In the Papers.....
The following are from newspaper cuttings, from 1880 onwards, which contain a reference of some sort to East Winch or West Bilney
September 1833
Important Agricultural Sale,
350 Ewes, 4 Rams, 89 Highlanders, 4 pair of Working Oxen, 1 Cow, 9 Cart Horses, Pony, 29 Head of Swine, Farming Carriages and Implements, Harness, &c., the Property of JOHN DALTON, Esq., who has Let the above Farm.
On Friday and Saturday, the 27th & 28th of Sept. 1833,THE LIVE STOCK consists of 30 very superior Southdown shearling ewes, 40 half-bred shearlings, nearly fat, 4 capital two-shear Leicester rams, 6 lambs, 89 Highlanders, very forward in condition, 4 pair of very superior four-year old working Devon Oxen, one handsome Norfolk cow, 9 useful curt (sic) horses, grey pony,28 store pigs, and 1 young sow.
Carriages, Implements &c. comprise 3 good road waggons, 3 tumbrels, 5 ploughs, 4 pair of harrows, horse drag-rake, roll, water cart, 20 dozen hurdles, severalsets of cart and plough harness, chaff cutter, forks, rakes,and a variety of small farming utensils.
Full particulars will appear in Catalogues, to be had at the Globe, Duke's Head, and Crown Inns in Lynn; the Inns inDownham; Crown, Stoke; Inns in Watton and Dereham; Lion, Fakenham; Neighbourhood, and Place of Sale, and at the Auctioneer's Office, Swaffham.
First Day ‑ Sheep, Working Oxen, part of the Highlanders, four Cart Horses, some Imple- ments and Harness.
Second Day - Remainder of the Highlanders, Cow, five Cart Horses, Pony, Swine, re-mainder of Implements and Harness.
Sale to commence each day at Eleven o'clock precisely, and Refreshments will be provided for the company after the sale of Live Stock.
February 1869
On, Friday evening the 12th inst. the members of our parish church choir met in the National School room to partake of a beautiful tea, provided through the liberality of Mrs Thos. Clarke. Tables being cleared, and a few friends admitted, the evening was spent in listening to some well selected glees, duets and solos, vocal and instrumental, the glees being carefully sung by the choir, led by Mrs Clarke and accompanied on the piano by
Mrs Dodd.
The duets and solos rendered in a most efficient manner by Mrs Clarke and the Misses Dodd, Parson (of Lynn), Robertson, Godman and others.
Want of space prevents us inserting the programme which included some of the finest and most popular musical compositions, the performance of which was received in a way so unmistakably appreciative as to leave a hope that the kind friends will afford another similar treat.
September 1880
EAST WINCH. SCHOOL TREAT. On the 13th inst. the school children and choir of this parish had a treat given given them, chiefly in connection with the centenary of the organization of Sunday schools. They assembled in the school-room at 3.30pm to the number of 80, and, decorated with medals and with flags, proceeded to the church, where an address was given by the vicar. Tea was provided for them in a small field near the vicarage whence they adjourned for games to a larger one lent by Mr Childs, and being marshalled back to the school-room, after some remarks upon the management of the school, the vicar made various presents to the children as rewards for regular attendence at the Sunday school, Etc. The vicar was kindly assisted by Mrs Kent, Mrs and the Misses Childs, Eller, Brooke, Mrs Marsh, Messrs C E Childs, Smallbone, Winearls etc.
September 1880
EAST WINCH. - The men employed by the Misses Smith, of East Winch, return their sincere thanks for the recent harvest frolic, which they immensely enjoyed.
(See also The Frolic)
By Mr. Seppings,
Without Reserve,
October 23rd. 1880 Correspondence
EAST WINCH Parochial Charities. To the Editor
Dear Sir, As the time for the distribution of these charities is fast approaching, perhaps you will allow me through your paper to offer a few suggestions to those parish officers whose duty it may be to attend to the matter this season. First I would refer them to the sister parish of West Winch as to the purchase of the coals, and also as to the quantities given to each family, which varies there according to the numbers and necessity of each. Can it be right that stewards, hepherds Etc., whose earnings more than equal some of the parish tradesmen, (who have to pay all parochial rates and have no coals), should receive as many as the hard working, struggling daily labourers, with large families, who often have to suffer from loss of time from rain and other causes? Why not give in proportion to the earnings and the family to support? which can easily be ascertained.I would also suggest that no person should be allowed the charity who has been a resident less than two years.I am, dear sir, your, etc., AN INHABITANT.(Webmaster note: The picture shows a copy of an invoice from Mrs Arter - dated 1904 - to Charity Trustees - East Winch, for coal delivered for the annual charity awards.The East Winch United Charities is a union of The John Morse charity, The Revd. Thomas Hope and the Church and Town Lands charities. The charity still exists, as the 'East Winch United Charities', and each year makes payments to a number of residents. In the past the award was a quantity of coal but I understand that this was changed to a cash payment when the majority of people no longer had coal fires. The Governing Document.A scheme dated 23rd November 1981, regulated by a scheme of the Charity Commissioners of the 8th July 1913 and consisting of the following charities.1. The Church and Town Lands Charity; (Deed in 1607; and Scheme of Charity Commissioners of 21st February 1893.The aims of the John Morse charity were: - to apply the income during the month of December in each year amongst the most deserving members of the Church of England resident in the parish of East Winch who attend divine service and who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress either in gifts in kind or grants of money)
Note The Charity of the Reverend Thomas Hope and, the Charity of John Morse; These charities subsidiaries of East Winch Unites Charities were wound up and removed from the Register of Charities with effect from 18th September 1995
November 27th 1880
EAST WINCH. SERMONS were preached and collections made at each service on Sunday last in aid of the fund for the sufferers from the Wells life-boat accident, and for foreign missions. The collections amounted to £2.13s.6d.
