have a handful of faculty substitutes there.    This will start at 3:15.

All Freshmen and Sophomore Advisory teachers not involved in the CAASPP training will meet in the MPR at 3:15 to review the logistics that will be necessary on testing days for assemblies, etc.  

CIF Response

The CIF has sanctioned OR for what took place during the girls soccer game.  In summary, our school is on athletic probation until the end of the next school year.   Any future games with Buchanan High School while we are on probation must be played at Buchanan.  All Oak Ridge administrators, coaches and students must have some form of cultural awareness training.  They provided examples of free courses for adults and assembly models for students.  All administrators must attend a game management training.   Our school is encouraged to build a positive relationship with Buchanan.   We will begin to work on all of these as soon as possible.  

March 23rd

Bell Schedule Update

At our last Leadership Meeting we had discussed schedule options and bringing some of those options to the faculty to vote on.  At the meeting on Monday there were some legitimate concerns that were brought forward.  My gut instinct said if there is any confusion then the process needs to slow down.

The issue was brought back to the Leadership Team today.  We discussed the schedule and the best way forward.  After much discussion, the Leadership Team decided that there are too many variables and not enough time to do this correctly.  We still want to address people's concerns, but put those concerns through more of a process and form a committee to look at it like last time.  The committee would be given parameters to work within.  They could only look into where the short period goes, where collaboration time goes and where flex time fits in the schedule.  

So for next year, we will continue with the same schedule we have this year.  And any changes that could come from the to be determined committee will not take effect until the 2023-24 school year.  

Essay Contest Winners

Can we all please congratulate students Kien Vu and Summer Dixon who won 1st and 2nd place respectively in the Fred Winn Democratic Party Essay Contest in El Dorado County.   And I need to thank all of the teachers who have ever worked with these students.  We know that students don't find this level of success on their own.  They get there when they have great teachers.   

March 21st

CAASPP Testing Bell Schedule

In previous updates we have put the confirmed testing days out and the bell schedule.  But we have not put it all together in one place for you.  I wanted to give you a detailed spreadsheet with the bell schedule for all two weeks of testing that includes the instructional minute count.  We took some feedback from what we had previously released and tightened up 7th period so the minutes were even more equitable across periods.  So thank you to those who provided that feedback.  I will get everyone nice one pager you can hang on your wall soon.  

CAASPP 2022 Bell Schedule

CAASPP 2022 Testing Schedule

March 18th

Staff Meeting Monday 

Monday mornings meeting will be at 7:45 AM in the MPR.  It is a very full agenda with important items because we canceled some of our last meetings to give people more time.  Please see the agenda at the meeting tab above.  We really need everyone to be there at 7:45 because we will be starting right on time.  

Bell Schedule

In Monday mornings staff meeting we will discuss proposes changes to the bell schedule.   We will have time to discuss the options as a faculty in the meeting.  The plan is to hold the vote on this late next week.  We need to have this dialed in before we can complete our master schedule planning.   We analyzed the data from the survey in Leadership.  The data showed that 80% of people wanted to keep flex time.  Most people want the morning meetings moved to after school.  But there is a split about when the short period should be (end or start of the day.)  So we will spend time discussing this issue on Monday.  

Proposal #1: This is our current schedule but it moves all meetings/collaborations from Monday mornings to Monday after school.  This also ends the school day earlier on Monday.

Proposal #2: This moves the short period to the start of the day which moves around some other things like where Flex and Nutrition Break land and the time of lunch.  It does the same things as proposal 1 for Mondays. 

Follow up on Issues of Race

We have our faculty set for our group that will discuss how our campus moves forward after the Buchanan event.  We are almost set with our students and parents as well.   We have finished providing all information to the CIF that they have requested on this incident, and wait to see if they give our athletic program any consequences.  

March 11th

Bell Schedule Update

The Leadership Team has looked at the results of the bell schedule survey that was done.  We have discussed two possible schedules for next year.  One being very similar to what we currently have (just moving all meetings to the afternoon.)  On our March 21st morning meeting we are going to come together and as a faculty to discuss the pros and cons of each schedule proposal.  We will then schedule a vote sometime in the days following that meeting.  I don't want this vote to feel as rushed as the last one.  I will also be sending you the two schedules in advance of the meeting.

Racist Incident at Game

I know I have been including staff in the Parent Square messages home.  But I wanted to summarize where we are with last Saturdays incident and where I would like to go from here.  In summary,  we did identify the student.  We have given them consequences.  I have wrote apologies letters to Buchanan High School, their women's soccer team and the community on Monday.  I also sent an apology letter to the impacted Buchanan player on Monday and spoke to her family by phone.  I have written up our report and provided it to the CIF per their request.  I have spoken multiple times with their Athletic Director and Principal.  And I spoke with the Buchanan women's soccer coach by phone as well.  

Our women's soccer team started to receive a lot of negativity online and in person.  There were a lot of people who must have only read the headline and saw the pictures and assumed the racist comment came from one of our players.  It has been painful to watch our soccer team go through this.  What should be a joyous time for them has been destroyed by the events of that night and the criticism they received this week.  We have been working to try and set the record straight. 

How We Proceed After Saturday's Game

I do want to focus on how we improve our student's cultural awareness.  I understand that this was one individual who did this on Saturday.   But in the wake of this incident, I have also heard from many of our minority students this week that racist comments and ignorance is not an uncommon experience for them at Oak Ridge.  That breaks my heart and can't stand.  After the McClatchy event we put forth a lot of action steps to address this issue.  The one thing we did not do is bring more cultural awareness education to our students.  So I would like to ask for people who are interested, to volunteer to be part of a group that looks at how to build this into our curriculum in a systemic way.   I will also bring some students into this group as well.   I see this group meeting after school to determine the best way to build this into our school.  

If you are interested in joining this group please sign up here.

Master Schedule Process/Staffing

We received our final set of numbers for sections and staffing from the district yesterday.  Jon and I finished putting it all together today.  We are getting the section allocation out to each department chair before the end of the day.  We are projected to go from the 2535 students this year to 2560 next year.   If you are interested, the demographic study projects we will drop almost 100 students in 2023-24.   This year we have 436 on -ratio sections of instruction.  Next year they are providing us with 440 which is an increase of 4 sections for next year.  


As I shared a long time ago we pushed WASC back a year.  So February of 2023 will be our visit.  We will need to pick up where we left off and continue the self-evaluation process soon to finish everything on time.  

March 4th

Monday Meeting Canceled

Monday's meeting was set to be a safety presentation by the department of Emergency Services.  They have put together a new presentation and have been struggling to get it approved by their superiors.  So the presentation will need to be delayed again.  This leaves us needing to cancel Monday mornings meeting.  I will get them in to speak to us just as soon as they are ready.

Rotary Speech Contest

As we do every year, we had students compete in the Rotary Speech Contest.  The speeches were marvelous.  They are a real testament to how well we prepare our students.  However, I do need to thank two people by name.  Alyce Rogers works diligently to coordinate this event for our students.  And Hugh Corkery runs are fabulous Speech and Debate team where these students fine tune their skills.  Please congratulate these students if you have them in class.

Girls Soccer and Basketball Roll On

Our girls Soccer and Basketball teams are having banner years.  They have both won the section and now the first rounds of the NorCal Playoffs.  Both will continue their runs in NorCals this Saturday.  Soccer will be playing at home at 5:00 and Basketball will be on the road again.

March 2nd

Girls Soccer and Basketball

The Oak Ridge girls soccer team won their first game in the NorCal playoffs last night decisively.  MaxPreps has the girls ranked as #3 in the nation.  Please congratulate all involved when you see them.  The coaches have done and incredible job.   The players are working hard. 

The Oak Ridge girls basketball team has their first game of the NorCal playoffs in the Bay Area tonight.  I know we wish them all luck.  The girls are having an incredible run which includes defeating Folsom at Golden One for the Section Championship last Saturday.  Again, the players and coaches should be congratulated for this.  I also want to thank Steve White and Amber Heinlein in the Athletic Office.  Without them, sports simply wouldn't happen for our kids.  

CAASPP Testing Schedule

The Leadership Team decided to use Flex Time to our advantage and leverage it for CAASPP testing.  If we remember, CAASPP testing has been a 2+ week process that has a large impact on teaching time in many classes.  It also robs precious time from AP classes right before testing.

Using Flex Time we can avoid a lot of that.  In this model, we will get the testing done in 4 days.  The juniors take 4 tests.  They will do all of these in their junior Advisory class.  Seniors take one test.  They will do it in their senior Advisory class.  The Junior and Senior Advisors will need to proctor these tests.  We will hold the proctor training in our March 28th meeting.  

The freshmen and sophomores will also be in their Advisories (not testing) while these tests are happening.  Two of these tests will require a 70 minute Advisory.  Two others will require a 120 minute Advisory.  We will hold a one hour assembly during these 120 minute Advisories to occupy students.  Freshmen will attend the first hour assembly and sophomores the second hour assembly.   This document explains the plan in greater detail.  

We do have one potential change that might need to happen.  On the last day of testing we are supposed to hold the junior and senior test at the same time.  We are concerned that our network won't support it.  If we start to see bandwidth/wifi issues on the first day of testing we will need to make adjustments.  We will break out the science test to a 5th day of testing.  The link  above shows the optional date that would happen on.  We don't believe this will be necessary, but the Leadership Team felt that we needed a back up plan just in case.  

Master Schedule

It is master schedule time again.  We are in the very early stages of this process.  We are in the process of taking students schedule requests and entering them in the computer.  Next, we need to track down those who did not submit a schedule.  Once we this is complete, we will have a better picture of how many sections need to be dedicated to each department.  

February 25th

Air Purifiers

We have been able to successfully get an air purifier to everyone who requested one.  At this time I am shutting down the form.  However, if you still want one you can submit a work order to Travis. 

All State Honor Band

Paul Varoff has done it again.  He has two students who have made the California All-State Honor Band.  Please congratulate Ellie Chen, Jiajin Huang and Paul when you see them.  It is very difficult to get chosen for this honor.  They obviously have a great teacher.  

February 23rd

Wifi Update

Over the course of the last few months we have received increased complaints about the wifi being too slow or not letting students connect.  I have experienced the frustration myself when subbing classes.  Our IT department was struggling to determine why this was happening.  They tried a dozen different solutions to no avail. 

Our team asked the district to bring in an IT expert to examine our network and they did.  This person has been able to detect a couple of serious issues we believe are causing the problem.  However, solving them might not be an easy matter.  He is working with our team on solutions.  I should get updated on the matter soon. 

CAASPP Testing Schedule

The CAASPP testing days have been on our Meetings at a Glance document since the summer.  When we started working within Leadership on what the bell schedule should look like, a lot of neat ideas came forward.  These questions got us to start rethinking how we schedule the CAASPP.  The outside the box thinking took longer than normal to resolve.  So I apologize for the delay.  We believe we have a draft that will get approval in Monday's Leadership Meeting.  What we have come up with is a plan that will utilize our flex time for testing.  It will take 4 days instead of 8.  And the impact to instructional minutes will be shared by all instead of just two departments.  The final details should follow Monday's meeting. 

February 17th

Face Covering Update

I apologize that the last minute decision on masks has left us building the plane while flying it.  But we have hammered out more of the details and have received additional direction below.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  If I don't have the answer I will work diligently to find it for you.  

February 15th

Face Covering Update

I wanted to take a minute to follow up with the districts update they sent out this afternoon.  Here are some follow up points I anticipate you might have. 

A. No, staff still need to wear a mask indoors. 

A. We are considering the students who left class or were asked to leave class as unexcused absences.  When a student has an unexcused absence, you do not need to accept their work from today.  

A. As an Admin team we are wrestling with the right way to do this while still honoring the new district direction.  In the final analysis, we will offer teachers two options.  One, you can send these students down to the AP Office.  We will speak to them, advise them that they should wear a mask in class.  We will write their name down and then send them back to class.  But it will be their choice whether they wear a mask or not moving forward.   Depending on how many students there are, they might be back in 5 minutes, or it might be much longer.  Or option two, you can advise them that they should wear a mask.  And if they continue not to, you can decide to let them stay in class.  

I know these are extremely challenging times that are testing all of us.  I know that personally, the last few weeks have been some of the most challenging of my career.  The emotional ups and downs and changes are overwhelming.  My hope is that as a school site, we can find ways to help each other through this.  

February 10th

Clubs Reserving Rooms

Club Advisors, if your club is going to use a space other than your classroom, you need to reserve that space with Sarah.  We have clubs that are reserving rooms and getting bumped by clubs that get there first and didn't reserve the room.   Thank you.

Social Media Update

The social media allegations of sexual assault over the weekend by OR students is continuing to be investigated by the Sheriff's office.  They were on a campus for a good part of the day yesterday interviewing witnesses and getting statements.  The Sheriff's Office is taking the matter very seriously and working to get accountability.  We continue to assist them when asked. 

February 7th

Social Media Issue

Over the weekend, a student from another school accused an Oak Ridge student of sexual assault on social media.  Other people on social media commented about experiences they have had with different boys as well.   These posts went "viral" in our area and there was a lot concern about this today.  I am pretty sure you heard the kids talking about it today and wanted to pass along what we know.

As a school, we all want to do our part to help develop good people that care for others.  Developing good citizens is a mix of holding people accountable when they do wrong and creating a culture that respects right and wrong.   To that end, we will continue to monitor the situation and do what we can to assist. 

February 4th

Monday's Meetings Canceled

We have canceled the two scheduled meetings on Monday.  We had one thing to discuss and a district presentation.  But neither would take a whole meeting.  So since the survey results said one of the main things people needed right now was time, we will combine those presentations into our March meeting and provide everyone with the gift of time Monday morning and afternoon.  

A-G Rate Update

I want to share data with everyone as it comes in and gets updated.  Below you will see our 2020-21 A-G Rate (minimum UC/CSU entrance requirement) for last year compared to our two closest comp schools.  A comp school is one that is very similar to our school in most ways.  They factor everything from school size, to number of students in poverty, demographics, etc.  However, all schools were in different phases of reopening last year with COVID, so the comps only work so well during COVID years. 

Welcome New Member to Art/Mural Committee

I want to welcome Toby McIntosh to the school's Art/Mural Committee.  As you saw in our email the committee approves permanent student art on campus.  The purpose is to beautify our campus and bring student voice into the campus.  We are excited to bring Toby into the team.   The team will soon be working with a student on a mural proposal.  

February 1st

CAASPP Testing Schedule Update

The CAASPP testing schedule we approved last year for 2021-22 had us testing like in years passed.  We were going to use every day Tuesday through Friday between April 6th and 29th testing students.  This has historically taken a great deal of instructional time from three courses.   

However, the school Leadership Team has decided (rightfully so in my opinion) to move in another direction and use Flex Time for CAASPP.    Using Flex Time provides our school several advantages.  

We are waiting for some feedback from one department in particular.  Once we have that (in about a week,) we will push out the detailed plan and bell schedules.  But for now, please remember that the testing window is in between April 6th and 27th.   

Combating Graffiti

As you have seen from the Assistant Principal's emails and Parent Square, we have a serious graffiti problem happening right now in the bathrooms.  The Assistant Principal's and Campus Monitors are working extremely hard to stop this trend.  I refuse to allow our school to look this way.    We are going to get this stopped.

We took the first steps in that direction today.  One, we caught a student responsible for a lot of the graffiti.  We have been tracking the damage, so this student will have to pay for every tag he has done.  On top of that, he will be suspended and cited by the Sheriff's Office.  And due to the reward we put forward, we have one more promising lead.   

How can you help?

Flex Time Videos

Thank you for playing the Kindness video in Advisory today.  And thank you in advance for playing tomorrows.  We are working really hard to combat student behavior in and out of class.  When we went to our student leaders and some of our student groups, the thought was having a campaign designed by kids for kids.


I think we can all acknowledge we need to do work to get the culture and student behavior back on track.  This is one of the ways we are working to do that.  I have been experiencing an improvement in student behavior out at break and lunch and when I sub.  I really want to keep the needle moving the right direction.  I believe students working to create the culture we want is a powerful strategy.  I appreciate you making sure your students see the video tomorrow during flex.

January 26th

Play Nice Campaign

A new student campaign is starting today to continue promoting kindness.  The kids are working really hard to re-establish the culture we want on campus.  Our hope is to reduce student discipline issues in and out of class and to define the culture that we expect from students.  We will start to push out this video to students promoting the next Kindness event.   Video

Staff Survey

I want to start by saying the last few weeks have been really hard.  I would go as far to say they sucked.  I keep going because I have a faith that everything will get better and because our numbers of  new COVID positive staff and students continues to decrease.  

In working with the school Leadership Team the survey indicated that our biggest stressors are helping quarantined students, student discipline and needing validation. Here is how we have begun to address these:

January 21st

Mondays Faculty Staff Meeting Moved Online

Due to the surge in COVID cases I think it would be unwise for us the whole group to meet in person on Monday.  So we are going to move the meeting to Zoom.  I will follow up with a link to the after school 3:15 meeting either later today or Monday.  However, the agenda will not change and this is still going to be an important meeting I need everyone engaged in.  

You will receive an active shooter training from OES (Office of Emergency Services.)  There will also be a training on the impact that tobacco and nicotine in vaping devices is having on teens and how that manifests itself in your classroom.  The agenda and time can be found in the meeting tab above. The link can be found here: 

Monday January 24th, 2022

Zoom @ 3:15

Meeting ID: 616 916 4639

Passcode: tz3YPa

Elective Fair Schedule Change

Annually we hold an elective fair at lunch in February so students have the chance to learn what elective options are available to them.  They get to ask questions and learn about electives they might not have known about.  Each year we add 10 minutes to lunch for this event to happen.  

With Flex Time, the Leadership Team decided to remove Flex Time for the Elective Fair day on Wednesday, February 9th.  We will take 10 minutes from Flex and add it to lunch.  We will take the other 20 minutes and distribute it across the other four periods that day.  This will essentially put more instructional time into each period.  We will be posting the official version of this schedule in the next 24 - 48 hours.  

Quarantined Students

I want to thank everyone for the work they are doing to help quarantined students.  I know it is taking a lot of additional time.  I am grateful for your patience and strength during this time.

I also want to remind everyone, that we need to keep our Google Classroom up to date when we have a quarantined student.  We can't have these students fall a week behind in any of their classes.  Thank you.

COVID Update

We started to see a significant drop in the number of COVID positive students and staff members (new cases) Thursday.  However, that changed again today.   There still appears to be a significant drop off in new student cases.  Hopefully that holds true throughout the day today.  But the number of staff members out is at a high today.  A lot of staff are out because their kids are sick as well.  I suspect we will see the normal Monday uptick as well because we will get all the positives from the end of today and the weekend.  Tuesday will be a better indicator of what direction we are heading in. 

Faculty Staff Meeting Monday After School

I want to remind faculty that we have an after school meeting Monday.   You will receive an active shooter training from OES (Office of Emergency Services.)  There will also be a training on the impact that tobacco and nicotine in vaping devices is having on teens and how that manifests itself in your classroom.  The agenda and time can be found in the meeting tab above. 


We are very grateful that the district has supplied us with new copiers that are quicker and won't break down as much.  However, these copiers use more power than the old copiers did.  The copy room does not have the electrical capacity to run all of these machines at the same time consistently.  So we are adding power to that room in order to handle the upgrade.  It needs to be done, we can't run on old machines forever.  And it appears that copiers today just need more juice than old ones.  So we are biting the bullet and making the upgrade now.  We are going to make this happen as quickly as possible.  You just can't dream this stuff up.  

January 14th

COVID Update

I wanted to follow up with everyone and share some updates pertaining to the current COVID surge.  We are monitoring the numbers and how we might need to adjust.  As an example, we canceled the in person component of Open House yesterday. But I wanted to address some other areas of concern as well.

I want you to know that our team is constantly thinking about and looking at these issues. We are always trying to predict what will come and how to set our school up for success.  

January 13th

Contact Tracing Change

On Monday, the number of COVID positive cases surpassed our ability to do contact tracing.  The current guidelines say we must notify families that they have a student who was potentially exposed and explain what they need to do.  Since we don’t have the ability to get into each room and measure desks with case numbers this high, we are notifying the entire class that they have been exposed and what they need to do as a result.  

At this point it is apparent that these case numbers are not going to decrease to a level we can individually contact trace any time soon.  However, we do have the desire to return to that model when we can.  This means that you do not need to keep seating charts until this passes.  I do want to remind you that at any time we could go back to needing you to keep the seating charts.  But until the case numbers have a significant decrease, we can save you time and suspend the need for the seating charts for now.  We will continue to  keep you updated on this matter.   I want to remind you that district case rates can still be found on the district website.

Left Over Test Kits

I want to remind everyone to please bring down any left over test kits to the staff lounge.  We have a large number of students at home with symptoms who would like to pick up their test from the office today.  Thank you.

January 12th

Open House Update

As we know, Open House is a big night for our school.  Besides the traditional Open House, we also have 8th Grade Parent Night, AP Night, Senior Information Night and a Special Education Parent Night.  

Because of the COVID surge that we are experiencing we are going to do the following.  

We will be sharing this with families in the coming days.  

One Change with Home Test Kits Tomorrow

At the end of first period you will undoubtedly have extras due to absences.  We are experiencing an influx of students who are out but need those tests right now.  So we are going to need to get the extra test kits back to the office tomorrow.   We would greatly appreciate you bringing extras to the staff lounge tomorrow when you come up for your mail.  We will have a box on the table to collect them.  Thank you.

Snow Day Make Up

In the coming weeks you will hear that the schools up the hill that were impacted because of snow will need to make up a school day.  The process is happening now to determine what that day will be.  The good news is that we obviously do not need to make that day up.  So Oak Ridge and Ponderosa will be off on whatever day the schools up the hill choose for their snow day make up.  

Oak Ridge Student in the Community

Oak Ridge sophomore Shawn Varshney spoke at the EDH Rotary Club and shared the Financial Literacy for You club he is President.  This club reaches out to middle schools to provides practical life lessons on finance.  They also work to build financial awareness with our students.  His club has spread to 10 other schools and he has trained over 50 student trainers in their curriculum.  There is a lot of power in students teaching students.  I was very proud of him getting out in the community and seeking support so they can continue to grow.  

January 7th

Staff Meetings/Collaboration

We were fortunate to be able to cancel the last few meetings.  We took the contents of these meetings and combined them into these upcoming meetings.  So instead of holding a lot of little meetings.  We will hold our normal meetings for January on the morning of the 10th and after school on the 24th.  The agendas for those meetings are in the meeting tab above.

Quarantined Students

I want to clarify and hopefully try and simplify your role with quarantined students.   The office is issuing and collecting Independent Study Agreements with quarantined students.  These agreements should have no effect on you.  The state has identified this as the new way to take attendance and collect ADA for quarantined students.  So our office is managing that so we don't lose out on ADA.  

Your role is to make sure students have access to your content when they are quarantined.  Simply keeping the days work on Google Classroom suffices.   We changed the language in the quarantine message to families yesterday directing them to access their teachers Google Classroom and not to email their teacher asking for materials.  Hopefully this will cut down on the number of emails you are getting right now.  

Grade Distribution

For the most part our grade distribution for the semester was amazing.  We were on par with previous (Non-COVID) years.  Teacher grades are the best indicator of student success.  And according to the grades, students are learning at pre-COVID levels and being successful.  Again, I can never thank you enough for what you do.  

January 3rd

Welcome Back and Thank You

I wanted to welcome everyone back to 2022.  I hope that everyone had a great break and is well rested.  These two weeks were so needed before heading into the spring.  I know breaks never feel long enough but I am thankful for what we get.  Hopefully everyone is well, and I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday.  Here are a few quick updates for everyone.

Welcome back!

December 17th


Here are just a few reminders for everyone before you leave for break today:

Happy Holidays

Have a great holiday season and a Merry Christmas.  From the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your family the absolutely best holidays.  Please take time for yourself and relax and replenish yourself.  Working with students is a special job but a hard job.  Having the time to get away and refresh is key.  I hope to see everyone back and ready to make 2022 a great year!

December 16th

Tik Tok Safety Update

Sadly, we are aware that there is a nationwide threat of school shootings happening on Tik Tok.  Law Enforcement agencies across the country are looking into the matter.   There is no indication that these threats are directed to any one school.  And as of now, there is no indication of where they originated from.   We are in touch with law enforcement about this matter and Dr. Carruth is aware as well.  He will be sending a message out to our families.  Although the threat is nationwide and vague, we will remain vigilant tonight and tomorrow.

Reminder: Holiday Lunch Today After School

A reminder that today after school in the cafeteria at 12:45 will be the staff holiday lunch put on by ASB and Administration.  We look forward to serving you food and dessert.  Please come and hang out with your colleagues either in the cafeteria or the outside seating.  We hope everyone can break bread with their peers and enjoy the company and season.   See you there.

December 9th

Missing Student

Sadly, I have to report that we have a missing student who is believed to have runaway.   The student's name is Brylee Bansuelo, a freshmen.   We are working with the Sheriff's Office and Brylee's friends to try and locate  her.  A community alert is going around on social media right now.  

December 8th

Active Shooter in the News

Whenever news of a school shooting happens it is always unsettling.  The unfortunate event in Michigan is no exception.  I feel that as an institution education has gotten good at practicing what we do once an event begins. But we don't do a lot of training on how to avoid the incidents.  Our SRO has been attending a lot of trainings as of late.  I am going to have him come in and do a proactive training for us.  In many cases there were clues that people saw and didn't report.  

The SRO has some information he would like to train us on.  However, we also want to make sure the training fulfills your needs.  So I have a survey that will ask you what you would like to learn more about.  Deputy Scarr is very open to taking your desires in advance and working it into the presentation.   If you have questions about how we can be proactive when it comes to active shooters, please share those in this survey.  We will get this training on the books for one of our meetings asap.

Final Exams Make Ups

As we did last year,  we will have an opportunity for students  to make up a final (or other assessments you have) over break  so they do not need to take them with you during the school day.  I have attached the directions for you can do this here.  But in short, direct the student/parent to sign up for a time slot to retake the assessment here.  Make sure to get the assessment to Sarah before going to break.  The completed assessment will be in your box when you return.  This system worked really well fo rus last year.  Teacher Kate Brown (math) will be running it for us this year on:

Session 1: Mon Jan 3rd 9:00

Session 2: Mon Jan 3rd 11:00

December 3rd

Monday Morning Meeting Canceled

The Leadership Team will work through the survey results that everyone took last week and come up with next steps.  But one of the desired solutions was loud and clear. You would like us to consolidate meetings as much as possible. We had two things to go over Monday (Retired Teacher Presentation and finalize our norms.)  But I can delay that until we return in January.  So the meeting on Monday morning is canceled.  

Wrapping Up a Great Week

I am reminded of how enjoyable this week was.  It started with our Girls Varsity Cross Country Team Coming in Third and State.  Then Paul shared the wonderful climax of the Marching Band and all of their accomplishments this season.  And we are now ending a week that was filled with Kindness thanks to ASB.  And next week we get to have Festive Spirit Days.   Enjoy the Weekend.

Save the Date

Remember to save Thursday December 16th after school for a holiday celebration with food and dessert.  We will get you more information soon.

November 30th

Kindness All the Time

Schools all over the country are grabbling with student misbehavior and bullying.   I don't pretend to be a sociologist, but the last year and half has damaged young people.  The behavior of too many students is unacceptable, in and out of class.   I know that teachers are feeling it as much as administration is.  

The Management Team decided that the student culture was not going to fix itself.  We have to work to get the culture that we want.  So we have empowered several groups on campus to have an impact on rebuilding the culture we want.  I am a big believer that students (with adult help) are the only ones that can truly change student culture.  

ASB has put together a great Kindness campaign.  I can't thank them enough for all the work they have put into the coming days and weeks.  Other groups are also going to follow.  Our goal is to continue to spread this message and in different ways and work until we get the student culture we want.   I am hopeful that if we all stay the course and support his movement, we will start to see an improvement in student behavior.   

Big Student Accomplishments Over Break

We had some big student accomplishments over break.  As you saw earlier, Marching Band wrapped up the best season in the school's history.  Under Paul's leadership, the program continues to grow and improve.  His team has created an elite Marching Band program.  

The Girls Varsity Cross Country Team raced in the State Championships Saturday in Fresno for Division 1.  Our girls have raced at this event before but never  placed on the podium until now.  It was a magical event, when our girls finished third in State for Division 1.  A huge thank you to the Cross Country coaching staff which includes Oak Ridge teacher Rob Fairley in Independent Study.   I was honored to be there to witness it on Saturday.  

Interim Plant Supervisor

I can't thank John Dawson enough for his years of service to Oak Ridge.  John is transferring to Union Mine to be there with his kids.  We will miss him tremendously.  John is truly a kind soul that everyone loves to be around.  He is leaving big shoes to fill.  

Until a replacement can be hired, Travis Walker is the Interim Plant Supervisor.    He will be working on your tickets and any other needs that you have.  

Check In Results

Thank you to everyone who took park in the Check In Questionnaire to help assess where we are  as a school.  Classified still has one more day to complete there questionnaire.  I shared the Faculty results with the Leadership Team (Department Chairs, Management Team) yesterday.  Once everyone has had time to digest the information, we will come back as a Leadership Team and plan next steps from what we have learned.  I will also share the Classified results with the team when it is complete.   I want to thank those who took it.  The information that was gained is invaluable.  

November 19th


I know we are far from normal and there is a lot of controversies in education right now.  However, I choose to focus on the good things that are happening every day as well.  We do have a lot to be thankful for.  There are teachers, staff and coaches leading kids to excellence every day.  The examples are all around us.  We had a magnificent school play, a girls Volleyball NorCal Championship game,  etc.  

I personally feel thankful to work with each and every one of you.  I enjoy coming to work each day to be with the people.  So thank you for making this a place I enjoy coming to every day.  I hope everyone has a great holiday.  We are on the final stretch, after break there are just a few weeks and then finals.  You all deserve the rest this week.

November 17th

Message Home

A message went home tonight to parents with a student getting 2 or more F's or D's.  The message instructed those parents on how to use Flex Time to best help their students.  We shared that Flex Time is a good time to check in with classes they are struggling. 

