
 Ferryboats of Puget Sound

Poetry about historic Puget Sound ferryboats by Griffith H. Williams.

This chapbook of poetry, printed in 2017, contains a series of original poems about six historic Puget Sound ferryboats.  Handset in 12 point Caslon Old Style type and printed on an antique Chandler & Price 10 x 15  letterpress in Kenmore, Washington. This handsome volume is illustrated with zinc plates that were headed to scrap before being saved in the late nighteen-eighties.

M.V. Kalakala

The  Kalakala  comes from Seattle.
The Bremerton shipyards are wartime full.
America's might to fight her battle
Has a Pacific Northwest kind of pull.

The Bremerton shipyards are wartime full
When  Kalakala 's teardrop makes her run.
Has a Pacific Northwest kind of pull
Strength beneath an enemy maritime gun?

When Kalakala's  teardrop makes her run
We're building ships to shield our sailors' lives.
Strength beneath an enemy maritime gun?
Those shipyards are manned my mothers and wives!

America's might to fight her battle:
The Kalakala  comes from Seattle.

Letterpress hardback $20 (in person only).