
A systematic review on the code smell effect. José Amâncio M. Santos, João B. Rocha-Junior, Luciana Carla Lins Prates, Rogeres Santos do Nascimento, Mydiã Falcão Freitas and Manoel Gomes de Mendonça. Journal of Systems and Software, v.144, p. 450-477, 2018.

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TwitterSensing: An Event-Based Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks Optimization Exploiting Social Media in Smart City Applications. Daniel G. Costa, Cristian Duran-Faundez, Daniel C. Andrade, João B. Rocha-Junior and João Paulo Just Peixoto. Sensors, v.18, n. 4, p. 1-30, 2018.

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Investigating factors that affect the human perception on god class detection: an analysis based on a family of four controlled experiments. Santos, José Amâncio M., Rocha-Junior, João B. and De Mendonça, Manoel Gomes. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development, v.5, n. 8, p.1-39, 2017.

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Redes Complexas de Homônimos para Análise Semântica Textual. Santos, J. S., Andrade, F.C., Jorge, E. M. F, Rocha-Junior, J. B. and Saba, Hugo. Informação & Informação (Online), v.22, p.294-305, 2017.

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Avaliação Qualitativa da Consulta Espaço Textual Top-k. Luiz Felipe Naziazeno-Neto, João B. Rocha-Junior and Rodrigo Tripodi Calumby. XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI), Salvador, 2017.

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Podemos utilizar o Twitter para prever eleições brasileiras. Murilo C. Lopes and João B. Rocha-Junior. Anais do XVII Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da ERBASE, p. 28-36, 2017.

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Reconhecimento de entidades nomeadas no Twitter para língua portuguesa. Felipe José D. Souza and João B. Rocha-Junior. Anais do XVII Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica da ERBASE, p. 124-132, 2017.

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Consulta de locais influentes através de palavras-chave: uma proposta. Felipe P. O. Silva and João B. Rocha-Junior. Anais do IV Workshop de Pós-Graduação da ERBASE (WPOS), p. 6-11, 2017.

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Utilizando Consulta de Localização Ideal para definição de melhor local para instalação de novo estabelecimento. Gabriel A. Carneiro, Jadna A. Cruz, Marijalma O. Campos and João B. Rocha-Junior. Anais do I Workshop de eXperimentos em Tecnologia da ERBASE (XBase), p. 18-23, 2017.

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Efficient Processing of Spatio-Temporal-Textual Queries. Daniel C. Andrade, João B. Rocha-Junior and Daniel G. Costa. In 23rd Brazillian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WebMedia), p. 165-172, 2017.

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Adaptive Sensing Relevance Exploiting Social Media Mining in Smart Cities. Daniel C. Andrade, Daniel G. Costa and João B. Rocha-Junior. In 23rd Brazillian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WebMedia), p. 405-408, 2017.

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S2I+: Armazenamento Eficiente em Índice Espaço-Textual. Tiago F. Athayde-Novaes, Fellipe L. Fonseca and João B. Rocha-Junior. XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados (SBBD 2016), Salvador, 2016.

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Uma proposta de particionamento de dados para processamento da consulta espaço-textual top-k distribuída. Tiago F. Athayde Novaes and João B. Rocha-Junior. WPOS: Workshop de Trabalhos de Pós-Graduação da Erbase, Maceió, 2016.

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Uma proposta de estudo qualitativo da consulta espaço-textual top-k. Luiz F. Naziazeno-Neto e João B. Rocha-Junior. WPOS: Workshop de Trabalhos de Pós-Graduação da Erbase, Maceió, 2016.

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Top-k Spatial Keyword Preference Query. João P. D. Almeida and João B. Rocha-Junior. Proc. of the Journal of Information and Data Management (JIDM), 6(3):162-177, 2015.

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Consulta Espacial Preferencial por Palavra-Chave. João P. D. Almeida and João B. Rocha-Junior. XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados (SBBD), Petrópolis, RJ, Brasil, 2015.

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Consulta Espacial Preferencial por Palavra-Chave. João P. D. Almeida and João B. Rocha-Junior. WPOS: Workshop de Trabalhos de Pós-Graduação da Erbase, Feira de Santana, Brasil, 2014.

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A mixed hybrid recommender system for given names. Rafael G. N. Silva, Angelo Loula and João B. Rocha-Junior. ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge Workshop, Czech Republic, Prague, 2013.

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Anotação Automática de Objetos Espaciais. Fellipe L. Fonseca e João B. Rocha-Junior. XI Workshop de Iniciação Científica da Escola Regional de Computação Bahia-Alagoas-Sergipe (ERBASE), Aracajú, 2013.


Top-k Spatial Keyword Queries on Road Networks. João B. Rocha-Junior and Kjetil Nørvåg. Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Berlin, 2012.

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Efficient Processing of Top-k Spatial Keyword Queries. João B. Rocha-Junior, Orestis Gkorgkas, Simon Jonassen, and Kjetil Nørvåg. Proc. of the International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), Springer, LNCS 6849, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2011.

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Efficient Execution Plans for Distributed Skyline Query Processing. João B. Rocha-Junior, Akrivi Vlachou, Christos Doulkeridis, and Kjetil Nørvåg. Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), 2011.

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Efficient Processing of Top-k Spatial Preference Queries. João B. Rocha-Junior, Akrivi Vlachou, Christos Doulkeridis, and Kjetil Nørvåg. Proc. of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 4(2):93-104, 2010.

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AGiDS: A Grid-based Strategy for Distributed Skyline Query Processing. João B. Rocha-Junior, Akrivi Vlachou, Christos Doulkeridis, and Kjetil Nørvåg. Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Management in Grid and P2P Systems (Globe), Springer, LNCS 5697, Linz-Austria, 2009.

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MCommP2P: A P2P Middleware for Developing Games. Roberio Kielmann, Daniel G. Costa, and João B. Rocha-Junior. Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment (SBGames), Rio de Janeiro-Brazil, 2009.


MuSE: Multimedia Search Engine. João B. Rocha-Junior, Ícaro Cavalcante, and Osvaldo C. Matos-Junior. Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web Systems (WebMedia), 2008.


Stella: Peer-to-Peer Backup System. João B. Rocha-Junior, Daniel Andrade, Lucas Moreira, Osvaldo C. Matos-Junior, Robério K. Almeida-Filho, Jorge Lima, and Paloma Santos. Proceedings of Peer-to-Peer Workshop at Brazilian Symposium of Computer Networks , 2006.


XPeer: Middleware for Peer-to-Peer Applications. João B. Rocha-Junior, Joseane Fidalgo, Ramide Dantas, Luciana Oliveira, Carlos Kamienski, and Djamel Sadok. Proceedings of Peer-to-Peer Workshop at Brazilian Symposium of Computer Networks, 2005.


Peer-to-Peer: Collaborative Computing in the Internet. João B. Rocha-Junior, Marco Domingues, Arthur Callado, Eduardo Souto, Guthemberg Silvestre, Carlos Kamienski, and Djamel Sadok. Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium of Computer Networks (SBRC), 2004.


Peer-to-Peer Traffic Analyses in RNP's Backbone. Stênio F. L. Fernandes, Guthemberg S. Silvestre, Kelvin L. Dias, João B. Rocha-Junior, Djamel Sadok, and Carlos Kamienski. Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium of Computer Networks (SBRC), 2004.


DisSSe.Arch. João B. Rocha-Junior. Master Thesis published at Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), 2002.