Teacher Work Load Survey

A message went out to teachers today surveying them on their workload.  Our goal is to attempt to measure the increase in teacher work load this year and to find solutions.  We are currently working on a survey for our classified staff as well.

November 10th

Monday (15th) School Wide Now a Department Collaboration

We have nothing pressing for a school wide collaboration at this time so we are giving the time back to departments.  Please collaborate as departments on Monday morning.  

Veteran's Day

I hope everyone can get some rest tomorrow with the day off.  I know this is a very important day for many families.  Don't forget to reach out to the Veterans in your life and thank them for their service. 

November 9th

New Bells/Clocks

Thankfully the time has come for the school to get a new bell system.  The bell system controls the clocks and intruder alarms.  A vendor will be popping into each room on campus today for a few minutes to understand where the clock/PA is located in each room.  They will do everything in their power to not disrupt your class.  The whole process will likely will take them all day to complete on the whole campus.   Thank you for your understanding .  

November 5th

Finals Bell Schedule Complete

The Leadership Team has settled on a bell schedule for finals week.  With input from teachers we decided to make 7th period a one time testing block instead of a small block all week like in past years.  You can see the schedule here.  

Les Miserables

I hope everyone can find some time to attend the show this week or next.  The kids (and adults) have put a ton of work into it.  The sets are amazing.  I can't wait to go.

Congratulations to Band

The Oak Ridge Band had a successful band review at Oak Ridge last night.  The marching bands from all four schools in our district came together and performed for each other and the parents.  This has become a yearly tradition at Oak Ridge that we look forward to and last night did not disappoint.  The Marching Band has put together a great show this year with the music from Zorro.  Check out one of their upcoming shows if you can.

October 29th

Happy Halloween

Swing by the Admin Office and Counseling today and try to find Waldo.  We are all in the Halloween spirit.  There is also Halloween candy for everyone to help themselves to in the lounge.  I hope you enjoy the day on Sunday.  I love taking my daughter trick or treating.  It is the highlight of my year.   Office Staff Halloween Picture

No Mask Mondays

Many of us received the email about No Mask Mondays.  This is a movement that is trying to get teachers and students to not wear masks in school on Mondays.  This does not seem to be a centralized movement, so there are many different versions of it.  It is something happening across California and to a lesser extent some other states.  Some of the movements want staff and students to be defiant and refuse to wear a mask and refuse to leave their class.  If this were to happen here, we would follow a version of what worked successfully at Pondo last week.

Non Compliant Staff Member: 

Non Compliant Student: 

Ultimately, these things never go exactly as planned, and we will likely need to adapt as the situation evolves.  But we did meet about this today as a team and are prepared for the possibility.  

This Years Struggles

I think it is safe to say that the world will never be the same after COVID.  But most of the world has found a new routine and their work life is not as disrupted as ours.  But education and government agencies continue to struggle greatly.

The stress and the increased work load is being felt by every single person on campus.  We have to try and find a way to reduce this.  After talking with various faculty members around campus, I would like to start with a brief survey to collect some data and make sure everyone can be heard. So you will see this come out soon in a separate email. 

I also want to use Mondays meeting to break into  cross departmental groups and give everyone a chance to share out and collaborate on Flex Time best practices.  We will use the time as efficiently as possible.  

October 22nd


Don't forget the School Wide Collaboration Monday morning at 7:45 in the MPR.

October 18th

Absence Numbers Today

Our absence numbers were around 24% today.  On a normal day, we have about 3% of students absent.  In speaking with the other Principals in our district today, I would say our district average will likely end up being a 40%-50% absence rate district wide.  

Walk Out Questions

I had several questions today about the students who did not attend today.  I wanted to share the answers with everyone.  One, how is it being marked in attendance records.  If parents gave us one of the 6 excuses the state says a parent can use to have their kid excused from school today, then they will be marked excused.  When a student is marked excused they are allowed to make up the work.  They have he number of days they missed plus one to get that done.  If they told us it was to protest, then it was marked unexcused.  It is not necessary to let a student make up work for an unexcused absence.  

Two, can you give extra credit to a student for being present today.  A grade cannot be impacted simply by a student being or not being present.  The grade has to be calculated on something students do, such as turning in work, participated in a class discussion, etc.  But it would not be appropriate to give extra credit to everyone who showed up today.  And anyone marked excused today would get the chance to make up a legitimate extra credit assignment (did something or turned something in.)  

Finally, it is important to make sure you treat today's absences like you do any other absence.  You can't have one standard for the student's out today and a different standard for the rest of the year.  You need to be consistent with your precedent.    

Accessing Student Confidential Data

Here is the link to the document I sent out earlier in an email.  It explains how and who can access confidential student records.  Thank you again for becoming familiar with it.  

October 15th

Reminder: Staff Meeting Monday 3:15 In Theater

This will be an informative meeting.  We will have Dr. Carruth presenting.  And we will have updates on Flex Time and Student Success Data.  

Thank You

Thanks needs to be given to the wonderful things happening around campus.  I want to share how thankful I am to Jen and ASB for the fantastic Homecoming week they put on.  Alyce Rogers and the whole counseling department pulled off the PSAT again.  They make something very difficult look easy each year.  And a thank you to TPSM for the lunch time rallies they are putting on in support of athletics.  

Reminder of Faculty Sub Pay

This is a reminder that the sub pay increase for the Faculty will begin on Monday.

October 14th

Homecoming Thank You

I need to thank everyone who worked and helped with Homecoming.  It was a huge success for students and a community hungry for social interaction again.  Our record for Homecoming ticket sales was 1200.  Last week we sold a little over 1500 tickets setting a new record.  The game was filled with a lot of positive spirit and the parade and rally  were a huge success.   I also want to thank all of those who made Staff Appreciation happen at the game.  I guess the old adage that you don't know what you've got, until its gone is true.  

Bell to Bell Instruction and Safety

Colleagues, it is important to keep students in class until the bell rings.  One, bell to bell instruction matters.  It shows the students that academic time is important.  it also prevents your colleagues classes from being distracted by kids walking down the hall with instructional time still left.  Second, we do not have supervision in place until the bell rings.  We cannot have a large number of students out of class without supervision.   Click here for a picture taken of the cafeteria line one minute before the bell rings.  Please do not dismiss your classes early for any reason.  

Reminder/Update Student/Staff COVID Testing

Many Oak Ridge families/staff have been opting for a rapid test to prove they are COVID free when out with symptoms.  The rapid test allowed these students to be back at school as soon as their symptoms passed.  However, the County will no longer accept a rapid test for students or staff.  They must take a PCR test which can take up to three days.   However, last year we experienced huge delays with PCR tests as the cold season ramped up.  We are fearful students will miss more school as the cold/flu season ramps up and PCR testing gets overwhelmed.  I want to remind everyone, that you can be paid after hours for meeting with students online and assisting them with work.  You would submit a time sheet with a list of students helped.  Thank you.

October 7th 

Staff Appreciation/Homecoming Game

We have 50 people signed up for staff appreciation tomorrow night at the Homecoming Game.  We look forward to giving them free food and the fun of Homecoming.   And I am being told that Bryce Mefford, the Oak Ridge alumni who swam in the Olympics this year, will be there for the Homecoming game as well.

Homecoming Dance Numbers

After COVID the students continue to have a thirst for all school activities.  The number of students in the Ozone is huge, the number of students taking part in spirit days is more than I remember.   And now we are on track to break our Homecoming Dance attendance record.   It is great to see students so involved in this part of school.  They really have a hunger for it.   Our record for this dance is 1200 students.  I know I am looking forward to holding this fun event outside for the kids.

Copy Clerk TAs

I am going to have to rescind my offer to have TAs in the office make copies for the faculty.  I have received a cease and desist order from the CSEA.  They believe we don't have the grounds to replace an employee with a volunteer.   At this time the matter is in the hands of our Human Resources office.  I apologize to the faculty who found this helpful. 

Updated Meetings at a Glance

Our meeting schedule was set before the district changed our day off from October 4th to the 11th.   We forgot to revise our meeting calendar when that change was made.  So please check Meetings at a Glance because it has been updated to reflect the needed changes.

October 1st

Bell Schedule Changes

October and November have several weeks that require a modified schedule for holidays or tests.  We worked with leadership and came up with bell schedules to accommodate those weeks.  Please visit the school's bell schedule page to view these changes.  (You might need to refresh your browser.)

Governor's Announcement

Governor Newsom made an announcement today surrounding vaccines and schools.  As always, the new mandate is raising a great many questions about how it will be carried out.  As more details come out, I will share them with you.  But as of now, I only know what is being reported in the news.  I will actively try to find reliable sources of information on this to pass forward.  Here is one article on the announcement.  

Staff Appreciation at Homecoming

As Steve White shared earlier, the Administration and Athletics would like to celebrate you at the Homecoming Football Game on October 8th.  It has been another year of extremely hard work.  We hope you can come out, relax, have your family enjoy a meal on us and enjoy the festivities and alumni that come back to visit.  RSVP Here

September 30th

Access Student Info in Flex Time

The Flex Time program is ready to go and we will be starting up flex time in a gradual way in the coming weeks.  When students start to travel you will likely encounter students you do not have in class during your "study hall" days.  In order to provide you the information you need on these students and comply with FERPA guidelines, the district has created a shared drive with the important documents that you might need about students, such as health alerts.  That drive will be online and shared with you prior to students being allowed to pick their flex time option.  Please read this important memo from Tony Deville explaining how this shared folder is to be used. 

Student Copy Clerks Ready

We have trained some TA's on how to make copies.  We also showed them how the process works.  So I am optimistically cautious that we are ready to start accepting your copy requests.  We have never tried this with students before so please be patient with us if we need to work out a few kinks.  The biggest unknown is how many orders they can fulfill in a period.  I am not sure how fast they will be out of the gate.  But I think they will improve with time.  So here is a reminder of how the process works.

Trojan in the News

Check out Cross Country athlete Kayla Rutz in the news. 

September 29th

Staff Restrooms

It has come to our attention that restrooms being full is becoming an issue for staff.  It was also shared that part of the issue might be the loss of staff restrooms in the cafeteria staff lounge when the nurses office had to be moved there in order to meet COVID guidelines for a health center.  However, Amber and Deanna are open to staff members coming in and using those restrooms if they like.  


I have a couple of updates related to copies and the copy room.  One, the district is creating one central copy room for all schools to use.  You can email your copy to this copy center and they will send it back to the site in the district mail.    This should hopefully be up in 2 to 3 weeks. 

Two, the Riso machines are no longer worth keeping around.  When they break they are difficult to repair.  So I am meeting our Canon rep on Thursday to replace them with two Canon copiers that are under a service contract.

Three, I am starting to train office TA's to make copies on campus.  When we have trained kids and it is ready to go we will let you know.   Obviously,  we can't use them to copy assessments.  And I still don't know what the turn around time will be for them.  We have never tried this before.

Rally Venue

The Homecoming Rally (10/8) will be outdoors in the stadium.   We will be publishing more details on the schedule soon.  Basically, we will lengthen the Advisory period.  Half the classes will go to the first rally, and half to the second rally.  Both will take place during Advisory Time.  Please accompany your class to the rally to help with supervision.  Stay tuned for more information on when your class will go. 

September 24th

"The Oak Ridge Way" Feedback

Thank you to everyone for your participation in Monday's staff meeting and the activity that revisited our school norms and how we work with each and treat one another.  I think norms are incredibly important for any group.  And I believe they are more important than ever right now.  I wanted to share a summary of the input that came out of the activity.  Please click here to see the summary that we will address at our next meeting.  

WIFI Upgrade

Good news, our upgraded WIFI equipment that we ordered in May finally arrived. It was delayed due to the global chip shortage.  We have heard your frustration that the WIFI was slow or not allowing everyone on.  Over the last few days Noel and district personnel installed all of the equipment.  The final pieces were installed last night.   We should now have sufficient bandwidth to support all of our devices.   You should now see a significant improvement in performance.  

Submit Update to Bulletin/Show Bulletin

Please remember to show the bulletin to your Flex Time class once a week when you receive it in your email.  If you need to add something to the Bulletin, please submit your request here.  


Last year the CAASPP test was modified due to COVID.  The math and English test were reduced in size and lengthy by 50%.  The CDE is recommending that this reduction remain in place for this year.  

September 23rd

No School-October 11

I wanted to clarify and remind people that Monday October 11th is a non-school day.  Only  certain classified (12 month employees) and management come to work on that day,  

Faculty Site Council Representatives

Thank you to Angela Brown, Michelle Kite and Donna Martin for volunteering.  They will be representing the Faculty on our School Site Council this year.

Capturing Kids Hearts

A group of staff met today at lunch to talk about the potential of coming together and taking the next step with CKH.  There is an upcoming training for those who attended the first and want to do something more school wide.   I'm looking forward to it.  

September 21st

Welcome Maria Eyrisch

Please welcome Maria Eyrisch to our team.  Maria is replacing Denise Bonal  in the front office.  She is the official school greeter in the main office.  Please email Maria everything you would normally send to Denise.  Denise and her husband decided to move across country to Tennessee.  We will miss her tremendously, but we know Maria will do an excellent job.  I want to remind everyone that one of Maria's main responsibilities is maintaining and sending our weekly Parent Square messages. 

Model Trojan Luncheon

We have our first Model Trojan Luncheon for students and families this Friday.  We will be inviting the staff that nominated them as well.  These are always heart warming events.  If you want to nominate someone you can always do it in the Model Trojan tab in the menu at the top of the page at any time.

Daily Bulletin

You will start to see the daily bulletin come out again.  It will start as a slide presentation.  When the digital imaging class learns the video side of the class, they will begin putting out videos.  When you receive the bulletin presentation from Quinn Linkhart, please share it with your Flex Time class on Tuesday.  It is extremely important that students see these.  Remember, if you need to add something to the bulletin you can do that here:

September 17th

Monday Meeting

The agenda for Monday's after school meeting is in the Meetings tab above for your reference.  We will be moving our after school meetings to the MPR for the rest of this year at 3:15.  Please bring something to write with and your advisory roster.  


There is a Tik Tok Challenge that has students stealing school property to and showing it off in a Tik Tok video.  It is leading to school vandalism and thefts all over the country.  We are suffering a large amount of property damage and theft as well.  Often times these students are breaking things to get them off the wall and creating an unsafe/unclean environment in their wake.  So we are closing bathrooms until we can correct the problem.   Here is an article the Sac Bee wrote about this challenge

BtSN Thank You

I want to thank everyone for a successful Back to School Night.  I heard from several parents who were very appreciative of videos.  They appreciated how  professional the videos were.  They also felt that they learned what they needed to know to help their student be successful. So thank you for the time and care you put into making your videos and getting them up on time.  I appreciate how professional our staff is.

Flex Time Team Met Yesterday

The teacher/admin/classified committee that helped design Flex Time originally regrouped yesterday afterschool.  The group is meeting to discuss the  best path forward due to the dilemma with the Flex Time software.  We will continue to meet as much as needed.  Patrick and Brittany will be following up with the outcome of that meeting.  But things are progressing on the Flex Time front. 

Substitute Shortage

As we know, the labor shortage across the country is very real.  However, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Since the end of the federal part of the COVID unemployment increase, we have seen a big increase in job applications for unfilled positions on campus.  We went from zero applications in one position for months to having 8 in the last two weeks.  So we are hopeful that the county will now be able to find more substitutes.  

September 14th

Daily Bulletin

The daily bulletin will begin soon.  The bulletin will begin as a slide presentation to show your Flex Time Class on Tuesdays.  The bulletin will convert to video once the class is ready to for video production.  

In the meantime please submit items for the bulletin at the Student Bulleting Announcements link in the menu bar above or here.  Please remember that there is a board policy about doing the pledge of allegiance in class.  So the last slide will remind the class to do the pledge of allegiance.  

September 13th

Progress Report Follow Up with Parents

With Progress Reports, it is important to communicate with families if a student is struggling.  Please reach out and communicate with families that have a student earning an F in your class as of the Progress Report.  Parents need our assistance in knowing how to get their student back on track.  The message should contain the things the student can do in order to turn things around.  For your reference, here are two examples of templates sent out by other teachers. 

Back to School Night Wednesday

Don't forget to have your Back to School Night video posted in your Google Classroom stream by 4:00 on Wednesday.  I will copy you on the final BtSN parent communication that goes out.  You can reference the August 31st post below for all the details pertaining to this video.  

September 10th

Free Breakfast on Monday

We have free breakfast for everyone on Monday morning.  Chick-Fil-A has been generous and will bring free breakfast for everyone.  Come by the office lounge and  pick it up starting around 8:00.  We had a small agenda for our Monday collaboration, so we will postpone the Monday meeting and combine the contents to the after school meeting on the 20th.  This will give us time to enjoy the Chick-Fil-A breakfast.  

School WIFI

We are aware of the ongoing school WIFI issue.  We knew with the additional chromebooks that the WIFI infrastructure would need an upgrade. In early May equipment was ordered to make the upgrades over the summer.  But the equipment we ordered is suffering the same fate as new cars.  The manufacturer is telling us they can't get the computer chips they need to fulfill all their orders.  So we continue to wait for the equipment that should resolve our WIFI issue. 

CAASPP Test Shorter This Spring

The California State Department of Education approved a shorter version of the CAASPP for this spring.  They are claiming that their will be no loss in accuracy because of this.  Here is one article about it.   A shorter test will logistically make our jobs easier.  Of course we want the time to be well spent, and the accuracy to be there as well.

Student Behavior

We are struggling with student behavior this year.  We are seeing a large increase in student defiance and what I would classify as rude behavior.  There is definitely a significant difference between now and pre-COVID.  I know COVID has impacted all of us in a very negative way.  I know there is trauma from that for our students.  From my point of view, students are also pushing back on being back in a highly structured daily environment, now that life has been in flux for the last year and a half.  I am not a social scientist and I don't have all the answers.   But I believe that kids are kids and they are fundamentally the same people they were before COVID.  It is apparent to me that we are going to need to take definitive and concrete steps to rebuild the culture that we want for our students.  

Student Restrooms Closed

Male students are getting aggravated that we are having to close down some of the boy bathrooms.  They are complaining about lines and the inconvenience of searching for an open bathroom.  We are closing the restrooms because students are going in and doing massive amounts of damage in a short period of time.  The restrooms need to be closed until they are safe and sanitary again.  Unfortunately, a small number of students are making life difficult for everyone else.  

September 7th

Dress Code

We are struggling as a Management Team to enforce the dress code this year.  Unfortunately, the fashion trends this year do not comply with our dress code.   Our latest struggle is with equity and enforcement.  We are getting a very small number of dress code referrals.  However, a large part of our student body is not in compliance with the dress code.  It is very tough to enforce any rule when the majority of students attend classes all day and are never referred and then a handful are referred.  They ask the very real question of why me.  Is it equitable or even legal to enforce the rule with a very small number of students when the rule is not being enforced with the vast majority of students.  We are working to bring the dress code committee back together to discuss this issue.  

Community Generosity and Support

I wanted to share the generosity of our community and the support our parents have for the work you are doing.   The Foundations CCRC (same folks who feed us) asked the Department Chairs what teacher supplies they needed.  They then went out to the community and asked for donations.  What we received was overwhelming to say the least.  We needed trucks to move everything.   The CCRC has packaged (Mrs. Sprenger took the lead) it all for us and divided it up.  The department chairs have been notified so we can start to get it out to people.  The real takeaway here is just how much our parent community supports and values us.  

Faculty Site Council Site Rep

We still don't have any volunteers for the faculty site rep on Site Council.  If you are interested in attending this once a month meeting  (after school on the first Wednesday of every month) please nominate yourself at the link below.  Thank you.

Football Game Friday

I want to share why the Football game on Friday did not happen so everyone is on the same page.  The air quality was good enough to play on Friday.  However, Lincoln of Stockton made the call at 2:00 to not get on the bus. They felt the air quality would not improve at that time.  We pleaded with them to at least send their Varsity team.  Having lived these trends for weeks now we saw that the quality was improving by the hour and the forecast had us in a good place  come the later afternoon. So we did not cancel the game.  The other team canceled and would not adjust the decision they made at 2:00.  

Air Quality

We continue to keep the cafeteria closed on days where the air quality is not unhealthy.  It has become impossible to keep a safe environment as it pertains to mask compliance.  On days that the air quality is unhealthy, we open the cafeteria (and MPR if needed) for students who would like a reprieve from the smoke.  

September 2nd

Schedule Vote

The vote was 11 Yes and 56 No.  So we will keep the schedule with Flex Time in it.  The sentiment I kept hearing from teachers today was how much the students appreciated it.  I love that the students are bought into it and teachers want to help them keep it.  Once we get the software in place and student choice is built into it, the usefulness will grow even more.  

PSAT Bell Schedule

The PSAT this year lands on a Wednesday when we have the Monday off that week.  So what we normally do for this week won't work.  The Leadership Team discussed the matter and agreed upon this schedule for the week of October 12-15.  

August 31st

Back to School Night Update

BtSN will be very much like last year.  Given the limitations of COVID, BtSN was very well received last year.  However, we did learn a few ways to make it even better.   In Leadership yesterday we discussed the day to post the videos and some other best practices.  I have also listed the expectations for the videos below.

Video Expectations: Please make sure all of the elements below are contained in your video. 

Smoky Day Late Start Schedule Finalized

In Leadership yesterday we settled on this bell schedule for any future late starts due to excessive smoke.  There is only one slight adjustment from the previous version.  So please use this updated version.  Let's hope we don't need to use it.

Flex Time Manager

I wanted to apologize for Flex Time Manager not working as planned.  When we piloted this product last year it worked perfectly.  But over the summer the company released a new version that has a great many problems.  At this time, Patrick and I have no confidence that they can fix it any time soon.  We explored a competitor today but they would need 3 weeks to implement it.   I refuse to allow this time to degrade into babysitting and essentially headaches for everyone.   Student behavior and expectations for this period will begin to erode if we don't do something.  

At lunch today, I was able to meet with our Faculty Site Reps.  We agreed that the best solution is to remove flex time from the bell schedule for the remainder of the first quarter.  We will distribute the minutes back into the other academic classes.   By the start of the second quarter we will have the technology tested and ready.  At that time we will revert to our bell schedule with flex time in it.  This schedule (without flex) will begin on Tuesday September 7th (we have Monday off.)  Here is the temporary schedule.  I will be sharing this news with families tomorrow.

August 27th

ORHS Students Make a Difference

Oak Ridge High School freshmen Phoebe Yonano, Ella Hoy and Ariana Thakur enhanced the learning experience at a local park in Placerville as part of their Girl Scout project.  Congratulate them if you see them.

Smoky Day Late Start

Due to feedback and collaboration with other districts our District has decided to institute a late start for days with excessive smoke.  Looking at the forecast, the District will make the call the night before.  If we call a late start, this will be the schedule that we use for now.  I will run this proposal by Leadership on Monday to get a permanent one in place.  The late start will always start at 10:30.  I do not yet know what the AQI forecast needs to be in order for the late start to be initiated.  

August 24th

Supporting Those Evacuated by Fire

Our community provided a tremendous amount of support for local fire victims.  We have boxes and boxes of supplies for the Red Cross.  We received a large amount of Target and Safeway gift cards that we are disseminating to staff who have been evacuated from their homes today.  We will be sharing these with the other sites as well.  We are so grateful to our community. When we need them, they come through for us.

Flex Time Expectations

Establishing the right culture for your Flex Time Tutorials and Study Halls is the difference between this working and not working for students and staff.  From day one we have to establish what this looks like for students.  This is academic time and should be treated as such.  There should be some academic urgency for students to get school work completed.  Each of us has to set up expectations and enforce them. We have set up some guidelines that you can use.   There are slides here designed to share with students and slides designed to inform you.   Feel free to share the student slides with them.

But each of us needs to do our part for this to work.  Each faculty member must:

Starting Flex Time

Flex Time is going to be a huge success on our campus.   A lot of people are working really hard to make sure it is. But no change this large happens without growing pains.  There is no doubt that unforeseen obstacles will pop up.   When they do, please accept students into your class and share the issue with Patrick.  We will then work on resolving it.  By the time we complete next week we will have a finely tuned machine working.  I want to thank you in advance for your patience.

Supply Locker

Right before the fires we asked our parents to donate school supplies that your department chairs requested.  We received an overwhelming amount of donations for classroom supplies.  The CCRC is organizing them all and getting ready to bring them to department chairs.  Our community truly values what we do and supports us. 

Technology Repairs

A member of our IT department has been forced to evacuate and finding it challenging to get to work.   So this has caused a slight delay in getting some tech needs addressed.  However, we are lucky on two fronts.  One, Union Mine is going to loan us their Micro Tech to assist us.  Secondly, Rob Slinger has dove in and been working harder than anyone I have ever seen at repairing what he can on his own.   

August 20th

Public Wifi Update

We have decided that the chromebooks in many locations are too slow right now to not take some type of corrective action.   We have enough bandwidth to run all of the chromebooks.  We are discovering another more technical problem we had not anticipated.  So we are purchasing the equipment we need to correct the problem.  But temporarily we are shutting down the public wifi.  This will get the student devices off the network and create the space needed for the chromebooks to work at an acceptable speed.  It will likely take one to two months for the long term solution to be implemented.  We are not blind to the fact that shutting down the public wifi will create some issues.  But we believe the greater good and the useability of the chromebooks should take priority right now.

Air Quality/Football Game

Right now we are on the cusp of the air quality falling below 150 API and being able to play.  We have decided to keep the game going.  We will make a game time decision on whether to cancel.  The logistics in moving the game to Saturday is huge.  We are not even sure how to overcome some of the obstacles.  So both schools want to try and hold the game tonight.  

When is Cafeteria Open at Lunch

It has been very difficult to enforce masks in the cafeteria at lunch time.  So we have kept it closed.  However, when the smoke is above 150 API we open the cafeteria so students have a place to go indoors to escape the unhealthy smoke.  

August 19th

School Wide Collaboration Monday

I wanted to share a few friendly reminders for Monday.  We will have our first school wide collaboration Monday morning in the MPR.   Everyone will need to be properly masked for the entirety of the time.  We will be logging into Flex Time and learning how to use it on Monday.  You can find the agenda on the meeting tab above. 

Wifi Issue

We have been working as fast we can with our district IT team.  They have been analyzing our bandwidth and trying to determine solutions.   We have a lot of additional chromebooks on campus but the site should have been able to handle it with the capacity that we have.  What is chewing up our bandwidth right now is all of the personal devices accessing our public wifi.  As we analyze the data it would appear there are more devices on the public wifi than there are people in some places.  So some students must have multiple devices connected to the public wifi.  

The long term solution is adding more bandwidth to our campus.  We are starting to work on that, but it won't happen in the short term.  To get us to that point, we are going to shut down the public wifi in most classrooms and see if this corrects the problem.  The network that the chromebooks work on will obviously remain on.  Our long term goal is to get more bandwidth and turn the public wifi back on.   I will let you know when we start this.  

Vaccine/Testing Requirement

I want to make sure I am providing you with updates on this topic.  As we all know the state has put the mandate on schools to have all employees either vaccinated or tested weekly.   The state has given district's until October 15th to determine who is vaccinated and who will need to be testing.  The testing will also need to be in place by October 15th.   Our district is currently securing a company that can administer testing.  

Student Population

As of today our total student population at Oak Ridge is 2513.   This is over what the demographic studies has us pegged at by 80+ students. 

August 17th

Important COVID Process

If a parent were to call you and share that their student is COVID positive, please follow these steps.  We need to make sure that all cases are captured and nothing falls in between the cracks.

Back to School Night Update

Back to School Night is being postponed.  The decision was made as a district  today that we will postpone BtSN until September.  The date is yet to be determined.  Between now and then we will work to get everyone access to Screencastify and we will make videos to share with our families like last year as opposed to having families on campus.  I will have more information on this as we get closer to the day. 


The new Caldor fire is already having a horrible impact on our district and site.  Oak Ridge has 4 staff members who have been evacuated from their home.  The count across the whole district is much larger as you can imagine.  As of this writing, we know of 3 district employees who have lost their homes.   We cannot run many of our bus routes up the hill.  And many of our bus drivers are evacuated and can't drive.  

As of this writing we have no way of  knowing how many students have been evacuated or lost their homes.  But the numbers of evacuated students will be large.  Our district it working all night to determine if we have enough staff left up the hill to open El Dorado and Union Mine on Wednesday.  I am proud of our site today because we all covered for those who had to leave early to either evacuate or to assist a family member in evacuating.   As a district and site we will do what we always do, we will band together to help each other out.  

August 13th

Thank you for Week 1

Thank you to everyone for a successful first week.  The start of any year has waves, but this years waves were small and manageable.  In the end, the kids felt a warm welcome and I want to thank everyone for that.   We are making a two master schedule adjustments today.   All impacted parties are already aware of the changes.  But that should be the last of the large master schedule changes.   So make sure to have a well earned and relaxing weekend.  

Monday After School Staff Meeting Canceled

The staff meeting scheduled after school on this Monday the 16th is canceled.  It was put in place in case we needed it.  However, we have covered everything we needed to.  However, please don't forget that Monday  is our first AM faculty collaboration wit your department starting at 7:45AM.  

Staffing Update

We are significantly short staff on the classified side of the house.  We continue to look for employees for Food Service,  Campus Monitors, Bus Drivers, etc.  We also have one last teaching position to fill in Special Education.  But we are close to filling that.  

Indoor Mask Process

I wanted to post the Indoor Mask Protocol that I shared in my email today.  

Picture Day

Thank you to Jen Slinger and ASB for setting up Picture Day yesterday and today.  They had a solid plan in place, but unfortunately the photo company struggled to execute it today.  So we now have a number of students who did not have time to get their pictures taken.   So we will need to come up with a plan B to address this.  

August 12th

Oak Ridge Graduate on America's Got Talent

Recent graduate Charlene Duong has been on America's Got Talent.  Read the story about her rise in the world of Taekwondo.  

