Teaching Resources


Biology Corner

Case study teaching in science - http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/cs/

Some great resources from a teacher I met at STAO 2017 https://randlem6.wixsite.com/stao2017

Learn 360

Biology Cafe @ https://sites.google.com/site/biologycafe/home

a collection of resources for all science classes

Howard Hughes Medical Institute @ http://www.hhmi.org/

biointeractive - a collection of resources from videos and data to virtual labs

TeachOntario website

OPHEA website (mental health resources) http://teachingtools.ophea.net/activities/level-up/ages-15-to-18

Challenge based learning http://cbl.digitalpromise.org/

Problem based learning http://www.bie.org/

Book recommendations

Seven Strategies for Improving Student Feedback

Review Activities

Pear Deck and Quizlet flash card co-creation instructions