First Meeting!

Post date: September 27, 2018

September 28th will be the first meet of the club of the 2018-2019 year! Join us at 12:45 in Snohomish Hall Room 104.

We will cover what the club will do this year, what the members want to do, and what we can offer. This includes and is definitely not limited to:

  • Increasing your portfolio by contributing to open source projects. We'll show how to use GitHub and work in teams on coding projects.
  • Updating and expanding the RiSE android application.
  • Guest speaker(s) talking about UW (and other universities) admissions, the CS industry, and what they would change
  • Attending tech events in the Seattle area to get an idea of the specific field in CS/CE that interests you such as machine learning, distributed systems, data analysis, web developer, and more.
  • Code Golf! Write the shortest amount of code for a program, it's pretty fun, you learn new shortcuts in your language every time!