Parking/Pick Up and Drop Off

I copied all of you on my message to the community today.  Last April we became keenly aware that our 8:30 start time combined with Rolling Hills mandated 8:30 start time has made our already bad situation worse.  Over the summer we started working on it.  We met with District Facilities and the Department of Transportation.  We have identified a funding stream that we can use on a potential solution.  The proposal involves major changes to the Admin parking lot and revisiting the flow in the other lots.   

Cafeteria at Lunch

The cafeteria was open on the first day of school for sitting down and eating.  The number of students not wearing masks was unacceptable and trying to enforce it was problematic.  So we closed the cafeteria Tuesday and Wednesday to send a message.  We tried again today and there was no improvement.  Unfortunately, this behavior is preventing the cafeteria from being a safe place for students to be.  So we are shutting it down for 3 or 4 days this time.  We will consider opening it again mid-week and giving it one last try.   Students can still enter to purchase food, but they can't loiter or stay inside.  

August 11th

Clubs in Person

We are allowed to hold clubs in person again at lunch.  Please be sure to maintain all masking requirements when you do.


We already have some students who are on quarantine.  Like last year, you will receive an email from either Denise Bonal or Jessica Womack saying the student will be out.  Any work you can send home is appreciated.  Or directing the student to your Google Classroom where there is work is another good alternative.  We will also use Flex Time to help us catch these students up once it starts.   We will do any contact tracing that is necessary from quarantines.  So once again, please keep accurate seating charts that are easy to find after hours.  Thank you.

Advisory Video

If you ran out of time to play the Advisory video from today lesson, please find time to play it tomorrow.   This video is very important for the students to see this week. 

Governor School Vaccine Mandate

Our district is aware of the Governors new mandate on vaccines he made today.  It will take some time to go through the fine print.  On the surface it looks like all school staff need to either be vaccinated or tested once a week.  But we are not entirely sure of the details yet.  We will keep everyone updated as we learn more.  This is a big issue that will need to be implemented with care and thought.  

Faculty on Site Council

Please complete this form if you wish to nominate yourself for a position on the school Site Council.  If more people apply than we have positions, there will be a run off election.  The school Site Council is either an elected or selected group of parents, students and faculty members.  The Site Council meets to approve the schools categorical budget expenditures, help form school goals and provide input for the schools LCAP (local funding) report.  The group meets after school once a month during the school year.  

August 10th

Day 2

We only had one student sent down today for not wearing a mask.  And after speaking with their parent they determined it was in their best interest to start wearing a mask again.  I was able to walk around and get into a lot of Advisory classes today.  It was so great to see the cultures that were starting to develop.   Our goal is to increase the number of students who state there is an adult who cares about my success on the Healthy Kids Survey. We also want to achieve our goal of teaching  students the skills they need to manage their emotions.  

Lunch Line

Joyce and her team are working incredibly hard to get the lunch line down.  They opened up a second serving location today despite being down people.  I think this is really going to help moving forward.

Class Sizes

We continue to work on class sizes.  We will have a final count on our "no-shows" today.  We will use this data to remove these students and start to balance classes to the best of our ability.   We will also see if we get extra sections or not. 

Student Logins

We are sending more detailed information home to families today on how their student logs in at school.  We hope this will help some of the confusion the freshmen have.

Feel Good Message

I received this uplifting message from a new parent today: "My sons came home from school yesterday. It was their first time on a physical campus since March of 2020. One is a senior, the other a sophomore. Fellow classmates went out of their way to welcome them, and one even gave my oldest a quick tour of the campus before the morning bell. These are just some of the reasons why I feel incredibly blessed to live here. We left the Bay Area and came to EDH knowing no one a couple of months ago, but the kids you're supporting at Oak Ridge made my sons feel a sense of belonging. Thank you for supporting such kind human beings. Wishing everyone a safe and memorable school year."

August 9th


We did not have one student sent down today for refusing to wear a mask.  I know this only happened because our staff counseled many kids into it.  I greatly appreciate your efforts.  There were some small waves today but we got through them.  Overall, I feel it was a really successful day.  I wanted to share some updates with you.

Cafeteria: The kids were hard to manage when it came to masks in the cafeteria today.  So w are closing the cafeteria tomorrow to show students that masks in the cafeteria must be taken seriously.

Bells: We apologize, the bells were set and ready to go.  When the time came they reverted to last years schedule which is deleted from the system.  We are at a complete loss.  We have a call into support to help us.

Freshmen Logins: Due to us running out of numbers in student IDs, our district technology committee decided to switch just the freshmen class over to State ID numbers as part of their computer/Google login.  This is a larger number.  However, it came to light today that students don't have access to that number.  The district is aware and trying to make that number show on their end.  In the meantime, Patrick was nice enough to share the login information with everyone so you can assist any struggling students in the coming days.  This will not affect the upper class people.  

Class Sizes: We are aware of large class sizes. In April the district projected that student enrollment would be at 2438.  As we got to the end of May Jon Pratt and I felt that number was way off.  We advocated with the district and did not get additional sections.  They believed the 2438 number would come to pass.  On Friday we hit 2604 enrollments.  The district gave us four sections.  After clearing out the "no shows" today we currently sit at 2568 students.  This puts us way above 2438 and in need of additional sections to bring class sizes down.  We are working with the district as we speak on how many sections we need.  But this will not happen over night or without some upset students having their schedules changed.   Our site did try and prevent this.  We will now do the best we can to minimize the tumult.

I know that looks like a lot of issues.  But as first days go, today was really good.  Everyone did an amazing job with the high numbers and students felt supported and taken care of.  Today was a success because of all of you.  Thank  you.

August 8th

What to do If You Are Sick

If you are feeling ill, please use frontline to call in sick and arrange a sub if needed.  Then call our school nurse Amber Uber to discuss your symptoms and when you may return to work at 916-933-6980 ext. 3030.  

Process for Students Who Won't Wear a Mask

Ask all students without a mask to put one on.  If they still choose to not wear a mask please send them down to the office and complete the online discipline referral form so we know they were sent down.  

Adding Sections

We have broken passed 2600 students.  Not all of these students will show, but it is still the highest number we have ever started with.  In response, the district has provided us with additional sections.  We are working to add them in as we speak.  As soon as this is done we will roll the master schedule so you have access to your rosters.  We apologize for the delay that the additional sections have caused.  

June 7th

AB 104

AB 104 has passed the Assembly and shall be voted on by the Senate. If Newsom signs the legislation, we will have 20 days to notify families of the opportunity to change any letter grade to Pass/No Mark from 2020-21. In addition, students may earn a diploma by passing the State minimum requirements.

SUMMARY: This bill, an urgency measure: (1) requires local educational agencies (LEAs), upon receiving a request, to offer the parent a consultation regarding whether a pupil should be retained; (2) creates a process for parents to request that students receive a “pass” or “no pass” instead of a letter grade in the 2020-21 academic year and requires that specified institutions of higher education accept a “pass” for credit for admissions purposes; and (3) requires that students who were in their third or fourth year of high school in the 2020-21 and who are not on track to graduate in the 2020–21 or 2021–22 school years be exempted from local graduation requirements and be given the opportunity to complete the coursework required for graduation.

Link to more information:

Final Make Ups

I want to thank Marc Rubalcaba and Kate Hewett for all of their work last week with final make ups.  The bulk of students completed final make ups last week.  We did have 8 students who were quarantined last week as well.  So they will be taking their finals with me this week.  But we should be done with them in the next couple of days. 

Textbook/Chromebook Return Not Good

As of the last day of school we still had $107,905 in textbooks and chromebooks that have not been returned.  Obviously, we have no ability to replace that many books and devices.  The front office staff is working diligently on getting them all returned asap.

May 28th

Bell Schedule Update

The proposed bell schedule passed with a majority vote.  However, Jon and I need to work out some logistics with the schedule.  The Faculty Association brought to our attention that this schedule will only work if those teaching a first or second don't also have a 7th per contract language.  If we can't logistically do that, then the schedule is voided by the contract and we go back to the previous schedule.  Jon and I should know this soon.  New Schedule

Check Email

It will be in your best interest to periodically check your work email.  Next week sometime we will likely have schedule updates for you.  I will likely need to make some adjustments to our Meetings at a Glance schedule as well. and push that out.  If you have students doing a make up test, we will communicate with you via email as well.  

Scholarship & Athletic Award Nights

Our school had an enthusiastic in person Scholarship and Athletic Award nights this week spaced out in the large gym.  The end of the year is the time to celebrate the accomplishments of our students.  From Student Achievement Awards to Scholarship and Athletic Awards we were able to truly celebrate so many students and honor their hard work this year. 

I want to take this opportunity to thank several people for making this happen.  Alyce Rogers was the key organizer and decorator of our Scholarship Award Night.  She found a way to make the large gym look regal for the event.  Steve White, Amber Heinlein and Janet Hallare did a fantastic Athletic Awards ceremony last night that felt more like a professional awards show than high school event.  And a lot of these events are supported by Kate Hewitt and Terri Moore.  Their fingerprints are all over these events.  Kate and Terri really designed and made our Year End Celebration Wednesday a reality.  I am forever in their debt for how good they make everything look.



I couldn't be more excited for a new school year.  I know this one is just ending and we need to step away and rest and repair before even thinking about next year.  But next year is sizing up to be the unicorn year.  It will be impossibly perfect.  The COVID money is going to allow us to take part in a lot of professional growth.  Next year you will have the opportunity to learn:

Capturing Kids Hearts: 

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): 

Flex Time: 

I am really excited about the possibilities.  And with any luck, things should be a lot closer to normal next year.  We will be eagerly awaiting the Governor's June 15th announcement to see the impact that will have on education.

The state budget and our district budget is looking really good for next year as well.  If the current proposal passes, there is a large COLA on the horizon.  There is truly a lot to be grateful for next year.  So go into this summer knowing that you educated kids in an impossible situation.  And now we can rest, knowing that next year is shaping up to be one of the best and most prosperous on record.  No group of people has ever deserved a break more than you.  Go into the summer knowing that you did an incredible job that no words can describe.   I am so proud of our school. 

May 24th

Published Student

Eleventh grader, Daela Montgomery has written and illustrated a special children's book called Speckles and the Worry Clouds, which is now available on Amazon for $7.00! It's a powerful little book about childhood anxiety and how to overcome it with practical tools.

Quarantined Students/Finals

I wanted to share one additional option for teachers.  It is within your power to waive a final for a quarantined student.  I am not trying to push this, I just want to make sure everyone knows all of the options available to them.

May 21st

Rotary Teacher of the Year

Hugh Corkery has won the EDH Rotary Teacher of the Year Award.  He will be honored at a ceremony on June 2nd.  Every teacher went above and beyond this year and Hugh is not exception.  Hugh has taken on coaching the Speech and Debate team which requires a lot of weekends and after school work.  He has accepted responsibility for the Military Send Off that we do every year.  He is one of those teachers that comes out to games just to watch his students play. The Rotary made an excellent choice, Hugh is a great example of a model teacher.  

Flex Time Coordinator

I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who volunteered to be the Flex Time Coordinator next year.  We had an embarrassment of riches.  Patrick and I spoke with everyone and Brittney Lansford will be our Flex Time Coordinator next year.  But I can't thank everyone enough who put their name forward.  The conversations with everyone where great and I learned something from all of them.

Grading Window & Quarantines

Reminder, the grading window will close at its normal time.  However, if you have a student who is having their year extended into the first week of summer because of quarantines, don't forget to give them an incomplete.  After the student is done, you will update their grade with Kathy Schults by June 4th.  Don't forget, you will be paid hourly for this.

Quarantined Student Academic Protocol

Faculty, please don't forget to familiarize yourself with this protocol if have a quarantined student in the last two weeks of school. 

Model Trojan Awards

We are having our final student Model Trojan Awards after school today in the MPR.  We will be recognizing 13 students put forth by the staff.   I love all of the end of the year celebrations that happen. 

May 13th

Graduation Guests

In order to make sure we are complying with the state's guidelines on graduation, we had the fire department come out and give us a capacity ruling for the stadium for a seated ceremony.  We took that number and applied it to the guidelines that the state issued on graduations.  It came out to us being allowed to have 4.09 guests per graduate.  So we will allow each graduate to bring 4 guests.

End of Year Celebration

Save the date, we are going to hold an end of year celebration as a staff after school on the last Wednesday (5/26) of the year like we always do.  Please plan on it being an hour. 

Military Send Off Today

Our Military Send Off Ceremony will happen today at lunch in the Large Gym.  All staff are invited.

May 10th

Seniors and The Last Day

Traditionally, seniors spend the last day on campus taking part in celebrations and graduation practice.  That time counts as time on campus and instructional minutes traditionally.  Without those events this year, we will be instructing seniors to attend all of there classes on the last day so we technically have all of our instructional minutes. 

Staff Meeting Reminder (Next Monday)

This Monday we have an AM staff meeting online.  We will have two topics.  One, we will discuss everyone's role in graduation.  Two, Dr. Carruth will be presenting to us.  The meeting is 7:45 to 8:30 and the link is here:

May 6th

Make Up Days After Finals

As we know, we currently have assessment make up times when quarantined students return.  This will prevent them from missing additional class time to assess.  

We have also scheduled make up days the first week of summer for any student who missed the last week of school due to quarantines.  This time was set up for final make ups.  But you can have students make up anything.  The make ups will need to run out a whole week to make sure students have time to get off quarantine and make up assessments.  You can sign students up here as you need to. 

Make Up Time

Every Day Tues June 1 to Fri June 4

9:30 to 11:30

Classroom I-6

If you sign a student up for this make up time, you will be paid the hourly rate to grade this work and add it into Aeries and update the students grade if necessary with Kathy Schults.  

Technology Resources

The District is bringing a proposal to the Board on Tuesday to approve a large purchase of additional Chromebooks and licenses for education programs for next year.  We won't know the exact amount until the Board decides on a final figure on Tuesday.  But this is looking to be a large infusion of technology into our schools.  The District has heard from teachers that they have built an effective online learning environment and would like to maintain that post COVID.  So they are investing what they can into supporting that. 

May 5th

Teacher of the Year

Oak Ridge is fortunate to have great community support.  Each year our Rotary Club chooses an Oak Ridge teacher to honor.  And our district has also started the first annual teacher of the year program.  With your nominations, we were able to look at all the tremendous candidates.  I am proud to announce that Kim May received the most nominations, is an incredible teacher and as part of the new district program is our schools Teacher of the Year for 2021. Please congratulate Kim when you see her.  Kim works endless hours, mentored new teachers, designs excellent lessons used by others, her students love her and so much more.  We are lucky to have her.  Kim will be honored at the next board meeting on May 11th at Union Mine High school at 6:30.  Rotary will be announcing their teacher of the year soon as well. 


This year we had a group of student very interested in STEM start the first STEM Fair at Oak Ridge.  When I first met with these students I thought they were incredibly audacious. I couldn't believe that for their first year they wanted to invent an online virtual STEM Fair.  But they did it.  They had the support of many teachers throughout the process.  But Paul Kuzmich and Casey Rhyan helped them a lot.  Students filmed themselves doing science and sent it in to  be judged.  They then put it all together in a YouTube video and winners were awarded.  Follow the link to check it out.

Internet and Phone Problems

We are sorry that some people are still experiencing internet and phone problems. The power outage and surge when the power returned has wrecked havoc with our system.  Something is not working correctly and we cannot identify what that is.  We have all hands on deck and are doing everything possible to get the problem corrected.  I want everyone to know that locating the issue is our school's and district's top priority.

May 3rd

Teacher Appreciation Gift

Our fantastic parent group, the CCRC arm of the Foundation, has put Teacher Appreciation gifts in everyone's box.  They appreciate that everyone on campus is helping to educate kids and should be recognized.  So come down tomorrow and see the surprise in your box.


I want to take a minute and thank Jen Slinger and her Student Leadership class for the work they putting into making Prom happen at the Stadium Saturday Night.  The kids who attended had a great time.   This year has been defined by adapting quickly to changes.  And Prom can be described in that same way.  They were able to move quickly with new guidance and provide students with an opportunity no one felt they would have this year.  I want to thank all of the staff members who helped supervise as well.  It was great being able to hang out and catch up.  

Oak Ridge Alumni Enters NFL

Ian Book, former Oak Ridge quarterback was drafted by the New Orleans Saints this weekend in the 4th round.  A big congratulations to Ian and his family.   And a big congratulations to all of the coaches at Oak Ridge that helped get him where he is today.  And in speaking with him, I know he is very thankful for all of his teachers preparing him academically for the rigor he had at Notre Dame.  

April 30th

Teacher of the Year

The District is putting together its first Teacher of the Year for the El Dorado Union High School District.  We need you to help nominate great teachers. Any staff member can nominate a who they think should be the Oak Ridge representative for the EDUHSD Teacher of the Year.  

The primary criteria are as follows:

The Administrative Team at each site will pick from the nominations.  The District will choose an honoree from the names provided by each site.  We have a fast turn around on this.  So please get your nominations in by the end of the day Monday May 3rd.  Send your nominations to myself at,  

Vaccination Clinic For High School Students

Our district has been working with Public Health on a vaccination clinic for students 16+ years old and their families.  The district will send an interest survey to our families today.  If there is enough interest, we will host a vaccination clinic for our 16+ year old students and their families on one of our sites.   

Summer Updates

We have been able to staff summer school as a district.  We are now encouraging families to sign up their students to recover credits.  Summer School will take place at Ponderosa this year.  

Kim Doyle has Intersession fully staff as well.  We will actually be adding Life Fitness to Intersession for the first time this summer.  

Positive Cases

In the previous week the vast majority of our positive COVID students came from athletic testing.  We made adjustments and put some programs on hold (4 total) last week.  The results came back this week with only 1 positive.  So we feel good about the steps we took on that front last week.  For the most part, our positives this week came from families reporting it.  

April 27th

Finals Bell Schedule

Leadership came to consensus on the bell schedule for finals week. It has been posted on the school bell schedule page.  Thank you for your patience as we worked through all of the different options.

Bell Schedule Next Year

There was some confusion on some of the details of the bell schedule for next year.  I worked with Stephanie and Julia today to make sure that what we have posted online is what everyone voted on last year.  I am able to confirm that the schedule we have online is the accurate one. 

April 26th

FCCLA State Conference

Oak Ridge FCCLA students have worked their way to the state level for FCCLA.  They competed online and Emily Ho took first place in Salad Preparation.  

Culinary teacher Sharon Varozza noted, "Emily Ho earned 1st place in Salad Preparation ! That is a first for us at the State level - requires a lot of technical skills, organization and time management. Emily was also installed as a Region 4 Officer for next school year." 

And speaking of Mrs. Varozza, she was awarded Outstanding Advisor at the Silver Level.  I want to thank Sharon for the outstanding work and time she dedicates to her students.  She has been honored multiple times by FCCLA.  Wish Sharon a big congratulations when you see her around campus.

April 22nd

Ionizers in Classrooms

I wanted to share some information we are learning about the new ionizers put in your room to help with COVID and other infections.  Even when your AC/Heater is off, the ionizer is still functioning and putting the ions that attack COVID into the air.  It is hard wired to run continuously.  The objective of the machine is to put enough ions into your room to kill as much COVID as possible.  

The company would state that when your doors and windows are open, the ions are just floating outside and not building up in your room and doing their job.  However, no one is willing to state if it is more effective to have your room properly filled with these ions or to have air flow from open doors and windows.  I wanted to share this information with you so you can make up your own mind. 

Positive Staff Member

We do have a staff member who has tested positive for COVID today.  Amber is out today, so a district nurse is working with Public Health to do the appropriate contact tracing.  


The state of California has released guidance specifically on graduation ceremonies.  They are relying heavily on the already established limits in the current color tier system.  Our county is going by these guidelines.  You probably hear that a lot of senior parents are upset that we breaking the ceremony into two and only allowing 2 guests per student.  We are trying to communicate to families that we are not randomly saying there can only be 2 guests.  When you count 300 graduates, the staff on hand and 2 parents per graduate, that brings us to the capacity allowed in the orange tier.  So we do not have ability to allow additional guests.  We will continue to message this to our senior families.

Water Cooler

Kate came up with the great idea of replacing the water fountain in the staff lounge with a water cooler that filters water and dispenses it at room temperature, cooled or hot for tea.  A big thank you to Kate, and John Dawson and his team for getting it installed.  Come on down and enjoy.

April 21st

Classified Employee of the Year

I want to congratulate Stacia Peterson, Counseling Secretary, as the Oak Ridge Classified Employee of the Year.  Stacia was recognized at the school board meeting last night.  We have a lot of tremendous classified employees doing great work this year.  But Stacia has worked incredibly hard this year.  She is solution oriented.  She makes the impossible possible.  She is a technology whiz.  And most importantly, she has a kind soul and is gracious and inviting to all.  Oak Ridge is lucky to have her.  

Quarantine Update

As we can see on the district dashboard, we currently have 215 students on quarantine.  That number will be higher by the end of the day.  Of the 27 positives, 4 are symptomatic and 23 are asymptomatic.  The asymptomatic students are getting detected by the athletic testing.  

Because of this, we took a deep dive into the data this week.  It appeared that three athletic teams had multiple positives and the bulk of our cases.  So we have paused those three teams until further notice.  The data would suggest that this should drive down additional quarantines.

If the quarantine numbers do not turn around.  I will run additional data and find additional programs to shut down.  At this point, having kids in class is paramount to anything else.  On top of that, the burden being placed upon all staff by this level of quarantines is unsustainable. It is hard, because there is a very real mental health component to students not having sports. The mental health of our young people continues to decline as we look at Wellness Center numbers and the cases of self harm coming forward.  

And at this time, I have been given no plan for us to move back to the hybrid model or distance learning model.  However, I will continue to shut down what is necessary to bring our quarantine numbers under control.  

Quarantined Students Returning

I want to remind everyone about some of the nuances of when quarantined students return.  Just like with students who out with an illness, they have several days after they return to submit the work they missed or to take assessments that they missed.  Technically, they have one day for every day they were out to submit work and make up assessments.  

Department Chairs

We continue to work with departments whose chairs are up this year.  So far Social Science has selected Erin Arthur and Rob Slinger to continue as Department Co-Chairs.  And Special Education will now have Denise Root and Cassie Tuller as Co-Chairs next year.  We have one more department to complete the process with.

April 16th

Quarantine Supports for Students

Thank you to everyone for the work they are doing to support quarantined students.  I want to review some points we need to follow for these students:

Here is the guide for quarantined students:

Quarantine Make Up Testing:

Please complete this form to sign up your students for make up testing outside of class time.  We do not want students missing any more class time. 

Seating Charts:

Please don't forget to get your latest seating charts to school nurse Amber Uber.  

Athletic Games

We had a few athletes that tested positive this week in various sports.  We spent a lot of time in communication with Public Health about how to manage this.  We were able to work with them and do the necessary contact tracing on the teams.  At this time we have not canceled any games, but we have quarantined effected athletes. 

April 14th

Quarantine Updates

Seating Charts: It is absolutely critical that all classes have accurate seating charts for their classes in case quarantines need to happen.  Please send a copy of your seating chart to Amber or have it laying out in an obvious place.  In most cases where there are a lot of quarantines we don't have time to call all the families and all of the impacted teachers as well.  We really need those charts on file with Amber Uber.  Thank you.

Supporting Quarantined Students

This is a repeat of the email I sent out earlier.  Here is the document for getting paid to support your quarantined students online.

Next WASC Meeting

This is a reminder that this Monday the 91th is our next WASC staff meeting after school.  Don will follow up with specifics. 

April 12th


Our first round of testing for indoor athletes was last Thursday.  Our second round was Saturday.  The results from Thursdays test came in and we had 7 athletes test positive or presumptive positive.  This has led to 103 quarantines.

Assisting Quarantined Students

The biggest dilemma with a full return was also going to be how to assist quaratined students.  I understand that it is problematic when some teachers have multiple students quarantined.  Some teachers have asked  me for clarification on what they can or cannot do.  So below are answers to some questions I have received.  

Can I continue or start to  live stream for students that are quaratnined?

If I continue to maintain Google Classroom is that a good way to help quarantined students?

As a district and school we are finalizing some additional supports for quarantined students.  I should have more information on this very soon. 

Failing Students

I want to remind faculty that when a student starts to fail your class that you need to communicate this to the parents.   The goal is to let them know what their student isn't doing and how they can help their student turn it around.  Thank you.

April 8th

Staff Meeting on Monday

We are cancelling the scheduled staff meeting for Monday.  One, with this being the first day returning to full instruction the timing is bad for a meeting.  Second, we don't have anything time sensitive to discuss at this time.   So there will be no staff meeting on Monday morning.

CAASPP Thank You

I wanted to thank everyone for their part in CAASPP testing this week.  I know it was a big change and I appreciate the flexibility.  Having never tested like this before with the CAASPP, we did hit a few isolated snags.  But our team quickly worked through it and every student who showed was able to test.  Testing only goes this well because everyone did their job well. Thank you for attending the training and doing a great job starting and proctoring/supporting the test.  This year it truly took a whole team effort.  I am appreciative of the work and attention everyone paid to this. 

March 26th

Returning Chrome Carts to 36

In September, we began the process of temporarily splitting Chromebooks into carts of 18 and distributing these across the campus for the Hybrid model.  After CAASPP testing is completed, we will begin the process of moving Chromebooks to make complete carts of 36 and to locations we had prior to the Hybrid and distance learning models.  Please note that we have over 400 Chromebooks (impacting 14 carts) currently checked out to families. As a result, it may be some time before we have all carts fully stocked. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we do the "Chromebook Shuffle" again.

Full Return Clarification 

Here are some more questions I received that will be good for everyone to see.

1.    Do we need to  live stream for quarantined students?

   a. You do not have to live stream for quarantined students in the Full Return model. However, you are more than welcome to do it for a student if you would like.

2.    How do we supply work to students who are quarantined?

   a. We have to remember that students have no control whether they are quarantined or not.  They are often quarantined for being near someone.  So we want our process to be as beneficial to their academic success as possible.  I would suggest continuing to post your assignments on Google Classroom so you don’t have to send work or collect 10 days of work each time a student is quarantined.  They can simply get the work from Google Classroom.  Otherwise, we will need to get them the work.

3.    What about Google Classroom?

   a. There is no mandate that people use Google Classroom once all students are back.  However, we have done 2 small (unscientific) student focus groups.  One of the questions we asked was, what good thing(s) came out of COVID we should keep. The student’s pretty universally felt that Google Classroom was a tremendous help to them.  So it is one of those tools we will have further discussions about.  I would encourage us to have conversations with our students about Google Classroom and the value they perceive in it. 

CAASPP Proctoring Update

1.     Unfortunately, some teachers might find another teacher in their room on a day they are not proctoring.  That is one of the negative side effects from this testing schedule.  Although, short of another global pandemic and odd timing, we will never test this way again. But if your room will be used for testing on a day you are not proctoring, you have three options for that day:

     i.You can be in your room but know that you won’t have access to your computer.

     ii.You can go to a different room to work.

     iii.You can work from home that day.

2.    If you haven’t looked since Thursday, please check the Proctor List again to verify what room and day you are.  We had to change a small number of people.


3.    Please do not forget to have your CAASPP testing password with you when you move rooms. It is too easy to have your classroom computer save the password then forget it when you move to a different room.

March 25th

Full Return Bell Schedule

The site Bell Schedule Committee met today and agreed upon a bell schedule for Full Return.  This schedule was put together following the language outlined in the MOU.  With guidance from the site Leadership Team the Bell Schedule Committee did chose to go with only one lunch.  This schedule will take effect starting on Monday April 12th.  Kate emailed the schedule to everyone earlier.  However, it will also be posted at the link below shortly. 

CAASPP Proctoring

Please take a minute to check the location of the room that you are proctoring in for CAASPP.  We had to change some of the room assignments unfortunately due to an error that was found.  Please recheck to find where you are proctoring.

Energy Conservation

I want to remind everyone that conserving energy over spring break is extremely important.  Please use this break to unplug any refrigerators you have in your room. But be mindful that there is nothing in them that can melt, such as ice trays or ice build up.  Any energy we can conserve is a win-win.  Mr. Williams will be going around and checking each room and putting a report together on each site.  

March 19th


I know all the changes surrounding CAASPP can be confusing so I want to over communicate about it.  So pardon me if some of this is a repeat. Wednesday April 7th and Thursday April 8th will be CAASPP testing days.  Those will be asynchronous school days.  Only the students who are testing will be on campus.

We have put together a schedule were each teacher will proctor testing for 1 of the 2 days.   You will not have to proctor for both days.  In order to not have to move chrome carts we are going to move teachers and students to the location of the chrome carts.  Special Education teachers will remain in their rooms and just test students who have an accommodation for a smaller test setting. I should have the list of what test you will proctor and what students you will have early next week.  The Leadership Team is also meeting on Monday afternoon to determine how to schedule Tuesday April 6th and Friday April 9th.  We will come out of that meeting with an answer. 

March 18th

Bell Schedule Next Week

I want to remind everyone of the bell schedule for next week.  It can be found on the bell schedule page of the website:

Safety Update

The fire department will be on campus training on how to respond to school based emergencies on March 28th, 30th and April 2nd from 7:30 to 10:30PM.  They will be focusing on the Admin building and will not be inside any classrooms.  

Oak Ridge Students in the News

The Oak Ridge Financial Literacy for You club is in the news this week.  Follow the link to read the story:

Oak Ridge students won first and third place in the Poetry Out Loud Competition this year.  The Mountain Democrat wrote a nice story about it:

March 16th


Thank you to everyone who sent me corrections and good ideas on how to make the CAASPP testing schedule better.  However, we received some information today which makes the CAASPP schedule I shared with you earlier obsolete.  There have been a lot of concern that in the hybrid model the testing schedule was punitive and overly complicated.  It was not fair that junior English and Social Science classes would lose 4 weeks of instruction.  And the overall complexity was going to be difficult for staff and students potentially.  

