Research Skills

When you start researching you may want to just wander around reading about your topic, getting other topic ideas, fully developing a list of search terms and where your topic can lead. (Keep track of useful url's as you go on a references page (doc or slide or...)

Then think of some questions you have about your topic - what do you need to know more about? Think about search terms that might help you get the answers you are looking for - if you find a certain search term is taking you down the wrong path, how can you reword it to get where you want to go? Look at the references of the sites you are using - can you go find those sources?

Who is biased about your topic? Who presents the other side of the topic? How will you avoid bias in your research?

The research process guide

An incredibly detailed "course" on reviewing and analyzing your sources!

Sources of Reputable Information


Royalty free image sources (may require specific search)




Learn about Design Principles

How to publish your google slideshow to the web (this also works for docs) - be sure to protect your privacy before you publish (remove your name if you wish)

p.s. How to take your ed account files to a new gmail account tutorial