Hybrid Procedures

Health Procedures

  • We need to encourage personal responsibility with students and urge them to clean their hands before and after class.

  • What happens if a student tests positive?

    • Every situation is unique. The nurse will need to investigate and determine the proper course of action for each individual situation.

    • Most situations will see a small number of people out of school until their test results come back in less than 48 hours.

  • Notifications:

    • If a student is positive, will notification be sent to families of students in

the classroom? In coordination with Public Health, it will be determined

what student(s) need to be quarantined due to possible exposure. Those

families will be notified. Notification to other students/families in the

classroom will be determined on a case by case basis. If Public health

defers back to the school, Aaron and I will work together to determine

what notification goes out.

    • As far as a positive staff member, the same rules apply. We will work with the staff member and Public Health to determine who are "close contacts". Close contacts are those people that were within 6' for 15 minutes or longer. I will take their guidance on what notification needs to be sent out and work with Aaron once I have all of the information.

  • Teachers should stay 6 feet from students in class.

  • Students do not need to be 6 feet apart in class. They need to be as spread out as possible. There will not be more than 20 people in a room at one time.

  • Cleaning

    • Students cannot use disinfectant

    • Teachers need 1 hour online training to use disinfectant

    • Disinfecting is voluntary for teachers

    • Teaching materials (Chromebooks, class sets, lab equipment, etc) don’t need to be disinfected between classes. Instead, we will highly encourage kids to sanitize hands upon entering and leaving the class.

      • Maintenance will not be sanitizing between classes. They will sanitize at the end of the day.

  • Lunch: Each Schedule Group will be divided into two lunch groups. This means 25% of all students will be present at each lunch.

  • Bathrooms: We do not need to limit the number of students in the restrooms. Lines will form outside of the restrooms. Students will have 15 minute passing periods to use the restroom or hand washing stations.

  • Schools must close if 5% of staff and/or students have tested positive within a 14-day period, and districts must close if one-quarter of the schools in the district have closed within 14 days due to Covid-19 cases.

  • Water: Students are allowed to drink water in class.


  • Students need to wear a mask at all times except when eating

  • Every medically exempt person needs to submit a doctors note to the school nurse to not wear a mask.

    • We can’t force the medically exempt to wear a shield

    • All medical exemptions go through nurses office. Medical exceptions will be rare.

  • If someone chooses to wear a shield, they need to also wear a mask unless the shield has a drape like the ones provided by the district

  • If a student refuses to wear a proper mask they will be sent home.

    • Repeat offenders can be transferred to the ODLP program.

  • Water: A student is allowed to lower their mask in class to take a drink of water.

Teaching and Learning

  • Hybrid Bell Schedule: http://orhs.eduhsd.k12.ca.us/documents/2020-2021%20Hybrid%20Weekly%20Bell%20Schedule.pdf

  • Hybrid Model Lunch Groups

  • Schedule Group A:

    • Attends school on Tuesday and Wednesday

  • Schedule Group B:

    • Attends school on Thursday and Friday

  • Student At Home Days:

    • Students will need to follow the Hybrid Bell Schedule even when at home.

    • Some teachers will choose to simulcast their classes. This means that the students at home will be in the class via Google Meet or Zoom. The teacher will be teaching to both the in person students and the students at home at the same time.

      • We highly encourage this for teachers.

    • Some teachers will choose to provide students with asynchronous work to do instead of simulcasting.

  • Students will follow the hybrid bell schedule whether at home or at school so teachers can simulcast if they desire.

  • Transportation in the form of bus routes will be provided for students

  • Attendance:

    • Monday: Same as Online, we will assign attendance based on work completion.

    • Tues-Fri In Person: A student will be marked "engaged" by simply being present in class.

    • Tues - Fri At Home: The asynchronous students attendance will be based on work completed like on Mondays. Teachers will be given a week to submit asynchronous attendance.

      • It is still unclear how we will take attendance for students who are at home but "live" in class with a teacher.

      • As a default all students will now be marked engaged. You will only need to mark those students who are "not engaged."

      • Please do not delete old Google Classrooms. An auditor can ask to see a work sample from the past.

    • ISP: Use the asynchronous attendance guidelines as they always have

    • Tardies will be an option when taking attendance.

  • Life Fitness

    • Locker Rooms

      • 3 classes in the locker room at a time

    • Do as many classes outside as possible. If inside, we need to keep the students in pods.

    • Students must wear masks inside, even when exercising

    • Life Fitness teachers and students do not need to wear a mask for Life Fitness while outdoors in the course of exercising and when 6 feet apart.

  • TAs: We can add them to classes (if still under 20 with TAs) for 2.5 credits. We can do this for unscheduled students for the duration of the first semester. We can allow students of any grade level to be TAs. We follow the same process as we have in the past for students becoming a TA in a teacher's class.