The district has opted for another approach to testing that will greatly simplify the process.  Again, I understand there is no perfect schedule or plan.  But I believe this plan has more upsides than downsides to it.  On Wednesday April 7th and Thursday April 8th we will have asynchronous instruction days.  But the juniors and seniors will come to school to test.  We will get English (juniors) and half of science (seniors) done on the 7th.  Then we will complete math (juniors) and the other half of science (seniors) on the 8th.  We will give asynchronous work to the freshmen and sophomores.  This will involve all of us helping on those days in some capacity.  I will work on getting the list of roles out this week.  

Athletic Update

COVID Testing

For the third weekend in a row, we had all of our high contact athletes test negative for COVID.

Indoor Sports

In working with CIF and CA Public Health we have determined that we can give indoor athletes the less invasive COVID test (not the swab into the nasal cavity as first indicated) for the weekly test.  And we have been able to get details on how to run these tests and get them to Southern California.  So it appears that indoor sports will begin to happen.

I can't thank Steve White, Don Azevada and  our coaches enough for everything they have done.  They are all being asked to do triple the work right now to make sports happen in a safe way for our students.  

State Waiver for Full Open

The State Public Health Office responded to our waiver.  They did not approve it or deny it.  They requested additional information from our district.  In addition they explained that we would need to offer asymptomatic covalent testing to staff and students who want it.  So the waiver is being edited and will be resubmitted. I will continue to keep you updated on this.     

March 11th

State Waiver Update

As most people know our district submitted a waiver to the State to have all students return. The guidelines gave them to today to respond. We were just notified by the State that they cannot get us an answer to our waiver today.  And they did not propose a date they would notify us by. 

This is extremely frustrating for two reasons:

CAASPP Testing

I have been feeling a good deal of anxiety about not getting a final CAASPP schedule to you by now.  Leaving you without the knowledge of how to plan instruction after spring break with us this close to testing is not acceptable.  So I wanted to share some of the factors that are making this difficult to pin down.

March 10th

COVID Testing

Sorry this update is coming so late. We tested our district athletes again last Saturday.  Again, every student athlete tested negative.  We will be testing again this Saturday.

Indoor Athletics Update

Our initial optimism for indoor athletics was short lived.  When the guidelines actually arrived they were clearly going to be difficult to implement.  As a district we do not have the ability to implement the level of requirements that have been put in place for indoor athletics to commence.  Our district in collaboration with other organizations is working to get clarification and a few modifications in the guidelines.  But indoor athletics are once again on hold until modifications are made to the guidelines.  We are remaining hopeful that a compromise can be reached so these athletes can have the same chance as the outdoor athletes.  

Art/Mural Committee

I want to thank the staff members who volunteered to be on our Art/Mural Committee.  We had our first meeting yesterday and reviewed a student proposal.  I look forward to this group helping our school navigate a path forward for more student art on campus. 

Challenge Success

Our Challenge Success team was able to finally meet again for the first time in a long time.  The group is focusing on next school year and keeping the momentum moving forward for student wellness.  One of our goals will be making sure that our school is prepared to properly implement the Flex Time bell schedule next year. 

Waiver Application

The State has until this Thursday to respond to our waiver request.  If this waiver is granted it would give our district the opportunity to open full time with all students if we choose.  As part of the waiver we did acknowledge that there is no way we can comply with the new 4 foot rule if we open with all students.  I will share the result when I get notified. 

Outdoor Athletics

Outdoor games will begin in a matter of days for our students.  We will be notifying our community this week that only immediate family members can attend the games.  Even then, only a certain number of family members are allowed to attend.  Each venue has a different number of participants allowed based on the size of the venue and number of players on the team.  We will use an online ticket system to ensure that each family associated with an athlete gets only the number of tickets available to them.  They will need this ticket to enter the venue.  Parents are also being provided with the rules on what they can and cannot do at games.  

March 4th

Indoor Athletic Announcement

The State of California and the legal team representing a group of high school athletes pertaining to indoor sports reached a settlement today on indoor sports.  The specifics of the settlement have not yet been made public.  However, the state has agreed to release a set of guidelines that will allow indoor sports to start.  When the guidelines are released we will address them and start indoor sports accordingly.

Prom and Graduation

We are actively working on plans for what graduation and prom will look like. As a district we are running different options for graduation by the county Public Health Office for their input.  And we are looking into ways to do Prom safely in smaller groupings.  


Putting together testing calendars for CAASPP, AP and the CA Healthy Kids survey have been challenging.  As you know we announce the CAASPP testing schedule at the start of each year in the Meetings at a Glance sheet. We also put the testing window for AP there.   The State Board of Education announcement the CAASPP requirements for this year last week and we were forced to adjust our plan significantly.  We currently have two options.  We will bring these options to the Leadership Team in a matter of days.  Once it is approved we will share the plan.  The AP plan has also been established based on the testing windows they put our a few weeks back.  We are sorry for the last minute changes, but that seems to be the theme this year.  

WASC Focus Group Reminder

We all have our WASC Focus Groups on Monday morning.  

March 1st

Athletic Testing Update

On Saturday we tested approximately 400 athletes for COVID 19 so they can take part in athletics.  This test will continue once a week every Saturday for as long as high contact sports are playing.  Don't forget, the COVID money is paying for this testing.  However, rapid tests were done and all approximately 400 athletes came back negative.  I want to thank John Dawson and his team for helping with this.  I want to thank Eric Cavaliere for coming out and assisting. And I need to thank Chuck Palmer and Ron Carruth for getting the testing lined up. We had students so excited they showed up at 7:30 for an 8:00AM test, on a Saturday.  

Supervision Duties

With supervision duties starting up we are going to need faculty to each sign up for one event to supervise in the remaining 3 months of school.  We are currently working on that list and process.  But I wanted to give everyone an early warning about supervision duties for the spring starting up. We will send out the signups soon.  For now, all supervisions will be outdoors. It is likely that some indoor ones will take place later.  

February 26th

Monday Morning Staff Meeting

This is a reminder that we have a staff meeting with Dr. Carruth Monday at 8:30 at this Zoom Link:

Network Down Monday at 3:30

This is just a reminder that the network will be down on campus starting at 3:30. 

February 25th

State Takes Action on CAASPP

On Monday, the Biden administration declared that all states need to proctor standardized tests under ESSA, but granted states the opportunity to delay testing until the fall. Yesterday, the California State Board Education met for over 5 hours to discuss what to do. At the end of five hours they agreed to apply for several specific waivers.  Here are the requests cut and pasted from the SBE website:  

They are also going to let schools in distance learning substitute the CAASPP test with a local metric if they want. However, schools that are open (Oak Ridge) will need to test at school.

From EdSource:  After a long discussion about what type of testing environment could be most fair and accurate, the board voted to develop a waiver proposal that could provide districts with test options if they are unable to bring students safely back on campus within the testing window in order to administer the Smarter Balanced assessments.

We need to move forward planning on having to give the science test until the Federal Government actually accepts the waiver.  Until then we are on the hook for it.  The Management Team will continue to finalize our plan for testing in the hybrid schedule.  We will bring the plan to Leadership for approval soon.

February 23rd

Standardized Testing Update

The Biden administration issued a letter to the State's late yesterday announcing that standardized testing for 2020-21 must occur. Their letter states that they must assess the damage done by COVID 19. They also announce that students can take the assessment at home if need be.  However, states have some decisions to make.  Here are some of the options our State Board of Education needs to declare answers to.  We are hoping they can do this at tomorrow's meeting.

We are going to continue planning (as we have been) for the worst case scenario and giving the test starting on April 8th.  You can see the whole schedule on our Meetings at a Glance 2020-21 here.  However, if the state punts the test to later we will be ready to adjust. 

Athletics Starting Up

Everyone in the world of athletics from our site to the district is working full speed to make this opportunity happen for our students. I wanted to send a really general update to those who are interested.

February 19th

WASC Focus Groups Monday

This is friendly reminder that WASC Focus Groups meet from 9-10 a.m. on Monday morning, February 22, 2021.

Today, you will receive an email that includes the Focus Group you have been assigned to and the Zoom or Google Meet link for the meeting.

Additionally, you will be receiving access to a shared Google WASC drive, of which the contents will be reviewed in the Focus Group Meeting.

Athletics Update

The Governor's office dropped a bombshell on us today.  They have created a path for almost all athletics to be played starting on February 26th.  However, there are eight pages of guidelines on how to do it.  We are processing them as we speak.  It will not be easy to put some of these guidelines in place.  But thankfully for our athletes, they will get to play now.  

Safety Drills

This is a friendly reminder of our safety drills next Tuesday and Thursday.  Alison will be sending out a reminder.  

Master Schedule

Most students have submitted their course requests for next year.   We have some students we are still waiting on.  The process for building the master schedule is several weeks behind because the decision was made to leave the Online Distance Learning Program (ODLP) in place for next year.  So we needed to give families time to sign up for it.  

This Thursday we will receive our section allocation from the district.  At that time we will need to move into high gear to process what we have and get department chairs their allocations as quickly as possible.  

February 16th

Student Stress/Anxiety Study

I know it is not surprising.  But Challenge Success, the group out of Stanford that we have partnered with did a study of how the pandemic has effected student stress, anxiety and relationships with friends and adults.  They compared results after the start of the pandemic to their historical trends before the pandemic.  Even if you don't have time to read the study, glancing over the graphs and tables is powerful.


Poetry Out Loud Competition

Two of our students have placed in the county Poetry Out Loud competition.  Emily Lieber came in 1st and Caleb Stocking 3rd.  I am so proud of these students staying with it with the difficulties provided by COVID.   Please congratulate them when you see them.  

And with Mark Coovelis having to step away, his long term substitute Debra Tenney stepped up with no one asking and helped these students with the competition.  Please thank her when you see her around.

Substitute Update and Thank You

Due to reactions people are having to the second dose our district is really struggling to fill sub jobs.  We anticipate it will be a challenge this week and next.  We want to encourage people to not call in for a sub if it can be helped.  The strain on the system is great right now and we want to do everything in our power to get people vaccinated.  

I also need to thank all of you.  Whenever we have needed subs you have stepped up.  We have cut it close on several days but thanks to you we are getting sub vacancies filled by on site folks willing to help out.  We would not be able to cover people's classes and get everyone vaccinated without you.  Thank you!

February 11th

Academic Decathlon Victory

Congratulations to the Oak Ridge Academic Decathlon Team and Coach Jeff Hassian for winning the 2021 Academic Decathlon.  This year was exceptionally challenging due to the whole event being moved online.

But the team doubled down and committed to the endeavor.  They are an amazing group of young people.  Every year these students impress with me with their knowledge, skill and maturity.  I also can't thank Jeff enough for coming back each year and putting a championship team together.  He had to work twice as hard this year to pull it all together.  Congratulations!

Model Trojan Awards

Casey Rhyan

Be Real / Care for Others / Growth Mindset / Compassion/Empathy / Collaboration / Integrity/Authenticity / Creativity / Respect

I advise the STEM club, and the students want to have a Science Fair.  They invited Mr. Rhyan to attend a meeting so they could run their ideas by him and get his input.  Mr. Rhyan gave of his time and energy, providing excellent advice and input for the students to consider.  I really appreciate Mr. Rhyan taking the time for these students. Mr. Rhyan helped the students see things they might not have thought about.  He did this in a way that showed respect to the students and helped them grow.  He provided creative thoughts and solutions for the students to consider.  He was real about the challenges their ideas face while at the same time offering collaborative ways to address those challenges.

Deanna Yates


Deanna is absolutely critical to the success of the health office. There is no way that I could have managed the last month or two without her. I absolutely have to recognize Deanna and her contribution towards effectively managing COVID in the school setting. I appreciate her tremendously!

Megan Watson

Care for Others / Compassion / Empathy / Communication

Hi Mrs. Watson,

I just wanted to send my gratitude to you for being such an amazing teacher!!!! I know that this year has given you a tremendous amount of challenges in teaching our kids and I really appreciate the extra effort you have given. You've managed to make our current situation as seamless as possible.

You are my son's FAVORITE teacher! I asked him why and he said because...

1) You really care about your students.

2) You are always so timely with everything you do.

3) You are super organized.

Whatever you are doing, you have made my son feel valued and supported. I hope that this Christmas season is greatly enjoyed by you and your family. Thanks for all that you do, it really does make a difference in your students’ lives.

Jennifer Slinger

Be Real / Care for Others / Growth Mindset

Thank you so much for your time and input at the webinar yesterday. We cannot thank you enough! It was so helpful that our superintendent plans to encourage every teacher in the district, who didn’t attend live, to take the time to do so! Just listening to teachers who are currently doing it was super great for ours to hear!

Wade Ness

Be Real / Dare to Question / Care for Others

Mr. Ness makes history engaging, meaningful and fun. Love his lectures (thank you zoom), and my son learns from them too.


Ellen Mulert

Be Real / Care for Others

Mrs. Mulert is seriously my daughter’s favorite teacher ever. This semester has been brutal; my kids have struggled but have figured it out with the help of teachers like Ms. Mulert. She has done a truly amazing job.

Julie Giordano

Care for Others / Growth Mindset / Balanced Lives / Compassion / Empathy

A parent sent an email indicating that Julie took the time to work with a struggling student on their first semester Computer Science project. She allowed the student extra time over the winter break. In addition, the parent overhead the Google Meet taking place between Julie and the student and was so grateful for how supportive and helpful Julie was in helping the student figure out what he needed to do to successfully complete the project.


Tony Diaz

Be Real / Care for Others / Growth Mindset

Thank you so much for your time and input at the webinar yesterday. We cannot thank you enough! It was so helpful that our superintendent plans to encourage every teacher in the district, who didn’t attend live, to take the time to do so! Just listening to teachers who are currently doing it was super great for ours to hear!


Darsy Arburn

Care for Others / Collaboration / Communication / Respect

Darsy Arburn is a complete gem- she has been a life line to my oldest student who is graduating this year. I have been through the ringer with that boy and I honestly believe her caring and dedication has helped him become extremely successful this year.


Michelle Wegmann

Care for Others / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Communication / Integrity / Authenticity / Working Together

Michelle has taken over scheduling the Para professionals each day. This is no easy task. We are short para professionals and there are so many students needing support. She is so thoughtful of the students’ needs and making the right fit. She always looks out for the teachers to make sure they are taken care of and she learned how to do all of this crazy scheduling really quickly. In true Michelle form she takes all of this on and never complains and does everything with a smile. When she can't find someone to cover a class, you will see her running across campus to do it herself. She is exceptional! Michelle takes everyone's needs into consideration and exemplifies the meaning of teamwork. Working with all of us effectively and professionally. Clear and timely communication is an area where Michelle excels and we are so grateful. Always letting us know where people will be and making sure our slots are filled.

Renee O'Banion

Be Real / Care for Others / Teamwork / Communication

Renee always comes in with a smile on her face and a friendly wave hello. She takes pride in her work and makes an effort to get to know and understand not only the staff but the students as on campus as well. Renee works well with other staff members by having open and constant communication. She is a valuable member of our staff and we are lucky to have her.


Casey Mussetter

Be Real / Dare to Question / Care for Others / Teamwork / Communication / Integrity / Authenticity

Casey is not new to the district but is a newer addition to ORHS. We are incredibly lucky to have him on our team. Casey acclimated to the ORHS fast paced environment in no time. Casey pays attention to detail and is able to quickly resolve issues as they arise. In the few months Casey has been here, he has already started to build valuable relationships with the staff and students. Casey has shared ideas that have worked at his previous school and has helped to change processes at ORHS. He works well with the other Campus Monitors and genuinely cares for others around him.


Eric Larsen

Dare to Question / Care for Others / Growth Mindset / Compassion / Empathy / Collaboration / Communication / Creativity / Respect / Working Together

Eric looked at the "system" and saw an individual student. He accommodated a highly unusual situation during this extraordinary time and allowed a "re-set" and hope for passing his E/S Science class. She demonstrated grace, humility, and humanity. Eric looked outside the box for a solution to meet the student where he is and with the support of the case manager the student has renewed hope and possibility that he can invest and try to pass the semester. Leaning into a collaborative model to tap into all the resources available to the student.

Jeanne Duran

Care for Others / Compassion / Empathy / Creativity 

Reaching out to express my admiration for Jeanne Duran, French 1 teacher. Our daughter Grace was taught French 1 by Mrs. Duran. Throughout the year, Grace spoke highly of Mrs. Duran and Grace thoroughly enjoyed French 1. With that great foundation, Grace has gone on to excel in French 2 and currently French 3 with plans to take AP French next year. As a family, we have travelled to France and are excited at the prospect of having a child who can help us navigate the French language on future trips. Fast forward to the Fall 2019 where we are alerted that Grant has mixed hearing loss and needs a hearing aide. We are shocked. An eighth grader learning to navigate growing up and now a new hurdle, a hearing aide. One year later, add COVID 19 and starting high school and the fun really begins. As school started, Grant asked me what his options were for language, I even reached out to his counselor to explore his options. He was anxious about learning a new language and extra anxious given the online format. He wanted to know if he could learn American Sign Language instead to which I investigated and told him those options were not available for Freshman. He was reluctant to begin French anticipating significant challenges hearing accent and variances in pronunciation. Thankfully, we were blessed with Mrs. Duran. No one wants to see a disability limit a child's potential and having a teacher willing to go the extra mile even during the most challenging school year in anyone's career with Covid-19 is beyond incredible. When distance learning started, hearing verbal commands and having 30 students on a call was a hearing challenge. A challenge that Mrs. Duran handled in proactive ways. She emailed with Grant before and after classes to discuss methods for him to successfully hear her and participate fully in class. She embraced the challenges and reached out to Mrs. Hardy to ask for tips to help Grant. She explored options for him to hear French words spoken through various websites and gave him assurance that he absolutely could learn to speak French. Her efforts resulted in building Grant's confidence that he would be able to learn and creating a learning environment where he had an equal chance to exceed. What did she do? Whatever it took! She muted the class strategically when they were online practicing words, she created small breakout groups online so kids could speak in smaller groups, she connected with Grant to ask if he was able to hear if her setting changed for online class, she initiated contact with him to ask if he could hear, she pulled him aside to do conversational portions of quizzes and tests without the background noise of other students being around. Simply put, she met the moment by being open to innovative methods fueled by a desire to truly teach Grant. She engaged a shy ninth grader proactively multiple times to draw out of him what was working and what needed adjusting. Mrs. Duran has taught Grant French 1 in a spectacular way. She has also taught Grant that with creative methods he is capable of learning at a high level. It is one thing for a family member to go above and beyond for you, but for someone outside the family to take a sincere interest is powerful! I know this will be an experience that Grant remembers forever! As a parent, there are no words to express the gratitude and love we have for Mrs. Duran. It is a blessing to have a teacher in the midst of the most challenging school year of anyone's career to take the time to treat your child with incredible respect and love and to believe in their potential despite obvious challenges. Mrs. Duran has inspired Grant to learn French and we owe her a debt of gratitude. Her creative spirit has engaged Grant and he is enjoying learning French. With gratitude and deep appreciation, Eileen

Hugh Corkery

Be Real / Teamwork

ORHS Speech and Debate is on an upward trend. They have 35 kids competing and 8 parents volunteering to judge. Our team is broken into teams and 2 are undefeated and 5 are 3-1. Hugh has done a great job of not only building this program and thus opportunities for students. But he hosts a big tournament here at Oak Ridge. He is working really hard and has dedicated himself to this opportunity for students.  


Jessica Womack

Teamwork / Communication

I can't thank you enough for your support with the projects I've asked you to help me with over the past couple of weeks. I'm writing this evening because I just checked the document that I asked you to help me with this afternoon. I can't believe how much work has been done already!! You have no idea how helpful this is to me in coordinating para support and communicating with teachers. Thank you for being so willing to help and working so quickly! I appreciate you.


Keri Whiting

Be Real / Care for Others / Growth Mindset / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Collaboration / Communication / Integrity / Authenticity / Creativity, Respect

Keri regularly takes the time and energy to communicate with individual students, ensuring a supportive learning environment that promotes engagement. She values student understanding and wellbeing, and acts in a way that exemplifies compassion and empathy.


Amber Uber

Be Real / Care for Others / Growth Mindset / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Collaboration / Communication

 Amber's job has changed in a dramatic way. She has the heavy responsibility of keeping us all safe. Her job is now one of constant training and communication with County Health. There are days where she is juggling the normal health office issues with all of the additional COVID related work. She is juggling more than anyone should have to right now. But she is doing it with grace and professionalism.

Patty Taylor

Care for Others / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork 

Patty worked to help a struggling IEP student to get caught up. She encouraged her and helped to organize her missing work. Due to Patty's efforts the student was able to get caught up in a number of her classes. More importantly, Patty showed the student that she cared about her and that she was believed in her abilities.

Jon Pratt

Teamwork / Collaboration / Communication

Behind the scenes Jon had to create a master schedule calendar for each day of the week so attendance would work correctly. This took an enormous amount of time and a great deal of collaboration with the other Director's of Guidance. He did it without complaint and remained solution oriented the whole time.

Susan Pebley

Be Real / Care for Others / Teamwork / Communication / Integrity /Authenticity / Respect

Susan is always willing to help whenever needed. She adjusts and welcomes change with a positive attitude, which is incredibly rare during these ever changing times. Susan shows respect to both the students and staff. She is an incredible employee and we are lucky to have her at Oak Ridge.

Wade Ness

Care for Others / Find Balance / Growth Mindset / Balanced Lives / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Collaboration / Communication / Integrity / Authenticity / Respect

Wade takes time out of his busy schedule to connect with students and case managers. He is understanding and supports students seeking balance in his class. Wade is solution-oriented and thoughtful. He seems to build lessons that consider each individual student, and collaborates to find balance when a student is struggling.


Kim May

Be Real / Care for Others / Growth Mindset / Compassion / Empathy / Collaboration / Communication / Integrity / Authenticity / Creativity

The 2nd week of school, I had my freshman English students send an email to a teacher that they appreciated in the first 2 weeks. I had about 15 of my 65 freshman send an email to Kim. Their reasoning exemplified Kim’s abilities as a compassionate teacher and, overall, as a human being. The wonderful things the students said about how she was engaging them in distance learning and creating a safe learning environment was awe-inspiring to me and made me proud to call her my colleague, even though I had never really had a conversation with Kim before! This compassion continued when we had a shared student struggling in our classes. Kim worked to get this kid on campus for 30 minutes to get him on the same page as his peers with all the technology in the classes. Kim did this and got the necessary clearances all on her own to ensure the success of the student because she knew what was going to be beneficial for the student and she helped advocate for him. She reached out to all of his teachers to let them know he would be on campus and to send over any work that might be beneficial for him to do with the help of a teacher. Her expectation wasn’t to have all of his teachers come and help, but instead to selflessly do this herself. Overall 1,000,000/10 would share all of my students with her :)


Heath Jenkins

Be Real / Collaboration / Communication

Mr. Jenkins runs the states Mock Election for Oak Ridge students. Mr. Jenkins takes this on each year and goes above and beyond to make sure our students and our school has this opportunity. In this trying time, I was impressed that he was willing to do one more thing for students.

Kate Hewett

Be Real / Care for Others / Communication / Integrity /Authenticity / Respect

Be Real / Care for Others / Communication / Integrity /Authenticity / Respect

Gary Galbraith

Be Real / Care for Others / Teamwork

Gary has been a great addition to the Oak Ridge team. A recent example is how Gary looks out for every student. He noticed a student who was spending a lot of time by themselves and spending their lunch in the bathroom hiding out. Instead of seeing this as a discipline issue. He worked to try and figure out the problem and get to know the student or find someone who could help. His attention to detail and his care for others is evident.


Max Foorman

Growth Mindset / Teamwork / Collaboration

Just a heads up, we've offered Evan an internship and he will likely be starting next Monday. Both he and Jacob surpassed many 4th upper division CSUS students and Los Rios CCD students in both a functional assembly test and in their responses to some of our atypical interview questions designed to assess problem solving ability, soft skills, and perhaps most critically their ability to ask questions in a professional environment. For reference, the other internship we offered was to a NASA NCAS program finalist. (Written about Max's students by Tyler Clark at Ansync)


Denise Bonal

Teamwork / Communication

I can't thank you enough for your support with the projects I've asked you to help me with over the past couple of weeks. I'm writing this evening because I just checked the document that I asked you to help me with this afternoon. I can't believe how much work has been done already!! You have no idea how helpful this is to me in coordinating para support and communicating with teachers. Thank you for being so willing to help and working so quickly! I appreciate you.


Lauren Alazzawi

Care for Others / Teamwork / Communication

She got a parent compliment saying she's done so much to support her student and communicate with her her students general education teachers. She's also gone above and beyond meeting with another student and ensuring that the student is getting the mental health support he/she needs.

Haley Rodriguez

Care for Others / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Communication

She goes so far above and beyond for Special Education kids and for the department in general. Communicates with parents, helps arrange for kids to come on campus, always willing to answer questions about compliance. Just a helpful and supportive team member. I seriously couldn't do Special Education without her.

Jen Slinger

Find Balance / Teamwork / Collaboration / Communication

Ms. Slinger has stepped up this summer and the start of the year and had to go above and beyond to fulfill her role as Department Chair, Activity Director and Yearbook Teacher. She has worked in the summer handing out yearbooks. She has worked in the summer doing English book distribution. She has figured out how to hold student pictures. She has managed everything that has come her way. And she still advocates for student and staff wellness and balance.

Keri Whiting

Be Real / Care for Others

Keri's ability to use technology for the enhancement of her students is truly impressive. Not to mention her ability to get the students engaged and keep an upbeat, happy atmosphere .... I could go on and on." I can't tell you how many times the Special Education case managers have made similar comments to me about you. Everyone who works with you knows that you truly care about kids and will do all you can to support struggling students.

Noel Villapando

Care for Others / Growth Mindset / 

Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Collaboration / Communication

I have had issues with my desktop all week, which has made the challenges of distance learning even more problematic. I called Noel every single day this week with cries for help, which he responded to with patience and willingness to do everything possible to try and resolve the situation. Noel went through the entire catalog of possibilities, even putting calls in to zoom. After a grueling week, he was able to fix the problem and I can teach without creating a workaround for everything I need to do!! What a relief!! Thank you so much, Noel!!!!

Nicole Trevino

Teamwork / Collaboration / Communication

The new attendance reports she started to sending to the Counselors and AP's has been incredibly helpful.  The Counselors and AP's mentioned how much easier it is to do their jobs with this information.  Since attendance is the number one predictor of student success, they are closely watching these lists and calling students in to try and get them back on track.


Ashley Tillman

Care for Others / Teamwork / Collaboration / Creativity

Ashley worked tirelessly for our kiddo's who participated in Special Olympics. She created t-shirts for the staff and students. She came in early, stayed late and sacrificed a lot of lunches to make sure that we looked like the stellar group that we are. Our kids looked like champions. Thanks Ashley you reminded me every day what a model Trojan looks like and you are very appreciated.

Ashley showed warmth towards our kids and humor all the way until game day when we were running around like crazy people making sure everyone had a shirt!

Haley Rodriguez

Be Real / Dare to Question / Care for Others / Find Balance / Growth Mindset / Balanced Lives / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Collaboration / Communication / Integrity / Authenticity / Creativity / Respect / Inquiry / Being Together / Working Together

We recently had a difficult IEP meeting. Haley was professional, direct, compassionate, and knowledgeable. I don't know how many people really know what she does, but she's a major asset to our school.

Haley is kind, down-to-earth, professional, reliable, compassionate, and real.

Julia Madsen

Be Real / Teamwork

At one of our football games we were short help and Julia was one of the teachers on duty.  Everyone noted that she really stepped up and took ownership of the back side of the stadium and made sure that the administration didn't need to worry about that.  She took ownership of the space and managed it all night long.  We were very appreciative.

Jordan Lampenfeld

Be Real / Teamwork

Jordan has gone above and beyond at Oak Ridge.  He takes his after school supervision very seriously and is dedicated to doing what he does well.  He has volunteered to be a part of the LINK Crew program and has gone all in on it. He also stands outside his room before every class period and welcomes students to his room.  Jordan is a bright light at Oak Ridge.

Jordan Lampenfeld

Be Real / Teamwork

Jordan has gone above and beyond at Oak Ridge.  He takes his after school supervision very seriously and is dedicated to doing what he does well.  He has volunteered to be a part of the LINK Crew program and has gone all in on it. He also stands outside his room before every class period and welcomes students to his room.  Jordan is a bright light at Oak Ridge.


Chris Hoverstein

Be Real / Care for Others / Find Balance / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Collaboration / Communication / Integrity / Authenticity / Respect / Being Together / Working Together

Chris cares about the students and students can relate to him because he shows he cares.  He is able to find humor in the daily struggles.  He is real in sharing his own life stories, and being honest about his life. Chris jumps in to help anytime we need it, and takes his own time to keep our water jugs filled for our dept. use.  We all just appreciate him being a part of our department team. Thanks Chris! 

Chris shows compassion for struggling students, teamwork with all the aides/teachers, collaboration by discussing various issues he sees, integrity and honesty, and respect for all those he interacts with.

Chris does the things listed in the Oak Ridge Way and does them with a kind and fun spirit.

Trish Hardy

Be Real / Care for Others / Growth Mindset / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Collaboration / Integrity / Authenticity / Creativity / Respect / Being Together 

The compassion she has for the students is contagious.  Her energy and happiness spreads throughout the campus. 

Trish is always thinking of new and creative ways to give her students opportunities that they may not experience if wasn't for her and thinking outside the box.

As I have stated above, her warmth, humor compassion and collegiality is not only for students but spread to everyone she comes in contact with.

James DuBose

Be Real / Care for Others / Find Balance / Balance Lives / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Integrity / Authenticity / Respect / Being Together / Working Together  

James is a good man.  He has such a warm, kind soul.  He seems genuinely happy to see you and always takes time out of his day to make meaningful conversation with you. 

James is authentic.  He makes you feel valued and important and I always enjoy my conversations with him.  We are lucky to have a colleague like James on our campus.


Bo Cheli

Be Real / Care for Others / Teamwork 

Bo is extremely passionate about education and being a part of our school.  he is always volunteering to help wherever he can.  He stays to the very, very end of football games and won't leave until all of the work is done.  He went above and beyond his football duty and was happy to help supervise the snack bar area.  He has been a really positive and upbeat addition to the staff.  

