
What is a Macro?

A macro is a way to automate a task that you perform repeatedly or on a regular basis. It is a series of commands and actions that can be stored and run whenever you need to perform the task. You can record or build a macro and then run it to automatically repeat the series of steps or actions.

In Microsoft Word, Excel and other programs, a macro is a saved sequence of command s or keyboard strokes that can be stored and then recalled with a single command or keyboard stroke. Some programs call their macros by different names, for example Photoshop calls theirs Actions.

Macro Features:

    • keystrokes or mouse clicks can be recorded to make the macro

    • the actions are saved as VBA code (Visual Basic for Applications), which can be edited by hand

    • shortcut keys can be allocated to run macros

    • Macros can be assigned to a button (saves having to remember the shortcut)

    • Macros can be saved for future use

What is a document Template?

A template is a pre-designed document you can use to create documents quickly without having to think about formatting. With a template, many of the larger document design decisions such as margin size, font style and size, and spacing are predetermined. Templates are useful in many programs including Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

A template is a tool for ensuring that all documents or pages have a standard, consistent layout, look and feel. Changes made to templates automatically updates any pages or documents which are based on the template.

A template is a tool for enforcing a standard layout and look and feel across multiple pages or within content regions. When you change a template, any pages or regions that are based on that template are automatically changed as well. Templates provide additional standardization controls, depending on the type you use.

Examples of Templates

Word processing packages offer a range of different templates such as fax templates, memo templates, letter templates etc. Presentation packages (eg. PowerPoint) offer a large range of background design templates. Most pages on a website are based on Templates which govern and include things like menu placement, layout of the heading and content areas etc.

Purpose of Templates

  • Templates determine the basic structure and settings of a document

  • Templates ensure consistency in the layout of documents

  • Templates help to support a consistent corporate image

  • Special templates can be setup for specific purposes. eg a template for memos and faxes

  • Templates are Read-Only. Once they are setup, users can use them without damaging the original template

  • Templates can be set up to share a common theme eg company logos, contact details etc

  • Using templates leads to a reduction in formatting errors by users in terms of document layout and the inclusion of important info (eg contact details)

  • Once created, templates can be used over and over again, saving time

  • Staff require minimal training in the use of templates. They do not need strong design skills as the layout has been made for them.

Characteristics of Templates

  • page formatting can be included in the template, such as margins, font size etc

  • Standard text can be defined in the template, for example date/time, headers and footers

  • Formatting of the document can be pre-defined, for example font selection and size, colours etc

  • The position of standard graphics can be ensured, for example logo placement

Problems with Templates

  • once a template has been created, the standard user cannot alter the template information. It would need someone with the access/authority to adapt the template.

  • The template that has been set up may not be appropriate for every situation/audience.

  • If a mistake has been made on the template, for example an incorrect phone number, that mistake will appear on every document based on the template.