  • Teaching Outdoors: According to the MOU, if you desire to teach your class outdoor you can use one of the outdoor identified spaces. These spaces need to be checked out and approved by the Principal in advance. You can find the guide here.

  • Student Transfers to ODLP

    • Students have the ability to transfer to ODLP at the quarter because of the school opening in the hybrid model.

    • If a student is enrolled in a class not offered in ODLP they can choose to stay enrolled in that class at Oak Ridge. The student can choose to attend either the in person hybrid model of by live stream only if that teacher offers it.

Chromebook Carts

We will continue to support the goal of providing Chromebook access to as many classrooms/students as possible, using the resources we have available. While our resources have diminished with a significant number of Chromebooks checked out to students, we have been able to problem solve to ensure that classrooms that had access to Chromebooks before school closures last spring, still have access. To do this, Chromebook carts have been reduced to 18 Chromebooks per cart, consistent with the number of students in a Schedule A/B, per class. For those of you that have 19 students in a schedule, an additional Chromebook will be added to the cart.

Please do NOT have students bring checked out Chromebooks to campus. Only use the Chromebooks that are in your assigned cart on campus.

Assign a Chromebook to each student:

1. It is more important than ever to ensure that a student is using the same Chromebook, while in your class. Please make sure to assign the student the same Chromebook number for your class. Please post these assignments next to the location that students will pick up a Chromebook in your classroom. These should remain posted, as students are likely assigned different numbers in different subject areas/classrooms.

2. Note: For privacy concerns, please do not post a roster using names and student numbers (those are tied to log-in information). You may post one or the other, but you should not post both.

Chromebook Cleaning:

1. Chromebooks should never be left outside of the cart, when not in use, or overnight. Classrooms are fogged after school, therefore the Chromebooks need to be secured inside the cart.

2. Students are expected to sanitize hands when entering the classroom, as a result, hands will be sanitized before handling a Chromebook.

3. In addition to the hand sanitizer provided to classrooms, alcohol based wipes will be distributed with Chromebook carts, should the need arise to wipe down the keyboard and outside of the device, during a passing period. Students are not permitted to use these wipes.

Inoperable and damaged Chromebooks:

1. If a Chromebook is not functioning properly, please submit a ticket as soon as possible, for Noel. Please include the Cart# and the Chromebook Number. After submitting the ticket, place the Chromebook back into the cart slot that matches the number of the Chromebook. Again, do not leave Chromebooks outside of the cart. Please submit a ticket for EACH non-functioning Chromebook.

2. Please report any damaged Chromebook, as soon as possible. Please include the student's name that is assigned to the damaged Chromebook. Chromebooks are treated as textbooks in terms of damage and that person is held responsible. Thus, imperative that students are assigned a Chromebook for your class, to be able to track this issue. If Chromebooks are damaged, and the practice is not in place of assigning Chromebooks to identify the student, the department may be charged for the replacement/damage fee.

Checking out the Chromebook Cart assigned to your classroom:

1. We will continue the process of checking out a Chromebook cart for the 1st or 2nd half of a block period. Please note: Every effort was made to have carts shared with a classroom next door to you, for easier movement, but not always possible. Please be sure to note on the checkout sheet, each day and part of the period you are using/requesting the Chromebooks. For example, if you wish to reserve the cart on October 8th,during the second half of third period, please enter the following: “Last name + the number two”, for example “Azevada2”. This would indicate that I would like to reserve the cart the 2nd half of the period. A “one” indicates first half of the period.

2. If the cart is already reserved for half the period, please enter a “slash , and enter your name and a 1 or 2, depending on your request. Please be careful not to delete the name of the person already entered. For example: If I reserved for the first half of the period “Azevada1”, and the person I share the cart with wants it the same day for the second half of the period --update the sheet to read the following: “Azevada1/Teacher2”.

3. Communicating with the person you share a cart with is important.

Human Resources

  • Exposure: Teachers still teach online if sent home awaiting a negative test because of an exposure

  • Testing: The testing levels needed in the MOU will be met prior to going to the hybrid model. Oak Ridge will be a testing site for public school teachers in El Dorado Hills.

  • Childcare: Childcare will be available for employees who need it starting in October. It will be a free program. For El Dorado Hills teachers, it will be held at the El Dorado Hills Senior Center.

    • Children bring their own devices if they need access to technology

    • Parents must supply childcare employees with their child's online school schedule if applicable

    • Two childcare employees will be provided for every 15 students. There can be 15 children in one space.