Hayley Rodriguez

Be Real / Dare to Question / Care for Others / Find Balance / Growth Mindset / Balanced Lives / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Collaboration / Communication / Integrity / Authenticity / Creativity / Respect / Inquiry / Being Together / Working Together 

We recently had a difficult IEP meeting. Haley was professional, direct, compassionate, and knowledgeable. I don't know how many people really know what she does, but she's a major asset to our school.

Haley is kind, down-to-earth, professional, reliable, compassionate, and real.

James DuBose

Care for Others / Compassion / Empathy / Teamwork / Collaboration / Being Together / Working Together

James exemplifies "care for others" in the way he lives his life.  Every time I run into him, he has a smile on his face.  He always takes the time to ask about the family and remembers the stories from the last time we talked.  His positive energy is contagious!  I'm so glad we have James on our staff! 

Helpful, connects with others.

Silvia Arredondo

Care for Others/Teamwork/Communication/ Being Together

Silvia always talk to me on a personal level to the point we've become friends because she truly cares. I know I'll feel a pick-me-up after talking to her because she's very positive and complimentary of others.

Without Silvia, I would be much busier. She not only makes all my copies but without complaint (even when I send her a book to copy a ton of stuff from), and she makes things perfectly and on time (or early). She will make things quickly at the last minute when needed and deliver it personally if necessary. If she knows she's going to be out, she makes a ton of copies in advance. She is also great at communicating with staff so we know when she's here or not. She continues to amaze me with the great work she does to make my classroom and life easier. Great team mate!

She is very personable, so she displays warmth, humor and compassion and really gets to know individuals. She also loves to share stories of what works for different teachers that might help others out.


Don Azevada & Noel Villalpando

Care for Others

I feel they cared for others in they created a workspace in the teacher lounge.  For me, I can work, print, input grades etc during my prep while I am without a classroom.  I am able to get things done and the computers are very speedy too!  Thank you so much!!

Katie Hewitt

Be Real/Dare to Question/Care for Others/Find Balance/Growth Mindset/Balanced Lives/

Compassion/Empathy/Teamwork/Collaboration/ Communication/Integrity/Authenticity/


Not only is Katie a skilled science teacher, she is a skilled stand-up comedian without even trying.  When we're all together, the one-liners and comments she throws in context have us all rolling.  When you talk to Katie casually for just a few minutes, her infectious spirit cheers you up immediately.  She is always looking for a cohesive and innovative way to do things, and she always tries to connect the department.  She is also the best at "finding balance" in her life as a mom of two babies and a full-time teacher and knows how to weave some fun activities into her life here and there.  If she's ever having a hard time, you would never know it! She is a role model on many levels, and I feel she needs to be acknowledged ( to other staff besides just us!)  


Matt Hodgins

Care for Others/Compassion/Empathy

Matt cares for students and staff by constantly thinking of ways to engage and involve. As the long-time adviser of Interact, he moves students to make a difference at the school and in the community. As a teacher, he's constantly connecting kids to the larger community through guest speakers and relevant, hands-on projects. And he shares--inviting other teachers to bring their students along to experience learning beyond the classroom. Even though he's truly a stand out educator, he's not flashy or attention grabbing. He just does the work, caring for others for its own sake. 

Matt doesn't get paid more to make other's lives better. He does it because he cares.  

Kate Hewett


Katelyn did an excellent job on the 504/IEP project I asked her to complete this summer. She went above and beyond and did even more than I asked. It’s so organized and clear.

Julie Giordano

Be Real/Dare to Question/Care for Others

Deniz Sert felt you were one of the most influential teacher in his development. He thanked you for your time, patience, expertise, love, discipline, and everything else that made you a great teacher. 

Deanna Yates

Care for Others

Deanna overheard a student saying he could not pay for homecoming ticket and he had been asked to dance...she offered to pay for his ticket.

Donna Martin


Sandra Kelsey, the Librarian at the EDH Library stated: "I have worked with Donna for nearly 5 years and cannot speak enough for her dedication to the students of Oak Ridge. As co-lead of Y.E.L.L. (Youth Executive League at the Library), she attends weekly meetings on her own time to meet with middle school and high school students interested in providing support to the library. She is a skilled librarian, but also a patient collaborator, working with students to help them succeed and providing them support beyond the walls of her library. I admire her greatly and believe Oak Ridge is very lucky to have her". 

Don Azevada

Be Real/Care for Others

Don displayed incredible patience, professionalism and compassion in dealing with a very distraught, volatile student. He calmly listened and spoke in such a way that the student felt "heard" and understood. 

Darsy Arburn

Be Real/Care for Others/Balanced Lives/ Compassion/Empathy/Teamwork/ Communication/Integrity/Authenticity/Respect

Darsy came into the AP office to diffuse a difficult situation with a very upset student. She spoke to the student with kindness and respect which made him feel heard and helped to calm him down.

Dalisa Sanford

Care for Others/Compassion/Empathy/ Teamwork/ Communication/Respect 

Dalisa attended a a504 meeting for a student that had been struggling with anxiety. She was incredibly supportive, kind and understanding with the student and the family. The parents commended her on her organization and her ability to connect with such a troubled student.

Erin Arthur

Care for Others/Find Balance

Staff was working to help a student "lighten her class load" but could not find a location for her to go during "open time". Erin stepped up and volunteered to open her room during her prep so that the student would have a safe place to do her homework and have some quiet time.

Suzanne Everett

Be Real/Care for Others/Integrity/Authenticity 

Ms. Everett has arranged for professionals in many fields to come and address her English classes. As part of her "What I Want to be When I Grow Up" project the classes have been able to speak with adults who are in the fields many of the students are interested in. This program has resulted in Job-shadowing opportunities and greater understanding of future possibilities.

Jennifer Szelenyi

Be Real, Dare to Question/Care for Others/Find Balance

Jen consistently works towards the betterment of ORHS in all areas. She supports teachers, and fellow staff members through her initiative, care and compassion. She is incredibly helpful and handles it all with grace.

Mike Eisenhart

Care for Others

One of our students parents notified her counselor to compliment Mike. Mike had sent a handwritten note to the student to let her know of her excellent math score on an assessment. This brought tears to the eyes of the parent and a smile to the student. 

Denise Bonal

Care for Others, Collaboration, Creativity

Denise shows a good deal of initiative. She took on the responsibility of "Parent Square" messaging very seriously. She worked to make the system clearer in its communications to parents. Without being asked, she tried different templates within the system to come up with a more clear, concise and effective communication tool.

Michelle Kite

Dare to Question

Michelle wanted her students to perform puppet shows for children. She made arrangements with the EDH Library to do several shows, along with a stage and baskets of handmade puppets much to the delight of the Library families. She goes above and beyond to provide her classes with opportunities to learn and succeed. 

Jessica Womack

Care for Others, Compassion/Empathy/


When you call the AP office about an issue or in need of help, Jessica is always willing to do whatever it takes to help you. She is friendly and professional and does her job well!

Silvia Arredondo

Care for Others, Teamwork

Silvia is friendly to everyone and goes above and beyond to get everyone's copy requests done in a timely manner. She helps with last minute requests and always has a smile on her face. She is a treat to work with.

Renee O'Banion

Care for Others

Renee is always ready & willing to step up to help our teachers.  She will help get supplies to their rooms, and volunteers regularly to help get teachers their work from the copy room in a speedy fashion. She embodies the kind of Teamwork/Care for others that is fundamental to ORHS.

Julie Ornelas

Be Real/Care for Others/Dare to Question/Find Balance/All School Values

Michelle Kite believes that Julie is the best department chair ever. She is fun, caring and professional. She worked really hard to make her feel welcomed this year. And she is always open to new ideas. 

Mandy Fiedler

Care for Others/Teamwork/Collaboration

Mandy was approached by our department to find a way to change the schedules of 23 kids, all for the good of my Geometry 11-12 (remedial) class. In the eye of the storm that is scheduling season, Mandy made it happen without any questions. She added this task to her very full plate, all for the good of the students who need it most.

Julie Giordano

Care for Others/Teamwork/Collaboration

Julie recognized the need for more one-on-one help in my Geometry 11-12 (remedial) class. She brought up the idea of collapsing her 3rd period Geometry, which only had 23 students in it, in order to co-teach with me in my class of 25 students, primarily students with IEPs and 504s. It was a tremendously selfless act!

Donna Martin


Donna is a fantastic librarian. She is friendly and approachable, and she loves working with both students and teachers. If she knows your class is going to be doing a project, she quickly offers to assist and offer her expertise. She truly goes above and beyond. She keeps the library organized, and she gives kids a safe space to hang out during break and lunch, too.

Carmela Sabatano

Be Real/Communication/Inquiry

A parent and student wanted me to know how incredible a teacher Ms. Sabatano was. They can't believe that nothing was lost in transitioning from Mrs. Hewitt to Ms. Sabatano. Their daughter is excited about how much she is learning from Ms. Sabatano. 

Megan Watson

Care for Others/Growth Mindset/Compassion

Quote from an Oak Ridge student, "I've never been in a school where the teachers show they care so much. Miss Watson spent so much time with me- making sure I knew the math concepts to help me be successful in math. I'm a junior and I've never had a teacher sit down with me and actually teach me one on one. She didn't even know me and she was straight up nice to me. I really like it here". 

Heath Jenkins/Jonathan Owens

Be Real/Care for Others

Quote from an Oak Ridge mother, "Our son Wesley really struggled academically his first two years at Oak Ridge. Mr. Pratt and Wesley's teachers have gone above and beyond to encourage Wesley to do his best work and not to give up. Wesley has mentioned often about how much his teachers, especially Mr. Owens and Mr. Jenkins really care about him. This has made all of the difference."

Kristina Argueta

Care for Others/Creativity/Compassion

Students rom Kristina's French classes and French Honor Society sang carols for two assisted living places in EDH this week for the second year in a row: El Dorado Hills Senior Care Village and El Dorado Estates. Thank you Kristina for providng this opportunity for our kids and community. 

Julie Prather

Be Real/Care for Others/Growth Mindset/ Teamwork

Julie has worked tirelessly with a 9th grade student who receives Special Education services. As a new member of the staff, Julie has been authentic, creative, flexible, cooperative, communicative and supportive. As she learns the ropes of being a "Trojan" she is working with her peers in her department, the Special Education department, Counseling, the family, and a reluctant learner who does not believe in his own abilities. Julie believes in the student, his skills, and genuinely wants him to succeed.

Casey Rhyan

Care for Others

Casey is a model coach with the lifelong relationships he forms with his wrestlers. Casey is currently working with a young man, 25 years old, who was a past player of his. This young man is experiencing great challenges in his life and his father passed away when he was young. Casey has stepped up and is there for this young man and helping him get all of the appointments that he needs. Casey is a coach that cares beyond the lines.

David Warren/Tony Diaz


A parent of a student in Dave Warren's class happens to be the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum in another district. He became very interested in how Dave was grading his classes. His curiosity over the ATI practices that Dave had in his class ended up with him asking Dave a lot of questions and setting up a collaboration between some of his teachers and Dave and Tony Diaz. I want to thank Dave and Tony for taking time of their day to work with teachers from another district. I admire their desire to help all students and teachers, even those not at Oak Ridge. 

Kim Doyle

Be Real/Care for Others

Kim recently shared with my Financial Analysis classes her struggles with debt. It was a powerful demonstration of being real and caring for others. She pulled no punches. In doing so, she laid out for my students in very real terms what the consequences can be from living with large amounts of debt. This also demonstrates caring for others. Kim hopes none of the students have to experience what she did. 

Jordan Lampenfeld

Be Real/Care for Others/Being Together 

I was supervising at the MPR and noticed when the bell rang that Mr. Lampenfeld was standing outside his door shaking the hand of every student as they entered the classroom and greeting them. It was clear this made the students feel welcome and important. I have no doubt that every student in that classroom knows that Mr. Lampenfeld cares about them and is glad they are in his class!

Kim Hassian

Care for Others/Teamwork/Collaboration

3Strands is a national organization based in El Dorado Hills. 3Strands is dedicated to ending the practice of sex trafficking. Many years ago a concerned community member came to Kim and asked her how they could teach students at Oak Ridge how to protect themselves from sex trafficking. At that moment, the PROTECT program was born. Kim was the first teacher in America to teach the PROTECT curriculum to her Health students. Now, Governor Brown has written into law that every student in the state must be taught the PROTECT curriculum. It has reached into other states as well. I was recently reminded that Kim was one of the pioneers of the program and showed that it could be done and that it was effective. 


Jeff Hassian

Care for Others/Teamwork/Collaboration 

Jeff excels at inspiring young people and making them reach beyond what they thought was possible. Jeff is also a silent leader. When Academic Decathlon needed a coach he stepped up. When he learned there was a Cyber Patriot National Cyber Defense Competition he started a team. He wanted to provide a place where our students could be challenged and improve. He does the same with Academic Decathlon.


Nicole Lucidi

Be Real/Compassion/Empathy/Care for Others

Nicole had unprecedented success with her EL class last year. Upon testing her returning students this year they all experienced a one level increase in their proficiency. In the EL world this is unheard of. Nicole goes beyond the curriculum with these students. She takes them under her wing and becomes a case manager for them. She always goes the extra mile and it shows. The phenomenal success of her students can be linked back directly to the work she is doing and the heart she has for her students. 


Cathy Kauffman

Be Real/Care for Others/Compassion/Empathy 

Cathy did not want to be recognized in a meeting. But I still felt it appropriate to recognize her publicly in this format.Parent Letter:

My daughter, Lindsay, became ill at the end of her junior year with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH) and Papilledema. In short, the increased spinal fluid around her spine, optical nerves, and brain caused Lindsay to be put on Home and Hospital.

Struggling to heal from her conditions and complete all of her classes by the end of the school year proved to be impossible. Lindsay finished all of her classes with the exception of chemistry.

Both Lindsay and I reached out to her chemistry teacher, Cathy Kauffman. I expressed my concern that when Lindsay applies for colleges in November that an incomplete may affect her acceptance. Cathy immediately eased Lindsay's and my worries. When Cathy volunteered to come to our home during her summer and work with Lindsay, I was shocked since most teachers would probably never do this. Sure enough, she came multiple times!

THANKS to Cathy, Lindsay completed chemistry and her junior year successfully!!! We are so overwhelmingly appreciative for the dedication, kindness, commitment, and compassion that Cathy has shown to our daughter. It truly touched our hearts that Cathy would take time out of her own well-deserved vacation to help my daughter.

My daughter is super lucky to have had Cathy as her junior year chemistry teacher. Cathy truly cares about her students and went the extra mile to help my daughter through a very difficult time and that means the world to us. Oak Ridge is so fortunate to have such a terrific teacher who, out of the goodness of her heart, goes above and beyond and makes a true difference and positive impact on her students' lives.

I hope you and your staff will recognize what an amazing teacher Cathy Kauffman is and give her kudos that she so rightfully deserves!


Denise Bonal

Care for Others/Team Work/Collaboration/

Working Together

Denise took the ball and ran with a big job that needed to be completed right before school started (student information for Lifetouch.) She cared for me in a big way, I was overwhelmed and saw there was no way I could get the task at hand completed that day. She looked at me with confidence, and said "I've got this! don't worry!" 

 - Marty Wagner


Alison Lishman

Care for Others/Teamwork/Respect/Being Together/Working Together

Alison came in on a Saturday to put together the furniture for C-4 to make sure our Special Education Department had a beautiful space ready for them the first day of school. It showed the paraprofessionals that we value them and care about making their workspace comfortable and functional. Alison gave up her personal time to make this happen and I, as the admin who oversees Special Education, really appreciated her going the extra mile to make this happen before school started. – Kim Doyle

Dann Lealos

Be Real/Care for Others/Integrity/Authenticity/ Respect/Compassion/Empathy/Being Together

Dann was picking weeds in the upper parking lot before school one morning. Something I have been meaning to do, but his actions speaks louder than my intentions. We teachers lead by example. Doing kind things for the sake of kindness shows our students what being real and caring for others (and our environment) mean. Thank you, Dann, for inspiring me personally today. – Anonymous 


Dave White

Be Real/Teamwork/The Oak Ridge Way

I want to recognize David White for all his work with Link Crew this summer. Their work culminated with one of the best Freshmen Orientations I have ever seen. It was clear that a tremendous amount of time and deep consideration went into planning the event. I want to honor Dave for going above and beyond for our freshmen class. He was determined to give them an amazing introduction to Oak Ridge. I want to honor him for his care, teamwork and willingness to be real with his Link Crew team.


Denise Root

Be Real/Compassion/Empathy/Care for Others/Teamwork/Collaboration

Denise was honored by the El Dorado Hills Rotary as the Oak Ridge Teacher of the Year.  Denise was recognized for her incredible commitment to her students and the passion she brings every day.  There is no one that cares more deeply about their students than Denise.  Beyond that, she spends countless hours dedicated to her department.  Student achievement among special education students increase last year and Denise is a big part of the reason why. 

Speech Team

Great news, we had students place #2 and #3 at the Stanford Invitational.  The winners are Giavanna Chopra and Amrit Bajwa.  Be sure to congratulate them.


I have a few updates for you pertaining to testing.  The Feds are signaling that they will likely allow states to opt out of testing.  This would mean that California could opt out of CAASPP testing if the State Board of Education wanted to.  The politics of this will be interesting. But it appears that the Feds are going to create a waiver process for this.

AP Testing is still going to happen.  The College Board is providing some options for how a school can do the testing.  We are going through all of the options and determining which ones can and cannot work at Oak Ridge. 

The California Healthy Kids Survey must still be given this year.  Typically we would have completed this in October.  But it was pushed this year.  So we are in the process of preparing to roll this assessment out. 

Model Trojan Award

If you have know of a student or staff member who should be honored with a Model Trojan Award don't forget to sign them up here.  Thank you.

Conserve Energy

Please remember to power everything down for the long weekend.

Long Weekend

I hope everyone takes the time to recharge this weekend. After this is that unfortunate long stretch between holidays. So take the time to rest and spend time with the family.    

February 5th

Rotary Speech Contest

Three Oak Ridge students won in the El Dorado Hills Rotary Speech Contest this week.  Mahee Haswani won first place, Alexandra Thompson won second, and Nicole Spies won third.  They had really good speeches on trying to find a positive that had come out of the chaos of the last year.  If you see them on campus please congratulate them.  Mahee will be going on to the regional competition with her speech.

State Guidelines

We continue to work through identifying what classrooms cannot comply with the state's new 4 foot rule between students.  We have assessed and identified the rooms where this isn't possible.  We have begun speaking with the effected teachers on next steps.  We spoke with most of those teachers this week and should be able to get to the last few early next week.

It also appears that the state is creating a waiver process for some of the new guidelines.  If and when a waiver process is put in place we will examine the feasibility of it.  But it would appear that one is coming.  


Round two of the vaccines for educators will start next week and carry on until complete.  Those who had their vaccine with Safeway will get round two at Safeway.  Those who got round two from Public Health are being notified of a drive through location for round 2. 

We are still working with Safeway and Public Health on when they will access to additional vaccines to complete the round one process for those still waiting.  The shortage of vaccines in California is really hampering our counties efforts right now.  

Staff Meeting Monday Morning

Don't forget to reference the Meetings tab above to access our staff meeting Monday morning at 8:30AM online.

January 29th


This week the officials for the CAASPP test and California Accountability Dashboard held a webinar.  They outlined California's Accountability plan for this year.

All of this is predicated on the test actually being given.  The officials in this meeting are not policy makers. They comply with policy.  They have been ordered to have the testing system ready if it is needed. 

State officials claim they will not ignore the Federal governments mandate.  If the Feds require the test (which is the default) they will give it.  At this time the US Department of Education is working without a Secretary of Education because Biden's nominee has yet to be confirmed.  According to state officials this person will need to be in place for the Feds to accept waivers from states.  Currently, the Feds are not even accepting waivers for state tests.  

The current feeling is, if the Feds begin accepting waivers, that State Board of Education will file for one.  The other feeling is that if the Feds allow states to submit waivers then they are of a mindset to accept them all.  

If the testing goes forward here is how it will be different:

Let's cross our fingers and hope for a waiver.  Although, if we had to test, I'm convinced our students would do incredible compared to the rest of the state thanks to your efforts.  

Staff Meeting Reminder

I wanted to share a friendly reminder that we have a staff meeting on the morning of February 8th that will primarily focus on WASC.  The current agenda is under the Meetings tab above.

Student Model Trojan Awards

I had been holding off on Model Trojan awards for students in hopes that we could one day have a safe but small ceremony for the kids.  That is obviously not going to happen.  So we are starting to move forward with virtual award ceremonies for these students and their parents.  The first one will be next week.  Those who submitted student names have been invited.  Please feel free to nominate students again for a Model Trojan Award.  You can find that form under the Resource tab above or by clicking here. 

Athletic Updates

The CIF is working hand in hand with the State Office of Public Health.  This collaboration has produced the latest plan on how sports will be implemented with what time remains in the year.  They have provided a lot of information to process.  However, if you are interested, this is the best link to access as of yesterday.

January 26th

Athletic Update

The State guidelines are allowing certain sports such as Alpine, Cross Country and Golf to start in the Purple Tier.  Each colored tier has a list of sports that can happen.  Our League and district are working on the spectator part of athletics and what that looks like in each tier. It will likely be limited to immediate family but that is not set in stone yet.  The plan for athletics seems to change daily but is starting to come into focus.  

Upcoming Safety Drills

We discussed safety drills and dates in Leadership yesterday.  We have confirmed that the state and district are still requiring us to do safety drills. However, we all understand that they must look different.  We can't evacuate the school and have hundreds of students bunched together.  Alison will be sending out more information about how we will do these drills.  But please plan for them happening on February 23rd for Schedule Group A and February 25th for Schedule Group B.  Both will take place at 8:45 AM.

WASC Time Again

Next Year Oak Ridge will have our three day WASC visit from February 28th to March 2nd 2022.  So we are just a little over a year away.  Don will be the lead for WASC.  Don has been attending the WASC trainings and has a timeline in place for us to complete it on time.  Because of the pandemic a lot of the WASC work will need to be done in your departments.  We will go into more detail about the process in our February 8th staff meeting.  

Work Due Dates

In our leadership team meeting yesterday we discussed some parent frustrations that have come up over assigned due dates.  We ended up having a long and nuanced conversation that was very fruitful.  To simply a long conversation.  Parents are frustrated when assignments are due on weekends and holidays.  They feel that in the past students only turned in work in person on school days.  

However, the issue is more complicated than that.  For the sake of brevity I am going to give two examples to frame what our practice will be moving forward.  Example, it is acceptable to make work due on a weekend if you gave students multiple days to work on it.  For example, you assign it on Monday and it is due on Saturday.   The student had the opportunity to do the work and submit it before the weekend if the chose.  You simply gave them an extra day if they wanted the weekend to work on it.  This is acceptable.  

However, assigning something on Thursday or Friday and making it due on Sat or Sun is not acceptable.  Those assignments would need to be due on Monday (which is technically the next time you have class.)  We support students being given extra time and the opportunity to turn in work on the weekend.  We just don't want them getting an assignment on Friday and having it due before Monday.  Thank you.

January 21st

Lincoln Holiday Bell Schedule Update

I want to make sure that we all have the accurate bell schedule for the week of February 8th.  Some people have reported seeing two versions.  Please refer to the one on our website.  

PROTECT Online Training

3Strands Global Foundation, in partnership with El Dorado Health and Human Services is providing an educational opportunity for staff to learn more about Human Trafficking and prevention efforts. 3Strands, based out of El Dorado Hills, started in 2008 in response to a child trafficking incident in our county. 13 years later and the team at 3Strands has caused a wave of education across the nation, having educated well over 250k educators and 600k students.

Join us for an uplifting 90 min training sessions where we dive deep into understand trafficking and how it effects our youth. Now more than ever, traffickers are grooming children online. Since the pandemic California has seen a near 200% increase in the number of child trafficking cases. Help us stop this crime once and for all!  Register Here

January 15th

Bell Schedule Change for President's Holiday

We have a 4 day weekend coming up from Friday February 12th through Monday February 15th. (School Calendar) Losing Monday February 15th will not affect the bell schedule for that week. 

However, not having school on Friday the 12th will require us to make a change in the school bell schedule for that week.  I worked with our FA reps and confirmed that we cannot swap Friday for Monday and have kids on campus on Monday the 8th.  

Our school Leadership Team looked at the options available to them.  The team decided to make Thursday February 11th a 1-7 period day.  This way B Schedule Group students can see all of their teachers this week.  The bell schedule for this week has been posted to the website here.  

Student Class Registration

As we alluded to in our staff meeting on Monday, there will have to be changes to how we register students for classes this year.  The previous process would simply not work with the COVID guidelines that are in place.  We want everyone to "be in the know" of how the process will work if students ask you.  And some of you will be involved in the process as in previous years (just in a different way.)  Counseling will be putting this process out to everyone soon.  

We are already beginning the outreach to our incoming 9th graders and getting them set up for registration as well.  As a reminder, we have a virtual 8th Grade Parent Night Monday January 25th at 6PM.  

2021-22 Bell Schedule

With 8th Grade Parent Night almost upon us we need to make some decisions about what next year will look like.  I think we are all optimistic that next year will be "normal."  But we must be prepared for any outcome.

For now, we are going to tell our 8th Grade Parents that we are planning for a "normal" bell schedule next year barring an COVID interruptions.  So you will see the new bell schedule that we approved as a school last year on the website for 2021-22. 

Administration is also working on the best way to roll this out next year.  We understand that this will involve us taking time to train and assist everyone with how the new schedule will work.

January 13th

CTE Student Success

Two Oak Ridge students have taken full advantage of our districts Animal Health Field career path and have earned their certification in the profession. If you see Haley Kay, and Alexa Songco, congratulate them. 

They have completed over 500 hours in both classroom and clinical experience in the Animal Health Field as well as learned over 100 practical veterinary skills.  Yesterday they sat for a 100-question exam from the California Veterinary Medical Association.  Each of these students passed and have earned their CVA (Certified Veterinary Assistant) Certificate.



I want to appreciate Public Health, EDCOE and our District for being able to pivot so quickly and get us access to the 1A vaccines in our county.  As the letter yesterday stated in part, once opened, these vaccines expire fairly quickly.  So instead of throwing them away, they decided to start the 1B tier 1 roll out using the 1A vaccines.  

There will likely not be enough 1A vaccines left to serve all school employees. But when the 1B vaccines arrive they will be able to finish serving all school staff.  We do not have an estimated date for when that will arrive. 

Please do not forget to schedule your second dose immediately after getting your first dose.  And don't forget, just because the site says this is just for 1A professions, you can still sign up.  They simply have not updated the website yet.  Please have proof of being a school employee with you in case they ask for it (ID card, pay stub, etc.)

4 Day Full Return Bell Schedule

The Bell Schedule Committee met yesterday and worked on what our 4 Day Full Return Bell Schedule will be once the Board chooses to move in this direction.  At this time, the Committee needs to wait until the District and Faculty Association have completed any modifications they desire for the MOU.  Any changes to the MOU could have an impact on the bell schedule.  So once that process is complete, the committee will be able to finalize the bell schedule and share it.


January 12th

Spring Break Days Clarification

I have asked how we are managing the days for spring break that were listed as Emergency Closure days.  March 26th and April 5th were days we could hold school if we had significant school closures due to PG&E days, etc.  But we have not had significant days to make up so far.  So short of losing school days between now and March 26th, those two days will be added to spring break and we will have them off.

Vaccine News

County Public Health has notified us that the transition from 1A of the vaccine roll out to 1B will be happening sooner than later.  As we know, all school staff are included in the 1B phase of the vaccine roll out.  Our district and county office of education have been working closely with Public Health and OES on how to roll this out to our staff.  Within the next day or two you will start to see communication from the district on this process.  Our district office will be managing this process for us.  

Bell Schedule Committee

The Bell Schedule Committee (as outlined in the MOU) will be meeting today.  We have no idea when we will be asked to transition to all students returning every day 4 days a week.  I am going to start referring to this as a 4 Day Full Return.  Whenever it  does happen, we want to be prepared for it.  So we will begin to discuss what that bell schedule will look like today. 

January 6th

Mural Complete

The approved student mural was completed over the break.  We now have a beautiful student mural to compliment the Wellness Garden next to it.  There is some touch up that needs to be done.  But I wanted to share the completed project.  

We are patiently waiting the details of the Governor's state budget which should be revealed soon.  We are eagerly waiting to see how he will handle education funding.  Tax receipts were not effected as poorly as predicted.  So we have high hopes that funding for education will be more robust than previously thought a few months ago. 

Final Make Ups

Over Winter Break we were able to make up 160+ finals for students who could not attend school during finals.  Hopefully this alleviates a lot of stress for students and teachers.  These students can now start the semester fresh with finals behind them.  On the flip side, teachers do not need to create time after school to make up finals for these quarantined or sick students.  I know we likely did not catch all students.  But my hope is that we captured the vast majority of them.  I want to thank everyone who did their part and made this happen.  


December 18th

We Made It

There are no words to share to how proud and appreciative I am of each and every one of you.  Every single person has had to over come obstacles this semester.  For better or for worse we have learned new skills and new ways of doing things.  But most importantly we successfully completed the first semester and are due a restful winter break. Please take this time to step away as much as you can and focus on family and friends.  Happy Holidays.

Live Streaming How To Video

John Pesci, an Assistant Principal at Union Mine made a concise yet very effective video on how to live steam in your classroom.  I put a link to the video in Tech Resource under the Hybrid/Distance Learning Tab.  I will also put the link here:

Intersession for Seniors in January

As I mentioned last week we have finalized our plan for Intersession in January.  Seniors in need of passing a class to graduate will be offered the opportunity.  It will run like last summers Intersession did online with the same qualifications to qualify for students as always.  The Intersession Instructor will be available and checking in with students on Saturdays.  The four Saturdays will be: 

Intersession Days

December 17th

AP Position

As we moved this semester it became apparent that Oak Ridge needs four Assistant Principals more than ever right now.  I have been speaking with the district about the need and recently it was approved.  As you can tell from the posting we will be looking for an OR teacher to step into the role on an interim basis for the rest of the semester.  Depending on who gets the position we will either fill their teaching job with a new person or cover it internally.  