6 December 1887
(Note that in the following piece some of the originals text is difficult to read. In cases of uncertainty the difficult words are put into parentheses in the following transcription.)
A Norfolk emigrants experience in QUEENSLAND From Robert Hunter - late of East Winch
Dear Father and Mother. I was very pleased to see a letter from you and sister Lizzie, and to see you were all as well as usual. Lizzie asked me if I liked myself best here or at home. I know there is no one like a Mother, but you must not compare this country with England. The people that have fathers and mothers out here are better off than we are (but) they have got good homes, and do not know how to keep them; they do not know what low wages are.
I am getting 30s. per week and pay 14s. per week for Board, Washing and Lodging, and have 16s. per week for myself, and a married man can live as cheap as a single one; and shop things are as cheap here as at home, Beef 3d. to 3½d per lb. You can get a beef steak, enough for a meal, for 2d.
The women are so lazy out here they won’t take lodgers. A married man can live happy and comfortably on what they can at home.
They can live like fighting cocks if they only keep from the nasty beer and spirits. When that’s in the devil’s in, that is the ruin of many a man in the colonies.
They do not look to work more than half the week, or work one week and play two. (there may) be a few steady ones.
Dear mother, you would all be better out here. I have not said it before, but I say it now. I do not see why they should stay at home to be slaves. I reckon they are regular slaves myself. It would be the best job you ever done, to come out here. If we were to say we worked for 10s. per week, they would make a regular laughing stock of us. (We would) all like to see Old England, and all old faces, if we could come (over on) Saturday night and come back on Monday morning. I had a letter from George Kemp this morning, he keep at his old shop, and is getting on well.
Adam’s, and all our loves to all enquiring friends. We have seen several Norfolk men from Norwich, Yarmouth and neighbourhood. I think I have sent all the news this time. Love to all brothers and Lizzie, and large share for father and mother, and you all,
Your loving and affectionate son,
For London service (private family), a GENERAL SERVANT, able to cook a Plain Dinner; wages liberal to a competent Person. Also an experienced NURSE-GIRL, above 20 years of age preferred. – Address, Mrs Fendick, Ivy Lodge, West Bilney, King’s Lynn. 1882
At Michaelmas next, A Man and Wife, without family, to live in an off-hand Farm-house. The man to superintend the labourers, his wife to take care of the house and manage the poultry. A man used to Light Land, and a member of the Church preferred. Good references required.
Apply to William Dodd, West Bilney, Lynn 1869
SITUATIONS WANTED – all from the 1890's
(Two Lines 1s.6d. Every extra line 6d Stamps will not be accepted)
Wants a situation, as FARMING BAILIFF, or STEWARD, a PERSON who understands stock, is properly qualified, and has no objection to engage for a term of years.
For further particulars apply to Mr. Robert Crisp, West Bilney, Norfolk.
WANTED, RE-ENGAGEMENT as GOVERNESS by a Lady who has had several years experience; English, French, music, singing and needlework; highest references.-Address E.F.C West Bilney, King’s Lynn, Norfolk.
As PLAIN COOK in small family: age 27: wages £20 £23, all found. E. Elsegood, West Bilney, King’s Lynn.
As HOUSE PARLOUR MAID: age 27: 7 years, character; £30 and all found; disengaged, E. Elsegood, West Bilney, King’s Lynn.
