RiSE Website Reconstruction

Welcome to the first CSE Club Project!

If you are interested in working on this project email me at cse_club@edmail.edcc.edu.


  • You must be a member of CSE Club.
  • You must meet with one of the officers before receiving access, i.e. come to at least one meeting.
  • You must give us your EdCC or CWU email.

A couple of things you will be provided:

  • First off, you will receive access to change the RiSE website. This means you have no publishing privileges, but only editing. Do not delete any information/pages even if they aren't pertinent. Mark pages as them as "Hide from navigation". We are able to see deleted pages and you will be removed from the group and stripped of editing privileges.
  • You will be added to the Google Hangouts group, with other developers working on the website. Make sure to collaborate with them and discuss any questions that arise such as design, any code issues if you are using BootStrap or JavaScript, or recommendations you would make to parts that others are working on.
  • You will be given access to edit the RiSE Website Revision Log, shows below. An FAQ is available below which explains how to use it.
  • Ultimately, have fun, explore the world of front-end development, help RiSE create an aesthetically pleasing website, and see if front-end development is something that might interest you in the future :))

Useful Links:

  • The original website - for the beginning portion of the project use the original website to help you amend what the drop down menus should contain.
  • BootStrap video - has some useful tips on how to add some cool stuff.
  • w3schools bootstrap examples - use this code and modify it with appropriate information

RiSE Website Revision Log:

RiSE Website Reconstruction Log