My desire will be to interview and fill the position next Tuesday.  That will give us the remainder of the break to work on filling the the teaching side of the move. As we get closer to the end of the semester we will examine if we need to fly the position permanently.  

December 16th

Peer Tutoring Canceled

Unfortunately we only had 1 student sign up for Peer tutoring.  So we are canceling the program.  We will have to try and find another way to support students. 

Finals Make Ups

We are having to add a second proctor and room for final make ups on Monday January 4th.  We already have that person in place and are set.  We should have more than enough room for everyone. 

December 14th

Final Make-Up Update

Today we will begin to notify teachers if you have a student who is signed up for a final make up day.  As the list grows we will update the list and send it to the affected teachers.  If you do not receive an email then you do not have a student who is signed up.

Kate is managing the logistics of make ups.  Finals will need to be provided to her by the time listed on the email to you. so far we have 50 students signed up over 4 different time slots.  Here are the procedures if you need them.

District COVID Dashboard

Thanks to the feedback of staff and parents the COVID dashboard continues to get improvements.  Total case numbers are now listed as well. 

Senior Intersession in January

Intersession is going to need to be altered this fall because of COVID 19.  The original plan was to hold the intersession for both semesters in the summer.  However, this is too late for seniors.  We would need to augment their class schedule for the spring semester in order for them to graduate on time.

So we are going to hold a modified Intersession in January for just seniors.  We are going to hold 4 hour online Intersessions on Saturdays for these seniors. Thus the email you received from Counseling today.  More will be coming out about this soon.

December 11th

Website Update

The website has been getting a little out of control.  So Kate is working hard to streamline it again and add some extra information for families.  I know many of you rely on the Staff tab to access Aeries, email, etc.  Staff can now be found under the Resources tab.  Kate is also starting to augment the department pages to provide families more information on course offerings and staff photos. This will also be a great way for us to look people up and put a name to a face.

Final Make-Ups

Just a reminder that the link (for families to complete) for students you need to make-up finals on either 12/17 or 1/4 is:

We are monitoring the list and will add additional folks if we need to.  I am also aware that some finals take longer than 90 minutes.  We will make it work for those students.

Peer Tutoring

We started offering Peer Tutoring this week to students with multiple failing grades.  We limited it to this group for our first try because we didn't want over promise and under delivery.  Unfortunately, no one signed up.  

So now we have offered it to any student with a failing grade.  We will see if this attracts more interest.  Hopefully we will find some additional students looking to get help with their last few finals next week.

December 10th

Attendance Update

Next Monday is an asynchronous day in the middle of finals. Please feel free to simply assign your students to study for their assessment and mark everyone present.  

As a reminder, during finals you can simple post that students should be studying and therefore mark everyone present on their asynchronous day this week and next.

Education Legislation

AB10 is a proposed piece of legislation related to schools and COVID 19.  I will let the article speak for itself.  But I do want to share a quote that provides the gist of the article and the link to it.   "Democratic Assembly leaders proposed legislation Monday that would require public school students to physically return to school in stages by early spring, after public health officials lift closure orders."


December 8th

Attendance Update

Today and tomorrow (Wed) attendance will be taken for the asynchronous students as any other hybrid school day.  However, teachers have been concerned about how to take finals during finals and not wanting to create more work for no reason. I would agree with them.

I am good with us saying that the asynchronous students have been assigned to study for finals.  Therefore they don't have any work to submit and can all be considered present. This way you don't need to create work for no reason.  You can also dedicate your time to finals and grading them.  So for the days of finals we can have all asynchronous students present.  The in person students will be marked present based on whether they are in class or not.

December 4th

Energy Efficiency Thank You

I again wanted to thank everyone for being energy efficient and shutting our school down well over break.  I wasn't at all surprised that we did the best in the district.  

Bell Schedule Change/Remind Students

The bell schedule for the next two weeks will likely be confusing for many students, especially freshmen.  I would appreciate your help in remind your students of the change. If you could walk them through it I would appreciate that as well.  Thank  you.  Schedule:

Holiday Surprise

This Tuesday our parent group is going to shower us with some holiday gifts.  I am very thankful for this new parent group that has formed within the Oak Ridge Foundation.  They really appreciate what everyone is doing and like to give us nice surprises.  Stay tuned for more information on when to pick up your surprise.  


I wanted to remind everyone that the district COVID dashboard is being updated daily for your information.  Again, this dashboard and its updates will substitute for the emails I was putting out every day.

December 3rd 

Next Week

The intention of distance learning this week was to prevent mass quarantines over finals week and the potential spread of COVID 19 coming out of the break.  Looking at the numbers of positive cases this week we are glad the move was made. On average we would have been looking at a very large number of quarantines if we had been in session.

The intent of the School Board was to move back to the hybrid next week. This remains their intention. 

We were also watching the Governor's press conference closely today in case he put schools back into distance learning.  However, he did not do that.  Under the added restrictions put forth by the Governor today Oak Ridge is still allowed to remain in the hybrid model.  Therefore, barring any unforeseen event, we will be in the hybrid model for the remaining two weeks of the semester.

Monday Morning Staff Meeting

I want to remind everyone that we have a Staff Meeting Monday morning at 8:30 online.  We will be joined by Dr. Carruth.  Please click here for the meeting or go to the meetings tab above to get the link.

December 2nd

COVID Family Notification

Our practice has been notifying families when we have a new COVID case.  However, it has become overwhelming for them.  So we are going to be notifying them in a different way.  We are going to inform parents that for the latest on infection and quarantine numbers they can visit our district's COVID page. The district will now be updating this page daily instead of weekly. This will provide everyone with one place in order to see the data for that day.  

COVID Update

The site mentioned above is also an excellent resource for you.  I have not been giving everyone daily updates because we are in distance learning and I wanted to wait until the dust settled.  As of the end of the day Tuesday, we have 14 active cases coming out of break.  And more students keep coming off of quarantine from exposures that happened before the break.  We currently have no positive staff members.  But we did have three staff members quarantined.  

Finals Make-Ups Proctoring

Proctoring: In anticipation that some students will miss a final due to quarantines or excused absences, we are setting up a final make up day on Monday January 4th (the last day of break.) 

I am looking for a teacher who would like to come and proctor on the 4th for 5 hours at the hourly rate.  Please email Aaron at if you are interested.  I will take the first person to reply.  

Make-Ups: I want to remind all teachers that if a student is out during finals you have three options.

If you would like them to make it up on the 4th please supply Kate with a copy of the final before leaving for break.  Please put the students name on the top of the test with your name as well.

December 1st

Quarantine Notifications

People have rightfully so been inundated with too many emails about quarantined students.  The vast majority of our students will be getting off their quarantine towards the end of this week.  Now that we are on distance learning for the remainder of the week I have decided to not blow up your emails with these notifications.  You will only get notifications for students still on quarantine next week.  Otherwise, just about everyone on campus would have gotten a notice for kids out this week.  And a lot of you would have gotten dozens and dozens of individual emails.  But I will make sure you get noticed today about those students who will still be on quarantine when we return. 

Sick Leave/Personal Necessity This Week

Faculty, starting tomorrow you will need to be live with students online as our processes state during distance learning.  If you do not have the ability to be live with students starting tomorrow, you will need to post work (just like posting plans for a sub but post to your Google Classroom for students) and take a sick day or personal necessity day. 

Finals Preparation/Distance Learning

I want everyone to be aware that the Governor is contemplating putting the state into a lockdown. He plans to make comments about education this Thursday. If this were to occur, we might be in distance learning through finals. I would like everyone to start thinking about what finals look like in distance learning.  I know many departments are not doing finals this semester because of COVID.  We will discuss this matter more in our Leadership meeting this week.

12/8 and 12/9 Lunch Split

Students and Staff will have their lunch group based on their 5th period class on both of those days. 

Energy Conservation Over Break

I need to thank everyone for their efforts in “unplugging” this break.  Out of 110 rooms, 105 rooms were properly set back.  So we were 95% compliant with saving energy and money.  I really thank everyone for “unplugging” and doing our part to save energy and lessen the impact on the environment. 

Peer Tutoring

I am sad to say that we are having to cancel our first week of Peer Tutoring this week.  We will continue with it as soon as we are able. I will be reaching out to the peer tutors and any students who already signed up today.  

November 20th

COVID Update

Active Cases



I have received a lot of good questions about finals.  I wanted to put the answers in one place for everyone.

Do I need to give a final?

IEP/504 Students

Quarantined During Finals

Happy Thanksgiving

I know it doesn't feel like we have a lot to be thankful for this year. However, I think if we look deeply we can find those reasons to be thankful.  Everyone has had something horrible happen to them this year.  I believe that all of us are fighting a silent battle every day that no one at work can see.

The other day I paused to think of what I had to be thankful for.  With all honesty, it has not changed a lot from previous years.  I find myself incredibly thankful for all of you.  I am on a virtual call once a week with Principals and Superintendent's from all over the state.  When I hear about their struggles it reminds me how lucky we are. Given a horrible circumstance, incredible teaching and learning is happening.  Our school is succeeding at levels others are not, and that is because of you. Every single one of you comes to work and grinds every day to make this work for students. You will never know how much I appreciate you and what you are doing for our students.  And never forget how much the majority of our community appreciates it.  Our parents have provided us with back to school supplies and fall treats. And our leadership bringing in tacos as a token of their appreciation.  This community is thankful for you. 

And I continue to be extremely lucky with the people who support me outside of work.  Like all of us, our families give us strength and support.  I couldn't do what I do every day without my family and friends. 

So find time to stop working, relax and recharge.  And I hope everyone has a restful week off and a beautiful Thanksgiving.  

November 19th

COVID Update

Hybrid/Asynchronous Reminders

Assigning Work:


November 18th

Solar Panel Cleaning

Next Tuesday and Wednesday during Thanksgiving break the solar panels in the parking lots will be cleaned.  This process will take all day.  If you had plans to be on campus please do not park under the panels on Tuesday or Wednesday.

COVID Update

We have another positive student today.  However, this student was never on campus while in the time Public Health defines as contagious or spreading.  So we will not need to implement any quarantines as a result of this positive case.  

This brings us to 5 active COVID cases.  And we have 83 students quarantined as a result of their proximity to one of these students.  

Finals and Attendance

We have been asked how to take attendance on finals days for students who are at home not testing.  There is not perfect answer for this.  Our expectation is that they are studying.  So you do not need to provide them work to do for the sake of taking attendance.  You can instruct your student's to study for the final and mark everyone present. 

November 13th

COVID Update

When the district updates their COVID dashboard today you will see an additional positive case listed for Oak Ridge.  This student is in fact in the Online Distance Learning School and does not attend Oak Ridge.  Since ODLP is not an official school the data counts towards the school the student came from.  So the student was never on our campus and is not enrolled in any of our classes so I did not put out a public notice.  

Food Truck Appreciation

I know Kate has sent everyone an email on how the food truck will work on Monday.  But I also wanted to add how grateful we are to everyone for all that you do.  And this time to come out and get lunch is just a small token and thank you for all that you do.  We could never truly repay everyone for going above and beyond.

Full Return Preparations

As everyone has heard, the School Board decided that January 11th would be the day that we open up our schools to a full return if conditions allow.  Part of that decision was asking the Principals to prepare for a full open whenever it may happen.  So we are taking our plan for the hybrid and updating it to reflect a full return.  Some of the proposals that need to be discussed and bargained surround the bell schedule.  Do we have a lunch?  Do we skip lunch and have shorter days?  There are a variety of questions (related and unrelated to the bell schedule) that our district will begin to work through over the coming weeks. 

November 6th


Our district has created a new COVID page on their website that tracks COVID cases in a public and transparent format.  The data will be updated every Friday.  Please follow the link to see the new data table:

Hybrid Reminders

Academic Interventions

I shared academic data with department chairs yesterday and today that shows a doubling in our F rate.  This really and truly is not anyone's fault.  This is to be blamed on one thing and one thing only, COVID 19.  Teachers are going above and beyond for students.  And we shouldn't be shocked that teens can't manage their time when left home alone for three days. 

We are quickly putting together an after school peer tutoring  program to help students get caught up.  I fear the number of students needing help and structure catching up is more than our system was designed to handle.  So we are putting together a peer tutoring program that follows all of the county COVID guidelines.  Our hope is that additional support will provide these struggling students the support they need to increase their academic achievement.  I will be sending out an email on Monday looking for any teachers interested in being paid hourly to monitor these settings. 


The state is starting to issue guidelines on the CAASPP.  It seems there energy is now focusing around still holding the CAASPP this year.  Although, they are going to somehow make it shorter.  It will likely be some time until we learn what shorter means.  But my first guess would be them throwing out the Performance Task and just having us do the Multiple Choice test.  But this will need to get hashed out in Sacramento.

Solar Panels

The solar panels are still not activated.  PG&E has told us that they technically have 2 years to activate the panels.  However, we did receive a notification this week that they believe they can get us activated in the next month or two.  So hope for solar power is on the horizon.  


This is a reminder to all of us that we need to be wearing our masks.  We cannot be outside or go into another persons room without our mask on.  Even if that person is alright with it, we need to be wearing a mask when in another persons work space.  Thank you.

Anxiety and Depression

The numbers of students and parents coming to us for help with mental health continues to increase every week.  On one day this week we received 12 requests. That was an abnormally big day but still an indicator of the increasing problem we are facing with mental health.  If we hadn't written the grants last year to staff the Wellness Center 4 days a week we would be under water right now.

October 23rd Update

Staff Meeting Nov. 2nd

We will hold a 30 minute staff meeting on Monday 11/2 at 8:30AM.  Link:

Leadership on Monday

One of the agenda items will be what to do with the Tuesday (11/10) before Veteran's Day (11/11.) 

Thank You

I really can't appreciate everyone enough.  Every single person is working more than they have before because they want to do what is right for kids.  I appreciate the hard work and appreciate people who do the best they can every day.  

But I also want people to acknowledge how much they are working and create time for themselves and their families.  Finding a good work life balance is more important than ever right now.  

Just like the mental health of our students is more important than how much curriculum we cover right now.  Your mental health and work/life balance is equally as important.  

Model Trojan Awards

If you have a coworker who is living our motto and doing great things please nominate them for a Model Trojan Award now. 

October 12th Update

Asynchronous Days/Extra Time

I would like to clarify what asynchronous days (any day a student is working from home) looks like for students.  

How To Set up Substitutes

Please reference the email I sent out earlier or hybrid procedures page on the Trojan Hub.

October 2nd Update

Students Moving in Your Gradebook

In order to make sure we had the scheduling groups properly balanced some students have been moved from one group to the other but are still in your class.  However, this may show as an add or drop in your gradebook, even though the student is still in your class. To move/transfer a student to the appropriate gradebook, please follow the steps in the video that Brittany Lansford provided in today's email.

Attendance in the Hybrid Model

The district got the final details put together for how attendance will work in Aeries in the hybrid model.  All of the attendance offices came together to meet about this yesterday.  The District will be putting out one message to everyone about how attendance will be taken.  That should be coming out very soon. 

The overall idea is actually very simple.  However, there are some logistical details to share.  But it is basically what we discussed in our last meeting. 

Hybrid Guide for Families

To help families with the transition to hybrid, this video will be going out today.  All of this and more has already gone out in writing.  This video was an attempt to summarize the most important points in a different format that more people might choose to access.

State Budget

Live Streaming Technology

As Don has previously noted we have about 64 teachers who have requested live stream technology.  The first wave of orders has already arrived and are being delivered today.  As people have ordered we have put additional orders in.  So the second wave of live stream tech should arrive on Tuesday.  A big thank you to Don, Jessica and Chris Moore for effectively pulling off a roll out this big with such little time. 

ODLP Transfers

Just and FYI- From the boards decision to go hybrid, we had 53 families decide to move to ODLP.  

October 1 Update

Monday Professional Development Update

A proposal was brought forth from the Faculty Association to make the Monday Professional Development opportunities optional for teachers.  In my eyes, the question is,  do we trust our teachers as professionals to determine if their time would be better spent attending a professional development training or to prioritize the time towards another aspect of their teaching.  The core of the issue is, if a teacher feels they will find value in the growth opportunity being presented they will avail themselves of it.  If it is not a skill that they need or already have, they can focus their time on their classes.

In consultation with the Faculty Association and our school Leadership Team, all agreed that the professional development opportunities now being offered on Monday should be optional and left up to each teacher’s professional judgement.  I can whole-heartedly support that proposal.  So moving forward these will now be optional for the faculty. 

Clarifying the Schedule for Next Week

What came from Leadership was that Tuesday October 6th and Wednesday October 7th are Online Distance Learning days that happen to use the Hybrid Bell schedule. Thursday and Friday October 8th and 9th will be the first two days of the actual hybrid model.  If you somehow want to set up your Tuesday and Wednesday so that Schedule Group A is more aligned with Schedule Group B, you have the freedom to do that.

Mask Defiance

A student can be sent to the office for being defiant and not wearing their mask.  We would like to norm when a student is defiant for not wearing their mask.  Here are two examples for which we will send a student home for not wearing their mask.

1. If they are refusing to wear a mask even after being told to wear one.

2.    2. If they are playing games and intentionally trying to not appropriately wear their mask. 

Here is what we do not consider mask defiance:

1.    1. We do not want to send a student home who has made an honest mistake with their mask.  If you ask a student to make and adjustment and they comply, that is not considered defiance.

I know there is a lot of gray here.  But I trust your judgement to know when a student needs to be repeatedly redirected for their mask because they are being defiant.  I think you are good judges of character for when a student honestly makes a mistake. 

Is COVID Surveillance Testing Painful?

Some people have expressed concern over the voluntary COVID 19 testing being provided by the district.  Some people feel it is a painful procedure.  EDCOE made a video showing exactly how the test works.  They are apparently using a less invasive test that is just as accurate as the painful test.

Video:  Please watch this video on how the staff COVID testing will be administered

September 30 Update

Hybrid Attendance in Aeries

Tomorrow there will be a district meeting on attendance in the hybrid model.  We will get the complete protocol for how to do this correctly.  We will be taking that information and synthesizing it into a handout for you.  One question I can answer pertains to tardies.  The new Aeries attendance system for the hybrid model will give teachers the option of marking a student tardy.  We will have more direction about this soon.

Water in Class

I submitted a question to County Health about students drinking water in class using the system they have given us to get clarification on these issues.  I received a written response from them today stating that students are allowed to take a drink of water in class and thus lowering their mask to do that.  

September 25 Update

Meeting Acceptance

I wanted to remind everyone that we cannot reject meeting invitations to IEPs, 504s or SSTs, etc.  We also need you to hit accept so you appear in the schedule.  These are extremely difficult to schedule and involve coordinating a lot of schedules.  If you receive one of these invitations and cannot attend you must reach out to me and ask to be excused.  

Lunch Schedule/Communicate to Students

We will need your help informing your students which lunch they will have.  If you are in lunch 1 then they will be in lunch 1 and vice versa.  Please share your lunch group with your 4th and 5th period classes as soon as possible.  The students already have access to the bell schedule which shows the lunch times on the school website.

Lunch Schedule

Staff Meeting Monday

Just a reminder we will have a staff meeting Monday at 2:15 in Google Meet:

September 22nd Update

Google Doc Sharing Update

Some of us are starting to receive Google Doc requests to add people we have never heard of as collaborators on sensitive documents with confidential information on them.  So on the surface, it appears that people are trying to locate documents (ex. Different lists of students) and request access to them. 

Google security is doing exactly what it is supposed to do and keeping these people out.  I want to caution us to be very careful with who we grant rights to in Google Docs.  When someone requests access to one of your docs please be very careful and look at who is asking for permission to it before granting it.

Parents at School Today

We found out a few days ago that some parents were planning what they called a protest.  Their objective was to convince the school board to move to the hybrid model.  I called the three people making the most posts about it.  I convinced them to move their protest on to the sidewalk and keep it off of campus.  It actually was easy, they immediately agree to it.  So about 3 dozen students and parents showed up for roughly two hours today in support of the hybrid model.

Parent Survey on Hybrid

I have been told that across the district 79% of parents (2520 unduplicated responses) support our schools moving to the hybrid model.  At Oak Ridge that number was 73% out of 1205 unduplicated responses.  

September 18th Update

Hybrid Social Distancing

We have received a lot of questions about social distancing in the classrooms in the hybrid model.  I want to share two things with everyone.  

   1. The 6 feet rule does not apply in classrooms in the hybrid model.  County Health has authorized us to have up to 20 people in a room even if that means they are not 6 feet apart.  They are more concerned with masks than distances.

   2. All of your classroom furniture must stay in your room.  We do not have the capacity to store extra desks.


Hybrid Model Cleaning

County Health is encouraging us to focus on hand sanitation if the Board chooses to move to the hybrid.  For example, it is acceptable to collect and pass out papers.  It is alright for one student to use a Chromebook used by a different student the period before as long as everyone is sanitizing their hands frequently.

We need to encourage students to sanitize their hands when they enter the room so they don't bring anything in with them.  Then we encourage them to sanitize their hands before they leave class so they don't take anything with them. Wearing a mask and frequently sanitation of hands is our best way to remain healthy. 

Our Maintenance team will sanitize classrooms at the end of the day. If teachers want, they can sanitize Chromebooks  but our Maintenance team will not be doing that.  Our goal is focus on sanitizing our hands before and after using the Chromebooks.  


Hybrid Model Procedures Update

I have added more procedures to our Hybrid FAQ pages.  Please take a look and see the additions (mostly around cleaning) highlighted in yellow.  Hybrid Procedures Link

Additional Hybrid Resources

The August Reopening Page (the tab above) on the Trojan Hub has been updated with all of the Hybrid information that we currently have.  This page has been updated with the lunch time split schedule.

September 11th Update

9/11 Remembrance

I wanted to take a moment and remember all of those lost on September 11th.  

Faculty Site Council Election

One of our annual traditions is electing faculty members to the schools Site Council.  Each year we elect three faculty members.  This year we have three volunteers.  However, we still need to hold the election.  I am asking the Faculty to please vote either online or in person at Kate's desk for their representative to the Site Council.  

Staff Photos

I want to follow up on Jen's email and remind everyone that staff photos are being done on 9/14, 9/21, 9/28 or 10/12 in the MPR.

Hybrid Update

Testing Center: It has been determined that the testing center for all public school teachers and students in EDH will be held here at Oak Ridge.  We are getting more information in order to pick the best place for that testing center. 

Childcare: It has been determined that we will also be housing the childcare center for public school employees in EDH as well.  We are working on identifying that space on campus. 

Parent Information:  This weekend we will start to share information about the hybrid model with parents.  We will share the bell schedule with them, how the school is split into two groups and two lunches.  We will officially be calling the two cohorts Student Group A and Student Group B.  They will learn which group they are in (if they haven't already figured it out.) 

Screen Time Survey Results

I want to thank everyone who took the time to have their students complete the screen time survey.  We had 1,505 students take part. If you are interested, I put some of the screen time survey results below for your reference. 


September 4th Update

Zoom Bombing

Unfortunately, a small number of students are doing the wrong thing with Zoom and we don't have ability to track these actions back to a specific person.  Some of the Zoom bombing that is happening is highly inappropriate.  So we cannot afford to take the chance any longer. If you prefer to continue using Zoom, we need you to use the Premium edition.  If you have not already requested it or don’t have it, please email Don to get access to it.  If you are using Google Meet you don’t need to worry about this.

Hybrid Schedule

The Bell Schedule Committee met this week and we came to agreement on the schedule below.  We debated different ideas and different points of view.  In the end, we all agreed on this schedule.  We will dress it up and make it look nicer next week.  But here are the main points to keep in mind when looking at it. 

When Will We Open in Hybrid?

It is not 100% certain when we will open in Hybrid just yet.  The school board has asked us to prepare to open In Hybrid come October 6th if they choose to move in that direction.  So we have all of the preparations under way. However, they will make the final decision as we get closer to the date based on the conditions at that time.  But we should all be prepared for the possibility of the hybrid starting Oct. 6th.  What are some of the pieces we are working on as a school and district?

Turn It In Draft Coach

The District has enabled a new feature in  They have added the TurnItIn Draft Coach to our domain so all students and teachers have access to it if you are using your Google Account.  To access it go to Google Docs and open a blank document, select Add-Ons at the top and select TurnItIn Draft Coach.  Once you do that,  accept the terms/conditions and you can review the instructions they have provided on how to use Draft Coach. 

Screen Time Survey

If you would like to participate, please have your 5th period class (the whole class) take part in the screen time survey at the link below.  Thank you.

August 28th Update

Zoom Trouble Shooting

Some students are experiencing troubles logging into Zoom today.  We believe they are struggling with the new step of having to authenticate themselves with their school Google username and password for those using the premium Zoom account.  If they are struggling with that below is the link to a trouble shooting guide to help them. 

Zoom Trouble Shooting Guide

Attendance Help

We are still getting a lot of attendance errors happening.  We need each teacher to be very careful when entering attendance.  Please do not change attendance marks already put into Aeries.  If you go to mark a student in attendance and there is already a mark there stop.  We need everyone to carefully look at each student to ensure there is not an attendance mark already in place before marking them engaged or not engaged.  

Work Load

We want to continue to have conversations with our students about how long it is taking them to complete the work we assign them.  We want to have a good handle on how long it is taking them to complete our work.  

Hot Spot Troubles

We want everyone to know that some of the hot spots we checked out to students are not working consistently.   We are working with AT&T to resolve the problem.  So if a student says they are having problems with a school hot spot they are likely telling the truth and we need to work with them on it.

August 21st Update

Monday Attendance

I wanted to reiterate how Mondays attendance will change. 

Monday PD Reminder

I was very interested yesterday in finding some way to help reduce the stress that everyone has been feeling.  I am glad that through our meeting yesterday we came to a conclusion on how best to do that. 

It will continue to be my goal to be aware of everyone's stress level and how much we are working.  It will continue to be my goal to find ways to help relieve stress where I can.

To that end I want to remind everyone that we will not hold Professional Development on Monday.  The normal Professional Development time is for you to catch up.  

Finding Balance for Ourselves and Our Students

When doing something new, we have to be flexible and be willing to adjust and change on the fly when you encounter bumps in the road.  I want to be very clear about this:

Back to School Night

This is a friendly reminder  that all teachers need to have thier BtSN videos posted in their Google Classroom front and center by 430 on Monday.  

Master Schedule Balancing

The counseling department has done an amazing job and finished balancing the master schedule today.  This year they had the additional burden of having 40+ students decide they wanted to leave the Online Distance Learning Program (ODL) and return to Oak Ridge stressing our master schedule.  Then they also had to schedule each student into a A or B cohort that was balanced for hybrid teaching.  The task was mammoth and they accomplished it brilliantly.

August 14th Update

Week One A Success

I know I have said this a lot but it needs to be said again.  There were bumps, but week one was a huge success.  And it was only a success because everyone worked so hard.  One paraprofessional summed it up best today.

Faculty Meeting Monday @ 8:45

Attendance Procedure

Back to School Night Procedure

Class Discipline

Memorial Scholarship Fund

Many of you have asked about donations to the Nisbet family, flowers, etc. In lieu of flowers or gifts the family has created a scholarship fund in Lucy’s name, and asks that donations be made to that fund. Scholarship awards will be provided to Ponderosa High School and Oak Ridge High School students. The link to the scholarship fund can be found here:

I will share news about services when I receive them.

Health Update

We had to use the power of contact tracing again today.  We received a report that a student had tested positive for COVID 19 but had not been on campus for any reason.  However, this student has a younger sibling who was on campus for a short period of time 3 days ago to pick up books.  The nurse spent time today doing all of the interviews and data collection and determined that because of the timeline no one at school was exposed or needs to stay home.  I will continue to share these reports as they happen.   

July 30th Update

Bell Schedule Approved

Using the process identified in the MOU between the District and Faculty Association a bell schedule for the year was approved for Oak Ridge.  Please visit the August Reopening tab above to view it.

July 24th Update

August Reopening 

The Faculty Association and the District have an agreement in place that they are close to finalizing.  This agreement now provides us with the specifics we need to put a site plan in place with all the necessary details.  Here is the process I envision for Oak Ridge:

August Reopening Page

I have created an August Reopening page here on the Trojan Hub.  As information becomes available I will be posting it here.  I feel it will be better to have one repository of information than a bunch of emails.  I will let you know as it starts to populate with information.  The first thing I have put on the page is a Q&A section.

Parent Communication This Week

This week we have sent several communications to our parents I wanted to make you aware of.

Faculty Need

You will receive an email on Monday asking you what your technology needs are.  We have the ability to support teachers with a Chromebook and/or hotspot if you do not have access to one of these.

How Distance Learning Affects Classified

I really wish I had news to share about this but I don't.  The CSEA and the District are in negotiations about how Classified employees will do their work and where they will do their work.  We won't have an answer until that negotiation is complete.  

March 6th Update

Student Successes

In the last two weeks, we have had Oak Ridge students find success outside of school.  Victoria Kolanski and Elizabeth Ramin won second and third place in the Fred Wynn Democratic Party Essay Contest.  And Harleen Bal won the El Dorado Hills Rotary Speech Contest.  Congratulate them when you see them.  

Master Schedule Update

We have had to hit pause on the master schedule momentarily.  In the wake of our district's tough financial times, we are having to reduce our master schedule by 5 sections. However, actual student enrollment has come in 110 students over projection.  We currently have 2483 students enrolled for 2020-21.  I am not positive but that might be the highest number we have ever had.  

However, over the last years, we tend to lose 20-30 students over the course of the summer.   The District in light of this new data has acknowledged that we can't run a school with sections projected for 110 fewer students.  They are currently calculating how many additional sections we need to meet the needs of these additional students.  Once we have that we can complete the master schedule.  Department Chairs are finishing their first drafts for us as we speak.  I want to ensure everyone that all section losses will be absorbed through retirements or cutting extra teaching assignments above 1.0 FTE when possible.  