As Sewing or Useful MAID or HOUSEMAID in small family: 22: good needlewoman: West Bilney, King’s Lynn
January 1st 1904
WINCH, EAST - For Christmas day the church was tastefully decorated by Misses Alvis. The Holy Communion was administered in the morning. Carols were sung in place of a sermon in the afternoon, comprising In Nativitute Domini (music by the Rev. G E Alvis, minor canon of Ripon cathedral), “Kings of old”, and “The angels Christmas song”, (both from Westminster Carol book), and Gounod’s song “Bethlehem”, by the Rev. E J Alvis. Collections for the hospital amounted to £2 7s 2d
Much generosity has been shown throughout the season, Mr Lancaster making gifts to his tenants and others, whilst several other donors have shown seasonable good will, for which the recipients return sincere thanks. Nearly every cottager received six hundredweight of coal from the East Winch Church and Town Lands charity, and Morse’s and Hope’s charities have been distributed.
Henry Marsh, for many years subpostmaster of this parish, begs to thank Misses Barnard and Woodham, of Snettisham park, and Mr C R Bentley of West Bilney hall, for their continued present of game; also the residents of the outlying villages who have their delivery of letters from this parish for their kind Christmas greetings.
Shale Oil investigations at Setchey. 1916 - 1921
Pentney Syndicate Ltd:This syndicate has been formed by a number of local men and has acquired the mining rights in an area in and around Pentney and Bilney. Drilling operations have proved that rich oil shale seams exist below the surface. The drill has already passed through three seams of oil shale with a total thickness of about 24 ft. One of the seams is stated on good authority to be as rich, or richer than, anything that has yet been found. The company’s area, even if no further shale is found, should be sufficient for a life of 300 years, employing a large number of hands, and the discovery is one of great importance to the district.There are a number of references to the Norfolk oil shale rush to be found on the internet - one is here and another local forum here
STRANGE CYCLING FATALITY - Boy Falls from his Machine
A remarkable case was inquired into by Mr. E. M . Beloe, Lynn’s Borough Coroner, on Saturday afternoon, a boy cyclist who had resided at West Bilney being stated to have fallen from his bicycle without any cause (except from the assumption that he turned dizzy) and died at the West Norfolk & Lynn Hospital from a fractured skull.
The inquiry, which was held by Mr Beloe at his office without a jury, concerned the death of Wilfred Boddy, aged 13.
P.S. Goodbody was coroner’s officer.
Richard Boddy, of West Bilney, the father of the deceased, said he did not witness the accident, but saw his son lying by the side of the road a few minutes after it had happened.
Vernon Wright, a youth living at West Bilney, said he was a farm labourer. He and young Boddy were cycling together on the evening of September 7 , about 6.30, intending to go to East Winch for a loaf of bread. They were going at a comfortable pace and had got only one or two hundred yards from the house of Boddy’s parents when Boddy, who was riding on witnesses left, but about 6yds in front, suddenly swerved towards the bank. Witness called to him “What errand are you on?”
Boddy, who made no rely, tumbled off his machine, falling on his forehead.
Witness dismounted, picked his comrade up, put him on the side of the road, found he was unconscious, and went for assistance to the lad’s house. Mr. Boddy went at once to the spot, and the lad was taken home.
The Coroner: Was the lad subject to fits? - I never saw him in one.
Was anything wrong with his machine? - No, that was all right.
Mr. Boddy, recalled, said his son was not subject to fits or fainting. About a fortnight ago he had a sick headache.
But was not attended by a doctor? - No.
Was anything wrong with his bicycle? - Nothing.
Can you account for his swerving?-No.
Were the roads wet? - No.
His machine did not slip? - No.
Were there any loose stones about on the road? - No.
How long had he ridden a bicycle? – Three or four years.
Were he and Wright friendly?-Yes, they had arranged to ride together.
Dr. Jean L.W. Wilson, house surgeon at the West Norfolk and Lynn Hospital, said that the boy Boddy was admitted to that institution about 8 p.m on the day of the accident. He was unconscious and remained so until his death that morning, shortly after midnight. He had a grazed wound on the left side of the forehead and on his left forearm, and there were indications that the skull was fractured. The fracture, which caused death, might have been caused by a fall from a bicycle.
The Coroner recorded a verdict that the boy died from injuries resulting from a fall from his bicycle.
June 1953
Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II - June 2nd. 1953.
From the Lynn News of the time - then The Lynn News and Advertiser - a report from East Winch. See also 1953 Coronation
When East Winch Coronation celebration committee held their final meeting,
the treasurer, Mr L Harrison, reported that £173 15s had been spent, leaving a balance of 18s. with which it was decided to buy three more sets of cups and plates, to be given to the first three babies born in the village after the Coronation. It was made known that the seats round the cricket ground were not bought with money from Coronation funds.
A collection made at East Winch by Mrs J Northcott in aid of the British Red Cross raised £3 3s.
(Webmaster Comment:- Does anyone remember who those three babies were? Are they still in the village? Do they still have their Coronation Cups and Plates?)