HSC Info

Useful Links for HSC Information

Sites with information regarding VET and Senior HSC courses:

NSW Board of Studies Syllabuses

Board of Studies HSC Exams

HSC Online

NSW Students Online

Sydney Morning Herald HSC Guide

IDT Syllabus

See the link below for a copy of the up to date Board of Studies Syllabus for Information and Digital Technology.

There is also a copy of the 2016 HSC exam for IDT.

Your oneĀ­stop for everything HSC - The best place for information about the HSC is the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards NSW (BOSTES) website Students Online. You can visit Students Online at anytime to check your personal HSC details and other important information, eg examination timetables. For everything HSC, why not save this address to your favourites: studentsonline.bos.nsw.edu.au

Trial HSC exams will be held during weeks 5 and 6 of Term 3 at LHS