February 28th Update

Events Not To Miss

Girls Basketball Section Playoffs: 

Winds & Wine

State Academic Decathlon: 

Women's Soccer Section Playoffs: 

Solar is Almost Done

The solar contractor is just about done.  All of the major work has been completed.  They are now finishing a lot of small things.  You will start to see them less and less. I will let everyone know when we are ready to go live with them.

New Youth and Government Officers

Our Youth and Government students finished their year.  They had bills make it all the way through the process and pass.  At their banquet last Sunday they swore in their new leaders for next year's team.  You can see who the new leaders are below.

School Wide Collaboration Date Switch

Please reference the Meeting at a Glance 2019-20 (under the meeting tab above) to see that the March 9th school wide has been moved to March 23rd.

February 21 Update

Steve White Earns 600th Win

Steve White earned his 600th win yesterday in the playoffs as the Girls Varsity Basketball coach.  This is a huge milestone and a difficult achievement to earn.  Steve has committed a large part of his life to coaching girls basketball in order to achieve this level of success. Please congratulate Steve as you see him around campus. 

Oak Ridge Admin Honored

Last night Don Azevada (Assistant Principal) and Joyce Walker (Food Service Director) at Oak Ridge were honored for the amazing work they do.   Don was honored as Secondary Co-Administrator of the Year.  Joyce was honored as the Classified Leader of the Year.  Both have had their nominations picked up by the region and will be honored for their positions in ACSA Region 2.  This is a big honor in the leadership world.  Please congratulate them when you see them. 

Staffing Update

We were able to get all of our student requests entered into the system.  We held our staffing meeting with the district yesterday and received our allocated sections for next year.  Jon and I are reviewing the numbers.  We hope to have section allocations to departments next week.  At that time Department Chairs can begin to design their master schedules. 

Big Thank You

I want to extend a big thank you to Matt Hodgins for continuing to bring high-quality guest speakers to our school.  Matt holds these events after school and the social science department encourages their students to attend.  This month alone Matt had Assemblyman Kiley and Congressman McClintock come speak to our students.  I don't take for granted that most schools don't have opportunities like this for their students.  Thank you Matt.

February 14th Update

Cheer First in Nation

In case you haven't heard yet the Oak Ridge Cheer Team took first place in the D1 Varsity league at the biggest cheer competition in the nation.  Please congratulate them as you see them around the class.  

CAASPP Testing Schedule

Through a lot of collaboration with our leadership team we have completed the final version of our CAASPP testing schedule.  We defined the dates for the test at the end of last year and shared them with everyone.  However, now we have the details for those dates.  Due to changes in the science test we have had to move that test into its own week.  So we have added testing dates on top of what was already proposed.  Your department chair has more information about why there are changes if you are interested.  Anyone in administration would be happy to answer questions as well.  You will need to be logged into your Google account to view this testing doc.  

Youth and Government

Although Y&G is not an official Oak Ridge activity, the local team is 99% OR students and they practice on campus.  So we have a special relationship with this group.  Our students will be missing some class time today (and yesterday) and will be at the Capitol all day tomorrow taking part in simulated government activities.

Empty Bowls

Don't forget that Steve Seely and his service learning class will be holding their big empty bowls fundraiser next Friday. Please consider supporting them. 

February 7th Update

Academic Decathlon 4-Peat

Jeff Hassian and the Academic Decathlon team won our county for the 4th year in a row.  This accomplishment cannot be overstated.   Coach Jeff Hassian has shown tremendous effort and strength coaching our team for about two decades.  Please congratulate them as they move on to the State Championship.

FCCLA Medals

Our FCCLA students were in our region's culinary competition.  Every student that competed took home a medal and will be moving on to the state championship down south.  Teacher and Coach Sharon Varozza and her students have built a strong program that is consistently competing at the highest levels of culinary excellence.  Please applaud them as they go to state for FCCLA. 

Master Schedule Update

We are entering the time of year when we start to build the master schedule for next year.  We have received all of the student registration information.  Our counseling office is working intensely to enter all of the information.  We are hoping to have all of the raw numbers from this registration in the computers in two weeks.  Shortly after that, we will receive our staffing allocation from the district office.  This will allow us to reach out to the Department Chairs in early March in order to start building the master schedule.  I will keep everyone updated as we move along.  

January 24th Update

Thank You for a Hard Week

I want to thank everyone for coming together and talking with students and supporting our students with the suicide that occurred.  As we continue to move forward I want to share a few points to guide our conversations on the topic.

1. We should never bring undue attention to suicide and give it more time than it deserves.  We don't want potential victims to see how much attention it gets you.

2. Students need to understand that suicide is wrong and not something that we condone.  

3. They need to know that they can access mental health services whenever they need to in the Wellness Center via the Counseling Office.  

Wellness Center

As with anything new, I prefer to start small and simple and grow it over time.  We will take the same approach with the Wellness Center.  Counselors will refer and bring students there to start.  Once we are comfortable that we have the logistics of the computer systems done, and the space is functioning as predicted. we will open it up to students at break and lunch.  But we are not there just yet.  I need to be able to guarantee that when students walk in, they get the service that they are expecting.  I estimate that we will have this space completely up and running as envisioned in a few months.  

Power Out Tomorrow

PG&E will be doing work with our solar panels tomorrow.  To complete this work the power could be off for a better part of the day tomorrow.  This means that computers will need to be restarted Monday morning.  The district has a power outage protocol in place that we will run on Monday morning to ensure the servers are working correctly. 

January 17th Update

French Honor Society

Some French Honor Society students visited Lake Forest Elementary School and taught the students some French.  This is an amazing opportunity for our students and the elementary school students.  But it also builds interest in the French language and our program.

Elective Fair Success

I would like to thank our counseling department and everyone who participated in the Elective Fair on Tuesday.  It was another huge success.  I want to specifically thank Mandy Fiedler and Alyce Rogers for taking the lead on the project.  A heard a number of students speak to feeling better prepared to pick the right elective for them next year. 

Measure A Update

Measure A is the official name for the EDUHSD school bond measure. It will be on the March 3rd ballot.  If you would like to learn more about Measure A or how the ballot is being promoted, you can attend an information meeting on Tuesday, January 21st in the Oak Ridge theater at 6:30.  

Student Safety Concern

Last Friday we had a brief safety concern after school that turned out to not be an actual safety concern.  We received a call from the FBI about a concerning chat room that an Oak Ridge student was a part of and some posts they followed.  The FBI, our SRO and one of us met with the student and their family.  After learning more of the context as to why the student was there and the timeline around when they were there, the FBI determined that the student was not a threat.  It was a good example of multiple agencies coming together to ensure the safety of our school.  

CSD Pool Repairs and Potential Impact on OR

The CSD has discovered that their swimming pool is in need of major repairs.  Oak Ridge has a joint-use agreement with the CSD for its pool.  Our Life Fitness classes use the pool in the fall and our swim team and water polo teams use the pool in season as well.  The CSD is working with us to ensure that the repairs to the interior of the pool do not have an impact on our programs.  However, at a time not yet determined the pool will need major repairs to its decking.  This will likely have an impact on at least one of our programs.  When the CSD has a better handle on when that will happen they will let us know.  But we are in communication with them to mitigate this when it does happen.

Boys Basketball Team Update

It will become public knowledge later today that our Varsity Boys Basketball coach will not be at the next two games.  I am very limited as to what I can say surrounding personnel matters.  But we will be publicly stating that an issue has come forward and the coach is stepping away for two games while the school and coach work through a personnel matter.  

January 10th Update

Wellness Garden Update

Phase one of the Wellness Garden in between the R-Building and the creek is complete.  Please walk by and look at what Steve Seely and the student vision for this space created.  It is truly beautiful.  The next phase will be working with an Eagle Scout to add benches.

Open House

Open House is Monday, January 27th.  Please click this link to see the schedule and handout.  Please verify your location and the time of the event on the handout.  Thank you.

Bell Schedule Working Groups Set Up

Our End Time Working Group is set.  Julia Madsen is the chair and the first meeting has been scheduled.  The Tutorial Working Group is chaired by Paul Kuzmich and the members have been invited to the first meeting.  Both are poised to bring some really good ideas forward to the staff.

Proposed Intersession Model

Our new Intersession model has two Intersessions in the summer as opposed to one at the end of each semester (thus the shorter winter break.)  The Leadership Team (Management Team and Department Chairs) discussed the best options for doing this.  Below is the schedule that is proposed by Leadership.

·         Intersession Semester 1: June 1 to June 4 (June 1 and 2 after makeup days)

·         Intersession Semester 2: June 8 to June 11

Energy Conservation Success

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who set back their room for winter break.  we had 97% of our classrooms properly set back for winter break and conserving the most energy possible.  That is a big improvement from the norm and saving our school a lot of money and the environment a lot of carbon.  Thank you again!

Three New Portables Ready

It has happened with amazing speed, but the three new portables on the blacktop are in place and almost complete. There are a few minor wiring issues to be completed.  Margaret Crannell and her Study Skills classes have already moved into their room.  The Wellness Center is furnished and will be open with a few weeks.  

Solar Update

No new updates on the solar.  It continues to be slow work as the drill to connect the solar arrays to the main power hub in the middle of campus.  At this time we are just eagerly awaiting the completion.   

December 20th Update

Seniors and Sundaes

The Oak Ridge Choir and Jazz Band took part in an annual tradition.  Our community honors our seniors once a year by hosting a Holiday lunch (put on by the CSD Senior Center and served by the EDH Fire Department) topped off with ice cream sundaes (provided and served by EDH Rotary.)  Each year our Choir and Jazz Band provide the musical accompaniment to this special occasion.  Every year they do a fabulous job representing our school and this year was no exception.  

Drama Hosts Elementary Schools

Drama teacher Kate Rolls and her students put on short plays for the local elementary schools.  Elementary school teachers brought their students to Oak Ridge and filled our theater.  It was fantastic to provide our students with an audience and the elementary students a growth experience in the arts. 

Wellness Garden

The garden in between the R building and the creek portables has been prepared and cleared for the incoming garden. The concrete planters and slab have already been completed.  When you return from winter break the next phase of the project will be in place.  You will see plants and pavers beautifying the area.  The next phases of the project will be getting benches and student are in place.  

Wellness Center

Last weekend the new portable for the Wellness Center was delivered onto the blacktop along with two additional classrooms.  Construction will continue on those buildings over the break.  We hope to have the Wellness Center functioning by February.  But this is all contingent on construction.  The other two rooms will follow shortly after.  

December 12th Update

French Caroling

Forty-Three French students from Kristina Argueta's French 3, 4 and AP classes caroled for the 3rd year in a row at the El Dorado Hills Senior Care Village on Tuesday after school.  We are really proud of our French program and the French students for brightening the day of seniors with French carols. You can watch the video here: .

Schedule Working Groups

When we return from break we will pull together our first meetings of the Tutorial Working Group and End Time Working Group.  I am thankful for everyone who volunteered and for the collective energy around this effort.

FCCLA Makes Gingerbread Houses for Children's Hospital

Sharon Varozza and our FCCLA students took a trip to Cordova High School and their Culinary II class.  They baked and assembled a gingerbread village together.  The village will be displayed a the Old Sacramento Schoolhouse Museum until December 21st.  After that, it will be donated to the Children's Hospital. 

Various Construction Updates

 There are days where Oak Ridge feels more like a construction zone than a school.  We will have three different construction projects happening over the next few weeks.

1. You will see portables being brought in this afternoon.  Crews will work over the next several weeks to assemble our new Wellness Center, Connections Classroom and extra classroom. 

2. Over winter break our new garden will be installed between the R-building and the portables along the creek. This project has been happening in phases.  There will be one more phase after this one being completed for an Eagle Scout project.  I want to thank Steve Seely for spearheading this project for our campus. 

3. The solar workers continue to struggle to get under the school and to our power mains.

December 6th Update

Dine in Day

On December 3rd French Club and FCCLA culinary students worked together to make sweet and savory crepes after school for national Dine in Day. Students exchanged cooking and cultural knowledge and had a fun meal.

Leadership Meeting on Monday

In Leadership on Monday, we are going to approve proposals for the first week back from winter break.  We are coming back on a Wednesday this year which is creating an awkward need to adjust the bell schedule for Wednesday. We will also approve the Open House schedule. I will be sharing those items with you as soon as they are approved.

Reducing the Number of Scantron Machines

We have spoken in the past about how expensive it is to maintain Scantron machines and pay the GradeCam license.  In our Leadership meeting, it was determined that we no longer need four Scantron machines on our campus.  To reduce the cost for this year, we are sending three machines back to Scantron and will maintain one Scantron machine in the Copy Room effective immediately. 

The results from the Leadership survey indicated that 85% of teachers are either using GradeCam or are willing to convert over to GradeCam to have to sustain the financial burden of two systems.  The Leadership Team will be discussing the results of the survey and charting a path forward. 

Superintendent Lunch with Staff

If you are free please come to the MPR on Tuesday and have lunch with Dr. Carruth. He is bringing food for everyone and is looking forward to breaking bread and visiting. 

Today is the Last Day to Sign Up

Today is the last day to sign up for the Tutorial or End Time Working Groups.  Please make sure to submit your name in the proper form if you are interested. 

November 22nd Update

Monday AM Staff Meeting Cancelled

We have no pressing need to hold an AM staff meeting when we return on Monday the 2nd.  So we are canceling this meeting.  I hope this will help everyone make a smoother transition back from break.

Schedule Next Steps

We have two immediate next steps for implementing the new schedule next school year and one long term step.  Our immediate steps will be putting together two groups upon returning from Thanksgiving break.  

One group will consist of staff interested in trying to bring our end-time closer to 3:30.  The second group will be around the logistics of our Tutorial time. Once these groups have completed there work, we will begin educating our community on the changes.  

Model Trojan Awards

Thank you to everyone who nominated a student for our Model Trojan Awards luncheon today.  The students and parents are so thankful.  One of the parents commented that these character awards mean more to them than all the other accolades their son gets.  If you have a student who lives our values or motto please nominate them at the link below and join us for lunch at the next ceremony.  I also want to give a big thank you to Life Fitness for sharing the MPR with us today for the luncheon.

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving break is upon us.  It is that time in the school year where we are all in desperate need of a break.  So please take this time to rest and rejuvenate for a strong finish to the first semester.  It will be over before you know it.  I am also reminded that this is the time to be thankful for everything good in our lives.  There is just something very special about our school.  And it is all of you.  I am thankful to work with each and every one of you.  I am thankful that we are able to work in such a special place with gifted and kind students.  I hope you all can take time to connect with those you love.

November 15th Update

Updated Bell Schedule Proposal

On Monday we will hold a faculty election for the updated bell schedule proposal.  We will hold a faculty discussion in the MPR from 2:00 to 3:00 about the schedule.  Then we will vote on it from 3:00 to 3:15.  The proposed schedule is below.

Join Us For Dessert

I know that all of our schedules are tight.  But we hope you can join us on Wednesday in the Library for lunch.  We are encouraging everyone to bring their lunch and enjoy each other's company.  We will have Thanksgiving style desserts and beverages available.  I want to thank Donna for opening up her space to us.  We will see everyone there.  

November 8th Update

Special Olympics Game

The Oak Ridge special education students have practiced for weeks at lunch.  And today they took part in a Special Olympics basketball game at Ponderosa and won.  They are so excited that they are moving on to the finals.  The Best Buddies club was there to support them along the way.

District Marching Band Showcase

Last night all four marching bands from our district performed in the Oak Ridge stadium to a packed house.  We were also treated to the Sac State Marching Band as well.  All four bands did a great job.  Paul Varoff and his team needs to be complimented on the quality of the show the Oak Ridge band put on.  They stole the show in my opinion last night.  

Grease at Oak Ridge

The Oak Ridge Theater is putting on Grease this weekend and next.  I encourage everyone to come out and support them.  Their first show tonight is already sold out.  You can get tickets here.

Bell Schedule

When the Scheduling Committee was finally ready to share the proposed schedule we knew it would be tough to have a change happen.  I honestly did not think there would be a way forward if it didn't pass.  We also have a hard deadline of early December to print student registration forms for next year.  A schedule change would obviously impact that.

I personally did not believe that a change could be made to the proposal in that time.  I was unsure that we could squeeze in a second vote this year.  But after the vote, enough people convinced me to reach out to everyone and inquiry if there was an easy fix to people's apprehension.  So the survey was put out.

The survey came back with some interesting feedback on how a small change or two would ease people's concern.  So the Schedule Committee is willing to meet one more time to look at the survey feedback and decide if a new proposal can be put forward or not.  We will be meeting next week to discuss this.  

November 1st Update

Monday's Meeting Schedule

Change is scary.  Our deepest most primal instinct is to fear change.  But sometimes change is necessary and change is unavoidable.  I wanted to share how proud I am of the work the Scheduling Committee did.  Physically visiting and finding tutorial models that work, spending months scouring through the options and research of late starts.  

Students today are growing up in a very different world than we did, and it is having a negative impact on them.  It feels good to know there is proven science around how we can help.  The number of suicidal students we all see on a monthly and weekly basis is unacceptable.  

Monday Morning

You will meet with your department Monday morning at 7:45 at the location in this link.  The purpose of this meeting is to be able to ask questions of a member of the Scheduling Committee in a small group setting.  The second purpose is to have a department discussion on the schedule.

Mandatory Monday After School

We will meet in the MPR for as long as it takes for everyone to cast an anonymous and private ballot.  I am thinking 3:00 to 3:10.  We will leave the voting open on Tuesday for those who were absent on Monday.  On Tuesday you can vote with Stephanie Davis in classroom G-1.  Stephanie and I will count the votes at the end of the day on Tuesday and share the results via email.  Remember, it takes 52 yes votes to pass. 

Day of the Dead

Melinda Velasco in O-2 had her students celebrate Day of the Dead and to prepare the classroom for it.  She was very generous to offer up her room to all of us.  

Solar Update

Solar construction is still underway.  Unfortunately, they had to do some jackhammering on the interior of the campus this week we had not anticipated.  I want everyone to know that the project is now going to involve the interior of the campus where needs be.  At this time they are working at the power panels behind the cafeteria.  We will try to keep everyone apprised of what is happening.  

Board Moves Forward with Bond

And I know it is likely common knowledge to everyone now but I wanted to state it in writing for everyone.  The School Board did vote to put a school bond for our district on the March 2020 ballot.  School bonds always have the promise of exciting times for schools and the improvements they can bring.  

District CTE Advisory Committee At ORHS

Oak Ridge was happy to host the district CTE Advisory Committee in our new Culinary Classroom Tuesday night.  The Advisory Committee is made up of industry leaders who help focus our programs and ensure that they stay relevant.  

October 25th Update

Potential Power Outage Monday

Most of us have heard that PG&E will again be shutting down the grid for the vast majority of El Dorado County tomorrow afternoon.  There is a high likelihood that Pondo, Eldo and UM will still be down on Monday.  However, Oak Ridge will likely not be affected at all.  Dr. Carruth is currently working with the Faculty Association and CSEA on whether it would be wise for Oak Ridge to open on Monday if the other sites are down.  Please check your email or Parent Square account over the weekend.

New Schedule Proposal

Your Schedule Committee has been working for a year and a half on designing the right schedule for Oak Ridge and the mental health of our students.  We believe we have a very healthy and logical schedule that we are excited to share with everyone on Monday.  If we are shut down due to the power outage on Monday, then we will reschedule the presentation for the following Monday.

Model Trojan Awards Banquet

We held our Model Trojan Awards banquet for October today.  We had several faculty and classified honor 11 students.  The staff, students and their families met in the MPR and had lunch while watching their students being honored.  If you want to nominate a student for being a model Trojan that lives our motto or values for November follow the link.

Youth and Government Bill Hearing Night

Our Youth and Government Students have worked all year so far to research and write their bills.  Last night they presented them to a panel of judges (which included yours truly.)  The top four bills go on to the regional Youth and Government event.  

October 18th Update

Monday Reminder

Just a reminder that Monday will be a department collaboration day.  We will push our school wide collaboration to the following Monday.  

School Board Meeting on Campus Tuesday

The School Board will hold their meeting at Oak Ridge on Tuesday.  They will get to hear our drama students perform a song from their upcoming musical Grease in open session.  And before the board meeting, they will get to sit down with a group of our peer tutors and learn more about what they do at Oak Ridge.  These peer tutors have become an integral part of our intervention system.  It is truly amazing to see how effective and inspirational these tutors can be with their peers. 

Safety Update

We unfortunately are moving forward with two expulsions this week.  We had one student who has violated their behavior contract.  So due to a long list of offenses, we are moving forward with the expulsion process.  

In another case, we have an extremely autistic student who gets very frustrated with his peers at times.  This week his frustration turned to threats.  At this time, we are struggling to determine if this is his disability talking or if he is a real threat.  To be safe, we are entering into the process where a manifestation will determine if the threats are a part of his disability or not.  

October 11th Update

Big Thank You's

While Wednesday and Thursday were "wait and see" for a lot of us.  Those two days off made a tremendous amount of work for some people.  I want to publicly recognize their efforts. 

Joyce Walker in the Cafeteria had to make room in our cold storage for food from the other three schools.  She even helped to pack and transport it.  Once the food arrived her our maintenance team lent a hand and helped.  Travis Walker from the maintenance team played a big role in that effort. 

Jen Slinger had her world turned upside down with Homecoming this week.  Jen and Terri in Finance put plans together to work long hours today and make sure every student could buy a dance ticket today.  Our front office staff has also been on the run today trying to process all of the guest passes and answer everyone's questions about today and tomorrow.  I hope I haven't missed anyone.

Potential School Bond

Our site has finished looking at our needs for not and into the future.  A group of teachers, classified and parents attending a two meeting process of determining what our needs are.  All schools will now share their needs with the school board on October 22nd.  The school board will take all of this information and determine if they need to place a bond on the March 2020 ballot.  

This potential bond has taken on a new level of importance for our district.  Last week the state announced that the state school facilities bond will be on the March 2020 ballot as well.  But this will be given to schools as a matching bond.  So we don't have a bond passed we will not be able to supply matching money to access the state bond.  We will literally be able to double our money on some projects if our bond and the state bond pass.  

PSAT Schedule Next Week

Please don't forget that we have a unique bell schedule next week due to Monday being a school holiday and the PSAT.  Please follow this link to reference the schedule.  

October 4th Update

Monday Morning Staff Meeting

Monday morning at 7:45 we will hold our next staff meeting in B-3.  Dr. Carruth will be present to share his updates for the district and to take your questions.  The agenda for this meeting and the rest of October's meetings are in the meeting tab above like always.

Homecoming Next Week

A big thank you to Jen Slinger and the Leadership students who have put together all of the Homecoming festivities.  Don't forget, if you have a future Trojan (child) they can be part of the Homecoming parade.  Those of us with children meet in the admin parking lot after school and pile into the back of pick up trucks.  We drive the kids around in the parade and let them throw candy to people and wave.  They love it.

After the parade Oak Ridge Football and the Administration invite you to a Staff Appreciation event.  During the football game we will have seating for you on the turf.  And we will make sure you are fed like always.  I want to thank Eric for hosting us every year.   The Homecoming Dance will cap the week on Saturday night.  

Bell Schedule Committee Continues to Work

Your Bell Schedule Committee is very close to being ready to present their ideas for a future bell schedule to the staff.  Governor Newsom has until October 13th to decide if he will sign the late start legislation on his desk or not.  We will finalize our plans after his decision.  We plan on sharing what we have with the faculty at our October 21st collaboration meeting and everyone else shortly after. 

September 27th Update

PSAT Bell Schedule

Because the PSAT lands on a four day week this year the Leadership Team had to come up with a creative solution for the bell schedule.  We typically switch the PSAT day schedule with the Monday schedule.  Because that option is not available we have decided to make Tuesday and Wednesday a modified Monday schedule. Please follow the link below for this schedule.

Pancake Breakfast Monday

Don't forget that Sharon Varozza is hosting a free pancake breakfast to invite everyone to her new culinary classroom.  It is between 7:45-8:45 Monday morning.  Her room is PL-3 on the blacktop behind the large gym.  

Oak Ridge Student Makes the News

There are so many good things happening in our school every day.  Here is an example of a project one of our students has taken on.  He is teaching financial literacy to middle school students.

Student Model Trojan Awards

We had our first student Model Trojan Award this week.  We were able to recognize students who live our motto and values.  Thanks to all your nominations, we were able to invite all the nominating teachers, the students and their parents to a nice lunch in the MPR.  Kate and Terri did a phenomenal job of designing a really professional event. 

We had students who earned awards for everything from befriending a new EL student with no English skills to a student who felt bad for the contractor fixing our water link by hand and bought him a Gatorade.  We are truly fortunate to have the students we do.  

School Needs Committee Meets

Our school board is contemplating a school bond for some of the district needs that we have.  In working with bond companies we have learned that El Dorado County has one of the lowest bond tax burdens on its residents.  And our district has a really low tax burden on our residents comparatively speaking.  So the board is pulling together a group of stakeholders at each site to determine the needs of each campus.  These stakeholders are made up of faculty, staff and parents.  If the board determines that our needs are greater than our district can afford.  They will push to pass a school bond and get it on the March ballot.  Our stakeholder group met last night and did a good job of summarizing our needs for the present and into the future.

Student Life This Week

Our students were really busy this week.  One group, inspired by the visit from the Secretary of State last week, held a voter registration drive this week.  And a big thank you to Matt Hodgins for Democracy Day in the quad Thursday.  And Club Day was a big success last week.  

Challenge Success Training

Five members of our Challenge Success Team will be at the annual Challenge Success Training tonight and all day tomorrow at Stanford.  We look forward to continuing our Challenge Success work.  On that note, the shared calendars have arrived.  I want to thank the 35 teachers who are helping us pilot this.  I am really excited to see this in action on a larger scale.  

September 20th Update

Thank You Teacher Leaders

I am simply inspired by all the teacher leaders doing great work on our campus.  I know I can't mention everyone but I want to highlight some recent work being done.

Sanger Trip: We have three teachers who have stepped up and are traveling and staying overnight to learn about Sanger High School and how they have strengthened their Tier 1 and Tier 2 elements.  I am very hopeful they will bring back some great ideas for us.  Thank you to Casey Rhyan, Mary Di Stefano Weis and Wade Ness for their leadership. 

Universal Design for Learning: We had a number of teachers volunteer to attend this 2 year class on UDL.  We could only send three teachers but had 10 teachers volunteer.  Danielle Sayles, Alicia Gray and Kelly Bettencourt have agreed to report back to the staff what they are learning.  UDL is a form of unit/lesson design that makes teaching accessible by all.  In other words, it strengthens our Tier 1 "first instruction."  But I want to thank everyone who volunteered.

I also want to thank all of the teachers (35) who attended the PLC training on Wednesday.  I heard a lot of positive reports from the day.  I want to thank all of them for implementing our PLC practices in order to strengthen our Tier 1 "first instruction."

Non Student Days (Oct. 14th & March 16th)

This will be the first year that we have Non Student Days on 10/14 and 3/16 right before the end of the grading period.  People are asking what we are doing on these two days.  And the answer is complicated.  For classified staff the answer varies based on your position.  Your supervisor has already reached out to you with your options for these days.

For the faculty, these are designed as days for you to stay home and complete your grading.  However, you can spend these days however you see fit.  You can spend it grading, sleeping, playing, etc.   

 "The Rock" was Vandalized

Yesterday and tonight's games against Folsom has been dedicated to Coach Jason Clark who tragically passed away last year.  Our students painted the rock with #ClarkStrong.  Unfortunately, someone vandalized the painting last night.  We have no way of knowing who it was.  However, I was very impressed with Folsom High School and their support for #ClarkStrong.  

1. Folsom's Principal called me and said they don't know if it was their students that did it, but they were going to make it right.  Several Folsom football players and leadership students repainted the rock today back to its previous grandeur.  

2. Folsom will also be joining us tonight in celebrating Coach Clark's life.  Their cheer team will be wearing black in unison with our school.  

September 13th Update

Schoolwide Collaboration Monday

Please check the meeting tab above to see the agenda for the collaboration meeting after school on Monday.

PLC Training Wednesday

Several of our PLC teams will be meeting with PLC Trainer Alisa Simeral on Wednesday.  She will be working with whole PLC teams (some, not all) to further assist in our implementation of PLCs at Oak Ridge.  I will have more on this topic in Monday's meeting.  

Wednesdays Training Schedule

Interact Took Over the Meeting

Our schools Interact club, which is an affiliate of Rotary International, took over the El Dorado Hills Rotary meeting last Wednesday.  They ran the meeting and shared their experiences at the RYLA leadership camp.  

Powder Puff Football Game Tonight

If you are around don't forget to come by and watch the Powder Puff Football game tonight at 6:30 in the stadium.  The ASB and Varsity Football Team Players work hard to put this event on and it is always entertaining.  

CA Secretary of State Visits Monday

Secretary Alex Padilla will be visiting with students in the Theater during 4th period on Monday. Matt Hodgins has worked to put this together for our students.  Remember to thank Matt when you see him for bringing this opportunity to our students.  And thank you Kate Rolls for being flexible with the theater (aka her classroom.)  

September 6th Update

Solar Update

Like I stated in a previous email, the underground boring will begin from the upper parking lot to the main panels behind the cafeteria any day now.  When they complete this they will begin in the lower lot.  

Varsity Game Tonight Cancelled

We will still have a J/V football game at Oak Ridge tonight.  But Bishop Monogue from Nevada who we were playing had their whole team suffer food poisoning from their team dinner last night.  Since this is a non-league game it will not be rescheduled.  

Staff Meeting

Please don't forget that we have a staff meeting Monday morning at 7:45 in B-3.  You can see the agenda in the Meetings tab above.  

Final Day

Today is the final day to nominate yourself to be the faculty representative on the school Site Council. 