How to set up your class for a substitute:

  1. Request a sub in the system. (Directions below)

  2. If the sub needs access to your Google Classroom to teach the lesson you provided, you will need to add the orhssub@eduhsd.k12.ca.us google account as a co-teacher that day. You can remove the account upon your return.

    1. The sub is only responsible for teaching and monitoring the students physically in the room with them.

  3. The teacher needs to provide the sub with a sub plan as always.

  4. The teacher needs to post work for the asynchronous students to do.

    • I would have a generic plan ready to go for those days that you wake up ill.

How to Request a Substitute:

  • Please remember that if you are going to be out (any length of time during Hybrid) that:

  1. You must enter the absence into Frontline (Make sure to mark “Yes” to substitute required if in person classes will need coverage – unless you have arranged for in house coverage).

  2. If the reason is school business related; you need to fill out a “Certificated Substitute Request” in advance.

  3. If the reason is COVID related; you need to have communicated with, and received confirmation from, the School Nurse (Amber Uber, auber@eduhsd.k12.ca.us) and Human Resources (Leslie Baker, lbaker@eduhsd.k12.ca.us) in order to have your sick time not used.

  4. If the reason is not school business related or COVID related, then sick/personal time will be used.

    • (Please try logging into Frontline before you actually need to report an absence. Since Frontline is ran by EDCOE, I do not have access to change passwords. If you need help logging in, you will need to contact Beth Reynolds (areynolds@edcoe.org or (530) 295-2237).

  5. Absences need to be entered into Frontline even for Mondays. (Click “No” to substitute required for Mondays).

Substitutes and Attendance:

    • Substitutes only have the ability to take attendance for the students sitting in front of them. They will be using paper attendance sheets.

    • You will still be responsible for taking attendance for asynchronous students based on work completion.

    • You will still be responsible for putting into attendance what type of work was done for each schedule group.

Cleaning and Sanitation

  • Cleaning

    • Students cannot use disinfectant

    • Teachers need 1 hour online training to use disinfectant

    • Disinfecting is voluntary for teachers

    • Teaching materials (Chromebooks, class sets, lab equipment, etc) don’t need to be disinfected between classes. Instead, we will highly encourage kids to sanitize hands upon entering and leaving the class.

      • Maintenance will not be sanitizing between classes. They will sanitize at the end of the day.

  • Sanitizing Rooms Each Night

    • Our Custodial staff will be using a fogger to clean your room each night. It is the most effective way to make sure your room is completely sanitized. However, no one can be in the room when it is being fogged. The fogging will begin at 7:30 each night. They obviously will start with a few rooms and make their way to all rooms over the course of the night. Please be prepared to leave for the night once the Custodial staff comes to your room to fog. They will be on a very tight schedule and cannot bounce back to your room later. I apologize for this in advance, but once the Custodial team arrives to fog your room (earliest being 7:30) you will need to vacate for the night.

  • Q: For the misting, should my laptops be inside the laptop cart or should they be open on the desks to be disinfecting? (Not sure if it will harm the laptops.)

    • A: No, please have the Chromebooks closed and in the carts if you have them. Chromebooks should be cleaned using a damp paper towel using the Q.T.Plus spray that has been provided to each of you

  • Q: I’d like to know the specific chemical makeup of the spray please.

  • Q: Will somebody be refilling the hand sanitizer dispensers each day?

    • A: The hand Sanitizer dispensers that have been installed throughout the campus are very efficient and will not need to be refilled very often. That being said, my staff will be checking them periodically to see the level in them. If by some off chance they run empty, please let me know via work order, radio call or phone call and I will address it as quickly as possible.

  • Q: Have you begun to use the spray in other locations on campus? I have tons of posters up in my room. The ones I care most about I plan to take down, but curious what effect the foggers have had on posters so far.

    • A: We have been fogging the office and some other areas for quite some time. The extent of any visible damage that I/we have noticed is a few corners curled up on some papers. The process of fogging and how much product gets used is a little dependent on the person actually performing it. One person may use a little more product then the other which would naturally create more moisture on a surface causing a little more curling of papers.

  • Q: Obviously the theater has a lot of expensive equipment that isn't exactly easy to put away. What exactly is the process of fogging, and do you think it would be damaging to the equipment if it isn't put away?

    • A: I do not anticipate any damage being done to your equipment as it is not a bunch of moisture on it and the idea is for it to evaporate before it would puddle and cause damage.

  • Q: I am predicting very minimal traffic in my work area. Can we clean my area only weekly or way less than daily? Also, can I cover my desk with a sheet?

    • A: We need to do everywhere daily to ensure that we have minimized the chance for any exposure. Same can be said for covering your desk, what if the virus were on the desk? That being said, my staff will not have the time to rearrange things in your area and they will proceed with the way it was left.