Facility Committee Being Formed

As many people have heard our school board is contemplating bringing a school bond to our community. Our district has already polled the community and found support for a potential bond.  In order to determine if a school bond is necessary, they are pulling together a Facility Committee at each site. The Facility Committee will determine what each sites needs are presently, and in the future.  The committee will mostly be made up parents who do not have easy access to district leadership.  We will work in our next Leadership meeting on getting site feedback.  The committee will be made up of 2 certificated members, 2 classified members and 5-7 parents.  They will meet twice, once in mid-September and again in early October.  Administration is still working on identifying the members of this team.  

September 1st Update

Solar Update

Solar is continuing on schedule now.  They are still in the process of wiring the panels.  Once they complete wiring the panels they will start the horizontal drilling.   We will let you know when that will begin.

Water Update

We were lucky that our water leak, which added a gas leak, was completely fixed in 48 hours.  The leaks were fixed that day.  And the hole was filled and concrete poured the following day.  I again want to give kudos to our maintenance team for getting us back up and running so fast.  

Site Council Members Needed

It is time to launch our School Site Council for the year.  As every year we need 3 faculty members to sit on the council. The school Site Council is either an elected or selected group of parents, students and faculty members.  The Site Council meets to approve the schools categorical budget expenditures, help form school goals and provide input for the schools LCAP (local funding) report.  The group meets after school once a month during the school year.  Please submit the form below by the end of the week (Friday) to be a part of the team.

Fire/Evacuation Drills Thursday

Please be looking for additional information on our school Fire and Evacuation Drill this Thursday.

August 16th Update

First Week

It has been a better first week than most.  I know the 1-7 schedule every day was a bit trying for most folks.  But from a logistical stand point, there were no major issues.  The school year has really started off well.  I can't thank everyone enough for how professionally you did your jobs this week.  The new parents are impressed with how well our school operates.  I also want to thank Jen Slinger and the ASB students for putting on Welcome Back week that culminates with the Welcome Back Aloha Dance tonight.  Thank you everyone.

Solar Update

We received updates on the solar project this week.  The project has 2 phases.  The first phase is installing the solar panels in the parking lot.  The second phase is boring a hole to the main power source on campus.  Each solar array needs to be connected to our main power boards in the fenced off area behind the school cafeteria.  The companies will be employing horizontal drilling to reach that location.  With the amount of rock under our school there will likely be complications.  The complications will likely cause them to have to pop up every so often on campus.  If this happens we will need to fence off spots on campus for them to drill.  The totality of the project will take to Mid-October.  

Model Trojan Awards

Don't forget if you see a student or staff member living our school motto or values or norms, nominate them for a Model Trojan Award.  The link can be found on the Resource page above or HERE.

Other Updates

Clocks: We are sorry that the clocks were off today.  Someone has come out and repaired the problem.  But the fix won't take hold until midnight tonight when the clocks reset. 

Staff Meeting: Don't forget there is a staff meeting Monday at 7:45 in B-3.  There will be 3 sign up sheets in the back of the room. 

Leadership Meeting: Our first Leadership Meeting of the year is also Monday at 3:20 in N-1. 

Back to School Night:  Monday August 26th

August 8th Update

Construction Projects

Unfortunately, two of our summer construction projects fell behind.  One will still be ready for school but one  will not be completed on time.  The new culinary classroom on the blacktop behind the gym was completed but very late in the summer.  Poor Sharon Varozza only had two weeks for room set up.  The solar project fell behind from the beginning due to the amount of rock under the upper parking lot.  We are also in the process of installing two additional portables behind the O-building.  One of these spaces will be home to our new Wellness Center.  This project was not scheduled to be completed over the summer and is currently on track.  We project those rooms will be available by the end of the fall semester.  

May 24th Update

Hiring Update

I have one update and one announcement pertaining to hiring.  We are proud to announce that Katelyn Hewett has been chosen as the new Administrative Assistant.  Katelyn is currently an Administrative Assistant at SELPA (the El Dorado County Special Education Office.)   The folks at SELPA could not say enough great things about her.  We are very lucky to have her.  She will start training with Robin on June 24th. 

We have also been granted a second full time ISP teacher for next year.  So we have flown the position and Don and I will work on filling it over the summer.  

ATI Summer Training

If you are interested, please don't forget to sign up for the ATI Summer Training August 5th and/or 6th.  I will need everyone's sign up before we leave for the summer next week.             Sign Up Here

Schedule for Tues & Wed


Have a Fantastic Summer

I again want to thank everyone for a tremendous year.  This year really was one of my favorites. We had the opportunity (and will continue next year) to work on some really innovative ideas for our school.  

I had the opportunity to see phenomenal teaching this year visiting all of your classrooms.  I always learn so much about teaching and learning in my walk thoughts and observations. 

It is a great honor to teach young people every day but it is a very demanding job.  I hope all of you can get the rest and relaxation you deserve.  Make sure to recharge those batteries and do things you find passion in.  Again, it has been the honor of the Administrative Team to support all of you this year. 

May 17th Update

Hiring Update

We were able to complete our hiring for the athletic secretary position this week.  We look forward to introducing Amber Heinlein to everyone next year.  And we interviewed for Robin's position all day today and should know more next week.  

Military Send Off

We held our third annual Military Send Off Recognition ceremony today at lunch.  Three years ago Joey Monforte and Jim Tomaino (former campus monitor) came up with this great idea.  Today we are in year three and the ceremony is spreading rapidly into schools all over the area.  I want to thank these amazing students for their service and Joey and Jim on a successful addition to the Oak Ridge culture of recognition.  

More School Visits

We had another group of Oak Ridge teachers and counselors visit a school down south.  This school is a model in the state for their Advisory/Tutorial that they have.  We continue to explore and learn about tutorials and they can benefit our school.  We are looking forward to sharing some potential models for Oak Ridge at an upcoming meeting.  

PLC Training

Our PLC trainer from ASCD, Alisa Simeral, will be back on campus Monday. She will be meeting with all of our PLC Facilitators as we continue to work on what PLCs need to look like for Oak Ridge.  We are going to continue to ensure that our PLCs strictly focus on struggling learners and how to improve their educational outcomes.

March 8th Update

Monday is WASC

If you are part of a team meeting with WASC on Monday we look forward to seeing you in there.  For the rest of us, the WASC committee will be visiting as many classes as they can on Monday.  

Summer English/Math Remediation

Because our district is in Differentiated Assistance (Needs Improvement) the state has provided us with one time money to support struggling students.  Unfortunately, as with everything from the state the last few years, the money comes with the expectation of a plan being submitted almost instantly.  Our district has decided to hold a modified summer school with this money.  The classes offered will be:

Each semester will be 3 weeks long.  You can view all of the details for the program here

La Serna High School Visit #2

We will have a group of four going down to La Serna High School to visit Monday and Tuesday.  This group will be following the group that went down in November.  This group will be looking for more concrete details about how they do what they do.  We continue to be interested in how they utilize tutorial time, run their Link Crew program and run their intervention classes.  

Master Schedule Progress

We are moving full speed ahead with the master schedule.  All of the student registration forms have been entered into the system.  Jon Pratt and I met with Human Resources and had our sections allocated to us.  We are now moving and adjusting numbers to make everything fit correctly.  We will be meeting with the Department Chairs in the next week or so to provide them with section numbers.  

Color Guard Congratulations

Oak Ridge Colorguard attended their first Wintergard performance at Rosemont High School and took second place out of 5 schools.  Please congratulate these students when you see them.


February 22nd Update

Solar Update

For anyone interested, I will be providing a solar update in B-3 at lunch on Tuesday (2/26.)  I will show the latest drawings we have and the timeline for implementation.  I will also be answering questions.

Model Trojan Awards

This month we had a variety of winners, Louis Borromeo, Soyoung Cho, Nolan Russell, Cameron Litvinchuk, Angelo Axtell, Justin DeGuzman and Isaac Koehn.  Their accomplishments spaned from growth mindset to kindness and empathy for others.  Make sure to congratulate these students when you see them.

Distracted Driving Winners

The Oak Ridge Friday Night Live club (dedicated to a sober lifestyle) won the Allstate Distracted Driving contest with their Distracted Driving Outreach efforts.  When you see the students below ask them what their project was about.

We Are The World Day

I want to thank ASB for putting together We Are the World Day.  Our students got to sample food from around the world and watch different cultural dances.  

CTE Grant Proposal

The school and district are working with Max Foorman in Manufacturing on winning a $400K Strong Workforce grant.  Our manufacturing facility is incredible, but getting old.  This $400K will bring it back up to industry specs.  Max is working really hard with Chris Moore to write this grant by mid-March.  

February 8th Update

Varsity Cheerleading

The Varsity Cheerleading team had a good week.  The went to Florida because they qualified for a national Cheer competition.  Out of this national competition they placed 3rd.  I cannot say enough good things about the team and their amazing coaches.   Congratulate the team when you see them.

WASC Mid-Cycle Report/Visit

As we get closer to the mid-year visit on Monday, March 11th we will be sharing more information with you.  But for now, we want to plant two seeds with you.

     1. The WASC Mid-Cycle Report is here

     2.  The three member WASC Visiting team will spend the             bulk of their time visiting classrooms.  They will likely            want to ask students what they are learning and ask              you what you're teaching.

Academic Decathlon 3xPeat

For the third year in a row, Jeff Hassian and the Oak Ridge Academic Decathlon team has won the County contest.  They will be moving on to the state championship to represent El Dorado County in March.  The time and sacrifice that Jeff and these students put into Academic Decathlon are huge.  I can't thank them enough for how well they represent our school.  

ORHS FCCLA Has Bright Showing

Oak Ridge FCCLA and their coach, Sharon Varozza, attended the Spring Region 4 Qualifying Competition at Cordova High last weekend.  Below is a list of how they did:

Rotary Speech Contest Winner

The El Dorado Hills Rotary held their annual speech contest this week.  Four students from Oak Ridge participated.  I am happy to say that I am glad I was not a judge.  All four students were so strong it was hard to determine a winner.  But the panel did award Varuna Singh with first place.  Make sure congratulate Varuna when you see her.

Poetry Out Loud Competition Winner

Oak Ridge junior, Paula Rabell, won the El Dorado County Poetry Out Loud competition this week.  She will represent the county at the state finals in Sacramento in March.  This marks the 6th time in 10 years that an Oak Ridge student has competed successfully against the district, charter, and private schools in the county. Congratulations to Paula and her coach Mark Coovelis.  

Sophia Barden Honored at Capital

Over the summer Sophia Barden placed 7th in the whole world for baton twirling.  She was honored at the state capital for this accomplishment by Assemblyman Kevin Kiley.  

Administration Update

Two of the things we are working on right now is LCAP feedback and class registration for next year.  As soon  as all class registrations are collected and entered we will begin to get a picture of next years master schedule.  Hopefully, in two weeks we will have some preliminary data on just total numbers of student requests for departments.  We are also going to the Site Council, Leadership Team and ASB and collecting input for the district LCAP report to the state.  

February 1st Update

NFHS Coach of the Year

Steve White has been selected as the 2017-18 Girls Basketball Coach of the Year.  A big congratulations to Steve for continuing to represent the pinnacle of coaching year after year.  It an honor to be recognized by your coaching peers for your work.  Congratulations!

Oak Ridge Interact Helping in the Community

There seems to be no end to the positive impact that the Oak Ridge Interact students have on our community. I was fortunate enough to see them volunteer their time to be servers at the Rotary 2019 Crab & Tri Tip Fundraiser last weekend.  And in what is quickly becoming an annual tradition, they again danced to Footloose.  The song they all learned to dance to in Life Fitness class.

Student Registration Well Under Way

The Counselors have been out to the Middle Schools and working with Oak Ridge students for the last two weeks on class registration for next year.  They still have work to do with students next week.  

We are rolling out a new Challenge Success tool for registration this year. Students are being asked to estimate (using a provided worksheet) the amount of time they are committing to with the schedule they have asked for.  They are also being asked to map our all of the other activities and responsibilities they have.  Th goal is to make families realize that time needs to be left for sleep and being a kid. 

January 25th Update

Safety Update

I wanted to make sure that everyone received the email update today about the safety concern related to Oak Ridge today.  If you have not seen it yet, please reference the email I sent this afternoon titled Safety Update. 

AVID Interviews Underway

Three teachers have stepped up and volunteered to be AVID teachers for next year.  We will have an opening in the Freshmen AVID class next year as we add a senior class and complete our 4-year AVID pathway. 

Every year has been an embarrassment of riches with those who apply.  We ultimately have the impossible task of picking one person to join the AVID team when everyone who steps forward is remarkable and deeply caring. 

PLC Facilitator Training on Monday

ASCD trainer Alisa Simeral will be joining our PLC Facilitators again this Monday.  The focus of our work continues to be how to facilitate PLC's that can close the achievement gap in our school.  Most importantly, we want to close the gap with our special education population and get closer to our similar schools. 

Friday Music in the Cafeteria

If you have the chance, please take the time to thank Steven Sanchez for providing live music in the cafeteria on the occasional Friday.  He loves doing it and we love having him.  It really changes the mood of the cafeteria when he performs.  Thank you Steven.

Coconut Club Success

Last Saturday, I had the honor to attend our music department's Coconut Club fundraiser with Dr. Carruth.  The music boosters and department set up a fun and entertaining event for all.  From all of the solo acts to the food and auction items, it was a success.  A special thank you to Paul and Natalie for all the work they put into it.  

January 18th Update

Energy Initiative with Cenergistic

EDUHSD has entered into an agreement with a group called Cenergistic.  This group has a 30-year track record from around the country of helping schools make significant power savings a reality.  I met with this group today and they believe they can save our district over $800K in the first five years.  These savings will mean more money in the classroom and hopefully paychecks.  

The implementation timeline for this program will be about 90 days starting next week.   An energy expert will be on campus sometime in the next two weeks.  This person will analyze all of our power data.   They will visit every room in the school (after school.)  From their in-depth analysis of each school, we will get a recommended plan.  Today, they emphasized that their goal is not to make power usage changes after hours and not to what we are doing during the school day.  This along with the solar panels should have a significant positive impact on our district's bottom line. 

Successful ATI Collaboration

I want to thank the 25 teachers who were able to come to the ATI collaboration yesterday.  I appreciate everyone who was willing to share how they use ATI.  We also had some good ideas come out for how we can improve the collaboration in the future.  We will have more of these ATI collaborations coming up, so stayed tuned. 


Differentiated Assistance Survey

I want to thank everyone for taking the survey on Monday.  I know it was lengthy but I feel it is important for us to be properly represented in the survey.  I still have a few other groups who need to take this survey then I will share the results with everyone.  

Challenge Success Update

Our different Challenge Success committees continue to make progress and push forward.  We are hoping to have concrete ideas and plans for the faculty to vote on by the end of the year.  This would put us in a place of taking next year to train and plan how to implement any new ideas approved by the staff.  

January 11th Update

Friday Night Live Club Recognized

The Friday Night Live Club was recently recognized for winning First Place in Northern California in a statewide distracted driving contest. The students won $1,000 for their club as well as two other gift card prizes for their distracted driving awareness activities on campus during the month of October. 

R-103 Lab Out of Circulation

Unfortunately, the R-103 computer lab will not be available for checkout for the rest of the semester.  Our plan was to have the new culinary building in place over winter break.  This would free open an additional classroom for us.  As we all know, that did not happen.  So our new Spanish teacher is temporarily in R-103 until the new culinary lab can be installed thus opening up a room.  I am very sorry for the inconvenience. 

Culinary Building Update

So what is the new schedule for the installation of the culinary building?  As I previously shared the company building the new culinary lab took on too many projects and exceeded their bond and could not insure our project.  They now have room in their bond to begin our project.  The lab will not be ready for use until the end of the year but you will start to see a lot of action out there this semester.  I have included a picture below of them preparing the foundation for concrete. 


January 4th Update

Happy New Year and Improved Facilities

I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year.  As we celebrate all the great things that will happen in 2019 I want to bring everyone up to speed on some campus repairs that happened over the break.  The rain finally cooperated and the hole in the quad was repaired.  And the track was repaired and re-striped over the break as well.  

Welcoming New Baby Trojans to the World

Congratulations to Katie Hewitt and her husband who welcomed their son Wade Russell Hewitt to the world on December 26th at 7:01 am.  Wade was born 8 lbs, 2ozs, and 20 inches.  Katie wanted everyone to know that they are all healthy and doing great. 

And congratulations to Alyce Rogers and her husband also had their baby boy. Dawson Ray Rogers on December 26th.  He was 8lbs, 6 oz, and 21 inches. Mom and baby had a rough birth and recovery but are home and good now.  

Our Football Family Needs Our Support

As we all know our incredibly talented Freshmen Head Football Coach, Jason Clark has passed away.  This is extremely tragic news.  He has been the coach for 4 years, which means every football player in the school has a relationship with him.  He also has two children at Oak Ridge, Aden, and Desiree Clark.  We will have grief counseling on campus all day on Monday in the Counseling Office.  We are obviously going to need to support and be patient with all of these students as they grieve.  The grief counselors will also be available to all staff members as well.  This is truly a sad day for Oak Ridge.  

Another Successful Intersession

Intersession was again another success this semester.  And as always we have to thank the people that made it happen.  I can't thank the people who made this Intersession happen enough.  Here is a big thank you to Cassie Tuller, Rob Skaggs, Breanne Wymore, Rob Slinger, Erin Arthur, Jen Slinger, Kim Doyle and Jessica Womack. 

Welcome a New Spanish Teacher

I am proud to announce that we have added another great teacher to the Oak Ridge family.  I would like everybody to welcome Mr. Fidel Zelaya to our World Language Department.  He will be teaching Spanish 1 and 2.  Mr. Zelaya has a lot of teaching experience.  His previous department chair was very sad to lose him and noted he was a true professional.  Please say hello when you see him on campus.  He will be in R-103 for the remainder of the semester. 

Sharon Varozza Honored

Oak Ridge received a very nice letter from the California Department of Education FCCLA Advisor Melissa Webb congratulating Sharon Varozza on holding an excellent FCCLA Leadership Conference at Oak Ridge for the whole region.  This was a huge task, but Sharon put on an excellent day for all the students and teachers.  

December 14th Update

Happy Holidays

From all of us in Administration, we want to wish everyone a happy holiday season.  I hope everyone can find the time to spend with family and loved ones.  Rest, relax and recharge, we look forward to seeing everyone for the second semester.

Spanish Position

We still have a precarious situation with our Spanish hire for the second semester.  As I explained a few weeks ago, we have five teachers who took on an extra class with the caveat that we would do everything in our power to find someone for the second semester.   We have found someone, but the negotiation continues to get them released from their contract in Roseville.  We should know more by early next week.


Open House Reminder

Just a friendly reminder that Open House will be on Monday, January 28th this year.  When we return from break we will have a complete schedule for everyone.

Facility Work Over the Break

We will have some facility projects completed over the break.  We will again try to pour concrete and fix the quad over break.  And the track will be closed for several days as a company repairs some significant wear and tear.  

December 7th Update

Making Up Days

I am currently learning so much about ADA and school days and instructional minutes.  Over the last two weeks, I have been going back and forth (in a good way) with our district and the CDE.  And here is what I currently understand about the day we missed due to the PG&E outage and our low attendance days. 

PG&E Outage Day: Schools need 180 school days. Missing this day moved us to only having 179 days.  We have asked for a waiver and not received it.  We are in the processing of appealing that with most schools in the area.  If the State does not grant the appeal we will need to come back the first day of summer. The logistics of that or the total impact of that has not been defined yet.  

Low Attendance Day:

November 5th: 15% Out of Sdchool

November 16th: 13% Out of School

December 5th: 7% Out of School

For the three low enrollment days we will just be stuck getting a low ADA rate and less money.  But we will not have to make the days up.  

French Caroling 

Our French 3 and 4 students went to two assisted living facilities in EDH last week and did christmas carols in French for the residents.  I want to give a bigg thank you to Kristina for getting her students out and helpnig the community.  If you want to see a video or photos from the event click on the links below.

Video from one of the songs: from each location:

Swastikas Spray Painted

I want to thank Chris Mirell for stepping up and handling a tough situation in the moment.  Some young people, unfortunately, decided to spray paint a swastika in one of the bathrooms.  Chris caught them and got them all to the office so we could handle the situation.  Needless to say, I am extremely upset that our students could do this.  This is not simply vandalism, this is hate and it's unacceptable.  It makes me reflect more on how we can build Respect for All back into what we are doing. 

Choir & Band Perform Holiday Songs for Senior Citizens

I was honored to watch our choir and band perform Christmas songs for senior citizens today.  The performed at the CSD's holiday party for seniors.  The seniors were served lunch by the fire department and ice cream sundaes by Rotary.  I lost count of how many thank you's I received from the seniors.  Thank you Paul and Natalie for making this event so special every year.  

November 30th Update

La Serna High School Visit

I want to thank Patrick Sanders, Denise Root, Alison Lishman and Darsy Arburn for joining me on a school visit to La Serna High School.  La Serna is a model school for their advisory model.  They are also a model school for all of the systematic interventions they have in place for struggling students.  They are so successful that they have reduced their numbers of IEPs and 504s and greatly increased their student achievement across the board (CAASPP, AP tests, A-G rate, Grad rate, etc.)  We look forward to sharing what we learned and how we can apply it to our Challenge Success work.  


Concrete Work

The concrete repair in the quad was delayed due to the rain over the Thanksgiving break.  We are still waiting for a new date for the repair work.  So for now, we will just have to keep walking around the hole in the ground.  

Staff Lunch With Dr. Carruth

Dr. Carruth willing be buying everyone lunch on Tuesday, December 11th.  He is hoping everyone will come out and break bread with him and talk about life and school.  We are hoping everyone can come out to the MPR and mingle. 

New Culinary Room

The new culinary room for our campus continues to be delayed.  It was originally scheduled to be completed sometime in September.  Then the completion date was pushed to Winter Break.  Now it is indefinitely delayed. 

We are working with a reputable portable company that has a new concept.  They are making custom portables for labs.  So we contracted a custom culinary lab with them.  But they have had endless delays in their plant.  So at this point, we are hoping for Spring Break but will not be surprised if it's installed over the summer.  

New Spanish Hire

Because the new culinary room is not complete we do not have a room for our new Spanish hire who should start on January 7th.  So unfortunately,  we need to find a room sharing arrangement for her.   Alison will be working on this. 

November 26th Update

Public CAASPP Testing Schedule Version

In the link below is the official and pretty (thank you Robin) version of our CAASPP testing schedule for 2019

Check Out Our New Model Trojans

Our new Model Trojans for November have been updated on the right side of this page.  We look forward to honoring them this Monday at the School Wide Collaboration and getting them a free lunch in the cafeteria. 

New Semester Hire

As we all know, we had a Spanish teacher move late in the summer.  Our fantastic Spanish teachers picked up the extra slack and were willing to take on an extra class as opposed to hiring someone so late in the summer. With credentialing programs completing in December and new candidates looking for jobs we interviewed two candidates to pick up all of the extra positions.  I am happy to say that we have offered the position to Kimberly Helms.  We look forward to Kimberly starting the second semester with us.

November Meeting Page Update

The meetings tab above has been updated with the minutes for all of the meetings that happened in November.  if anyone is interested you can review past agendas and minutes that came from those meetings.

November 15th Update

Low-Performing Students Block Grant

Oak Ridge and the district qualify for the LPSBG grant based on the low performance of our special education students.  To qualify for the grant the board of trustees needs to approve a plan.  Our district will be working on a plan for the estimated $230K through December and January.  They will likely bring it to the board in February.  

Proposed Updates to School Policies

I will be asking the school Leadership team to consider proposed changes to some of our school policies.  I have highlighted these proposed changes in our policy book on pages 2, 8, 11 & 12.  To view this policy book you can click on School Policies in the drop-down menu above or click this link.  

CAASPP Testing Schedule Finalized

Please follow the link to see the finalized version of the CAASPP testing schedule.  I will be updating it into a friendlier format over the break.   But the raw data can be found here for now.

ORHS Signing Day

On Wednesday 19 Oak Ridge athletes committed to a variety of impressive colleges.  The ceremony in the large gym was beautiful and dignified as always.  I want to thank the Athletic Department for honoring the work and achievements of these young people.  

Italian Honor Society Inductions

What is most impressive about our school is the endless parade of accomplishments.  I want to thank Ivana Arostegui for having an Italian Honor Society and all the work she puts into maintaining it.  Her program inducted a large number of new students this year.  Congratulations to Ivana and all of these students for meeting the rigorous requirements to get accepted.

Fines/Fees Accountability

Through a series of lawsuits in California brought on by the ACLU, some rulings have come forward on how schools can hold students accountable when it comes to fee/fines.  Previously, students could not attend dances or register for sports until they had cleared their fees/fines.  But through some recent clarification of these past court rulings, we can no longer do that. In fact, we are not sure if there is any way to "make" families pay for damaged and lost books, etc.  Because we cannot deny their diploma based on this either.  So this will likely present new challenges for us when it comes to replacing lost or damaged textbooks.

Quad Repair

John Dawson and the team will have the quad repaired (concrete poured) over the break.  So we all should come back to a nice pretty quad with no hole in it. 

November 9th Update

Water Update

All of the tests came back from the lab and our drinking water is clean and safe to drink.  I had faith in EID's process but having the good lab results definitely provides a piece of mind and closure to this event.  Now we are working to get the concrete repaired as quickly as possible.  

Energy Conservation

On top of the new solar arrays coming to our schools, we are beginning to explore ways to save money through energy conservation.  Our district will be speaking with several companies that bring energy saving strategies, technology and practices to schools.  I look forward to what we can implement to save energy and money.  

Academic Champions

I am so proud of our athletes, coaches and athletic department.  Every one of our Fall teams has qualified with the CIF as an Academic Champion.  The combined GPA of all our Fall athletes is 3.39.  

November 2nd Update

Meetings Next Week

1. Monday Morning Staff Meeting in B-3 @ 7:45

2. Monday: PLC Facilitator Training in R-103

3. Monday: Leadership Meeting 3:15 in N-1

4. Wednesday: Site Council 3:15 in CCR

Challenge Success Coaching Meeting

Our School Challenge Success Team met with our Challenge Success Coach from Stanford today.  It was a powerful session that really helped us focus even more on what it important and what direction we are going.  We can't wait to share out with everyone.

Best Buddies Club

I had the privilege of visiting with the Best Buddies club this week.  This club is focused on connecting non-special education students with special needs students.  The students serve as mentors and buddies for some of our special education students.  It is truly a special club.


I can't thank Jen Slinger and her ASB students enough for a great Homecoming week.  The activities were good the rally and the new schedule was a success.  And the dance was one of the best I have been to in a long time.  And Eric earned his 100th win as the Head Football Coach.  I also want to thank Janet Hallare for her orchestration of the Homecoming game and Natalie's students for singing the national anthem.  And a special thank you to Natalie for organizing the Future Trojans this year.  The little ones loved it.  Thank you to everyone who played a role in it.  

Model Trojan Awards

We had about 10 students today that we honored at lunchtime for being model Trojans who live our Oak Ridge values and motto. Their parents were invited to the luncheon and the staff member who nominated them was able to say nice things and hand them the award.  It was another rousing success.

October 26th Update

ORHS Confessions Promoting Cyber Bullying

Unfortunately, a new Instagram account has been created called ORHS Confessions.  It has over a 1000 followers, most of which are Oak Ridge students.  This page has set up a link to a Google Doc that is asking students to write down embarrassing things about other students.  This account is currently the biggest source of cyberbullying for our students right now.

James Wrede and SRO Russ Adams have been working on this issue for weeks now.  Instagram has finally taken the account down.  But as soon as the account was deactivated unknown students created three more.  So this is a tidal wave we can work on, but I fear can't stop.  This further solidifies that we need to continue our respect for all work.  Meanwhile, James and Deputy Adams continue to try and identify the owner of the original account.

Racially Insensitive Costume

On Tuesday we had a student wear an inappropriate costume for Trick or Trick spirit day.   The costume caused some alarm because it offended several students of Asian descent.  It was also problematic because just three years ago our school made the news for inappropriate and racist language demeaning to those of Asian descent at the McClatchy basketball game.  

This student was wearing a stereotypical Asian conical hat with a fake mustache.  The student was using stereotypical language between classes and using stereotypical language that was insensitive and demeaning to the Asian culture.  This student was also taking videos of herself doing this and posting them online while at school.   

James Wrede was able to track this student down and issue appropriate consequences.  The student also will be required to do restorative work and learn more about cultural awareness.  

FCCLA Region Meeting at Oak Ridge

Oak Ridge is lucky to be hosting the FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) regional meeting all day on Saturday in the MPR.  This meeting lets the FCCLA faculty and students meet and hold a variety of break out sessions to further grow and promote their field.  So you will see a lot of students and adults in red all day on Saturday.  (Actually, I hope you are not here on a Saturday.)

Leadership Update 

The driving work in our monthly Leadership meetings continues to be around setting new policy.  We want to ensure that there is one unified policy about how decisions and initiatives are decided at Oak Ridge.  When I ask ten different people on campus how decisions are made at our school and I get ten different answers, that is bad.  In fact, it is bad for the culture of the school.  So we are going to be finalizing some language around that this semester.  

We are also discussing the dilemma around a school having two logos.  We are also discussing the legality of having a school logo (the Trojan head) that is trademarked by USC.  The conversations have been very fruitful and we are clearly identifying a process for how to examine this issue.

October 19th Update

Important Leadership Meeting Next Week

We are doing a lot of work in Leadership around how decisions are made at our school.  So we are doing work around norming and publicizing that process.  Please remember that everyone is invited to Leadership and it is open to all.  Please hit the meeting tab above to see the agenda for that meeting (and all meetings.)

Rob Skaggs: Apple Slayer

The staff versus students apple bobbing contest was held during today's lunchtime rally.  The rally had the Drumline, Dance Team, and Cheerleaders perform.  The rally reached its climax with an apple bobbing contest between students and Rob Skaggs, Jennifer Slinger, Jason Tenner and myself.  Well, Rob Skaggs destroyed everybody and walked off crowned the Apple Bobbing Champion for 2018.  Ask him to see his sceptre.